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(Deciding what to do is a walk in the park - zoo)
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Latest revision as of 14:54, 17 July 2020

Post Church Run Ins
Date of Scene: 05 July 2020
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Deciding what to do is a walk in the park - zoo
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Shadowcat

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is a pleasant time in Midtown today. The sun is out but there's just enough cloud overhead and shadow cast by nearby buildings to make it not overbearingly hot. It's mid-morning Sunday so traffic is not that bad. AND there hasn't een any super-villain sightings in the immediate area. An EXCELLENT time to be out and run whatever errands that need to be done.

Nick doesn't have any errands lined up to day. Not of the normal variety at least save for church but he's just finished up and is now making his way down the steps of Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Considering where he's just been it's not unreasonable that he is wearing nicer clothes than usual. Dress pants, a dress shirt, no hat. His recovering hair is pulled back into a nub of a pony tail.

Shadowcat has posed:
Midtown, summer, and oh yes, Kitty's taken the subway to get here and has got here without many problems. See. Kitty's out for a nose around Manhattan. It's a lot better when viewed from close up really, as Kitty's taking in the city she sees from afar...and hey, she has food with her. Why buy $15 food when she can bring it with her? So she has and is currently leaning on a wall, unwrapping a too carefully wrapped set of sandwiches. Kitty's wearing her normal summer outfit too, and has her head down focused on the sandwiches. When she can phase out of trouble...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick reaches the sidewalk, he turns towards his building and starts walking. Seeing someone familiar, he gives a second look to place the person. Upon determining who it is, he smiles, adjusting his steps to go say hi. "Hey Kitty. What brings you to Midtown?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Sandwiches unwrapped Kitty looks up and smiles, "Hey Nick" Kitty grins. "What're you up to?" she adds, inspecting her sandwiches and satisfied, she nods looking pleased at the sandwiches and the papper. Kitty pulls herselr feett, watching everything going on.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, just got out of church and just going to relax until-" Nick pauses in his response. How does one say 'practice for sneaking into some vampire stronghold with another magic user' without it sounding weird... or risking revealing the plan? "-later."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty knows a thing or two about that given just what she does, and who she is. Giving Nick an understanding nod, Kitty listens, "Ah, Church" she looks serious while saying that. "You're doing the right thing. So" Kitty adds ignoring her sandwiches for the moment. "So" Kitty staarts, "I was going to poke around the city a bit. Any recommendations?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"On a Sunday?" Nick asks. He tilts his head in thought. "Well weather's nice so, Central Park. There's a zoo and museum there too. If you're into coffee, The Coffee Bean is nice to go to."

He glances down to the sandwiches. "Annnnd if you're here long enough to deplete your rations, Fred's Diner over in Mutant Town is pretty alright with the food and pricing. Just don't sit at the counter. It gets pretty hot when they light up the grill."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hopes Nick noted the Star of David pendant. Looking over, Kitty grins. "Hey, those are good starting points. I need to find things that look after my faith, it's hard being Jewish in this city" she says. "THough to be fair, I normally live outside the Big Apple" Kitty explains, with a knowing nod.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick completely missed it but her way of mentioning it in the sentence does bring it up. "Well, there are some places that don't have Sunday hours." He pauses, "Katz's Deli over in the Lower East Side does sandwiches to order if you've got dietary restrictions. But they tend to be packed."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's a little annoyed by that but she pricks her ears up so to speak. "I know that deli, they are good" Kitty shrugs and peers past Nick for a moment. Looking over back to Nick, Kitty looks amused. "You think I can get a cab to head down there and see how bad it is?" Kitty adds and looks optimistic and hopeful. Kitty....New York is New York...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances around, "Sure. You should be able to. " He cracks a slight, knowing smile, "Guess the subway's out this time?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"After last time? Yes" Kitty admits with a knowing laugh. "You think I can get a Vespa through the traffic?" Kitty asks with a look over to Nick again looking to the traffic with a wave of her hand then to Nick. "When you get outpaced by a blind guy with a seeing eye dog..." Kitty nods with a smile to said blind guy walking past them with said canine.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the traffic, "Probably? I thought you were going to get a cab though. Although, with it still being daylight out and a lazy Sunday, seems to be an ideal time to just get a walk out of the deal."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks to the traffic then to Nick again. "So" Kitty nods, "Traffic and cabs are out. Walk it is. So where would" Kitty asks. "You say I head first?" she wonders looking amused, looking pleased then chews on the sandwich a little.

"I think my Vespa'd get eaten by mad cab drivers and, and...yeah" Kitty offers watching the cabs go, well, go two or three inches at any rate and stop, the cacophany of horns a thing.

"Nah I'll walk" Kitty muses with a grin looking around. "Want to walk with me and see what we run into? Oh a food truck" Kitty adds and decides okay, fine, kosher pretzel it is.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Finding himself as a tour guide he considers for a moment. "Have you ever done indoor rock climbing? That might be something to try before you get a full stomach."

Shadowcat has posed:
Nick gets a firm nod from Kitty, "Yeah I have, and outdoor too" she nods and looks amused. "You think that's a good idea?"

What's left unsaid is Kitty can phase, and does her stints in the Danger Room, so....she's used to all that.

"So where are we headed?" she adds, debating if she wants to slip Nick a five dollar bill for the trouble of being guide

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, how good the idea depends on when you last ate." Nick answers honestly. "But if you want to do touristy things without having to go too too far, I'd say Central Park has a few options in that area."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Considering I was eating a sandwich while talking to you" Kitty says, "New York touristy things. I found a list of things not to do online so..." Kitty muses nodding, "What, Central Park. You want me to go there wearing an I heart NY t-shirt too?" she giggles, eyes glittering with amusement. "I could but that's kind of a problem"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No dress code other than to be dressed in clothes." Nick assures, tilting his head, "What's the problem with the park?" He turns his head glancing over to the park that's not too far away, "You already did it?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes" Kitty nods, "Or more to the point, strollling through a park is something I can do near home, so..." she says, "Where would..." Kitty says, "You suggest I go?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"So you have a zoo and museum in your park?" Nick replies, asking curiously.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Not quite" Kitty admits defeatedly. "Alright, fine, zoo it is, let's go" she adds and looks over to the park. Better to head there and keep her feet on theground, really.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a bit of a triumphant smile. "Sure thing." Turning, he starts to head towards the park, keeping his pace managable so Kitty can walk alongside him.