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Latest revision as of 04:41, 19 July 2020

Crossing Swords
Date of Scene: 19 July 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Alexis Car have a bit of fun with sharp pointy objects in the back yard. There are Princess Bride references. Alexis still doesn't like sweet tea.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Prismatic

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau had made, as an aside to Alexis weeks before that he'd love a chance to spar with her. Of course naturally, that meant that it would be ages before circumstances would allow it. Conflicting scheduals, girlfriend problems, anti mutant hate groups, girlfriend's dog problems, what have you. That said somehow the stars aligned and the pair find themselves in the back yard. Remy carfully opens a small case, removing a rapier that has been, if seldem used then at least well cared for. He shrugs out of his duster leaving just his fushia and black body armor and smile. "Is it a lil psychotic of me ta say Ah almos' need dis?" he asks, rolling up his headgear to cover his ears and spike his hair.

Prismatic has posed:
    And Alexis had good naturedly agreed to a bout. Her own schedule had been too hectic to meet up with the other resident fencer, and she could only train in the Danger Room so many times befor eit lost the... well. Dangerous Feeling.

    "I completely understand the feeling, Remy," Alexis replies crisply. She's in her black and yellow bumblebee suit -- low priority on the tailoring list -- and she gives the taller Cajun a bit of a smile.

    "You cannot expect a skill to stay sharp unless you use it." she replies, "... and in all honesty, I have been looking forward to this, probably as much as you."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, he brings his sword up in a sharp salute and back down again just as sharply,, a slight whistle as the blade parts the air. "No powers, anyt'ing else need ta be said in dat aspect?" he asks mmildly, turning slightly to minimize his profile to her and rolling his neck slightly to crack it before it starts.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis's sword echos the whistle as she brings hers down.

    "Well. Mine is the reason I'm not wearing armor. If you use yours, that's a bit of a different issue." she gives a grin. "Let's not cause any explosions that I'll have to explain to Jean and Scott. They have enough to contend with." she states, drawing herself to the side as she raises her rapier. The fingers of her free hand stretch as she gets a pensive, even look on her face.

    It'd be a hell of a poker face.

Gambit has posed:
"Ehh Fair enough," He says with an easy grin and steps in. a flurry of clashing steel and then a slight retreat, followed by stepping in for another brief flurry.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis is a good judge. She was trianed, but she's very classical. Precisice, and as she repells the flurry of blows from the Cajun, she retreats slightly in the idea of giving him enough rope to hang himself with, finally retreating to the top of a handy picnic table.

    "I promise, I won't kill you until you reach the top." she jokes, a couple of fly-aways catching in the breeze.

    At least this way, she can look him in the eyes!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs and his eyes twinkle slightly, With Alexis on the talbe proper he moves in, hopping effortlessly onto the bench beneeth it and pressing foreward. "Dats very comforting, but Ah'm afraid yah' 'ave ta wait." He says in both reply, and a bit of perhaps challenge..

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis's eyes sparkle a moment.

    "I give you my word as a Mutant. Since Italians and Brits are probably entirely untrustworthy." she jokes, her sword giving a whistle as she steps back a half-step, ready to press on.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs pleasently and grins as he dances with her in a flurry of steal and foootwork. After a second he skips a little ahead in the narritive saying "Ah see yah are usin' Bonnetti's Defence agienst me.."

Prismatic has posed:
    "I thought it fitting -- considerning the rocky terrain." Alexis replies good naturedly, drawing herself along the side of the table, then drawing up to the wall behind it, keeping her short-self eye-to-eye with Remy LeBeau as they duel, clearly having a grand time as their blades clash together.

Gambit has posed:
"Naturally, yah mus' suspect me ta attack wit' Capa Ferro," the Cajun offers, though to be fair neither of their styles in any way resemble Bonnetti or Capa Ferro... but then they didn't in the movie either.

Prismatic has posed:
    Well, Remy's are too reserved for Capo Ferro, and on the defensive, lunging would open the younger Alexis to attack.

    "Naturally," she agrees, drawing further back a little bit "But I find Thibeault cancels out Capo Ferro, don't you?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau keeps a very tight defense, only pressing attacks that won't leave him open to counters. It's a very energy cconserving style, a flurry towards the begining to both set his opponet back and put them on edge, then a methodical pace till they wear themselves out or make a mistake. "Unless de enemy 'as studied 'is Agrippa?" Remy makes a lunge and a cut towards her belly, "Which Ah 'ave."

Prismatic has posed:
    Turns out Alexis may also have studied Agrippa -- because at the lunge, she nimbly cartwheels off the back of the back of the picnic table, avoiding the strike to her belly and instead she tries to bring the pommel of her rapier down on Remy's toes to hobble him.

    "We'll pretend you did the fancy flip there, LeBeau."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau does a rather fancy flip to dodge the blow to his toes. First throwing hiimself to his back, then nipping back up and throwing himself over her head to the ground behind her and rolling. He's having fun now. Perhaps tooo much so because yeah he's left his sword arm exposed.

Prismatic has posed:
    Remy flips out, and Alexis gives a nod of appreciation. It's turned into a guage of each other's skills, and in general quite a lot of fun. The younger Alexis does do a lunge here, getting close enough to strike at his left arm, but expecting his block in defense of it!

Gambit has posed:
The blade is unable to pierce the material of the Cajun's battle gear, but the dimpling of it and the man's flesh underneeth. He winces a bit and hisses sharply. And while he doesn't drop his sword he does call out in a sharp voice, "Point!"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Thank you, Mr. LeBeau." she smiles, and she raises her rapier. It was a pretty soft blow; she hadn't wanted to hurt him. Her breath is coming a little quick from the physicality of their bout. "You're far more acrobatic than I would give you credit for."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly, "Always good ta be complimented by someone who just beat me." He says with a grin, saluting her with his blade again before rubbing the now tender part of his arm. "Personally if yah were ta ask me, Ah'd say Remy allot more rusty den 'e first t'ought."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well. To be fair I'm a twenty year old girl with fourteen years of fencing and constant scrapping under her belt. On the other hand, you did mention something about assassins, which although dreadfully curious about..." Alexis gives a slight smile. "I'm comfortable with not knowing if you do not wish to share."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, putting his blade back in it's case and saying with am=n amused smile, "Sort of an open secret, Ah c'n 'splain it to yah but what yah say we do it ovah a glass of tea, hmm?" he asks amused.

Prismatic has posed:
    "That all depends on if you mean a proper *cup* of tea, or that sickly sweet syrup Sam sips." Alexis replies tryly as she sheathes her own.

    "You're a surprising man, LeBeau. I think we'll work together just fine."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives her a sidelong look and says, "Well fine den chere yah c'n drink water." And rather huffs towards the kitcchen.