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Latest revision as of 04:50, 19 July 2020

No Stone Left Unturned
Date of Scene: 08 July 2020
Location: Deep in the Sewares of Stonemark
Synopsis: = An adventure for an unknown artifact leads to a hidden underground castle
Cast of Characters: Kid, Aguila 6, Morgana le Fay

Kid has posed:
Well - some adventure THIS was. Deep...we are talking DEEP below. In sewers so old and forgotten, they appear on no maps, and only truely accessible to those in the know. A veriatible maze, that seem to always tie back to one another, making navigating it as frustrating as reaching it. With all sorts of strange smells, sounds...and sights abound.

This is where one Jua Mandala has found himself. He was getting...desperate in his quest for answers to problems he couldn't solve. And so he took to hunting mages and wizards, gaining their knowledge about this underground part of the city. A place that may lead him to the answers he seeks. Filled up on psychic for an extra punch, he traveled down one of the corridors, as the sound of dripping water echos through out.

The walls were...different. Ancient. Though they were a sewer system....the stonework was not brick and motar...but alsomost resembled pure stone. One can find murals, gemsockets...and even sometimes Gems! What it all ment Jua didn't know, he wasn't exactly an archologist here. But this was hopefully a good sign he was on the right trail.

Aguila 6 has posed:
Of all the places Grant Washington had been sent to find stuff, he did not anticipate the maze like sewers. He and four of his men are on a mission to locate... Grant checks his tablet again, some kind of antique. But since the money's good he doesn't mind getting dirty. The tablet gets put away so he can hold onto his suppressed short barrel rifle again.

The other mercenaries are armed similarly, compact weapons with suppressor for this operation. Body armor, helmets, knee and elbow pads, the whole bit. They're letting Grant take the lead as he's the one with the intel on this area.

As they get down to the pure stone area Grant stops, holding up a fist, and takes a look at the walls, touching them gently with a gloved hand.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana has so many questions. For one, how did it go from being snapped up as an extra in a high school's production of Camelot, to this? Morgana's down here too because she's....well she too is on the hunt for this artifact. Morgana is trouble in robes, according to some. She's got magic at her fingertips, too and hasn't exactly taken well to this. Morgana's just stealing all the valuable things she's coming across. If gems stop a bullet then sure, why not? Morgana's all for that really. Plus a robe's good at hiding things. See. Morgana's got a reputation for being evil, but the gems? They are valuable in terms of more than just money.

Kid has posed:
Well! This explains where all the gems are going. SOMEONE is stealing them! And so far the gems pop out pretty easily. One gem here, another gem here. A bit TOO easy actually. As if just waiting for someone to take them. But than she would come across a gem that refused to buldge. It was beutifully cut, and seem to radiate it's own soft light in the dim darkness! But...didn't want to move.

Which is where Grant comes in. As Grant is observing a wall, and begins just touching...he brushes over a plate. The plate was perfectly hidden untill it sinks inward. When it does, a serious of Gems Shine like beacons. The tunnels where alight, and the gems created what appeared to be a path. Incidently, this path leads acorss where Morgana is...seems the gem she was trying to pilfer is one such Guiding Gem.

Kid too takes notice of this...and well, it was better than walking around aimlessly. Noting his own stolen knowledge, he begins following the gems deeper into the sewers....deeper and deeper. But something was bothering him? Why where these gems hidden in vthe first place?

And suddenly...everywhere..there was an increasing sound of skittering...chittering...scurrying. Despite all the light...it is unseen....

Aguila 6 has posed:
Well. The extra illumination comes in handy. Even though there are night vision goggles mounted on their helmets and flashlights on their rifles, having the whole area lit up makes it much easier to navigate.

The mercenaries behind Grant all look around, making sure there's no ambush coming for them. Those scurrying noises are picked up on, however, and the soldiers all become more alert, shouldering their weapons to make sure that they're as ready as possible for what might be coming.

Grant continues leading the way, keeping his weapon trained ahead of him. In Spanish he says, "No grenades down here. Stick with small arms and blades.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's persistent, true, and she looks to the gem. The queen of Avalon isn't leaving without a haul of gems. Given she's got enough to make any jewelr green with envy, when is too many gems? Not currently. Morgana's well aware of the skittering. She could very well use this to her own ends. Instead, no, she's found another path that loops around and will come out alongside where Kid and Grant are. Morgana looks down the tunnel and narrows her gaze. Raising her hand, Morgana calls forth light to, well, naturally, light the way.

She's got more useful magic at her fingers, but she will never ever stoop to wearing a miner's hat. That's not her style. She glances around and smiles to herself, looking pleased.

Kid has posed:
When all 7 people convene...well it was certainly a strange mash-up of folks. There was the soldier style mercnary band with raised guns. Some lady in robes making light...in an already lighted tunnel, and a gorrilla. Jua just stares at the other six folks a moment....and promptly turns to continue following the lighted path....

But than he froze and shuddered and looked back behind himself...but not at Morgana and Grant with his men...he was looking through them...peering. He quickly signs 'Run' to them, a synthetical digital voice speaking in his stead....before he begins to book it gorilla style.

And why becomes evident - hundreds of Rats...the size of house cats was begining to swarm down the tunnel...a massive mass of blackness and glowing red eyes, roaring in their ratty voice as they come like a crashing wave. If anyone bothers to pay attention...there glowing red eyes were infact glowing rubies.

Aguila 6 has posed:
A gorilla and a lady in robes. This place just gets weirder and weirder. Then there's a sound coming from somewhere on the gorilla as he signs at them. More weirdness. And 'Run'?

Looking over his shoulder Grant spots the horde of rats approaching. More than he could kill without getting overwhelmed. Grant repeats the word "RUN!" to his men, only it's an order in Spanish. The five mercenaries begin to book it, trying to stay ahead of the ravenous beasts.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's running too, but she's laying a trap for the rats, too. Sure, they're probably guarding.....something but Morgana weaves her magic into the very fabric of the tunnels and begins tugging away at the structure of the tunnels between them and the rats. Admittedly, Morgana's got the advantage of being able to teleport herself to Avalon at a moment's notice, sure, but....but....she's searching the rocks with her magic for any clues about the rats.

"Icommand you to stop" Morgana calls to the rats. There's more than she first thought. So if a few listen then that's a win for her. She looks to the others and watches their retreat. She's...kind of got something in mind. Something that'll trap the rats but also if poorly done, trap the e group too?

Kid has posed:
The tunnel pulls back...the place was after all magical. Perhapsd too strong here. She'll need to find a better spot to pull off the trap. Something with less stone. Still, at least some of the rats listen. This causes alot of rats to stumble over those that froze, buying them preciouse time....as the swarm soon engulfs the rats that have stopped. It seemed nearly endless.

Jua glances behind him as the rats were on their tails. Run run run run. Why did he come into tunnels, small tunnels. Good grief, what was he thinking!?!?! He runs with all he gots...and soon enough the group of seven run into a massive cavern! It had multiple bridges, that led into other tunnels. But let concentrate on the one they were on. It was long, old...and structurlly weak, but holding. Still made of stone!

As for the cavern itself, it was a huge cave. Huge enough one can see a fungus forest below them, glowing with biolumience...or magic, maybe both. And all the bridges led to...yup, thats a castle. A VERY big castle. It had stone statues of...rat guards in knight armor. And was the only place left to go!

Aguila 6 has posed:
Just think of the payday. Just think of the payday. That's what Grant's after, after all. Even if it takes him towards the spooky rat castle in the rat sewer with the jewel eyed rats. "I should have brought a flamethrower," he mutters as he and his guys haul ass across the bridge. Of course, there was no way to know they'd encounter huge swarms of rats like this and flamethrowers aren't really that practical. They also tend to suck all the oxygen out of places like this, which would kill everybody in all likelihood.

"Make sure those statues don't come alive and try to fight us," Washington shifts back to Spanish as he eyes the castle's guards. "If they do target where they're thinnest, joints and such." Thanks to using his cybernetics to run he's not breathing as hard as his guys are.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's not bothering to run. She just soars across thte bridge up in the air. See. Being a fae queen is useful at times. See if the rats follow them, take out the bridge. Morgana's eyeing the statues silently from quitee a few feet up in the air. See she can just soar onto the castle and get in, in theory.

Either way she's across the bridge, and on the other side. Morgana's ready for a fight, though given Morgana is royalty from Avalon, maybe, just maybe, the rat royalty in there will welcome her and her partners in....running away from rats?