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Movie Date for Realz
Date of Scene: 21 June 2020
Location: Movie Cineplex 12, West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: Megan and Conner FINALLY manage to have a normal date. Without gremlins, super-villains, magical curses or even mutant-hating fanatics.
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Pixie

Superboy has posed:
Over two months after that birthday party at Evolutions. That is quite a bit of time to wait for a second date. But there have been magical curses involved, and gremlins, and super-villains and pretty much he whole list of things that can go wrong when two superheroes try to date.

Conner is persistent, though. He asked Megan out again as soon as she got uncursed. Movies and dinner, okay? Perfectly normal.

Which brings him here.

Pixie has posed:
Okay, so she wasn't really expecting the whole evil gremlin curse thing to turn her into a demonic looking thing when she agreed to go on a date with Superboy. But after what seemed forever, Megan finally managed to get Morgana to break the curse in her.

And now she's back to normal! Well normal for Megan, Faerie wings, pink and black-streaked hair and all. But she was looking forward to this for a long time and Megan had sported one of her cute pink floral ruffle summer dresses, and brown scrappy sandals to match.

Of course now she has to actually find him, and he told her to meet him here. She pauses at the cinema, peering around, trying not stick out too much with her wings and hair. Which is hard. People are already staring.

Superboy has posed:
Sometimes Conner forgets things. Like the fact people will look at a girl with wings and mutants are disliked for no good reason. It is not even the first time he dates a mutant. But some things are hard to get used to.

Fortunately, he is at Megan's side in a flash. He was waiting and watching. A kiss on the cheek as greeting. "You look great, ignore the stares, it is the wings, they are amazing."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn relaxes a bit as she spots a familiar face in the crowds and breaks out into a smile as she steps forward to hug him. "Hii! Conner, how have you been? It's been like,forever!" she blushes and giggles, her light summery dress showing off feminine curves and long athletic legs. Goes well with her glimmering green and pink wings that flutter excitedly. It's not like she's been on a date before. Not a real one anyway.

Another blush as he kisses her cheek, biting her lip. "Thanks! You're not so bad yourself! It's just so good to get my wings back to normal.."

Superboy has posed:
"The batwings were too Gotham for you," replies Conner with a smirk. "Very much like these," he adds, running a finger gently over the edge of one of the shimmering wings. "Come, lets get some food," he adds, taking her hand. "We still have almost an hour for the movie to begin."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and shakes her head, "Well, I'm not much of a goth to be honest. Got a faerie reputation to uphold, all pink and sparkly and all that!" she giggles and twirls so that her ruffled skirt spins all playfully, taking his hand, "Alright, maybe later we can dance too!" she smiles, clearly in a playful mood.

Superboy has posed:
"Sure, hit Evolutions after the movie," offers Conner, perfectly willing to let the date go on until they are kicked out of the club for being too late. "What are you doing this summer, Megs? Are you taking summer courses?" He asks, on the way to the food court. "Maybe starting college in September?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Well, I thought I'd take a break from school..Since I finally finished highschool. Also, I got accepted into X--.." she blinks, covering her mouth, eyes widened. She has many secrets and this may be one of the biggest. "Er..I mean.." she coughs, "Actually, yeah, college in September, maybe get a summer job. Always wanted to start my own band though.." she peers at him curiously, "How about you? you in college?"

Superboy has posed:
"I am, just another year to go," replies Conner, trying to ignore the looks the odd couple is receiving. "I am in the Empire State University, I will have my political sciences major in a year. Then I better find a job because my savings will be gone and the rent in New York is crazy." Not that he needs to live in New York, but now most of his friends are in the city, so he really should.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Political sciences? That's cool, what you gonna do when you finish college, you know, besides being a professional superhero?" she bites her lip, pondering, "I wonder what I should major in..Soo many choices! Ooh, that reminds me, I have something for you!" Megan does hold up the bag she's been carrying with her all this time, hidden behind her back. "Here!"

Superboy has posed:
"I am not sure," admits Conner. "I had though a journalism job, but getting in an NGO might be a better idea. Or maybe the UN, although it is difficult to get there without some experience." He knows he could do a lot of good in the right NGO, it is not as if he takes his secret identity too seriously. Still, with a year to think about it, he feels no hurry.

"Something for me?" Conner saw the bag when she twirled, but didn't ask. "What is it?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Journalism might be fun! I mean, aren't you pretty much a celebrity and professional superhero anyway? I think that alone counts as experience!" she grins as she hands over the shopping bag, it's pretty big, and has some weight to it. "Go on, open it!" when he does open it, he will find a very nice leather jacket that's pretty similar to the one that got trashed during the fight with the goblin prince. oh it's got some nice S patches emblazoned on the shoulders, plenty of zippers and pockets for holding stuff. "I sneaked a peek at the size label on your other jacket once so hopefully it fits.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner opens it and grins. "This is pretty useful gift," he admits, as he goes through over a dozen jackets every year. "Thanks," he adds, trying it up right there. He has no other jacket with him today. It is a warm Sunday and it would look strange. "Perfect fit," ha confirms.

Then pulls it out, he doesn't want to be recognized as Superboy today. He is kind of famous, but still people don't recognize him when he is not flying around. Maybe they don't expect him to be walking. "Journalism would be fun and it is a very important job, but I don't want to work for television. And most of the remaining newsmedia are going through hard times."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams, "Well, hopefully this one won't fall apart so quickly.." she smiles as she walks along side him, peering around. "I wonder what it's like being famous? Must be nice..Maybe one day I can be a famous musician.." she grins as she peers around, "Soo where we headed?"

Superboy has posed:
"I used to love it," replies Conner. Now he is not so sure it is that great. He is no longer the attention hound he was when he got out of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. It comes from having genuine friends instead of just fans.

"I guess you should try," he says with a grin. "Go get your band and become a good musician. You have the looks to be a star. And we are going to... well, pick your favorite food."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn quirks a curious brow. "Used to? You mean, you don't enjoy being in the spot light anymore? How come? I mean, I've always dreamed of being a famous musician, like Dazzler or Andrea. I think it'd be sooo great! Heck, I've always dreamed of becoming a professional superhero and maybe, just maybe I'll get to see that dream realized at least.." she seems thoughtful, and a little anxious, "Just wish they'd quit telling me about sacrifice and all that.."

Megan smirks, "Well, I did have a little band in highschool, though we didn't last long and now that everyone's graduated, we've all kinda scattered..It's a little sad, but..I haven't given up. Maybe I'll go solo.."

She peers around the food court thoughtfully, "Hmmm, what would be a fun new thing to try..How about..Greek?"

Superboy has posed:
"Well, it is much better to have friends than to have fans," replies Conner with a grin. "But if you want to be a musician, go for it and don't let anything stop you." He is not gong to ask what is a 'professional super-hero' because, really? He is pretty sure she doesn't mean she is not talking about firefighter or paramedic.

"Greek? Lets get some gyros, yes," he scans the area quickly, locating the right restaurant. "Man, I have not eaten gyros in a year. Good idea."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmmms, considering that for a moment and nods thoughtfully, "Well...I suppose that could be true. Me? I think I'd love to have fans though..But I don't think I could ever sacrifice friends for fans. Maybe they're both important? Except..Sometimes it's hard to make friends when you're famous maybe because they just want to be your fan?"

She pouts a bit, shaking her head. "That's gotta be hard, but...I hope you know i'm a friend first and a fan last...At least that's what I'd like to be."

But enough of superhero talk. Megan wants to eat. "Yay! That place looks good!" she points and giggle, grabbing him gently by the arm and guiding him towards said place. "Hmmm, I've actually not tried Greek in a really long time. Definitely haven't tried gyros. Maybe I'll try one of those. What even is that?"

Superboy has posed:
"That's the thing," points out Conner. "Fans are good for a day, plus they don't know you much. Friends are long-term. And I am not saying it is not possibly to have both, but I feel I wasted a lot of time with my fans. I don't think I have ever wasted time spent with a friend."

He finds a table and helps Megan sit down. Checking to see what she does with her wings. Are regular chairs good for her, anyway? Then tries to explain, "gyros are the Greek version of doner kabab. Or rather, a vast improvement. They are usually pork and not lamb, and they come with better sauces and veggies."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn awwes, "Wow, I guess I never thought of it that way..I mean, you can always have too much of a good thing, right?" she smiles and nods, "Yeah, I guess having people that like to be around you for more than what you can do, but for what you are, is more important, right?"

She smiles, "I hope you don't think I'm just another rabid fan, although I gotta admit, that was a pretty flashy entrance, and first impression you made on me."

As for the wings, they're not those awkward bulky bird or bat wings that get in the way. She seems to have no problems in folding and flattening them against her back as she sits down. "Ooh, that sounds tasty! Let's try one of those!"

Superboy has posed:
"I never thought you were a fan," admits Conner. Is she? No, he gets no fan vibes. "But friendly, very much so. I don't think I know anybody as sweet and nice as you are." He waves for the waitress, quickly ordering two classical gyros with whatever complements Megan wants. He sticks to soda and French fries.

Then he adds, "yes, fans only know a little about you. Even if you try to explain... well, it doesn't work. They just want to know the cool, fashionable parts."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles. "Well...I kinda am. I mean, c'mon, you're Superboy! You're pretty famous, arent you? And you know, it's always been a dream of mine to become a superhero..Well, that was second on my list after becoming the next big pop icon, but maybe both of them are a bit unreachable.."

She sighs a bit, peering at the waitress thoughtfully as their orders are made. "So..Why do you do the superhero business? I mean, given your history with being a clone and raised in captivity and all.." she shrugs, "It must be hard, being in the spotlight in more than one way, I mean, aren't those baddies gonna have an easy time tracking you down?"

Superboy has posed:
Hmm, that. That makes him think for a few seconds. "I just... I started by accident and never stopped. I came to think it is the way I should be. I like to help people and I can't stand to see them suffering. Then there are... oh, I have heard many logical arguments. Robin knows dozens," he shrugs. "I just do what feels right, that's all. The fame, the publicity stunts and the fans, that was for fun."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Oh wow, really? I mean..I guess it can be fun, getting into the action, and sure, it feels good to help people, but..I dunno, sometimes it can be a bit scary." She bites her lip, taking a sip of water as she waits for the food.

"Oh, I suppose you're invulnerable like Superman right? So it's probably not so scary for you. But..Well, now that I'm seriously gonna be doing superheroics for real, I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. I mean, I'm pretty squishy."

Superboy has posed:
"No, it was not scary," agrees Conner. "Although I rally had no idea what was at stake. I learned the hard way, since no one could really tell me," he pauses, "not for lack of trying. It is just I didn't listen. I feared nothing. Now I have some more common sense, well, yeah. I am aware little can hurt me. That is why when I think about heroes I think about firemen and soldiers, and people like Captain America and Red Robin, who have just skill and courage."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly and sighs. "Yeaaah, it's gotta be tough when you don't have powers. It's like, a lot of people think we mutants have itbad but..Really, we're like the next stage in evolution. It's too bad a lot of people hate us."

She smiles, "It must be nice to be loved by the world though, I wish people could look at me as a hero, instead of a freak. Do you know the number of times I got beaten up because I dont look..Normal? It's kinda sad.."

Superboy has posed:
"Wait... have you been beaten? Who did that?" Conner frowns, losing his smile. He knows a bit about the problems mutants have, as he has some mutant friends. And he has seen Mutant Town. But still, he can't believe anyone would want to beat up Megan, barring the nastiest supervillains. "I am not going to let anyone hurt you again," he promises.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs and smiles, "It's okay, a couple times it happened but someone came and rescued me.." she giggles and shrugs, "I guess I just got lucky? I have people watching out for me, but now that I'm finished highschool, I wont have so many people watching over my shoulder."

Megan's gaze softens a bit, nodding slowly, "Thanks Conner, I appreciate that. It's also cool that you don't think mutants are freaks or dangerous either. It's hard to find people like that!"

Superboy has posed:
"Why would I think that?" Conner ughs, running a hand over his hair. "I hope that is not true. I know some people can be very stupid. But there is a galaxy full of aliens out there, and some are monsters. The good folks need to get along. I am half-alien myself, so I am in a weird position. I look human, but I am far less human than you. Genetically speaking, at least."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly. "Yeah, I know right? Some people are really, really mean.." she pouts a bit as she waits for the food, which is finally on its way and she smiles and digs in, silent for a moment as she enjoys the food. She's been pretty hungry.

"Actually, I wanted to thank you, for helping us out back in the nevernever, you know, with the goblins and faeries? I guess that must have been pretty crazy, but we made it out alright!"

She giggles, "Even if it means there are now rumours about us lurking about!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner shrugs, "I am used going to weird places, not that I have much as a frame of refence, since my life has always been a bit strange." That is a major understatement, but it works. He looks normal.

"And helping you was the least I could do," he adds, "after all that elf guy stabbed you in front of me." And he should have stopped it, as he is supposed to have enhanced senses and super-speed. But he missed the clues. "I am very glad to see you back to normal. Bat-you was too Gotham for you."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, shivering at the memory. "Yeaaah, I guess that happens a lot, I'm a bit of a trouble magnet. I really need to practice self defence more.." she giggles, "I'm glad I'm back to normal, it was prety scary, you know? All these terrible thoughts in my head, I could feel myself changing..Kinda like my friend, Illyana.." she frowns, "I never told you about my souldagger, did I.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner shakes his head. "You have been quite mysterious so far," he comments, smiling faintly. "About that magical school where mutants go, uh huh." He doesn't want to say Megan's lies are silly, but Megan attempts to obfuscate her school and all have been pretty silly. Conner has not pried, though. But he recognized Wolverine and Cyclops, they are somewhat of famous mutant heroes.

"Tell me what you can if you really want to," he concludes, shifting attention to his food.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit, playing with her food once it arrives, swirling it around her plate. "Welll.....I'm not really good at secrets, and there's a really good reason for keeping that place a secret. Heck, even though I trust you, who is to say someone might mind control you and steal your thoughts and set out to attack those people?"

For a moment she has a serious look on her face. "Yes, we DO have some pretty dangerous enemies out there, so the less you know, the better. I'm sorry.." she sighs, "But the good news is, I'm not as restricted as I was before, now that I'm on legal age. So...No more of this grounded stuff. Although..I DID join a superhero group, so maybe we can patrol together!"

Superboy has posed:
"You have been eighteen for a few months," points out Conner. He was in her birthday party, after all. "Are you going to get your own place? I mean, rent in New York is pretty crazy, but I heard Mutant Town is not that bad."

A bit too soon to offer her to move with him, right? Their relationship has not quite taken off due to curses, kidnapping and goblins. Maybe they will have a quiet summer now.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles. "Yeah, been thinking about that, it's about time I got to stretch my wings, no pun intended." she munches on her food for a bit, thoughtfully, "But I'll still fight to protect vulnerable people...I'm sure you can right through my stories though, can't you?" she grins and winks playfully.

She peers at him thoughtfully, "How about you? You part of a team or work alone?"

Superboy has posed:
"I was part of a team for a long time," replies Conner. "They helped me a lot when I started. Then they scattered, but my friend Red Robin started the Outsiders and I have been with them for a while. It has been some time since we did anything as a team, though." He shrugs, "most of them are from Gotham, so there is that."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "I hear Gotham's a pretty scary place, what's it really like?" she smiles, "Maybe some time you can help my friends out again..You really rocked it back at the nevernever. Even if it was a bit scary, I felt safer, fighting alongside you." she smiles, "Outsuders huh? That's a cool name.." she's still hesitant to mention the name of the group she's a part of, or perhaps Conner already figured it out?

Superboy has posed:
Conner shrugs, "Gotham is just depressing. And the criminals are a creepy lot. They deserve Batman." Help her friends uh? "By the way, I met Kitty the other day. She seems nice, even though her power apparently is to be become a ghost. Who else is in that team with you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, thoughtfully. "Yeah..It's pretty cool, isn't it? Must be kinda fun knowing you're or less invincible!" she shrugs, "As for other team mates..Well you met a few of them..Phoenix, Wolverine, Cyclops, a few others.." okay, the Xmen are not super secret, unlike the school. It's probably obvious by now that she's an Xman. "It's pretty cool, now I get to make a positive difference in the world, just hope I can live up to expectations.."

Superboy has posed:
"Intangible is not invincible," offers Conner. "Not even Superman is invincible, he almost died last year." He has, of course, heard of the X-Men. And now that it makes sense. So much for a magical school.

"You are going to do okay. You can fly and have magic powers, that is a big deal. Magic is very versatile," not to mention many people that are too tough to handle by most supers are often vulnerable to magic tricks. Like say, the Kryptonians.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks a bit. "Oh..Oh right, Superman..." she frowns a bit, "Gee, that's really scary, I mean, he's so tough and even he could get hurt.." she finishes the last of her meal, frowning, "I'm not as strong as Superman, and not nearly as tough.." but his words of encouragement make her smile, "Yeah..I guess I'm not as experienced as some X...Err..People, but..I didn't do so badly in that fight right?"she peers at him thoughtfully, "How about you? you're vulnerable to magic too?"

Superboy has posed:
"Yes, that is why those gremlins could cut me," explains Conner. "I am not as vulnerable as other Kryptonians, as I have telekinesis too, but magic is still a problem. Well, for most everyone."

He finishes his food and stands up, offering Megan his hand. "You did great, just be careful, okay? I don't want you injured again. Come, the movie is starting in ten minutes."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn quirks a curious brow. "So, you're a Kryptonian like Suoerman but kinda different..? You really are a mystery. But I like mysteries.." she smiles, climbing to her feet, taking his hand. "Thanks! I hope someday I can be a real hero like you and others, but til then I'll work really hard." she peers around thoughtfully, "Sooo what movie are we watching again? or is it a surprise?" she likes surprises too!

Superboy has posed:
"I am not a mystery," protests Conner. "I told you I am half-Kryptonian and half-human. Superman is my Kryptonian side. I don't know who put the genetics of the human side, since I am a clone. Well, I was grown in a tank. Not exactly a clone, I guess."

The movie is an animation film called Onward. Looks like pickings were slim, and Megan didn't strike Conner as the kind of girl that likes war movies or drama.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, nodding slowly. "Not a mystery..A clone who doesn't know who his mom is, and whose powers are slightly different from Superman..Wonder if there are more of you..?" she shrugs and smiles, finding it hard to not think of him as a mystery, given all that weirdness, but she won't hold it against him.

"Ooh, an animated film? Sounds fun!" oh sure, she loves anime, moreso than cartoons but.."Alright, let's go before it gets too packed!"

Superboy has posed:
"I got the tickets," says Conner, pulling out his cellphone. "We only need the popcorn and drinks," because of course, movie without soda is not the same. So once they are inside, Conner goes for the foodstuffs, leaving Megan in the theater seats because he didn't like some of the glances other movie goers were directing to her wings. Fortunately it is going to be too dark for anyone to notice soon.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is glad for the darkness, not that she minds showing off her wings but yknow, mutant haters and all. Anyways, she waits patiently for Conner to join her getting all co fly as she watches all those crazy trailers.

Superboy has posed:
Conner definitely hurries up. So, he can catch the last couple trailers, and make sure no mutant hating jerk can ruin their movie date. Once properly seated with the snacks and soda, he relaxes a little and catches Megan's hand, if she lets him hold it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, glancing over at him. "So? How were the lines? Not too busy I hope?" she doesn't protest to taking his hand but smiles, giving it a little squeeze, "Looks like it's starting soon.." she reaches over to grab some popcorn, cuz she's still a bit peckish with her crazy bird metabolism.

Superboy has posed:
"Not bad, and... never mind, it is starting," and it is a fun Pixar movie, so it is easy to get into the story. Although with his enhanced senses Conner doesn't find movies (or video-games) as fun as he did five years ago. But if the movie is not so interesting for him, he can look at Megan, so it all works out.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, settling down as the movie starts, peering intently at the screen. She has not seen this one before but it's intriguing with a story that hits close to home. She smiles, giggles even at so,e points though the whole, 'one more night with their deceased father' dies hit pretty close to home, and has her in tears in a few scenes, "Wow...That's..." she sniffs a bit, and gets a very bad, terrible idea, because fir her, magic is real, "...If that's..,Even possible...?" heh. she laughs a bit. Definiteky something to ask Morgana. Yes, that Morgana.

Superboy has posed:
Since Conner has no father, the whole story is not very moving to him, although he laughs at the best jokes and obviously is having fun. It is better he expected, until the point he sees Megan crying. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close. "It is just a movie, don't worry. Nah, I don't think the animation company people had any idea of magic. It is just a story."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip as she realizes she is crying. She laughs a bit,leaning into him and laughs, furiously wiping away the tears. "I'm I'm okay, just...It's always been a secret childhood wish off my own...I mean, it's like they're retelling my story. Only.." she sighs, squeezes her eyes shut, taking a deep breath. Get ahold of yourself, Megan! She tells herself firmly. "..Only I sometimes wonder if it's possible to do that...Myself? And..If it would be that easy.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner pulls Megan closer and sighs, "do you want to go? I don't want you to be upset." And he is getting worried when she starts talking about trying to bring the dead back. He doesn't need to be a sorcerer to know it is a terrible idea. "Please, stop crying," he murmurs, kissing her cheek.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, shaking her head. She's not a total mess. Honestly, she's already stopped crying, hugging him tightly. "Thanks...I'll be okay..Really! I'm sorry I got all emotional like that. I really am enjoying the movie. I guess it just hit me hard and fir a moment, I..." sh shrugs, shakes her head, "No really I'm okay..I gotta see how this movie ends!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner chuckles, leaning over Megan to kiss her lips. A brief but intense kiss. "Fine, but if I see you upset again, I am taking you out. We can find a better movie." And the arm around her shoulders stays, he likes her leaning on him too much.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen a bit as he kisses her, snuggling up against him with a soft sigh. "Really, it's okay..I gotta see how this ends, and besides..You're with me, so it'll be okay.." she smiles softly, relaxing. Fortunately, Megan doesn't cry for the rest of the movie, smiling and even laughing in some places. "Hey, this is really a great movie! Thanks.."