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Night out with the Girls
Date of Scene: 21 July 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: The Scooby girls and allies decide to have a relaxing night out. Buttons are pressed and sensitive issues are brought up.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Prudence Halliwell, Karrin Murphy

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's still early evening, but evening it is, and time to relax. A bunch of stuff has been going on and Buffy needs a little breather before the big battle on the horizon.

So she made a couple of calls and invited people to meet her at the Blue Lady, a place where hopefully Harry wouldn't come storming in to wreck havoc on Thomas' place, given everything that happened recently.

Light, cheerful jazz music plays in the background as she steps in, dressed in a fun and flirty animal print dress underneath her leather jacket, and matching black knee high boots.

She taps her foot in rhythm to the music as she finds a nice booth to save for the others. First comes food and drinks, then comes dancing. Surely nothing can ruin this night..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is depressed, but hiding it. (or so she thinks!) Even so she baked a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies for the girls. She still was terrible bad at potions, but really good at cookies now.

"Hello? Can I come in?" Not like for waits for an invitation, but it counts. Sort of. Maybe. "I brought some cookies!"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Well this isn't P3, and that is actually a great thing. Se. Prue adores her sisters, but....she does know there's other clubs than just P3. This one, for instance as Prue's come in wearing an off the shoulder tank top, jeans and what could accurately be termed 'dancing shoes'. Alright, they are really bowling alley shoes, but...shhh, nobody's caring. Much.

Prue did, in fact, raid Phoebe's closet for ideas and stopped short of Phoebe-ing it up. That's asking for a horde of men,. demons, and men-demons to go for her. So she's trying to balance revealing and showy with sensible and smart. Unfortunately, she's missed the mark a bit and gone more to the revealing side. For instance...jeans that cling to her legs, her shoes having no heels, and her tank top not really leaving much to the imagination. Apparently, Prue took the most Phoebe clothes, didn't listen to Piper's warnings and came out here. Though given her last words before catching a ride over here were 'I am going to have fun tonight, Piper!'...it's kind of not a shock to those who know Prue well. Sure she may seem a boring responsible auction house worker. But...

She does know how to cut loose and have fun. Like now, as she makes a beeline or the ladies to change into high heels. whoever goes in there next is going to find a pair of bowling alley shoes on the cistern of the toilet in one of the stalls.

Prue's just being kind so nobody trips over them. Coming back out she spots Buffy and makes her way over.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
While Karrin wasn't usually a 'night out with the girls getting nails done' sort, a night with some heavy poured drinks and forgetting an array of this week was just needed enough to tempt her into a traditionally feminine activity. She's still not fancy dressed for clubbing, preferring a pair of plain, well fitting jeans and a black SPLATTERCON tank top that Molly got her ages ago, complimented by her black motorcycle jacket that almost looks like she's tried. Her short bobbed hair is tucked behind her ears and there's not a speck of make up, but it's damp enough that she probably showered just before coming here.

As she approaches the booth, she gives Buffy a bit of a smirk, her voice deadpanning, "I came for drinks and..." She pauses, looking over to Willow with a crack of a smile, "...maybe cookies too, but I will bodycheck anyone who tries to get me on that dance floor." Prue is given a long look, "...Suspect you can take the dance floor for both of us?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh." Willow looks around. "It's not the same thing when you say it. Oh." She is in now way shape or form ready for *this* girl's night out. "I still brought cookies. Chocolate chips." She places in the middles of the table.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and waves to Willow once she sees her. "Willow! Heeey, come join us!" she notices the cookies which is sweet. "Mm, that looks great! We can have it for dessert after the main course! Well, okay I just ordered us a nacho platter but..It's on the house." she grins.

She spies a Prue next, a woman she does not know well but holds many interesting secrets it seems. She smiles and waves to her to join her at the booth as well, although her smile is a bit more reserved. She doesn't know her that well and after hearing of the fiasco at the Magic Box, they're gonna have Words. "Prue, hey!"

Finally she sees Karrin and beams more brightly, "Karrin! It's been sooo long! We have so much to catch up on. How about a round of drinks?" Buffy does smirk a bit at the whole dance thing, "What, afraid of dancing? don't worry, we'll clear our own little space, heck, have you ever checked out the VIP room?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue listens and sinks into a seat. "You brought cookies?" she asks Willow. "Oh you are awesome for that, believe me I could do with cookies and lots of alcohol after today at Bucklands" she admits and reaches out for a cookie. "May I?" Prue asks then looks to Karrin. "You're going to bodycheck anyone who tries to get you to dance? Yeesh. Remind me to keep you and Phoebe apart. When you said a girls night out, I figured alright, we hit the cinema, though admittedly this has more potential" Prue says with an equally deadpan tone

"Who knows, I may find my Prince Charming, then beat him over the head with the slipper if he annoyhs me too much" Prue admits with a quiet smile. Karrin gets a more understanding look though. "I'll keep you off the dance floor, don't worry. I think between us we got this. Oh, did you say nachos? They're mine. Nachos"

The comedic stylings of Prue Halliwell...they leave a lot to be desired apparently

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The look Buffy gets when she accuses Karrin of being afraid is dead pan flat, almost a glare, and Karrin shakes her head firmly, "Not *afraid*... just don't find it necessary to... gyrate in front of everyone like that. I prefer to save my 'dancing' for the Muay Thai studio. Besides, someone needs to watch all your purses. No one's going to bother the bitchy woman in the motorcycle jacket in the corner." See? She had purpose and a perfectly good excuse to stay in the booth.

Prue is given a longer look when she mentions another woman Murphy doesn't know. "...Phoebe isn't...coming tonight, is she? I think we'd have to reach an...understanding first." She smirks and tries to wave down a waiter. Booze is desperately needed. "Prince Charmings are...overrated headaches, as is. Promise. Two divorces will teach you better." Yet, she was still sort of dating again?

"The cookies look excellent, though... perfect thing to go with a scotch, right?" Karrin asks with a smirk in Willow's direction.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just smirks at Karrin. "Yeaaah, except at least with this kinda dancing, people dont get hurt. But heey, if you wanna sit here and watch our purses later..By all means.." she chuckles, "I know I'm gonna have fun dancing for one! You'll be sorry you didn't join us. But for now..I'm starving!"

Buffy continues to munch on cheesy nachos, waving down the waitress for a drink and orders a dry white wine. Because she doesn't have to work tomorrow. Yay! "How about the rest of you, what can I get you?"

Buffy pauses a moment at talk of 'Prince Charmings' and shrugs, "Well, I've had my share of frogs, although it was more like, evil curses and flakes and...Well, can't complain now, although wish his work didn't keep him so busy lately. On the plus side, I guess business is booming these days.." which leaves her torn; On the one hand, it means she doesn't get to see Thomas as much as she'd like, but at least his club is thriving.

And no doubt someone is *bound* to jump in and make fun of her propensity to date Vampires. Plural. If they dare. As for Willow, well, Buffy isn't clueless. She peers at her thoughtfully, frowning a little. "Willow, you seem quiet tonight, everything okay?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow sits in her corner, listening, and munching on nachos. Lots of nachos! She smiles a little bit listening to the banter of the girls.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The quiet from Willow gets a slightly longer, blue eyed look from Karrin. There's a trace of concern behind it, but she doesn't jump in on anything yet. She's just watching, ever aware of more than just what is directly in front of her. She nods at the thought of food. "I could go in on nachos, and a jack and coke... Keep those coming too." She offers for the food oriented, seemingly content to take part in everything BUT the dancing.

"One of your *frogs*, Buff, has give me quite the headache by the way. And it's the one you are currently kissing..." She mutters with a bit more of a smirk.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue gives Karrin a grin. "You sound all too responsible" she jokes. "Ew, did you actually date frogs? I....I...." she says feigning shock. Oh she gets the meaning but she's playing along. "Though let's be honest. You get drunk, take somebody home and wake up the next morning, then realize oh no, I have to go to my work" Prue says. Ever the realist, Prue...

She does though give Karrin a warm smile. "Oh no no Phoebe isn't coming here tonight, she's working late at the DBC. Typical. My younger sister gets her head into this and still manages to have her bad girl reputation" Prue scofffs. She does nod to Willow then Karrin.

"So Buffy is kissing frogs, hm. Good to know. You can put the class pet back now" Prue jibes to Buffy but her eyes do show concern for the Slayer. Prue's all for drinks and food. Nope, no dancing. And preferably, no demons either. None. Nada. Nope.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers also peers at Willow a moment longer, but doesn't want to push her. She's always been pretty shy and quiet. Hopefully she will tell Buffy what's bothering her when ready. She just smiles at her softly, "How about I order you an orange soda for now? Maybe we can talk a bit later?"

As for Karrin, she is given a dirty look as she dares to call Thomas a frog. "Excuse me!? Did you just call Thomas a frog? says she who is dating mister grumpy pants? And about that.." she smiles coolly, although it's clear Buff's more annoyed at Harry than her other BFF.

"Soo uh..How's Harry doing...?" it's a loaded question and not one she's sure Karrin will be willing to give too many details out in public like this, but with any luck, Buffy will glean at least *some* important information of Harry's state after the whole fiasco the other day.

To Prue she smirks a bit. "Oh by the way, I heard you, uh, 'threw' Spike out of my store the other day. While I know he can be a pain, I really don't need to say that violence is *not* tolerated in the Magic Box."

Her smile fades a bit at the whole 'frog' thing though, "Hey! Thomas is NOT a frog, dammit. He's the best thing that happened to me since..Since Angel.." although she's trying to take it easy, there is a certain fire in her eyes that can match Karrin's at times.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue isn't a pushover either. "You heard wrong. I nevr laid a hand on him if that's what he's running around saying. I just sent him out the door"

Great, Prue's been seen in battle by Buffy before. She's doing her whole 'I never actually touched hi' thing just to make a point that no she didn't actually...

"He came in running his mouth and smack talking me. So" Prue says, "He went out the door and caught fire. Let me guess. Vampire? By the way he was with you" she says...and puts her letgs in it up to her knees. "He's what....your date or your ex or what or your ex that can't let go?" Prue guesses. Hey. She's seen enough of the guys Phoebe's dated over the years to make a guess. Though Goddess help them all if Spike and Phoebe ever date. Prue /will/ kill him.%

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Just a few pointy teethed frogs, mmhmm. Of the exotic southern hemisphere blood drinking variety." Karrin mutters with a bit more of a teasing grin across her lips, "...Two very handsome, not totally idiotic, frogs." That's as close as she's going to get of approving of her friend's dating choices, teasing definitely behind her voice, but she sighs and waves it off at the question of her grumpy partner. "...He's being...Harry about it. It'll pass. I took him out back and we beat the snot out of each other for a while, which helped." She admits earnestly, not totally able to hide the affection in her voice for tall, dark and cranky.

The cop watches Willow quietly, still picking at the cookies the woman brought because it's been ages since she had something homemade like that, but she can't seem to put her finger on what is wrong. Still, something off,

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow forces a smile, "You know what? I forgot I had a session. You know, at the Watchtower? Sorry. But I'll leave these cookies right here, Buffy can bring back the container." And she excuses herself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a suspicious brow at Prue. "Yeaaah, I know what you're about, TK queen! You know what I mean. No magic or fists in the magic shop.." And of *course* she had to go there and Buffy's eyes widen in surprise.

"what the heck, is that what Spike's saying now? Cuz it's not true! He's just a..A Vampire with a chip in his head thats stops him from hurting non-demons. He really cant help that part at least, and he's more useful to me as an ally than dead. The rest. That's just heresay." Looks like she's gonna have to have a talk with HIM now too!

To Karrin she just glowers some more, but it's good that Buff ordered some strong alcohol and she takes a long swig of wine before turning to face her.

"Well, I'm glad that Thomas finally told him the truth, although really, you guys could be a bit more considerate of my relationship with Thomas. It's not like I make a habit of dating ALL vamps. Angel had a soul, Spike and I are NOT dating, and Thomas is...Well he's the black sheep of the family, and you know what? I fell in love with him because he's a good person underneath the facade. You think I just fall for every pretty face I see? Well that could'nt be further from the truth.."

Honestly, Buffy looks more hurt than anything at the veiled accusations, even though she does her best to smile and shrug it off. As for Willow, she watches her a moment longer with worry, nodding slowly. "Willow. We should talk soon. Take care.."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"No I don't think that" Prue says, "I think you've got a thing for the bad boys. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. You're not that dissimilar to Phoebe in that way. See. You said it, this Thomas guy is the black sheep. You're not dating Spike, and Angel had a soul? Yeah but does that really change anything? What I'm trying to say" she adds, chewing a cookie between words, speaking when her mouth's empty, "Is that you got a type for guys. Bad boys, maybe blood drinkers? Don't be ashamed" Prue says. She's hovering between mocking and being supportive. Whereas Piper would unleash a slavo or five of snark, and Phoebe would try her best to steal Thomas (probably....but Prue's judgement of Phoebe isn't the best). So Prue is, if anything, a realist.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Oh come on, Buff... I'm teasing you and you know it. I... hope Thomas is... as good as he seems. Really hope it, nowadays. For both you and Harry's sake. But if I didn't tease you, you really wouldn't know I cared, right?" But Karrin seems to be earnestly cutting down on the teasing as her friend is actually a bit hurt. She doesn't push it that far, not until she has another drink or two in her.

"Besides... 2 divorces in and I really can't judge anyone's taste in men. If they're good to you... I won't have to kill them. And if they aren't, they won't see it coming." She hides a bit of a smirk behind her drink as she says that. Though, her pale eyes exchange a look with Prue for just a moment, the sort of look that says they're going to collectively murder any bloodsucker that hurts Buffy, right?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs a bit at Prue's comments. What if she's right? "Oh geez, it's true, isn't it? I'm doomed to only fall in love with Vampires and bad boys. Why is it I'm such a vamp magnet?" she groans, taking another very long sip of wine because this line of thought is majorly giving her a headache.

As for Murphy, she just smiles faintly at her. "I know, I know, just..Everyone gives me a hard time for dating Thomas, as if they think he's got me under his thrall or something. But you know what? I kept him at a distance for a long time, got to know him well before I let him get too close."

She shrugs, considering. "You know, he...He really IS a good person Why do you think he ran out on his family, started his own business, cut all ties with them? He really is trying to be a good person, it's not his fault he is what he is."

Buffy smiles faintly, "You know, I might be young, but I'm not stupid. Besides, now that Harry realizes he's got a brother out there, I think some things might start to change..Hopefully. I just hope Harry comes to his senses and accepts him as family.."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue gives Karrin a silent nod, sipping her own drink and seeing how well cookies and nachos, cheese and alcohol mix. Somewhere, Phoebe is probably going to laugh her ass off when she hears of this one...but Prue doesn't care much. She's enjoying this entirely too much. Prue can have fun, see. She's not really this uptight prissy little...

Okay maybe a bit. Just maybe, but Prue looks from Karrin to Buffy and chews on another nacho. "See, I think you got this figured out, Buffy. Up until things go sideways that is. As for Spike and the Magic Box, tell him to keep his mouth shut and use his head, the one on his shoulders or he may not have that one if he insults the wrong people" Prue advises. It's solid advice for anyone, really. Keep your head and brain on, and it'll keep you alive.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The worry in Karrin's eyes deepens just a bit as Buffy brings up the fact that Thomas is Harry's brother. While it wasn't the biggest secret any more, hanging over all their heads, it also wasn't public information. She considers Prue a moment longer, but seems to have gotten enough of a read on the other woman that she feels some trust there, because she keeps speaking. "...I... I think Harry will, eventually. It was just a shcok. And the fact that...neither of us told him... or even hinted... And he was alone so long? Harry's just being... Harry. And he's allowed, all things considered. He'll come around. He's good at sticking his head up his ass but not all that good at keeping it there." Murph smirks deeper as she says that, her flat tone actually touched with affection for the man.

Then Prue is given a longer look, curious but also skeptical about this magic box matter. "...Alright, you gonna fill a girl in here? What's this magic box and how much should I be worrying about it AND...or... Spike?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"He ran his mouth in the Magic Box. it's a magic store near your the Hellmouth" Prue offers. "So he went out the door. I never touched him, you get a cookie if you work out how" Prue smiles. "Spike's this guy running around saying Billy Idol stole his look, yeah, and he's a vampire, and he's....British!" Prue mock shudders.

She gives Buffy and Karrin both a look and sips her own drink. "I think I hit the major points right. Buffy?" she asks with a smirk. "You think I missed anything about Spike? I've only met him once and he said oh I can roll around on the floor with him so I let him see how unhappy I was. Glad he had that blanket" Prue offers with a nonchalant shrug. "Ya know they say use your mind to solve problems? I did. I solved Spike's problem right off the bat. Then he decided to come on to me again and I gave him a good verbal jab. I can identify anythingg from Ming vases to rookie baseball cards but I was struggling with what he was offering me" Prue points out with a long sip of her drink again. Oh she's going to regret this one in the morning.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...And... what was it? That he brought? Nothing leaves girl's night table, I promise." Of course, once Karrin puts two and two together, she might be a bit more worried about it all. But right now she's assuming it's some strange magic trinket. "...and I don't know that I'd exactly call Billy Idol's look something worth stealing but... I'm not one to really curse anyone's style." She smirks down to the tank top and jacket she's wearing. Maybe it'd fit in at a local biker dive but that wasn't exactly tonight's plan.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and folds her arms at Prue's comment. "He's been stirring up trouble, huh...I'll speak to him about that then.." she nods in affirmation. Glancing over at Karrin, her expression softens, but really, it's not like it's a secret or anything. Heck, Prue probably hasnt' even met Thomas yet. Buffy also trusts her, mostly because she met her sister before and trusts Piper too.

"Hmm..." Buffy nods slowly, munching some more on nachos. "Yeah, I'm sure he just needs some time to let things sink in. And I get it, it's frustrating when people keep secrets from you. But it wasn't our place to tell. It's why I kept bugging Thomas so much. But I get him too. He was afraid that Harry would take it badly. It's a whole big messy complicated..Thing.."

As for the Magic box, Buffy just laughs, "Oh my gosh Karrin, I can't believe I've never taken you there! It's where I work part time, but Giles owns the place. It's also got a sweet workout room in the basement. We gotta spar there some time!" she grins. "But heey, we'll sort this whole thing out, at least Thomas isn't feeding on anyone...Else. Anymore. And at least Spike's not attacking innocents. I think I can change 'em both for the better. I WILL change 'em both. Thomas at least has come a long way, Spike too.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Buff... as long as you don't get killed in the process of changing them. That's my worry... that'll always be my worry." Karrin offers gently, but then she allows the night to dissolve into more relaxed chatter and actual enjoyment of drinks.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
The hand gestures make it blatantly clear what Prue thinks Spike was referring to under his coat, really...as Prue looks amused to Buffy, "Hey, don't I get to tag along and learn?" she mock pouuts then snatches up her cell. "I need to run, Piper needs me to help her at P3. I'm going to get torn a new one for turning up drunk mind...got any creative excuses to get out of this?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles slowly at Karrin. "Really. I dont think you have to worry about that. I doubt either of them would ever let me get hurt, but I appreciate it all the same."

To Prue, she just chuckles and shrugs, "Heh, I need to finish some stuff up here, I work here part time as a bouncer to. But I'll catch you again sometime. Say 'hi' to Piper for me, okay?"