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Digging Up the Past: Old Colleagues, New Questions
Date of Scene: 23 July 2020
Location: GCPD Headquarters, Columbia Point
Synopsis: Karrin is called into GCPD by her old Captain, Bernie Ohls, to talk with the most annoying DEA agent in the world.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Karrin Murphy

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Even during the daytime, Gotham has a dark feel to it. Perhaps it's the crime rate. Perhaps it's the Gothic style of buildings utilizing a lot of cold stone and dark woods. But the feeling of the city and, by extension, the GCPD headquarters building is overbearing and heavy. While it may seem like just another day for thos who work here, it likely triggers a sense of dread for those visiting for other reasons.

Earlier today, a request was sent over to Bludhaven police department and for some reason it could not be fulfilled over there. So an office has been set aside for a nice, calm, discussion with the person they requested to show up. Inside, a GCPD detective waits. Sipping a coffee.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
This was all a bit sideways, but Karrin's doing her best to remain in good with what friends she has left in various PDs (especially with her ex kicking up dust for whatever reason), so she didn't complain overly much about being asked to go down Gotham. It'd been a while anyway and she had some friends in the area. So, still in uniform from her day duties, she's come straight away from getting off of shift. Her short bobbed hair is neatly tucked behind her ears and she's trying to hide her exhaustion from the night before behind a cup of coffee.

She steps into the room after some polite small talk with the friend desk staff and asking after one of the Lieutenant's kids. A blonde brow slowly arches towards her ex-superior, giving him a curious sort of gaze. "...Captain. It's been a minute..." Her rough voice huskily mutters. She's not doing a perfect job at hiding the fact she's only on a few hours sleep.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Karrin comes in, the Captain looks up from his own coffee, He gives a curt nod, mug lowering slightly "Murphy." He gestures over to a table off to the side with some chairs. "Please sit. I'd like to speak with you first."

As he gives his instruction, he moves over towards the door to the office, making sure what windows there were had the blinds shut. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Being polite? Oh what they say about absences appears to be true!

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The more polite he's being, the more wary Karrin is about everything. Maybe she's gotten paranoid in her old age, but her clear blue eyes weigh a bit heavier on him as she steps across the room and moves for the chair. She sets her coffee down on the table and offers her right hand for a curt, firm shake. A good cop's shake, touched with almost a bit too much strength because there's always something to prove.

"Ohls. It's been... a day's age. Good to still see you up and around. But if you wanted to make nice talk, we could have just gone and grabbed a beer. What's...going on?" She asks, finally settling back a bit more into that chair but not an inch of her is actually relaxing.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After closing the door, he steps over, taking the offered hand and returning the firmness and strength in kind. He shirts, taking the seat beside her, despite there being a seat directly across from her he could have taken. Setting his mug down, he shakes his head. "Well, if it wasn't work related we might have. But-" He pauses, shaking his head, "You're going to hear this again but it seems someone accessed an old case file they didn't have the right to. And that case in a way relates to you. A representative of the agency that took the case over wishes to speak with you and I'm going to listen in for GCPD interests. Alright?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...What? Which... Agency?" Karrin blinks, sitting up straighter again, her hackles more than a bit up considering she knows her ex and his agency has been sniffing around. She mentally prays he's not pushed himself in this too. She exhales slowly, getting her initial reaction quickly under control as she gives him a cool, tempered smile. "Of course, Bernie. Anything for an old friend and...you know Bludhaven PD will always cooperate with Gotham PD. So...let him in? Let's get this over with and hopefully we can all get what we need."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"DEA." The Captain answers simply. To the point as he gives a nod to Karrin's permission. "Obliged, Murphy." Moving from his seat to head towards the door. He opens it, beckoning to a figure obscured by the blinds.

Stepping into the office, a man in his late 40s steps in. Just a smidge over six foot, dressed in a reasonably styled, pressed suit, and neatly trimmed short hair style, the man coming in is definitely not giving off a cop vibe. Nor does he seem to want to.

Eyes zeroing in on Karrin, he zeroes in on her.

"Officer Mur-"

"Detective." The captain corrects.

An annoyed look is shot towards the captain before looking back to Karrin. "...DETECTIVE Murphy. How are you today?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The blonde blinks as Bernie mentions the DEA, that definitely not what she expected to hear. But it's not Richard, so the tension in her shoulders relaxes just a little more. She exhales quietly and sets a neutral, curious line to her lips. "DEA. Really got in messy, haven't we?" She mutters to him sidelong, more sardonic and relaxed now, the indication that yes, they are on the same side.

Then the Fed is coming in and immediately giving off those...Vibes. And not using her rank, one that isn't always respected by cops who know about SPECTRE, but civilians usually do. Her jaw tightens and she stands, "...Detective Murphy, yes. I'm...well enough. And you... ?" She offers her hand smoothly, that emotionless smile still in place on her small mouth.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The Captain doesn't say anything to Karrin. Out loud. But the slight up and down shift of his chin confirms.

The man doesn't take the offered hand immediately. Giving an assessing look before relenting, taking the hand. Squeezing tightly in his grasp before releasing her. "Better once we clear up some things." He responds. "Schwizer." No rank included, he just gestures to the seats. "...Please." He waits, looking over to the Captain, silently giving the same command.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Agent Schwizer, then. Well, I'm here... Get to your...Clarity." Karrin remains standing, like a cat trapped in a box, all of her hackles quietly up even as she's trying to act like everything is smooth as silk. She scoops up her previously abandoned coffee and takes a longer drink of it to swallow back any other choice words she might be thinking. After the bitter flavor hits her throat deeply, she's able to relax a bit more, giving the DEA agent more attentative eyes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
He continues looking to Karrin, waiting. While she may continue to stand, his height differene does still lead to him looking down at her. He shrugs, shaking his head before he decides to just continue. "Around mid-May, there were several breaches aquiring information that is not meant to be shared around to just anyone. One of which was a case file that initially involved the GCPD before ending up on our doorstep. The case is now around 18 years old."

As he relays the information, he keeps his focus on Karrin. Watching her expression.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The more he stares down at her, the more determined Karrin seems not to sit or back down. She keeps her shoulders squared, chin up, the stance of her body like a military officer reporting for duty. Respectful, but not relaxing, and not giving an inch to the far taller man. Granted, most people in the world were far taller than her. She frowns a bit more as he mentions the timing. "...I...worked for the GCPD at the time, but that was a lot of cases and a few gray hairs ago, Agent. You're going to have to remind me more about which case."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
You weren't on it." The Captain offers up, earning another glance from Schwizer for the offense of ruining another source of tension.

Schwizer turns his head back towards Karrin. "Tell me DETECTIVE Murphy," He adds emphasis to the title as he can pick up the Captain opening his mouth up in preparation to correct once more, "Does the name of Eileen Hannigan ring a bell?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin is a decent poker player, her eyes only slightly shifting in thought as she hears the name. A name she vaguely knows, but hasn't thought about in a long time. It takes some reviewing through her mental files, "...I... I think she was involved in a...church around those days? I don't really remember, and I don't remember..." She breathes out slowly. "Wait. Wasn't she killed in a robbery 2011...2010ish?" Karrin finally recalls, actually shaking her brain clear of as much information as she can find. She's a good cop. She doesn't forget a lot.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Schwizer remains still, studying the detective before eventually giving a curt nod. "Hotel robbery. Wrong place. Wrong time." He pauses, "And not just any church. Your church. So, you wouldn't happen to know of anyone who might have any interest in getting ahold of that case file?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As her church is mentioned, there is a bit more tension up Karrin's back. More protectiveness, more concern. People Karrin didn't want hurt or drug through the mud. She frowns a bit more and grabs at her coffee for something to keep her small, calloused hands busy. It's better to have a fidget that to let the man see the fact she doesn't like these questions. Or, maybe, she just doesn't like him. "I...haven't been in a while, but yes, that was my family's church. I don't generally consider good church going folks to be the sort that steal police files."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As turns her attention to her coffee for a moment Schwizer's head tilts inquisitively, seemingly sensing a bit of blood in the water, "What about her son?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...What about her son? I don't think he's been involved in that church in years..." Karrin states quietly, her voice a complete, neutral flat. Not wanting to give anything away about Nick and not having seen him much over the years until recent. "He's a two bit actor with a decent voice career. I don't think he'd mess that up by... trying to steal police files."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Enough about the damn church," Schwizer replies, "Now, you know more than anyone else in this room that people do STUPID things when it comes to things they find personal. Even risk a career. So, the next time you're having a beer with him or picking him up at the airport... Maybe keep an eye out. If it looks like he so much has an inkling, just nip that in the bud."

The captain clears his throat. "Agent S-"

"I'm done." Schwizer says, looking to Karrin, giving a long, unfeeling smile, "Enjoy the rest of your time in Gotham... detective."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...What? No! Hell no. You don't call me all the way across those bridges, out of work early, and dig up shit almost two decades old not to tell me what the hell is going on. Agent Schwizer, if you want my cooperation and you want me to actually get any information out of a man I could nominally call a friend, you are going to tell me what the hell this is about or I'm not doing your dirty work!" Karrin's spit fire nature could only be held back so long, and it seems that's her sticking point. She stares at him, quietly aghast, but with no fear in her stance or voice. The stubborn set of her shoulders and jaw says she's not going to waiver on this decision at all.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Schwizer looks to Karrin and then to the Captain "If that is what you thought, then you're both mistaken to why you were called here. It wasn't to ask for your help for an investigation. It was to rule you out. That last part. Well, let's call it- professional courteousy." He turns his back to Karrin, heading towards the door, "Mind your friends, Detective. The people we deal with don't take kindly to persons rooting around where they're not supposed to be."

The Captain watches as Schwizer heads out, giving a shake of the head in reaction. "Well. He puts the COLD in cold case..." He looks over to Karrin. "Sorry about that. It seemed better to get him out of the way now rather than drag it on until later." He sighs, checking his watch. "If you're waiting to wait a little more, I can get you that beer you mentioned earlier."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A deep sigh escpaes Karrin's lips as the man leaves. She drags one hand across her face, doing eveyrthing she can to swallow her temper back, but it's just gotten WORSE over the years, and she was a hot case back when Bernie knew her. "Bastard... sorry that you had to be drug out for this too. They suspected me... US?... of taking the files? What in hell... Are they actually gone? Why are they looking into them? Look, Bernie, I'll help you out here but you gotta tell me what the hell is going on. I don't think Drago'd be involved he... He's just not that kind of guy, you know. And I sure as hell know I'm not..." She sighs again, pacing the room as she picks up her coffee, "Probably should forgo the beer, I gotta drive that bridge back home but... well, you know I still have your back, if you need it."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Bernie shrugs, making sure the door is shut. "Suits are assholes. No matter what three letters they hide under."

Privacy assured he looks back to Karrin. "We had all of one day on that case before it got taken over by him. We didn't have much of anything so I suspect their system either got hit too or there's still something from that case still going on that needs to stay under wraps. Either way we're not to dig into it. Anderson's retired and horrible with computers so it's likely not him doing the digging."

He picks up his own mug. "Maybe another time on the beer."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"... Maybe, yeah. Don't be scared to come visit Bludhaven. I promise it's not as... wild as the rumors say. And if you hear anything else, let me know. I'll...do the same." Karrin gives him a little wink and a half-sad smile, sharing the mutual frustration about any letter agencies. "Oh... and if Richard ever comes sniffing around here, he's... being the same sort of asshole as our friend Schiwzer and in my back yard. Just a warning." She takes one last gulp of her coffee and tosses it into the trash. "I'll see you around, Ohls. It's been too long." And with a casual salute to him, she heads for the door and out. She'll need to take a lot of this out on a punching bag somewhere before trying to track Nick down.