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Common Courtesy
Date of Scene: 24 July 2020
Location: The Broken Antler, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Hela meets Thor at the Broken Antler and expresses her disdain for the name.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Thor

Hela has posed:
A rather rare sight of late in New Asgard, was that of Hela, as she had other dealings to involve with. Today, however, she makes a surprise visit. Devoid of the customary fanfare and fuss that usually revolve around the visit of royalty, she asked for no heraldry and for everyone to maintain their regular schedules. Rather than to the palace, she went into the Broken Antler, her raven hair falling past her shoulders as she looks about with a displeased frown.

Thor has posed:
Thor is a busy guy. Between Avengers duties, duties as King, because father STILL hasn't been revived yet, and monitoring New Asgard...well, Thor is stretched pretty thin with all of his responsibilities. It'd be nice to delegate some of them, at least in the short term, so he can concentrate on doing the things he's best at. And then there's Loki disappearing, again. Who knows where he went this time, or why? ...It's just so much to keep track of, and Thor had not drunk from the Well of Mimir to handle it all.

So, Thor was in here, having some proper Asgardian mead, when...his sister showed up. He hadn't seen her in a while either, but it was at least comforting to know she reasonably okay. "...Hela, good to see you." Having family around was a good thing, despite differences of opinion.

Hela has posed:
"I'm sure it is, brother dear, how suit you the crown...?" Hela muses, no mirth in her tone, as she walks further inside, "I trust you're well aware of the name of this mead hall, correct?" She asks, casting a rather disapproving gaze at all about. "Care to do something about it?"

Thor has posed:
"...It's more difficult than I ever imagined. Father always told me I'd regret it when I got it. I didn't understand what he meant till it was mine. ...even moving into the Royal bedroom felt weird. I walk in there and it feels like it's still Father's room." But it's not Odin's room. It's the king's room. And if Thor is king, then it's his room.

Thor, not the deepest of thinkers, never realized what was wrong with it until...wait a minute. And Loki's helmet too. Both of his siblings. "...Would you believe I didn't notice that till you pointed it out just now? ...It shall be renamed." Ponder ponder ponder..."This was also named when Asgard itself had fallen. That is no longer the case. Perhaps...Restored Stag?" Because the 'antler' is no longer broken.

Hela has posed:
"You could easily decide to let me have the crown, if the burden come to vex you, brother," Hela offers with an impish lilt to her voice. "It does...doesn't it?" Hela smirks, arching a brow as she studies Thor's visage closely. "I rather thought it was a most clever slight meant to be mistaken as carelessness in naming." Hela apparently isn't the sort to believe what seems unlikely. She does, however, look quite pleased when Thor promises to rename without a fuss. "That is very good to know. I wouldn't mind The Antler. I wouldn't mind The Tipped Horn, there are many names that will not offend." She shrugs and mutters, "I would leave no hint of defeat ever in a name, defeat is nothing to glorify. But name it as you like, so long as no insult is held in the name."

Thor has posed:
Thor chuckles, "...The burden has been vexing me since I got it. ...but that doens't mean I can put that burden down. The real choices before me involve either reviving Father...he didn't fall to Fenrir, so it's possible...or going to the Well of Mimir to do this job properly. I haven't been eager to go to the Well, I'll tell you that. Once I drink of its waters, I'll be forever changed...and not merely because of the sacrifice involved."

"...I will take those names under consideration as well. But yes, I would see victory celebrated. Loki pulled off something amazing when he got Asgard restored, even if he ruffled many feathers doing it. ...I do not know where has gone, however." But then, if Loki doesn't want to be found, very few things are gonna find him.

Hela has posed:
"You choose your own hardships," Hela remarks quietly, making no direct show of preference for the choices presented by her brother. "I've been reigning for a long time, I am quite at peace in administration and courtship, along with all it pertains. The seen and unseen," Hela smirks slightly as she notes, "in the realms of Niflheim and Hel, there are of course, more of the unseen than you'd expect."

Hela is quite pleased that Loki alone gets the credit, nodding her head at Thor, "indeed, it was a blessed undertaking." Naturally, nobody needs to learn of her connection to it and how empowered she's been since Asgard's restoration. "Have you seen our brother Loki of late? It has been a while since I last heard of him from the Valkyrior..."

Thor has posed:
"...I have not. I told him once that lies and mischief could be expanded...and if he worked hard enough, he could become God of Stories. Some stories are ill favored, true, but most of them are not. If he continues on the path of reshaping his image, his title will change along with it. ...Loki brought us all home, and obtained massive goodwill and respect from the populace...respect he has never before had. ...That, too, is changing him into being something more. Homebringer is the title they gave him, and...I can only imagine how it must feel to be looked down on all his life, and then...pull off something so amazing that the respect you always wanted was suddenly yours. ...I have not seen him, but wherever he may be, he must be smiling. Truly smiling." Seeing his brother happy...this is a new feeling for Thor, too. This is the Loki Thor always hoped would come to pass, and for him, to, his faith in his brother was rewarded.

"...Yes, I chose my own hardships, but...these hardships are things I must get used to. Even if Odin were revived, the crown would eventually come back to me a second time, probably in the proper fashion when Fenrir is involved." Thor is burdened, yes, but he's dealing with it, while he tries to decide whether or not he wants to make that trip to Mimir, or continue his plan of reviving Father.

Hela has posed:
"What are stories if not lies...?" Hela muses, "they very rarely reflect the truth, and oft are naught but a cover to hide a message within. I'd say Loki is most apt when it comes to weaving of stories, and is one of the finest at it." Hela falls to silence as Thor keeps talking, looking directly at him, her gaze intense and almost challenging in nature. "Only imagine indeed...father seemed to have been quite dotting on you." Hela tilts her head ever so slightly, choosing this time not to remark but it seems she possibly disagrees about Loki's desires. If only in thought. "I would wager you don't know or understand Loki half as well as you think you do. Mind you, I'm not suggesting I do, so take it as you may."

"Malekith already changed the cycle...nothing is predestined as it once was."

Thor has posed:
"...You're probably right. I could wish I understood him better, but he isn't apt to sharing his feelings. What I do know is that he was last seen courting Lady Sif...and I haven't seen her lately either. If he became the sort of man that Lady Sif allows to pay her court, well...I respect her judgment." He figures Sif knows Loki better than he does at this point, hence the whole courting thing. "...well. My understanding, or lack of same, will yet take time to fix, if ever it is, but I am happy for him all the same. His life is truly much improved."

"Malekith changed much, and the Norns have been working to try to change it back. I do not know if the Norns will succeed or not, but it is sure they are trying. ...but if things have changed for good, that's for the best. Jormungandr was to be my fate...but if it no longer is, I can enter every battle with the joy of seeking victory, rather than it being assured because my fate to die is elsewhere." Not knowing is...better, from a warrior point of view.

Hela has posed:
"So you think the Lady Sif infalliable and beyond manipulation...?" Hela posits a question to Thor, there's no criticism or direction provided, so much as a reminder. "I would look after the Lady Sif, if I was as close a friend to her as you are, brother dear."

"You weren't much involved during the Black Sleep, were you? It is not just the Nine Realms and Norns anymore...broaden your gaze, and keep your ear close to the ground."

Thor has posed:
"None are infallible. I am not, you are not, even Father was not. Some of his decisions led to great tragedy for all the 9 realms. That is why, when I am on Midgard, I joined a team of Midgardians, so when I operate there, I have people involved with humanity in ways I never will be, try as I might. Still...Lady Sif chooses well more often than she chooses poorly, and affairs of the heart are really her own to decide." So, he could keep an eye on things, but if she's happy, who is he to interfere?

"It is true, I was not. ...I think I was working with the Midgardian team at the time. For all that I bounce around with the Bifrost, I can only be involved in so many things." Mimir would let him get around that, of course, but...that, too, has consequences.

Hela has posed:
"Father was most definitely not..." Hela hisses the words, turning her back on Thor, as she starts to pace away from the tavern. "Are they...? Affairs of the heart...?" Hela posits, not waiting for the answer, it is none of her business to worry for Thor's friends. More so when Thor himself is content. "Be well brother dear, do inform me when you've seen to the name change, it would delight me."