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Witches and Wizards and Highlanders, Oh My!
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Karrin Murphy's House - Sunnydale
Synopsis: Murphy brings some of the scooby gang over to give the low down on Denarian coins. Prue invites another immortal to the party and Murph begins to wonder just how many strange things there are in this world.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Prudence Halliwell, Buffy Summers, Duncan MacLeod

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The coins. They all needed to talk. Maybe Dresden didn't want to tell Prue what she had but Karrin isn't as stubborn as him so, if Buffy says she trusts Prue, Karrin trusts that. She's invited the ladies over for a talk about 'important things', and tea, and some whiskey in that tea for anyone who partakes because goodness they are going to need it. Karrin's place is just a touch messier than her normal neat-as-a-pin, mainly there is more than a bit of dust hanging around because she's not been spending time here, but it would take a sharp eye to notice that. She's in comfortable clothes, yoga pants and an old GCPD t-shirt across the tension bandage on her ribs. This is meant to be a comfortable visit.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue's outside and knocking on the door. Karrin wanted to talk, sure. Karrin wanted to talk about stuff, so why not?

Prue drops by and is, yes, outside knocking on the door as she waits. What's up with the Fort Knox door anyway? The house is, least in her estiatnion, cute...

Not that Prue wants to say that to somebody who was going to bodycheck people who want her to dance. Five feet of grrrrr angry lady? Prue's not wanting to tangle with her, not yet at least. On the other hand she's brought snacks and cocoa and donuts and....yes, it's all in a box, a box of goodies however. In short...

Donuts, cocoa, beer, and a few books. Prue's in 'supportive' mode.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been here before so the doilies are not a surprise to her. She arrives a few moments after Prue, waiting on the doorstep, nodding to her. "How's it going, Prue? Haven't seen your sister Piper in a while.Hope she's well.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
It takes a moment or two to get up and get the door open, bending was always the worst with injured ribs, but Karrin's pulling it open thirty second after Buffy arrives, a tired smile on her features and her hair still a bit damp from a shower. "Good timing. ... Did you bring beer? I like you better already." She grins at Prue and nods both of them in to her entirely-too-girlie house. She's made a little nest for herself on the couch and there's a bottle of asprin out on the coffee table along with coffee, water, a handle of Jack and a bag of chips. "Sit down. I have tea on if you want it. Or we can just skip to the whiskey and beer. This might be a whiskey conversation."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue grins to Karrin, "I brought a box of things" she says mysteriously, or at least tries to...given the box is both half open and at Prue's hip it's not hard for anyone to see what's in it. "Yeah I brought beer, donuts, books and cocoa. Couldn't find any good chick flicks" Prue nods and then laughs, "Piper's good. She's ru off her feet at P3 though so you're stuck with me I'm afraid. Wait, isn't it too early for alcohol?"

To Prue it is. For some...never too early for drinking. Like, say, Karrin.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Prue, "We'll, good thing one of us remembered. And that's too bad, I should hang out more at P3, just been so busy lately. But maybe one day I can meet your other sister too, I hear she's pretty feisty." she grins, then smiles to Karrin, "Rough night? Beer sounds good, mmm and donuts! But I suppose there will be serious talk too, huh." oh well.She follows her in and takes a seat, smiling at doilies, "I missed this place.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I..." Karrin looks around the place, really *looks*, and winces just a bit, "Need to dust. My grandmother would be up in arms." She's only half joking about that. But it's definitely strange that she hasn't kept up with the cleaning. But the world is a strange place. She chuckles a bit to Prue with an arched brow, "Sure, on a work day. But...day off? All bets are off. Still, I've got the tea, sit down and I'll bring the pot out."

Karrin makes her way into the kitchen, moving just a bit slower than usual but hiding it fairly well. A few moments later she's carrying out a lovely little tea set that definitely matches the house, and a box of various flavored teas. SHe's not quite so fancy to have loose leaf, but at least it's not all Salada. "...I'd say we both had a bit of a...rough evening this week, Buff. You just bounce back a bit faster, it seems. And yeah." SHe gives Prue a bit of a look, "I'd... like to talk. Prue. You're the one that notified Dresden about that coin, weren't you?" Karrin doesn't dance around the issue.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue takes a seat andlooks around with the trained eye of, well, of a woman who works with antiques and auctions them off. Looking over to Karrin, Prue sets the box on the floor, bends down and opens it fully. "Take your pick from what's in here. Don't mind the books, they are for just flipping through once you've got through beer and donuts, I couldn't get any nachos" Prue adds with a smirk.

Prue's not thinking Karrin's place is that bad. Though her sole interaction with Murph has been, well, off the clock, for both of them. Prue's gone from a 'Hello this is Bucklands how may I help you' to a 'Alright what needs discussing and I swear I will toss anyone into a wall who dares me to dance to the Macarena....' type woman.

"The coin? yes it came in a collection from upstate New York actually. So" Prue says. "I can probably track it back to where it came from but the coin in question was part of a collection. So" Pue says pulling out a glazed chocolate donut, because...ah what the hell, fighting demons and vampires keeps her in sape...Prue chomps into it. Somewhere, a cartoon 'om nom nom' sound is playing as Prue chews on it quietly and glances to Murph. "Beer's in the box" she says once she's finished eating andd swallows. "Bought decent stuff I hope. Piper said it was good for college kids stressing about finals"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is already popping a beer as she settles in comfortably. Seems she is familiar with this place and definitely is a far better healer than the other girls here. She just shrugs, "No biggie, just glad you helped us out on the warehouse raid, though I was surprised you showed up..But I know you're a tough lady, sounds or not. I appreciate your help as always."

She leans forward in her seat, peering thoughtfully at the two of them as coins are mentioned. "So, tell me more about those coins..They created those ugly monsters we fought? Denarians?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Definitely a beer conversation. Karrin nods to the tea set, "Help yourself, Prue. There's a bunch of different bags, that's as fancy as I get, but it's all decent stuff." She's grabbing up a donut and a beer herself, though as Buffy opens the beer she gives a little chuckle, following suit. "It's...not quite one of Mac's brews, but it'll do. If you feel like going a little wild and partaking in the day time, Prue, tell me and we'll crack those out as well." She tilts her bottle over to clink with Buffy's, a casual gesture of old friends, almost supersition to do at this point, and after a good slug of the drink, she starts.

"This...doesn't leave this room. Harry or Michael might be pissed that I'm telling you at all, but I trust you, Buffy, and Buffy trusts you, Prue, and if you're going to be in contact with those things... Well, we... got lucky this time. If one ever comes through again, I want you to know what you're dealing with." She sighs, sinking back into the couch a bit deeper as she tries to figure where to start, "...either of you know how much Judas was paid to screw over Jesus?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"No I don't" Prue says and sticks to donuts and tea. Because if somebody is going to be sober in this discussion, it better be the auctioneer. Prue doesn't need to be drunk and not understand things.

"Alright, so" Prue offers pouring herself tea. "How does that relate to the coins? Mr. Dresden said something about Judas being paid too but I was more worrie about that coin getting out of my auction house" Prue shrugs and sips her tea elicately. As delicately as somebody with telekinesis can, if she sneezes, there'll be a whole stack of building contracts flying out the door...followed by the wall, and the roof, thanks gravity. You're always bringing a good thing down...

Prue sets her tea down and looks to Karrin then Buffy. "Next time? You mean there's more than just one of those things? I didn't touch it, no. I took a picture, showed it to that wizard P.I. and it went from there"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins and chinks her can against Karrin's. Good times and all. Talk of Jesus and Judas though gets a raised brow from her. "Um...I'm guessing this is related somehow? Was it like, forty coins or something?" she frowns, "Oh, wait a minute..Those coins, denarians couns.." yeah she doesn't like where this is going..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You might be one of the smartest people I've ever met, Prue, because calling Harry when you did and not touching the thing was the very safest course of action and is probably why you can still sit here with us right now..." Karrin murmurs earnestly, the expression on her face somehow making her look a decade older as she considers the things. Buffy's rarely seen Karrin look scared, and she's not exactly terrified now, but these things scare her. They are one of the few things in the world that give us pause. "...It was 30 pieces of silver... what Judas was paid. Those 30 pieces, somehow, were so tainted with evil they were inhabited by demons. Or, maybe, became demons themselves. Or maybe they always were, and that's how the devil put them in the world. I'm not sure the exact specifics. I don't even know if the church is.. Those demons are called Denarians."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The call was made. The antiquities dealer responded. Duncan arrives at the address given. It doesn't take a long time and there is the sound of a knock on the door. He glances back over his shoulder, curious about the surrounding neighborhood and those milling around it. You don't like this long without paying attention to things.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue listens intently. "I deal with demons" she says and gets up heading for the door...it's right about now Karrin really should put a peephole in the door. Prue's not got X-ray vision. Unlike, say, hm....unlike, say, mutants. Prue's just a regular old witch and yet...she opens the door, ready to throw whoever or whatever is out there back away from the lot if neeed.

Instead she spies Duncan. "Hey, you showed up. C'mon in. hey Karrin, I got a friend here who works in aintiques too" Prue offers and half turns. "Mind if he joins us?"

Translation: More people to discuss the coins, get drunk on beer and oh yeah, eat donuts and sip tea too. Prue may need to run out and get more food at this rate...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, shaking her head, taking another sip of beer. "Geez. I guess that's the fallen angel connection huh? So we're basically talking about cursed demon coins..And there are seriously 30 of those creatures out there? Like those two weren't bad enough..Well they're definitely different from Zach.."

She glances to the door, smiles and waves to Duncan, "Heey, didn't know you were into antiques like Prue, that's cool. Good to see you again.."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin is about to say something more, but then there's a knock. She wasn't expecting anyone else and Harry hasn't knocked in ages so her paranoia radar is already keying off. She shifts to maybe get up, but Prue didn't seem surprised and was already on her way to the door. Instead, Karrin frowns a bit more and nods for her to open it as she reaches into the little drawer on the end table beneath her lamp. She doesn't draw the gun out or even unsafety it yet, but her hand is very ready. Instead, Prue seems to know -- to even expect -- the man at the door. And Buffy does as well. Karrin takes a slow breath in through her nose to calm the adrenaline suddenly rushing through her system and forces a smile on her face.

"...Ah... of... Course. Come in. Pardon me for not getting up." She slowly slides the gun drawer back shut again. Nothing to see here. "I'm Karrin Murphy...welcome to my ... House. There's beer, tea, water, whiskey, and donuts. You don't start anything with me, I won't start anything with you." But the tone of her voice says she will not be scared to finish it. "...Buff. Prue. You... actually trust this man with your lives? Because we can talk this through later." There might be a reason the small blonde woman was quite so dour. But then, the heavy bandage across her bare left shoulder and the brusing on her face is enough to say she's probably had a long week.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Duncan looks amused initially at Prue's comment,"Of course." He offers her a smile and looks over the house quick to see those around. Noting Buffy he offers a polite smile,"Miss Summers. It's good to see you again."

     His attention moves to Karrin and he offers a nod. A nod to her as well and he replies,"Thank you Miss Murphy." he adds. He considers her expression and leaves the question unasked.

     Instead he looks between the three women and asks,"What can do for you ladies tonight?" He's noting if not professional. A look to Buffy and nods,"I do. I must not have given you a card. Slipping in my old age."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue looks to Buffy then Karrin. "Yes I know him, he works with antiques in Starling" Prue says and sits back down looking to Duncan. Prue getss another donut and chews on it, waving Duncan over to the chairs.
We do trust him" Prue offers to Karrin and shuts up again, no need to anger the lady with the police connections. Alright then...Prue likes not being shot at or shot, nah...

Instead she thinks more on the whole coins thing. "So what she said" Prue says gesturing a donut to Buffy, We're dealing with cursed coins? Alright, I can look into it" Prue offers looking hopeful.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers regards Duncan thoughtfully, nodding slowly. She doesn't know him as well as Prue but Prue seems to trust him and she trusts Prue Soo.."Well that's cool, I think Thomas bought me a thoughtful gift from your store once." she smirks, "Antique battle axe. Just what a girl needs."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"And...do you have a name, Antiques-Dealer-From-Sterling?" Murphy asks with a still slightly wary, raised eyebrow, but it seems she's offering a peace deal a moment later as she brings another one of the beers out and slides it in his direction on a doily on the elegant antique coffee table. She then nods him into one of the fancy, but still pretty darn comfortable chairs, before looking back to the women. "If he messes this up, it's on you. Harry's gonna be pissed I was talking about this at all. And...is that the axe you were using the other night, Buff? That was... Impressive, to say the least. I'll give Thomas this, he does have taste."

But she takes another hard gulp of Prue's beer, letting it relax her shoulders a touch as she continues. "So yes. The coin you had was a part of 30 of these... Coins. They all have the demon in them. When someone's skin touches them..." Like her's did, if for just a moment, "The demon...generally, immediately takes over their body. Or, at least, starts trying to possess their mind. The denarians that we know of...the bodies might be old, but they are just...bodies. The original owners definitely aren't... In control any more. The demons are. They get way stronger, generally can transform into whatever that demon's shape is, like the gorilla-bear-man we saw the other night, are impossible hard to kill... and want to make certain the whole set of coins is... Out there, possessing bodies, doing the devil's work. The church has been trying to lock these coins away for a... very long time."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The question of trust getting tossed around certainly gets his attention. He looks between each woman again, pausing at Prue to express a moment of askance, but settles for learning as it goes.

     He glances to Buffy and considers a moment,"Thomas...Raith. I remember that axe. I wasn't aware you were the one who was getting it. As I think of it, the weapon suits you. I hope it serves you well."

     His attention moves to Karrin and he replies,"Duncan MacLeod." At least he doesn't add "of the clan MacLeod" in the exchance. He takes the beer that is offered to him,"Thank you." He falls silent and starts to listen to the description coins and the raises a brow at the mention of the demons and possession,"How old are these coins? What caused the curse?" Ahh yes, the analysis portion of the understanding, he just missed.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Oh sure, that's romantic" Prue says. "Buy your girl a battle axe. What're you doing with it, chopping vegetables?" she smiles, oh she's not a axes. Not when she can throw things with her mind. GIve Prue an axe. Give her TK...and Prue just gets more dangerous.

Prue listens quietly, listening intently. "He's got a business card, here" Prue offers pulling Duncan's business card out of her pocket and sliding it over. Beer goes from Karrin to Duncan. Business card goes from Prue to Karrin. Not quite an equal trade but...

Prue nods. "It's all on there I believe. Number checks out. And he was in the museum looking over things so" Prue shrugs and sips her tea more. "Mr. Antiques Dealer from Vancouver is kind of a long name and a mouthful don't you think?" Prue adds with a quiet, wry smile then gives a nod to Duncan.

"Judas got paid, coins are evil. I just summed up the last few beers worth of discussion into what...six words?" Prue asks. "Seriously though. Judas got paid to screw over Christ, and the pieces of silver are bad news. You ever heard of Denarians?" Prue asks. "That's what we're dealing with. I had one come across my desk the other day and wondered if you'd ever run into any of the thirty bits of silver?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The card is taken with a thoughtful look, Murphy studying it quietly, lips pressed in a long line, but then she seems to accept whatever she sees and sets it down on the coffee table next to the hurricane candle vase, so it's safe and can be put away later. Prue's explanation gets a quiet nod of affirmation from Murphy, the woman having summarized it well enough without the rambling that comes out of having faced two of them most recently.

"Prue's got the short of it. These coins are those pieces of silver, they are inhabited by demons, and... we just had a cross with one. It's now being secured and sent away by the church but...two others of these Denarians did their very best to kill us." She nods to her own bandaged shoulder and over towards Buffy, "Before we got it safely behind holy ground. That's the only saving...grace.. No pun intended. Holy ground really does seem to keep these things out."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue shivers, "So my question is what was one doing in a coin collection in upstate NY?" she ponders between sips of tea. That's enough to get her head spinning. A coin, hiding in among other coins. "I'm not liking that much. Did I happen to get shipped a collection with the hope somebody would think I'd handle the coin in question?" Prue asks and keeps her tea in hand. "I didn't. I took a photo and went and found Harry. You know, he seems nice enough but he doesn't have a computer, what's up with that?"

Oh if only Prue knew the full story...

She looks over to Duncan and waits, then shifts her gaze to Karrin and Buffy again. "So how many are out there in the wild do you think?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "The cursed coins of Judas." he mutters softly and nods,"I've been around long enough to hear stories. Not long enough to have ever crossed paths with them that I am aware of." he admits,"The bearers are very protective and obbssessed with them as I undertands them."

     He frowns and adds,"I have encountered dark spirits and demons. There are a lot of ancient things in this world that aren't of this world in my experience." To Prue he suggests,"If a demon is in one, the demon will do their level best to get the coin to someone to get out."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That makes her eyes narrow just a bit at Duncan. He talks like a wizard, like someone who knows these things beyond a regular art dealer. Murphy studies him through clear, careful blue eyes, reevaluating her initial take on the man but not interrupting either. Prue's question draws her gaze as well and she gives a long breath of consideration. "Chances are... someone put it into that collection. These things just don't get...Out. When the host of one of the coins dies, it goes back into being just a coin, yes, but those are coins the demons want to get into another host body quickly. And if the church manages to recover it, they are...quite locked away." She can't entirely hide her frown thinking about the church's security, considering one just got out, it seems.

"So...either someone was trying to get you ridden by one of these things. Or someone they thought you'd take it to. I would almost guarantee it was planted there, and that's...worrisome." Karrin laughs a bit about Harry. "Harry's... not computer...Friendly. Something about his magic. It's...complicated. Don't let him get in your car." Karrin winks, only half teasing.

"We know of a dozen or so out there right now...probably another dozen with the church. But these thigs... are hard to keep out of circulation. As MacLeod there said, an intelligent demon presence means that thing wants to get back into action every time it's put down."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue shakes her head, "Great, so a witch, a coin expert on demons and an art dealer who knows about historical things are sat in your house drinking and figuring this out" Prue surmises. "So my question is was it random or did somebody study me and think oh Prue's a good host?" she muses, tea cup empty she pours a second one and stares into it for a moment or two.

Mostly since Prue's figuring this out ever so slowly on her own. Prue shakes her head again, running a hand through her hair. "Alright...so they are intelligent things, alright" Prue murmurs.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:

     You don't live this long without learning how to read people. Duncan takes a drink of the beer and offers to Karrin,"There is a lot more to me than an antiquities dealer. You're right." he admits with a shrug,"I have had cursed items and similar things come into my possession, but I've also studied such things to make sure I know what I am getting myself in to."

     He consideres Prue's question and admits,"You were likely a target of convenience from the coin's perspective. You were there, you have influence, and probably the demon saw something in you that attracted it to you." He looks to Karrin and offers,"Some time if you want we can sit down and have a talk about such things. I am above the board on every level, but I can see why you might not see it that way."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I'm not a witch..." Karrin states with a confused blink, "I'm just a cop... Oh. Wait. I'm the expert. So... *You're* the witch?!" Karrin's eyes go a bit wider as she now stares at Prue in a far more curious manner. That changes things dramatically. "Buffy...you really don't keep boring friends, do you?" She mutters, as she gives a casual wave to her friend who has to bow out. Life never slows down, she understands that. Once she makes certain the door shuts again safely (she still might be paranoid), she looks back at the two. "...If you're a witch, I know they've been trying to get a coin into Dresden for a while. Possible they are targetting magic users and, yes, you absolutely were the point of that. The fact you called Dresden to help was just a bonus..." She grimaces at the thought.

Then it's back to Duncan and she nods in quiet agreement to his assessment of the situation. "I don't know that the coins themselves physically have sentience, but... there's certainly parts of the universe guiding them to where other Denarians want them to be." And, for a heartbeat or two, her eyes are very distant. Lost somewhere else, thinking about something else. But she tries to shake it off before too long. "MacLeod, I'd...like that very much. If you are as trustable as they say, we could use a few more people with sharp minds about them considering all this stuff. And if you aren't, well...I can generally sniff things out pretty quick, and I'll handle you as needed." It's not really a threat, just a simple promise from a woman who has confidence in her skills.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue gives Karrin a look. "Do you want me to climb up on the bonfire now or later?" she asks. "I'm not an evil witch. I fight those for a living. If that demon did try anything I'dd do my best to send it back, even if I came up short" Prue nods with certainty in her eyes. "Not all witches are inherently evil" Prue explains and sips her tea again.

"I mean, Buffy hangs around with one too, and I've met her, she's the most helpful soul you could find in the area"

Willow, that is. "I just keep to myself and my sisters and fight evil on a daily basis, you know? Kind of like what we all do. Just with more evil involved"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Though he didn't really give it too much consideration at first, Duncan does smile a little bit at the mention of Prue being a witch. He doesn't comment, just takes a drink of the beer. He doesn't seem too bothered by the cop's statement. Instead he looks at her for a long moment and finally nods,"What I tell you needs to stay between us. Buffy seems OK as well, but that's the line."

     He takes another drink and looks from Prue and and Murphy and back to Prue again,"Detective Murphy will find a solid trail back, then there will be a strange stop. You'll find my name somewhere else and there will be a strange end before the start of the story."

     He crosses his arms over his chest and to both of them, though maybe a little more towards Prue on the personal level and Karrin on the professional level,"I am Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod. I was born in the highlands of Scottland in 1592. I cannot die." That heavy handed enough for anyone,"I can be killed in a specific way, but I cannot die."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The suddenly spill of inisistance that Prue is not a bad witch makes Karrin just blink. While the cop's eyes are often accusatory, this was not one of those moments. She blinks again and just laughs a little, gently shaking her head, "Prue, Prue, hun... Breathe, it's okay. I ... really didn't think you were an evil witch. God knows I dat-... work with Dresden enough, and he's in the damn *phone book* as a *wizard*. I mostly know what I'm getting myself into and it's who people are, not what they do, which really makes them good at your back or someone I might have to put down some day. I never, not for one moment, thought you were in that second category." Karrin's voice is flat but honest. She doesn't mince words when it comes to these things...

But she really wasn't expecting the other news. Any worries or reassurances she felt like Prue moreso needed are suddenly melting away as she processes what in the worlds Duncan is saying. She stares at him in dead silence for a handful of heartbeats, trying to process exactly what she's hearing. "Oh." Well, she gets that much of a sound out, at least. "That...sounds... rather exhausting, Mr. MacLeod. Are you a vampire, then?" That she can understand. She's wrapped her mind around immortal vampire sometime in the last few years.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue doesn't mince words much either, Piper on the other hand would have snarked Murph to death by now...still, though Prue looks relieved with a nervous laugh. Oh, good. Karrin doesn't think she's a bad witch. Nah. Wait till she meets Phoebe. Or something like that.

Prue just settles back listening to Karrin and Duncan talk, making mental notes of things to look up on Monday when she heads to work. Because no. Nope, she's not sacrificing her weekend to figure this out. It can, and will if she has her way, wait till Monday morning thank you very much...

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He shakes his head and makes a face at the mention of vampire,"No, not even close." he assures her. Placing his hand infront of the window he doesn't start to burn. He wasn't smoking when he came in the door either,"You'll find crosses do not bother me in any way and in fact I have a long history around holy ground of any sort." He nods towards the couch and adds,"The pistol you likely have over there won't kill me. It will hurt, but not for long."

     Well, at least nobody has freaked out yet. The pair seem to take it better than most do and at least he doesn't have to kill himself and come back from the dead for them to at least accept him on some level.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There is a momentarily amused look on Murphy's features, especially since he did lay out a research trail for them already. "...Alright. Not-vampire-Immortal. I'll... look into things and see how close I can get. Then you get to fill in the blanks after, if we're going to work together. But, I'm glad we're all being... Honest. Now, let's actually drink beer and relax for a little bit before something else comes banging down the door..." Murphy winks to them both as she says that and leans forward, only slightly wincing at the gingerness of her ribs, to bring out the rest of the beers and donuts. The next while is spent in actually lighter, more comfortable conversation before Murphy makes some excuse to get her house back to herself -- namely so she can soak her sore ribs without showing anyone just how much it still hurts.