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Latest revision as of 01:36, 15 October 2017

A meeting of the X-Men
Date of Scene: 12 October 2017
Location: X-Men War Room
Synopsis: An X-Men meeting about what's to come.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Surge, Pixie, Deadzone, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Polaris, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Phoenix

Cyclops has posed:
     The War Room is a place where the X-Men can get together and not only plan their next operation, but it is also one where they can get together and discuss things pertinent to their organization.

  Scott was inside, dressed in his blue and gold uniform, hair set above the visor like usual. "First off, I want to thank everyone for coming, I've got exciting news for us all. First off, I want to let our trainees know that as of today, they will be invited to join our student group: faXion. Myself and Nightcrawler will be organizing training for these students. This group is for students currently in classes or under eighteen years old."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida does her best to maintain a straight face, but there's still a bit of a snicker. ~Seriously? It sounds like some kind of eighties cartoon. Or an adult trying to be 'hip'. ...Wait, that's what he is. Seriously, who'd they bounce this off of?~ She leans a bit further back in her chair, arms crossed, fingers idly tapping on her other gauntlet.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn decided to show off, as a recent addition to the team, by teleporting her way here instad of flying. It took some concentration, but she got it done. Taking a seat, wings and hands folded, she sits up attentively. Like she never did in class.

Deadzone has posed:
    While Tatum is physically present, and even in her black and gold uniform, she seems distracted by something. She nods to what Scott is saying, but isn't her usual smiling, laughing self. No teasing comments. Nothing. "I'm assuming I'll be helping with training in combat without powers?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had arrived a little late, but not TOO late, she was standing at the back of the room near the entrance and when Scott started to talk she just leaned back against the door and put her hands into her black hoodie's pockets, the hood was up and her white bangs were framing her face, she just stared quietly and glanced over at the others that were here too.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    From his chair, Kurt has a tablet out. He flicks his gaze up though from the tablet. He heard his name. He looks concerned, as if this is news to him. He considers this, "Ja." he agrees. To him, that makes total sense given his new position. He reaches over, crumples up a piece of legal paper, off a 5 by 8 pad. He crumples it up. Zing! Right at Noriko. His amber gold eyes glower at her. He lifts his hand up, tucking his thumb back. He gestures from his eyes to her, back to his eyes then at her again.
    he nods at Tatum, chiming in for Scott. "Individual requests will be made, I assure you, Tatum. Your skills will be put to good use, liebchen." He gives her a wink, then nods to Scott.
    Only those that really know him will likely catch the nervous curl of his tail. He looks at Rogue, though he smiles, there is a look sent her way.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is also leaning against the back wall, dressed simply in leggings and a sweatshirt. She nods slightly to Rogue and turns her attention toward the meeting.

Cyclops has posed:
"Correct, Tatum. We will be asking all main roster X-Men to lend their expertise in various areas for this new group." Scott continues. "I for one am excited to get this group running and bring a bright future to our ranks."

  Cyclops takes a seat, looking to the adult members for a moment. "We are going to be condensing blue and gold teams into one team for now. Should the need arise for two teams again, it will be temporarily and on a mission by mission basis."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida blurs and sparks, the light over her seat flickering for a moment as she brings a hand up to catch the ball of paper, tossing it into a trash can in the corner. She goes back to listening, head tilted a bit to one side as she appraises the new information.

Deadzone has posed:
    With little more then a simple nod in response to Scott, Tatum thrums her fingers softly on the table, looking over at the opposite wall.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Giving a little nod, Kurt shrugs. "Is that all, Scott?" He looks over to Noriko and gives her a little nod, as if appreciating her cooperation. His tail slides across the table to flick his pen into his hand with a little twitch.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods to Scott at this other idea. "I think, um, the team idea makes a lot of sense. Be more flexible? More open minded? You don't want too get into a routine. What if we need four groups at once?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was at the back of the room near the big round doorway entrance she had her hands in her hoodie pockets and the hood was up. Rogue listened to every word Scott said and she glanced over at Kitty and Kurt and just grinned softly at Kurt, then looked forward again to their esteemed leader as he talked about the new team structure.

Polaris has posed:
Slipping in quietly, Lorna's in a skirt suit. Someone had a meeting elsewhere. She slides into a chair near Kurt offering apologetic smiles for being late. Rogue's elbow gets a squeeze as she passed her. "Sorry folks. Flew fast as I could." She offers by way of apology.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Fashionably late...okay...supremely late! Ellie finally walks into the room, shouldn't be surprise, she hardly ever shows to classes on time. Even she even shows up, so her coming late to an X-Men meeting kinda of thing? It's just her showing she cares, she's also got the confidence to boot coupled with complete lack of guilt, as she just walks in and waves, "yo, Ellie signing in and stuff." Yeah, not even an apology.

Cyclops has posed:
     Looking to Kurt, Scott also mentions. "I will be offering the role of Executive Officer to Storm in instances of our needing two teams, and to be adding more as needed, again on a case by case basis."

  "Thank you, Pixie. that is my goal for this new structure: to be flexible enough that we can be effective in any contingency." A nod given to Polaris as she arrives in. Cyclops was not very phased by those arriving late. The X-Man looks to Negasonic as she makes her way in. "Negasonic Teenage Warhead, as you missed earlier, you are going to be invited to the new student group: faXion. We are going to focus on combat training and advanced control, with teamwork. Nightcrawler will be assisting me on this endeavor."

Phoenix has posed:
A few moments after Ellia, Jean slips in the door as quietly as possible, which isn't all that quiet with the doors styled as they are. She takes up a spot on the wall. There wasn't time to change so she's still in her professional attire, a styilsh business suit that she wore for the parent/teacher conference. Unfortunately, it ran late leading to her tardiness. She had warned their fearless leader of her situation ahead of time through a brief telepathic message. Leaning against the wall, she listens as she tries to catch up.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida gives Ellie a nod, giving the chair next to her a nudge so it rotates around to face the short-haired teen. ....Yeah, that name seriously needs work, but probably better to put it in the anonymous suggestion box... And then Jean Grey walks in, and Nori's head is immediately filled with thoughts of natto, hoping that the rather... exotic... foodstuff actually keeps anyone from eavesdropping like Hisako said. she's already gotten glared at by Kurt, and she hadn't even said anything!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would turn to see both Ellie, Jean and Lorna enter and she'd give them all a small smile. She'd nod to Lorna as she squeezed her elbow and she'd say "Heya." at her green haired friend in a low-whispery voice so as not to interrupt or speak out and be all rude in-stuff!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Slipping his tail over to loosely settle it about Lorna's ankle. Kurt winks at Lorna and Jean as they arrive. He gives Warhead a little nod, and tilts a brow at Scott, as if to see if they are done. He flicks his pen, fidgeting a little.

Polaris has posed:
"New team, nice." Lorna remarks catching the news as Scott speaks. She leans over to peek at Kurt's note pad, see if there are any notes she can catch up on and rests her hand on the back of his shoulder lightly. "Hi dear." She murmurs quietly before looking to Scott. "Have we discussed our role in the clean up post-invasion? Is that something we're interested in assisting with?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie freezes when Cyclops turns to her, not having expected the Fearless Leader to actually pay attention to her. Let alone actually speak to her. For a moment she thinks he'll reprimand her for walking in late to the meeting, but when that doesn't happen, she chills. Right until she hears the name of the new student group, and just bursts in laughter, "oh my god, you're shitting me, right? That's not it, is it? I mean..." she looks around the room, "he's not kidding? That's the best we got? faXion?" Shrugging, Ellie takes out her phone and heads towards Noriko and the chair she saved for her, thumbs swooping about her phone as if twitting was her real super power.

Deadzone has posed:
    Tate looks up to see who enters, nodding in greeting to Lorna and Jean. Ellie gets a raise of her brow and a hint of a smile, but only a hint. Lorna's question about clean-up gets her attention though. "I think any of us that have abilities that would be useful should absolutely help. It might be good for our public image."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott looks to Polaris. "I would volunteer ourselves as need, those wishing to contribute their time should let me know and I'll arrange it."

  A short glare of a red visor towards Ellie. "faXion, yes. That is the name I chose." It's dorky, it's very...Scott.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ja, Scott named the new group." Kurt says softly. He just looks at Elle. He is trying really, really hard not to smile. His lips start to quirk. He badly, very badly, like worst acting teacher ever badly fakes a sneeze. He hides his smile behind his hand as he reaches for some kleenex. "Pardon me." Smile hidden for the moment.

Polaris has posed:
"Even those who don't have abilities, there's still rubble to sweep or clear out, shelters in need of volunteers. Plenty of mundane ways to benefit the local communities." Lorna points out, nodding to Tatum. "It's a pity we never figured out how to get Scott to weld things, that'd be handy in reconstruction." She says carefully, a quick smile to the visored leader and nudges Kurt lightly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked around at the others after smirking at what Ellie said outloud, she figured others were probably thinking about it too (meta!). "Come on. Its not like 'X-Men' is that great of a name either." She said softly, loud enough for everyone to hear though.

Phoenix has posed:
"Sign me up as a volunteer," Jean offers from the back of the room. "It would be good for us to be seen publically doing something to help after our participation in the mess." She has a few buildings that were on her tally sheet. Something she needed to help correct. As the name is brought up and commented on a few times, she can't hide her own smile although she does manage not to giggle at Rogue's observation.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I have a list of mutant Town charities and agencies that i work with on a regular basis." Kurt says carefully. He tries to keep his politics out of things. "I would be more than happy to hook people up with one or two of them if they want to help there. I... do not have as many contacts with other agencies outside of catholic Charities." Kurt keeps it casual, to not get preachy. He clears his throat at Rogue. "I have always glad we took our name from Herr Professor Xavier's _last_ name." He clears his throat again.

Cyclops has posed:
     "No heat, just punch." Scott says, shrugging a bit at the welding comment. Then a small crack in the stoic edifice if Scott. "Hey...I thought that name over for an hour, it's not -that- bad!" Oh, it was, it was. "New Mutants was done already, New X-Men sounded terrible."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Only the lamest name in history, at least it'll be memorable," Ellie mutters under her breath when Scott affirms that faXion is indeed the name. At Kurt's comment, Ellie quips, "lucky us." Looking over at Rogue, Ellie snorts, "X-Men is at least not lame as fuck." Raising her hand up high, Ellie calls out, "can I volunteer to come up with a name, that, well, doesn't suck monkey balls?"

Polaris has posed:
"I like FaXtion, it's very on brand." Lorna nods in defense of Scott. She smiles to Jean at her willingness to help with volunteering. "You're awesome Jeanie." She tells the redhead and smiles at Kurt warmly. "You could be Xtra Curricular Activities." She deadpans to Ellie.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn winces at Ellie's comment, frowning and looking at Scott afterward. "Goodness. I do think the name sounds like a breakaway faction from us, instead of being... an up and coming part of the team. But it's not really the important thing is it?"

Deadzone has posed:
"When you're in charge, Ellie, you can pick the name," says Tatum, frowning. She doesn't even look at Negasonic after her comment. "I could always try seeing if the folks at the Philharmonic are the same from my world. I could try arranging a charitable concert."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives just a small sigh. "Language..." Cyclops shakes his head, at nearly every comment. "No, no, the real purpose is to get those students who want to do more prepared for what's out there. To take the next step past just controlling their abilities, to training to use them."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Finding something fascinating on the tablet, Kurt looks at it. Or Lorna in her cute suit. No pupils. Hard to tell what he is looking at. His voice though, is gentle. "Let them chime in on the name. If we treat them like kinder, they will act like kinder. They are all mostly grown. I remember when we were that age, it was nicht so long ago."
    Kurt hates disagreeing with Scott. It is obvious in every iota of his body language. He has a younger brother mentality with several of his peers, and he looks profoundly uncomfortable. His tail whips a couple of times to show his displeasure.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida sits up a little straighter, raising a finger. "In Ellie's defense, it sounds like our fashion label or something that sells all the merchandising. I mean, We're the next generation of X-Men, right? Bad puns don't really carry the message that we're serious."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed at Ellie's words, listened to the others, including Noriko and she just had to chime up again. "Ya'll, its just a name... it don't matte'ah in the long run. What makes the difference is the trainin' ya put in, and how good ya come out on the othe'ah side, cause'a it. Thats what the team needs the most, good leade'ahship and folks that wanna learn."

Polaris has posed:
"Every student should have advanced control of their abilities, but not everyone who comes through this school goes on to be an X-Man. As Scott said, it's just the next step of training. Heck some of you may go on to be Avengers or join Shield, form a whole new team-sky's the limit kiddos." Lorna sits back and nods to Rogue. "If Scott says it's FaXtion, he's the boss, it's FaXtion. He'll change it if he chooses."

Phoenix has posed:
It is taking a lot of willpower not to burst out laughing. Jean has to bring a hand up and brush it over her face, as though brushing off an annoying out of place hair. When she's sure she can speak without giggling, she offers, "Perhaps we should keep the name Scott chose but those with suggestions for alternates can submit them for consideration?" Ever the one to attempt to find the compromise.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Yeah, if our brand is lame, come on Polaris, we can do better," Ellie says, hoping against hope, because she can't help but feel like taking to the field under the name 'faXion' will take away some of her life force. Sticking her tongue at Polaris, Ellie quips, "joke's on you, even that is better. That's how lame 'faXion' is!" Rolling her eyes, Ellie snaps, "Pixie, you're way too nice! Stop it, it's really annoying."

But then Scott shoots down any possibility of Ellie getting to get to name the team, leaving her a bit crestfallen, glaring at Tatum without a word, and then again tapping away at her smartphone. Scott citing language isn't helping either. But so long as she's got her phone, she's good. She'll manage. "You know, Lorna, one day I'll be a team leader. The one that was promised, and I will give that team an awesome name, and everyone will thank GOD! For me!"

Cyclops has posed:
     "Order." And Scott's voice rings through the war room. Seems a change of heart was in store, but Scott wouldn't give up the ship easily. "Like most people said, it's the next step in training. It doesn't matter what the name is." Scott sighs just a bit. "Any faXion member is free to give suggestions, as Jean said. Wether or not the name will change will be up to our discretion."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum closes her eyes, sighing softly. "Okay, can we stop fighting about a name and get back to business? Some of us have work to do." Clearly, someone has pissed in Tatum's cornflakes this morning. She's almost as grumpy as Ellie!

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida grumblegrumblegrumble. The 'I'm an adult and I know Best' card. The worst card. She nudges Ellie with one elbow, eyes flicking upwards, before nodding to one side. Hopefully the two of them together can come up with something. Convincing the faculty, that'll be another matter. At least maybe this means she'll get more field time, she's starting to recognize every ninja in the Danger Room's martial arts training routines.

Polaris has posed:
"Stick your tongue out at me again young lady and I'll have you cleaning desks after class." Lorna says to Ellie evenly. "We're still your instructors, even if you live and train with us. Try to maintain a modicum of respect please." She looks to the other adults in the room. "Was there anything else to discuss?" She asks.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Tail vanishing back under the table, Kurt points out to Lorna a bit more of what she missed. He also taps out, to not interrupt. 'Charles gave me the job I wanted. You are dating the new recruiter for the school' Kurt uses a stylus to touch-pad type. But given his fingers, that is probably good.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie crosses her arms, leans back in her seat and groans audibly at Lorna reminding her she can be disciplined. This meeting sucks. If only they'd let her save the newly created team from it's horrid name. But looks like the faculty won this round. There's no way she'll be cleaning desks after class.

Looking aside at Noriko, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes a 'please shoot me' face. Secret language of teens. The more you know!

Cyclops has posed:
     "Suggestions should be made to my office. If there is no other business, I think we are adjourned." Scott offers a chance to anyone wanting to get a word in.