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Latest revision as of 10:15, 15 October 2017

Flying lessons for the new girl
Date of Scene: 11 October 2017
Location: A park
Synopsis: Kaydin and Hermione try to figure out Hermione's powers.
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Kaydin LeGraize, Breath

Radiance has posed:
The two teens talk in a secluded area, away from prying eyes as Hermione tries to fly. She is hovering about a foot above the ground as the pair of them talk. "Well, I don't know about going to a school, but then again, they might know better on how to get me a little higher then this. I would figure this was all I could do if it weren't for that one time. I just.. I don't know. Maybe I have to go swimming first? Maybe my powers are activated by immersion in water"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin shrugs. "Never know. Maybe you do need to be immersed in water." Kaydin says as he watches the woman and he looks around. "Are you hungry? i am thinking about getting something but I dont know where to get food from."

Breath has posed:
Breath is out and about, and practicing flying on her junky wings Mk. 7.2.3 since the other ones are still being tinkered with. So she goes roaring around the park, basically making jet airplane noises just above the treetops, and slow corners, and looking down into secluded spots and along things like paths because hey, might be good to know the place a bit better. Mental note to self, these ones are lopsided and need some adjusting, but at least she didn't pop the darned things this time.

She sees a couple of people, but can't quite make out what's going on, but she's thirsty, so she makes a long circle around the area, followed by a long approach to the path that happens to run nearby, reversing thrust and blowing dry leaves EVERYWHERE as she comes in in a VTOL landing on a pillar of blown air a moderate distance away so as not to accidentally disturb anybody. Even though her landings are noisy enough that that's a tall order.

Radiance has posed:
The sound of a jet overhead causes Hermione, known to most as Jean, to look up. A costumed superhero type. She settles down to the ground and looks to Kaydin, her brows rising up as the sound of a jet landing is heard nearby. "Do you suppose they are here for us? I mean, I don't think we did anything wrong, but maybe we shouldn't be doing this in public?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin watches the jet landing or atleast the thing which seems to be as loud as a jet. He raises a hand up to try and see who it is and when she lands he nods to Hermione. "I think we got company." He says as he walks over to the being. "Can we help you?" He asks as he watches the wings.

Breath has posed:
Breath inhales for a good fifteen seconds, making air roar and whoosh all over the place and disturbing even more leaves on trees. She swats a leaf away from her mouth lightly, then spits a hapless bug out of her mouth. Blech. okay. Next order of business? That bottle of water. Open. Sip. Rinse out mouth. OK, much better.

She (at least you would guess 'she', based on the skirt and the chest and the makeup, but parts are iffy) waves. "Um? I was thirsty and this part of the path is straight. I hope I'm not messing up your picnic or whatever? I'm trying not to, just, you know, I was way parched. How are you doing?"

Radiance has posed:
Brushing a bit of hair over an ear, Hermione follows Kaydin, letting the taller and more muscled teen be in front. She watches as the other woman spits out a bug and has to giggle. June bugs are a menace in Nebraska for anyone with a convertible. She arches a brow as the costumed super mentions a picnic. "This is the second time someone thinkin' you and I are... you know." She looks over to Breath and shakes her head. "We're just friends. Sorta. He was helpin' me with my flying cause I have only ever managed to do more then float a bit once.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I guess we make a handsome couple." Kaydin says to the woman and smiles before turning back to the woman with the wings. "Name's Kaydin, and She is Jean. We were about to leave to get something to eat. You are welcome to join us?" He asks, gesturing as he speaks before waiting for the response from the 'woman'

Breath has posed:
Breath ohhs. "Awesome. What happens, you lose control or something? I did that a few times. Ow. Supergirl I ain't." She winces theatrically.

She hmms? "Uh. I guess? I mean, if you don't mind a chick in a costume and a mask tagging. I go by Breath like this, by the way. Where were you wanting to go? Somewhere close by?"

Radiance has posed:
Hermione doesn't actually say anything in regards to Kaydin's comment about them being a cute couple. She blushes though and looks away, a shy smile on her lips. When Kaydin introduces her though, she looks up to wave to the hero. "Well, yes and no?" she answers when asked about control. "I normally can only really float a little. But one time I actually flew. And it was great. We were trying to figure out what I did different then."

She looks to Kaydin, seeing what his opinion is of the masked hero joining them. "I don't mind if he doesn't. I mean, as long as yer a hero type. You are a hero type, right? Cause I'm figuring being seen hanging around a more nefarious sort might get me arrested or something."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I dont mind breaking bread with new people. The problem is I dont know what to eat." Kaydin says as he opens his backpack to pulls another soda out and offers it to Breath. "I can go to anywhere on the planet thanks to my abilities." He says as he watches the girl.

Breath has posed:
Breath nodsnods, "Oh yeah, totally. I even hit Darkseid in the face with a spitwad. So like, what happened before you flew? And like, ah, why were you flying then? Not like 'What made you able to fly' but like what made you try flying that time?

She hmmms. "Yeah, I dunno, these wings seem like they're only hitting freeway speeds. I can do better with other ones. So, I dunno, just whatever is close works, I guess. As long as it's cheap. I mean, I eat way too much ramen. I can only hope some of it goes the right places."

Radiance has posed:
Lifting her shoulders in a shrug, Hermione pipes up softly. "I get a discount at the mall I work at, if we want to go there. I mean, it's mall food, but it's cheaper mall food, so it could be worse? Or, we could buy some stuff and I can cook you up something in my apartment. I mean, its kinda small, but it would be nice to have some company."

With a sigh, Hermione explains again what happened the last time she flew. "Well, I'd been floating for a couple of months already. And I had just come back from spendin' the day with my boyfriend at the swimming hole this last summer. And he walked me home and kissed me and when he left I went to jump and just ended up... well? Flyin! And we've tried making me think about how I felt then, but that didn't seem to work. We figured maybe getting me wet might work?"

Breath has posed:
Breath says, "Well maybe. How far had you gotten with your boyfriend before? I mean.." She ticks off on her fingers, "Wet and cold.. but you said you were home again so pro-obably dried off by then.. Touched your boyfriend, adrenaline, oxytocin? And like, whichever of those is fine. It's not like I have much money. And like, i don't bring my purse out flying...""

Radiance has posed:
As Breath breaks down the other elements that might be different, Hermione nods. THough she does blush again at the mention of how far she and her boyfriend had gotten. "Well, when we were swimming... Well, you don't need the details." She wrinkles her nose then. "Wait, you don't think I gotta do that just to fly then do ya? Cause in that case, I'm fine with just floatin."

Breath has posed:
Breath mmmmhs, "I dunno, I mean, if you need to hide in a closet with a vibrator for a few minutes before you can fly, that's embarrassing, and like... really weird for how powers work, but it's not like you have to *tell* anybody about it? But like.. Wait, you just made a big deal about kissing him? Like.. You don't do much with him, do you?"

Radiance has posed:
Hermione's eyes go wide at the mention of a vibrator, her cheeks flooding with colour. She shakes her head quickly. "No, I think I'm fine without flyin. And no, I didn't do much with him. We were only dating! It's not like we was married or nothin! Hell, we weren't even engaged. You talk like we should have been ... acting like the kids over in Omaha."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I dont think they need to be doing that to be able to fly. We need someone with some experience with mutant powers." Kaydin says as he looks to Hermione and then looks to breath. "So what do everyone want to eat?"

Breath has posed:
Breath facepalms. "You think Omaha is..? One of the kinkiest guys I've met is from a little tiny town. And like, everybody there thought he was a girl. He says the other girls weren't much better when they thought nobody was looking. How much handholding did you do? Stuff like that? I mean, it might be the touching part? I don't know WHY.. I mean, unless you DID something to him on accident.. but you can TRY.. I already said, I'm good with whatever is cheap."

Radiance has posed:
The conversation is starting to get a little uncomfortable for the sweet, sheltered country girl from Nebraska. Her cheeks are all shades of red and she shakes her head. "You know? I just remember! I have a ... thing... that I forgot? Back at ... work! Yeah. Ummm. I promised my boss that I would take an extra shift and that was today. So, I gotta go! Cause I .. yeah. It was really nice meeting you, Breath. And good luck to you with the hero stuff and the wings and all that stuff and... " As she starts to chatter non-stop, she starts backing away down the trail. "Anyway, ummm, Kaydin! It was nice seeing you again. Gotta go though. So... bye!"

Breath has posed:
Breath blinks. "O...kay then. She's like.. super naive, isn't she?" She waves..? to Jean uncertainly, because, well... aaaawkward. A bit louder, "Um? O..kay? Take care? I didn't mean to scare you off..?" She looks distinctly uncomfortable at having traumatized somebody, fussing nervously. "...damn it. Now I feel bad."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin just shrugs and watches the women. When she leaves he chuckles. "Faster then me." He says as he blurs away. He then returns with a pizza. He then offers her the pizza. "So Breath, whats your abilities. Tech?" He asks curiously.

Breath has posed:
Breath uhs, "I'm basically the Big Bad Wolf." She shrugs some. "It's not, like, super exciting or anything. I have to come up with stuff so I can do anything interesting with it. But, you know, it is what it is, right?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "So you get roasted alive in a pig's chimney?" Kaydin asks playfully before smiling back to Breath. "I guess from your name and the big bad wolf clue that you can blow houses down. Definatly useful." He says with a nod.

Breath has posed:
Breath nods and looks after the fleeing girl worriedly. "Yeah, it's pretty handy.. I dunno, I have a trick or two with it. Should you.. go check on her? I think I frighten her.."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Yea I better go check on her." Kaydin says as he looks in the direction the woman ran down. He then blurs off and away, moving at superhuman speeds as he tries to catch up to Hermione.