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Latest revision as of 03:44, 7 August 2020

Robin comes to Bruce with a chat.
Date of Scene: 05 August 2020
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Batman lets Tim know he is doing an Ok Job.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Red Robin

Batman has posed:
    Quiet in the cave is a relative thing. Even when it seems so there is always the faint hint of something in the background, off in the deep dark distance. Whether it's the thrum of the generator that powers the cave itself far below the main deck. Or whether it's the occasional squeak and flutter of the bats that call this place home, there is always some subtle sound.
    Though right now in this particular moment there is a low crackle and hiss, a soldering iron's kiss given to metal and wire as the flicker of light that comes from it is enough to limn the dark silhouette of the man in the cape with the cowl pulled back.
    Before him on a workbench resplendent with a myriad of tools, Bruce Wayne leans over the tilted support area, the front part of his mask set before him with its innards exposed almost in cross-section. No holograms float over the area as they are sometimes wont to do, no flickering computer readouts for now. Whatever he is working on it is purely by hand and with a strong intensity of focus.
    There's another flare of light, then his head tilts to the side as he reaches a hand out to flick a data display to life, resting a hand upon the mask and getting a stream of information from it. He frowns.
    Then his voice lifts, "Alfred did you..." The words die as he glances to the side and realizes that the butler had already been and gone and left him with that tray with a cup of coffee he had requested still there.
    He makes a small, 'hm' sound, then straightens up slowly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes walking down the stairs from the manor, and looks over smiling a bit as some things never change. He will walk towards Bruce still surprised that Alfred is spry enough to be the one person who can sneak up on Bruce. Tim looks over at the read out and says "Need a hand with that?" He knows the older man can handle it but it is more Tim's wheel house. Bruce would have probably heard a bit about Tim dating a girl named Phoebe Beacon from Alfred, and while Bruce had been away Tim and a new heroine named The Beacon were protecting Gotham.

Batman has posed:
    A tilt of his head is given as he recognizes Tim's presence, dark blue eyes narrowing slightly, then easing as he gives a small shake of his head. But then speaks on the issue that he is trying to handle. "Getting feedback when swapping from one display to another, only in a particular set sequence. Having difficulty recreating it, but taking some precautions." Just in case, since any feedback or delay could have unforeseen consequences.
    Then he steps away from the dissected mask, leaving it there for Tim to ponder if he's inclined. Boots clank upon the metal deck as he walks to that rolling serving table and takes up the cup of coffee. Leaning against one of the work ables, he takes a sip and then lets his gaze fall heavily upon his current Robin.
    "Meeting tonight. 2300 hours. Before patrol." His eyes slip to the side to consider the series of large metal and glass containers that house the uniforms for them and for other heroes as well. "Figure it's due."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will walk over to the table, and has a seat, bringing up the diagnostic that Bruce, has done, running it over, as he looks at the code, and sets it to running the different display in every possible order than can be knowing it will take a moment, he does put a meter in the circuit, watching the flow of power while it changes, looking for surges "I can be here, but I was actually coming to talk to you about another meeting, there is someone important I want you to meet.

Batman has posed:
    Holding the coffee with both hands, Bruce's brow furrows as he looks across the way at him. No hint of his thoughts appear on his face, that same calm controlled exterior is held in check. Another sip is taken as his eyes then lower and he crosses one ankle over the other. Perhaps feigning the relaxed manner, perhaps not.
    "This is about the girl." He says. The Girl. Another slow sip of his coffee then his eyes lift once again to remain focused on Tim as he works on the circuitry and speaks.
    "What of her?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over for a moment, and nods "She is important to me, and has met Alfred, Dick, and Barbra. I would like you to meet her. Both Bruce and Batman. He clarifies. I did not know she was a hero when we met and started seeing one another, we met in college. Also I know you prefer to keep metahumans out of Gotham, but she was born and raised here, and she has minor light based powers. She can make a solidified light staff, and she can heal herself and others. She has some martial arts training in Aikido, and I have been training her, as well as upgrading her equipment.

Batman has posed:
    Tim will see the older man lower his gaze, brow furrowing as he looks thoughtful. There's a slight grimace as he takes a long breath, holds it, then slowly exhales. Until finally his eyes return to Tim's and he says levelly. "I trust your judgment to an extent. Tim."
    The cup of coffee and saucer are set aside, back upon the tray with a faint ceramic click, then he crosses his arms over his broad chest and lifts his chin. "Revealing yourself to her impacts all of us in a way. It makes Tim and Phoebe meeting Bruce and Dick something that lends itself to more people being more likely to putting two and two together. You have confidence and trust in her. I understand."
    A tilt of his head to the side is given, then he looks back. "Give me one month. Afterwards we'll speak again. And perhaps then escalate the relationship. I understand you may trust her. But this affects all of us."
    There's a beat. An extended pause. Then he murmurs, "And perhaps it might be wise to change her codename from her last name."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other man, and says "It has been something I have considered, but it does mean a lot to her I believe. She was adopted by the Beacons as a babe, and her father was a GCFD member. He died on the job. She may believe your Batman, but have not confirmed anything,, and make sure to refer to Bruce and Batman separately. Do you wish a month before she meets Bruce or Batman or both? He asks for clarification. The desk beeps, and Tim turns to it, and ahs softly. He does a bit of quick coding then moves to change out a small circuit array "Looks like the B-32 section had been damage, was still working but was not holding to specs constantly. I put in a new line in the diagnostics, that should run a fifth time through, and reports the variations off expectations all five times.

Batman has posed:
    "She can meet Batman before then," He gives a nod, "We'll make it during a patrol, on the job. Seeing her and you work together as a team will be important." That said he pushes off of the work table, regaining his full height. He steps back to the panel that holds the mask and that Tim's working on, even as the youth narrows the focus down.
    Then the explanation comes and the Dark Knight gives a grunt of acknowledgment. A nod is given, "Put in an order with Waynetech for a dozen replacement boards. I'm going to check the rest of the gear to see if this is a one-off event or a design flaw that the wear and tear has exposed."
    That said he starts to move away, boots clanking upon the metal grating that provides their paths from one area of the cave to the other, suspended so high up above the abyss below. Over his shoulder as he walks, "Tim." A pause as he turns and meets his gaze. "Don't tell her I'm going to be checking on her. It's best for everyone if we find out everything there is to know." His eyes are unwavering, steady.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man and says "Computer Robin, Beacon 01-alpha-seven." And the computer will come up with a file on The Beacon. "Merge Phobe 01-Alpha one through Alpha seven." He looks over to Batman and says "That's what I have so far, with her, and her parents as well as her hero career before we met. My mission reports are in the normal place. "I do plan on taking her to the Wayne Fundraiser that is coming up, and Dick and Babs helped me convince her to take a job at WayneTech, to make sure she was not worrying about paying for her books or what not while watching my back. Babs, has volunteered to help with her training, to show her some of the techniques that are different for her than us cause of gender. Alfred has agreed to come over to my place to help give her a few lessons on etiquette as she is worried she is not good enough to be seen in public with Tim Drake.

Batman has posed:
    "Then seems like you have it well in hand." Which is a good admission. Though the sub-text is there, that silent 'and yet,' that is unspoken as despite all of that it changes none of his plans or presumptions.
    He turns and starts to walk away, then over his shoulder he calls, "Work on her about the name. Nostalgia does not trump security." That said he reaches the uniform chamber and steps inside, disappearing from view for now.