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Latest revision as of 12:49, 7 August 2020

A Proper Start
Date of Scene: 01 July 2020
Location: Italian Restaurant, Grant
Synopsis: Katsumi and Buffy meet and get Italian
Cast of Characters: Bakeneko, Buffy Summers

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro has just had an exhilarating match, and she's feeling /spectacular/ about her personal control. Sure, the fight was far from legally sanctioned, and no one could know it was actually her who was in the cage. But as far as training goes, it was excellent. She's gotten much better about controlling the force of her hits. And selling blows, too! It's an artform, making it look like the other person is hurting you. And the crowd was eating it up. In the end, she knocked someone out - no deaths. No injuries. Just wounded pride and maybe some smelling salts.

She's gonna force herself to gloss right over the uncomfortable situation after the fight. Just focus on the roar of the crowd, hitting that moonsault, the rolling German suplexes, getting the crowd slapping at the cage walls...

Oh, and she made money doing it. Not a lot, but enough. And perhaps oddly, one thing comes immediately to mind.

Buffy's cellphone will either chime or buzz, depending on how she has it set. She has a text message from Katsumi.

<<Hey betch, come to Gotham. Let's do dinner. :3>>

An address will be included.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been busy with the usual stuff: work, classes, patrolling, work, practice, work, work, work...Oh hey! There's a text from Kats. She hasn't talked to her in a while due to her busy schedule as of late. Buffy smiles as she peers at the address..

And arrives a few hours later, dressed in a low key outfit. Well, 'low key'. Red leather pants, black tank top, black leather jacket. Oh right, this is her usual slayer outfit, but hey, it looks good when heading to a club, or dinner or..Whatever else Kats has in store for her..

So shes' here, now where's Kats?

Bakeneko has posed:
Hours later? /Hours/? Katsumi has gotten bored. She even already ate. She even grew sullen, lacking a response from Buffy. It's fine. Maybe she was busy? She's a Slayer, right? They got things to do. And her stupid text might've put her in danger. It would be par for the course, being blissfully ignorant of causing harm to people around her; especially the ones she likes.

Katsumi had enough time to change out of her athletic-wear street fighting ensemble to her more sensible(-ish) skirt, tanktop, and chunky boots combo. Indeed, it still comes with gloves and choker. Don't judge. But she was just about to pay the waitstaff when Buffy arrives.

She's stunned at first. Those bright magenta eyes are widened, mouth slightly agape. Quickly, she waves her over to the table. "H-hey! Where've you been!? Were you doing-," she pauses to glance around briskly, "-uh, important.. spooky things? I didn't mean to put you in danger or anything!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okay to be fair, she HAD intended on getting there waaaay earlier, but..By the look of her attire, it looks like she probably DID get into a fight on the way. Heck, she's still got a bruise on her cheek and a cut above her right eye.

But anyway, hey, isn't she only like...20 min late?! Oh wait, scratch that, peering at her watch, Buffy realizes that she's at least an hour late, or two...Waait, w hat time were they supposed to meeet, anyway?

She blinks as she peers around and spots a Kats. "Oh shoot! I'm sorry! How long were you waiting? I thought...Geez..." Buffy shrugs, looking down at her clothes, laughing nervously, "Yeaaah, kinda ran into trouble along the way. Y'know, big hairy werewolves?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is the very image of modest acceptance, nodding along. She's just happy Buffy made it. It means she didn't cause anyone trouble! Right? And then Buffy mentions werewolves, and the punkette pales.

"Y-.. um.. werewolves?," she asks. Her gaze grows haunted, and she lifts a hand to nervously point at the cut above her eye. The fear and concern is palpable in the Japanese diva. "D-did it scratch you? Are you gonna be.. one of them..?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs and shrugs, "Yeaaah, they're a thing. Pretty cranky when they haven't eaten. Saved a kitty from one actually. Weird, that cat often shows up in the middle of chaos and just mysteriously leaves.."

She shrugs and grins, "Nah, I'm fine, it's why I wear all this leather. Besides my new toy that Thomas gave me, works pretty well to keep them at bay." still Buffy feels bad.

"Y'know, since I'm soo late, maybe I should buy you dinner this time..So what kinda place we going to this time? We have soo much to catch up on.."

Bakeneko has posed:
"I.. already ate," Katsumi admits, brushing her right hand over her left shoulder sheepishly. "Didn't think you were coming. Butit'sokay!" The rushed words were intended to keep Buffy from feeling bad or responsible, a pleading overtone to her voice. "And, um, look where we are."

Katsumi rotates around, indicating the restaurant in general.

"I made a little money today. Thought I'd take /you/ out. Odds of some stupid s*** happening /here/ are pretty low, right? Not like karaoke."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows. Shoot. She really IS late. And she's hungry to boot. "Oh...I see.." she grimaces a bit. "Y-yeah, it's..It's fun! Uh..." she peers around, laughing nervously, not off to a great start. "Soooo, what you wanna do now?" she blinks. "Karaoke? Hah, that might be fun. Do they do it in that same place? Maybe I can still grab a bite to eat.."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro blinks at Buffy once, twice, then scowls. She moves around the table to pull out a chair, then attempts to take Buffy by the shoulders and manually seat her upon it. "You came. You're gettin' food. You eat, I talk. I got lots to go over, anyway."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blink-blinks as she's shoved back down in the seat and laughs. "Okaaay! Cool, I can do that. Heck, we can do both! Umm, so what should I order? Are you really sure you're all fed? Cuz I could go for one of those nacho platters maybe.." Yeah, she's hungry and pretty tired, but happy to spend time with her no-Faith-but-similar-friend.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro moves opposite of Buffy and plops her skinny rear into the chair. "I ate," she asserts. "I dunno if I have super metabolism or anything, but believe me, I'm full." It was sad-eating. She doens't intend on elaborating.

Suddenly, her right hand lifts and she snaps her fingers a couple times. "Waiter! Randy! Neal! Whatever the f*** your name was!"

An overburdened young person in a nice white shirt approaches, his countenance mousy. "Y-yes?"

"She's doing the nacho platter. And..." Katsumi pauses, looking curiously at Buffy to finish the thought.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Alright, hmm...." she peers over the menu again and shakes her head, "Actually, I think I'll go with one of these bison burgers, with a side of fries and coleslaw. Sounds good. Ooh, and a ginger beer."

Because she likes beer. Maybe too much. That's a pretty big burger too, guess she's got quite the metabolism on her! "Heh, I'm sure as heck starved. This a good restaraunt? Looks like they serve good food.." that question is pretty open ended as she peers back and forth between Kats and the server. "Oh I think that's all today. Thanks!"

Bakeneko has posed:
The waiter lingers just a second too long, staring between the girls. Katsumi snaps her fingers at him, "Shoo!" With a jolt, he scurries away.

"Buffy Summers, only girl I know who'll go to an Italian restaurant and order a burger with beer," Katsumi teases. "God bless America, right?" With a giggle, she begins to lean back in her seat. The dawning smile pauses in development as she studies the blonde across from her. She has a lot she wants to say, but there remains some concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks at Kats little finger snapping thing, and can't help but chuckle just a bit. "So much like her.." she smirks and just leave sit at that. "Heh, sorry, never really tried Italian before..All that pasta and weird stuff.."

Buffy just shrugs, "Guess I'm just really tired and hungry is all, y'know? A lot of routine gets a bit monotonous sometimes, and..." she sighs, "Haven't seen Thomas in ages. I know his work keeps him busy, but sometimes it just sucks."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro had meant her physical condition, but that seems less important than Buffy's mental and emotional state. So they can focus on that, instead. "They're called meatballs," she cheekily inserts. "But hey, whatever, you wanna be an American stereotype, you do you!" Beneath the table, Katsumi bumps the toe of her boot at Buffy's shin. "Don't get me started on dudes not appreciating what they have. I mean, he's kept busy. Great. Whatever. Meanwhile you're saving the ***damn world." Her lips purse.

"Lemme change the subject. I wanted to do this to sort've... show... appreciation. Right?" Even the way she approaches the topic is still timid and uncomfortable. "Last couple times I tried to do that, it completely blew up. So I figured, this would be the safest. For now. 'Cuz pretty soon, the training wheels are coming off." Her hands fold over the tabletop as she leans forward. "First, that dude, Nick - he got me an in with this other dude. I might be making music for people. Could make some actual money doing that. And there's a wrestling event coming to Metropolis soon. I'm taking you to that, remember? Don't die until then. And I got in contact with the apartment manager back home. Told me some people came and got most of my stuff for safekeeping when they found out I didn't come home. My instruments, my car, all that. I'm supposed to get their information when I get there. It's stupid, but whatever. At least my stuff is safe from being tossed out. Are you still, uh... coming with me?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs a bit nervously. She *would* choose the least Italian meal on the menu. And it's probably too late to change now. Ugh. Oh well. Whatever..Hey, maybe the burger is a giant meatball and has spaghetti in it or something? It looked like an Italiant style burger? eh...

"Sure.." she rubs her eyes tiredly and clearly she is distracted, tired, both physically and mentally. "Well, I wouldn't say the *entire* world, mostly just..SUnnydale. But y'know, those darn vamps have a habit of crawling out of the woodwork and popping up just about everywhere.."

Yes. Yes a subject change would be just fine. "Oh. Wow! You've been busy! Making music with Nick? That sounds awesome! Heck, maybe you can perform at the Blue Lady sometime..That'd be fun. I don't think I've actually heard you sing before.."

She laughs a bit, shaking her head, "c'mon, i'm not that easy to kill. I'll be here, whenever you need me. Sooo..I'm looking forward to this wrestling event, sounds fun! And when you heading back? I'd love to check out Japan.."

Bakeneko has posed:
She hasn't heard her sing. Katsumi's expression softens a little at that, and she leans back in her seat. "You will, I'm sure," she says. Though the rest of the statement causes her eyes to widen. "O-oh, wait, at that place? With the, uh.. very adult-themed singers and dancers?" Somehow the girl who wrestles in scant more than athletic underwear seems put off by the idea of blending music with skimp. It's not the same! Music is classy, it's artsy! Fighting's different!

The topic mercifully changes; or so Katsumi ushers. "It'll be fun. Rest your voice until then! You're gonna scream it out at the arena." The sage advice comes with half-lidded superior gaze and nod. "As for Japan? Uh... soon as possible. I really need to get my life sorted out. If I can start making money, and have a legit job here, I don't have to worry about being deported. But I need my things. I-," she pauses to exhale a breath, "-God, I'm talking about moving countries like it's nothin'."

She paws a hand through her hair, a fidget if ever there was one.

"I don't freak out easy. But I am a little."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow. "Adult themed? That was a costume party, it's not like they dress like that or have those shows all the time.." she smirks, "Honestly, I wouldn't have given that place a second thought if it was an actual strip club. That was tasteful art, heck, they didn't even strip! It was pretty tame for burlesque even."

She srhugs, "Oh, I'm not much of a singer myself. I mean, I can sing, but I'm not *great!* But, i'm looking forward to hearing you sing." she grins.

But that brings up some other important questions. "Soo..didn't you mention you don't actually have a legit visa or citizenship here in America? Won't it be tricky getting back here once you leave..? Just a thought.."

Bakeneko has posed:
"Not if I have a job," Katsumi notes. "And if I'm employed for music stuff, that counts. It's a work visa. I'll be able to hop back'n forth as much as I need to. I mean, money pending."

Her gaze drops briefly to the table, troubled. "Unless they grab me or something for leaving the country late. But I don't think they'll do that. They'd want rid of me, right?" She shakes her head and looks across to Buffy again. "I'm always so damn mopey around you. Forget all that. Tell me what'cha wanna do when we go to Japan."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods. "Yeah, that's good. Good for you!" she smiles, "I'm glad that things are starting to work out for you. And I'm really dying to hear you sing! I'll bet you've got an incredible voice. With all that energy you've got!"

She frowns a bit. "Hmm, well did you already sign a contract with Nick? What exactly are you, a band member? I guess that'd fall under private business or something right? I guess I dont travel much so I dunno the details of the law, but I wonder if you might need to work here a bit longer before actually travelling back to Japan, at least your stuff is safe for a while though, right?"

As for what Buffy would do there, she shrugs and grins, "Dunno, never been! I imagine there's a lot to see, lots of festivals and shopping malls and other interesting stuff. But since you know the place better than me, I'll bet you'll be the perfect tour guide!"

Bakeneko has posed:
"Maybe," says a mildly deflated Katsumi. She might have to delay getting her things. But, indeed, at least they're with someone who knows her. They may try to ransom her belongings back to her, but she's trying not to think about why the information on who exactly it was was being kept secret.

"I didn't sign a contract yet or anything. I did an audition with a bunch've instruments, and it sounded good. So I'm /hoping/ it's something along those lines. Or it could just be me mixing sound or doing the engineering. I'm fine with that, too. It'd justify me going to university."

Katsumi's gaze shifts sidelong in thought. "Club Sega. I'm taking you there. We're doing karaoke, where there won't be psychos ruining the night. We might do a little shopping, if I have the money for it. And there could be festivals! You'll get to see the crappy apartment I lived in, too. If anything's still there. Oh, and I've gotta cook for you. That's a thing."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods. "Yeah, may need to get some sort of official documentation saying you have a job." she smiles, "Well that's awesome, I'm happy for you! And I'm looking forward to this karaoke. I'm sure you'll blow everyone away." she grins. And then lunch is coming and she licks her lips hungrily, "Finally! Hope you dont mind me eating in front of me. Feel free to grab some of my fies though." And she pushes the little tray to where she c an reach it.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro shakes her head quickly, hair scattering in the process. She lets the waiter escape this time without beration, her focus set on Buffy. "I fought earlier tonight. And I totally gorged. I can't possibly eat more. But you go ahead!" She motions invitingly before resuming talking.

"A lot of the karaoke places in Japan have these booths you rent out. Like private rooms for your party. You order food and stuff. Personally, I like the lounge or bar-style ones. Audiences of strangers can be crazy fun."

This, coming from the professional wrestler. It should go without saying.

"Is there, uh, anyone else you're wanting to bring? I know all the people said they'd be into it back at the coffee shop, but a lot of people /say/ things, and then don't actually wanna..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow. "Fought? Fought what, vamps, contenders?" oh yeah, she's curious, she wants to know more! "Well that's good, I dont have to feel so bad.." Kats had mentionned eating earlier but still..

"Ooh, rentable karaoke booths? That's something I could totally get into!" she grins. "Yeaah, definitely have to check one of those out while I'm there." she shrugs, "Anyone else? Nah, not really. I'll just put in a vacation at work, and I'm only taking a short summer course through the university, though it's almost finished. just need a solid date planned is all.."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro nods thoughtfully. "Then... okay. Yeah. I'll pass it to the others, too, just in case. But-" Katsumi gently pokes her index fingers together - a completely Japanese mannerism, "-I just wanna make sure I'm not by myself. Sounds f***ing lame, I know, but... s***, you've seen me be lame before. I can be lame again and admit that, right?"

The translation is that she's not sure she has the strength to go through it all by herself. Even now, alone time is hard on her. She hates the thoughts she's left with.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I did some... you know, street fighting earlier." Her head ducks. She isn't really sure how Buffy feels about the illegal matches. "Fought a girl with some MMA background or something. God, it felt good."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Nah, that's not lame at all!" Buffy shakes her head and smiles. "Really, I get it. Sometimes it's scary going through big changes alone, and I promised I'd be there for you. I mean, my sister has my mom to take care of her so it's not like I have to worry about her, and I'm sure the other scoobies can do patrols without me. I mean we've got enough well trained, super powered types who know their stuff. I'll let Dean and the others know."

She does quirk a curious brow at the whole streetfighting stuff. It's not something Buffy has ever tried, though she has been curious. And to be honest, she's never been a stickler for the law. Heck, she regularly carries weapons, many of them probably even illegal, into battle. She just shrugs and smiles.

"Wow, really? That's interesting, sounds like you had a good time! Did you win the match?"

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro eyeshifts at the question. "Well.. I mean.. yeah. I'm not normal. I'm a freak." The traitorous magenta eyes return to Buffy in a snap, and a guilty grin edges her lips. "I put on a show, though. Let'er beat me up a little. She got me in a crossface, too. I sold the Hell out of it. The audience was freaking out." Yes, she did just call the crowd of bloodthirsty cretins an 'audience'. Because to her, it was a performance. "And most importantly, I didn't really hurt'er! I mean, she's gonna be mad about it, and she'll be sore tomorrow, but no hospitals needed! I'm getting really good at controlling my strength!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks. "Careful, there are probably other metahumans in the fighting ring too. I'll bet others don't fight fair either." she shrugs and grins. "I'd have loved to have watched you in action. I'll bet you held back when we last sparred, but you are obviously a lot stronger than me."

She shrugs. Sure, Buffy is a little curious about it all..Even if the idea of fighting for fun is a little odd for one who's all about life or death. But hey, maybe it's a way to blow off steam as long as there's no loss of life or limb?

"Soo, you gonna go back there again?"

Bakeneko has posed:
"I did. I do. I mean, that's training for me. If I just went brute force, I'd probably really really hurt you. I don't /wanna/ do that. I don't /need/ to do that. What I need to do is not be dangerous. So maybe I can someday get back in the ring for reals." Katsumi exhales a puff of a sigh, tussling her silky bangs. "I might go back there again. I think a dude tried to ask me out, though. I didn't- I mean, I don't need that kind've stress in my life right now, y'know? Fun's fun, but... especially people I meet at something like that. Right? He was way too old for me anyway."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly. "Just be careful. I think that's great that you were able to practice self-control. Just dont want any baddies taking advantage of you or something.." she shrugs. This is new territory, it's not something Buffy has ever been a part of before, but she knows there are ne'er do wells everywhere, perhaps especially in the fighting rink.

She peers back at Kat as she mentions being asked out and smiles. "Oh? Is that so?" she shrugs, "Well I guess I can't talk, I seem to have a habit of dating waaay older guys, and vamps too. It's really up to you, what stage of your life you're at and if you think you have time for dating right now. Just don't let people use you for their own evil ends. but I dont have to tell you that."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro blinks innocently, then bursts into a bright peal of giggles. "Evil. Geeze. You know, this time last year? I would've laughed right in your face for saying something like that. Someone using me for evil ends. God, so /dramatic/!"

She reaches under the table to nudge the toe of her boot at Buffy's shin again. "I'll be fine. Worst influences in my life right now are you. And you're a total girlscout. Besides the whole axes and stakes thing."

There's a pause as a thought crosses her mind.

"Actually, hey. What if I really am some kind of monster? Does that mean you have to, uh... try to kill me?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks. "Me? A girlscout? Really? I mean, compared to Faith, sure, I'm a saint, but..I'm hardly a girlscout. Did I ever tell you about the time I burnt down my first highschool gymnasium? Or how about the time I killed the Mayor of Sunnydale, or skipped school several times to rescue a friend of a friend who was kidnapped by vamps?" she shrugs. "Okay, so I had a real good reason to doing those things, but honestly, I'm not big on authority figures."

As for Katsumi really being a monster, Buffy just smirks, shaking her head, playfully nudging her back with her foot. "C'mon, I'd never do that. I mean, I'm dating an incubus for crying out loud, I'm allied with a fallen angel and friends with two vampires. Besides you haven't exactly done anything evil."

Bakeneko has posed:
"Yeah, you've not watched me wrestle," Katsumi muses. "I'm rotten."

Katsumi exhales a soft sigh, this time a little more extended as she reflects on what Buffy's said. "That sounds so... crazy. And I'd have absolutely thought you were crazy if you told me that before. But now? I'm pretty sure you did have a reason for all that. And that you're not lying. Or delusional." Her gaze dips to Buffy's burger. "Life's gotten a lot more complicated..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head. "Rotten? You kidding me? You could have kicked my ass repeatedly if you hadn't held back." she shrugs and grins, "Yeaah, guess I'm a regular delinquent. got thrown out of the first school, nearly got thrown out of the second school too. Oh well. Life's complicated." she nods.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro leans forward with an energetic nod. "Maybe so, but beating you up wasn't the point! I just wanted to feel alive, like myself again! And you were.. kind'a good for that. Kind'a. You were fussy, though." She giggles again, pulled out of the potentially morose topic of how life has taken such an unpredictable turn. "But you've not really seen me be mean! Like, intentionally mean. I think I might've been unintentionally mean to you'n your friends a couple times. But when I'm really pourin' the heat on, whooh!"