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Latest revision as of 14:37, 7 August 2020

A Bird and A Lamp
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Balcony, Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Tim discovers that Phoebe has secrets. Phoebe discovers Tim has secrets.
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The Beacon household was alive with music, drifting through the open front window and onto the street as some light, middle-century folk rock rings out in the gathering twilight. Inside, Caroline Beacon was humming along with the music, not expecting visitors as she finishes up a solo dinner and some clean up.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes by to bring Phoebe her favorite snack, and some flowers. He will knock on the door. He does not plan on staying long but wants to let her know he is thinking about her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Caroline answers the door, looking a bit perplexed to see Tim standing there.

    "Hey, Tim -- dropping off some items for Phoebe?" she inquires, her eyebrows rising up. "She's not home."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow rises for a brief moment, but he tries to hide it and looks to Caroline, and nods "Yea, I was in the area, and thought it would be neat for her to comeback home to find a bit of a surprise for her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh, well -- I'll go ahead and take it and set it on the table. I think she was taking up extra volunteer shifts at the university -- did you try checking there for her?" Caroline inquires.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head and fibs a bit to her "Na, as I said was just in the area, and thought I would drop some stuff off. I figure it is always good to give her a happy surprise.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "All right -- well, I won't keep you then, Tim, unless you'd rather wait inside for her." Caroline gives a wry smile as she accepts the flowers and chocolate popcorn, and gives a grin. "She really is fond of you, almost every other time she goes out it's to go hang. I'm beginning to think she likes your place better than hers!" she lughs.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "I think it is she likes the stew you told me how to make." He will thank her, and offers hug to her even, and then heads on out. He hmms a bit as he ponders every other time...

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Meanwhile, several rooftops away, a gray shadow made its way streetside on silent feet, heading out to the Narrows.

    So, with Phoebe mysteriously not at home -- not to mention most nights out (not that Tim spends too many in), where does that lead young Mr. Tim Drake?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake should probably let it go, but she fibbed to him, and the whole Batman training makes one a bit paranoid, and hate a mystery. He will head tot he car and then first take a time to check out Phoebe's social media and see what it has her imprint for today.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Imprints of Phoebe's social media has a couple of comments from much earlier in the day, a couple of pictures from a self-defense demo she helped at a few weeks ago -- but other than that? No updates. Could try tracking her by her cell -- if it's GPS is turned on!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake could probably even turn it on if it is off, he is the tech guy after all. He ponders it a bit and will drive to a place he can hide the car, and heads to the Rooftops in the costume. He debates with himself a bit but with her powers he argues himself into trying to get her GPS down and where she it.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    It's easy enough for Tim to track it down and turn the GPS on. To triangulate where she's moving to within about six feet or so. TO track her down to being too near to the Narrows to really be comfortable -- in a particularly bad neighborhood that Tim was certainly not allowed to go near when he was the 'Boy Wonder'.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will head that way roof top to roof top. He knows these streets and the roofs well. He heads across town to the are and once inside the narrows slows down to start looking for her more. To his credit he is more concerned something might be wrong than jealous at least.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    After all, Phoebe proved head-strong, canny, and more than capable of taking care of herself, if she was in the Narrows, there's probably a really good reason for it -- and that's about the time the gunshot might have been heard, in the same direction Phoebe's signal was coming from!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake fights the urge to go running. Gunshots can hurt her but she would be ok with most of them. Thats what he tells himself. Still he is moving a bit quicker than normally would, maybe letting the stealth take second place as he heads to see what happened if it involved her or not.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    ANd wouldn't you know it. There's a fight in the alley. A gun slides beneath a big, overfull dumpster as a figure in a gray hood and jacket sits, a broom handle over their shoulders, gloved fingers curled around the wood.

    There are four figures with her in the alleyway, one holding his hand in pain, backing away with a broken hand, and the other three arced out, trying to decide what to do.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look it over and pretty sure it is a hero against some thugs. This hero maybe have helped Phoebe. He will to a quick scan for Phoebe, and moves to drop down into the shadows behind the goons, and prepares to help where it maybe needed

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And Tim would be able to see the pale domino mask and gray face-shield of the broom-handle armed woman, who looks genuinely surprised when Red Robin makes an appearance.

    "-- what? TWO capes now?" the apprent leader of the goons states, and turns and -- regards Robin.

    He holds up his hands. "Whoa now, I gots no issue with any of yous guys now --" he turns back to the girl swathed in gray "You's with him?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake had planned on making an entry but his hurrying made him make more noise than he planned. He looks over to the goons, and says "Now the more important question is why would 4 gentlemen be picking on a lady by her lonesome, does not seem very gentlemanly dudes."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The head goon turns back, and he looks between the two and states, with a thumb pointing backwards:

    "There she goes, trippin' on our turf, handing out bag lunches and doing glowy magic tricks on people an' doesn't want to join our gang! If she's not with you, we wnts her!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns and says "So, your telling me your gonna start giving someone grief for just trying to help people. He will shakes his head a bit, and says "When people are trying to help people you say thank you." He pulls his staff spinning it as it extends. He lets it stop just inches from the leaders chin "Now, see I think you should tell her thank you, and that you are not going to harass anyone who is trying to help folk. In fact, I think you need to do some community service."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Uh... right! Sorry, Lady!" the goons all say (even the goon with the busted hand), and then they all scurry off, not willing to deal with Red Robin.

    ... likely they dealt with Robins before.

    The girl in the gray jacket looks relatively surprised, by her stance, and her muffled voice comes out:

    "You're not going to try to get me to join a gang, are you? Pretty sure recruiting into your club's a bit more difficult."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks her over and says "No, I just happened to come across you while looking for someone and looked like you might need some help. He offers her a hand and says "Red Robin." He does look at his wrist comp to see which way to go looking for Phoebe.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I... uh... have been calling myself the Gotham Beacon..." the gray-clad girl replies, though she hesitates to reach out a hand, instead of, giving a wave of one hand from its perch over the yoke of the broomstick over her back.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And of course, accurate to six feet -- Phoebe's got her phone on her, somewhere, beneath the gray jacket.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks up a brow riased a bit at the not shaking hands and a bit higher when he looks at the gps. He will stoop down a moment looking under any dumpster just to be safe, but then stands up, and says "Glowing magic tricks, something besides healing?" He asks, of her. How does RR know she can heal people.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I see you've been paying attention to the talk in the town" Beacon replies quietly, though with a slight bit of suspicion. She circles about slightly, suspicious of Red Robin's arrival and the way he searches.

    He does find the gun that got knocked out of the creton's hands.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Well, I heard someone was out and about doing some things that could be dangerous and I thought I would check into it a bit. He does type on his wrist and yes he will cause her phone to ping from an anonymous account he wants to check something while he has her near.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And a pleasant chime errupts from the the Gotham Beacon's rear end, and she looks alarmed a moment.

    She wasn't expecting that -- thought she silenced that, in fact..."

    "Sorry -- you know, modern technology.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yes, that is something you may want to be more cautious of Miss Beacon, someone who knows computers and knows you could track you down by your GPS if they were worried you were not at home when they came to bring you snacks and flowers." Again, he is rather specific. He does wonder if her mom might have sent her pic of what he brought her

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Then it clicked.

    "... Tim?" Phoebe asks quietly, blinking a moment in disbelief. There's just too many coincidences. It was strange. Too strange.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake steps in and brings his gloved finger to her lips. He will step into her and puts an arm around her, before pulling out the grapple shooting it up, and then reeling himself and her up to a rooftop

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    You know what she wouldn't have expected?

    THe nerdy geeky boyfriend who was trying to abscond with her to Japan was... just...

    He put his finger to his lips, and she feels his arm around her -- and when his rother arm raises, she gives a squeak and holds tight before they get realed on.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake swings them over to a rooftop, and to answer her earlier question he will kiss her. holding her a moment longer before breaking the kiss, and taping on his wrist to make sure no bugs or such about. "So, using me as a cover to put yourself in danger hon?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Her heart was pounding, her fingers trembling, her eyes wide as she pulls down the faceguard, and she feels Tim's lips on hers. She gives a quiet sound, curling her fingers against him, breathing out before she looks up at him with mixed wonder and surprise!

    "Ordinarily it's not danger, I had that situation well in control!" she squeaks out.

    "... you're Robin!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "Red Robin, Robin is shorter, and a pain in the ass." He looks to her, and says "Well I do believe I heard a gun going off before I got there."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Went off when it hit the ground. Went through the dumpster." Beacon states quietly, and she just sort of stands, in mixed emotions, and she breathes out as she mutters "Right, right, Red Robin... I just... you're.. and I'm just... and wow."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "Yes, and glad you did not tell your mom you were at my place tonight, as I dropped by to drop stuff off for you." He tells her. He will start walking around her checking out her costume.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    She's not wearing armor. It's a light gray jacket -- it's been patched in places where it's been ripped, stabbed, or shot. She's wearing slightly baggy pants for ease of movment, tucked into sturdy hikingboots.

    It's not proper crimefighting gear.

    She's even dropped her broomstick when Tim scooped her up.

    "Well. At least one thing went right. Otherwise she'd be going out of her mind with worry."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Ok, how long have you been doing this?" He will ask her, and stands in front of her. His own staff seems to have disappeared as he has collapsed it and put back on his belt.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... well. Off and on, maybe a year?" Beacon replies hesitantly, rubbing the back of her hood as she regards Tim. "Mostly dealing with homeless camps. Passing out food. Healing wounds and sprains and the like." she explains."I'm... going to guess you've been doing it a lot longer."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "Well will say I am not the first Robin. "Ok, lets go somewhere we can talk a bit more freely." He offers her his arm.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You're not old enough to be the first." Beacon points out, and knowing now what she does, she gives a wry smile, and gives Tim her arm, looping it around. "Ah... just tell me if you're going to start grappling and ziplining, please?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yea to the car, just a few blocks away." He will tell her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "All right, you lead, I'll follow along. Let's see if I can keep up with you."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit to this but will not, and uses his grapple to swing over a few roofs watching her a bit as he does.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And she takes off running, leaping alleyways easily, scrambling around chimneys as Tim swings about.

    She maybe didn't think that one through!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will stop a few roofs over and waits for her "Not a fan of the grapples?" He will ask her as she catches up to him.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I didn't think... you were going to grapple... with my arm laced with yours!" Phoebe admits, and gives a laugh. "I see how you guys get around the city so fast though!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Oh I thought you wanted to try to see if you could get along that way, your wanting a foot race?" He asks her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Was thinking, yeah, but now? I'd rather just ride piggy back or something. I ran all the way *out* here." she laughs, Phoebe's bright grin lighting up her face.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and moves to take her into his arm again and gets her to the Red Robin car lets her have a seat in his fancy car.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The Red Robin car, quite fancy, and The Beacon sort of sits in the car, and looks around at all the tech and do-dads and breathes out a moment, her shoulders rising up.

    "Hokaaay, so... you're a tech genius and a superhero."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit over to her, and says "Says the lady who is out healing people and fighting thugs on her own." He does set the controls of the car and lets it drive them

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well someone's gotta do it! What am I supposed to do, sit on my front porch and advertise?" Phoebe inquires, peeling back her domino a momement and letting her skin air out a little.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Well, if your going to be out here doing this might need to get a few upgrades." He will tell her and soon the car is moving into a tunnel and under ground.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Upgrades?" the girl inquires a moment, with some measure of alarm, reaizing that they were going much faster than she thought, and she purses her lips as they go underground.

    "Where are we going?" she questions quietly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Home." He will tell her and soon they are coming into the roost on the bottom level. "Yea, figure you could use something a bit more than a hoodie, and a broom handle hon."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... I do have something more than a broom handle. It just wears me out to use it." she admit quietly, Phoebe glancing over to Tim before rubbing the back of her head.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "I was thinking something like my staff, but you have an attack power?" He asks, and gets out once the car is parked offering her his hand.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well..." Phoebe states, and she draws up, reaching to her side, and from her palm a bright flash kicks up, and for a brief moment it's laylight in Red Robin's Roost -- and she's holding a brilliantly glowing staff.

    "Magic light tricks."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and looks at her "Interesting, and how often can you make this?' He will ask her, studying it and her for a moment.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Any time I want... just... after holding it for fifteen minutes it wears down and I can't heal myself or others for a bit." Beacon states, and she lets the light fade out, shaking her hand a moment

    "So. Yeah, now you know all my secrets"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks her over, and says "Good to know, and might not be something you want to use unless you have to." He reaches down pulls his own and lets it extend and offers it over to her.