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Digging up the Past: A Side-Trip
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: An abandoned store front at the Gotham riverfront.
Synopsis: The Punisher attracts more attention than he intended with a meetup address. Both Batgirl and Karrin get a courtesy call.
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Oracle, Karrin Murphy

Punisher has posed:
Truth be told, it's been an intense couple of days for Barbara. A number of embedded alarms have been triggered; there was a known security breach a couple months back about a *VERY* cold case. Now? Someone has been hit and running various databases for dossiers related to the case. Just hours ago, another breach into the GCPD database searched for a Malcom Moretti. Attempting to trace brought up nothing, as the equipment had been turned off minutes after.

Oracle did get one ongoing hit though... Someone had looped the cameras during Agent Schwizer's kidnapping... and left a file in the camera memory; an address.

Given how likely this was to be a trap, Batgirl had ample reason to monitor the location: A burned out store front near the waterfront, abandoned for over a year after the last owners went bankrupt. Thus far? There hasn't been anything of note...

That changed ten minutes ago, when a motion tracker monitoring the area got tripped.

Oracle has posed:
When she finally has something -- anything -- to actually follow up on, Barbara will take it. Flitting across town on the rooftops as Batgirl is second nature, and she comes to a landing atop a building across the road from where the motion tracker is secreted. Right now, it's simply recon that she's aiming for, trying to see who and what is going on. But she's loaded with her usual gear so that just in case she finds something useful or even gets sight of the kidnappee, she's ready. Trap? She's watchful of all of that. But she may not be quite ready for what she finds.

Punisher has posed:
Nothing has changed. Outwardly. The motion alarm was for the alleyway into the back of the storefront, so it's very possible someone was still in there. From where Batgirl can see the alleyway though, the door still looks closed, and nothing has been seriously disturbed. People continue on their business.

Oracle has posed:
If one weren't watching for the caped contingent, Batgirl's movement from one perch to a new angle wouldn't be spotted. She's good at what she does. But so is the person who tripped the alarm she had in place. As she settles her boots to the balcony at the top of the alley, she is visible. And it's clear that she's actively seeking her prey. Her landing on the alley floor is cat-footed, but not as silent as the Big Bat would have made it. And still, there is little to draw her attention.

Moving quietly, she makes her way into the building, seeking out whatever or whoever tripped the alarm.

Punisher has posed:
As Batgirl walks in, there's nothing inside that seriously gets her attention. The fire that ruined the place was never seriously cleaned up, so there's plenty of debris around. Having been a liquor store, there was plenty of fuel.

"I was wondering when one of the brats would get involved." Comes a voice from the left of Batgirl. It wouldn't take Barbara long to connect the dots. With the resources and skill needed to pull off a kidnapping like this without enough evidence for Batman to be able to find the agent already, the list of suspects was extremely minimal.... and the voice was easily recognizable. "go back to your hole, girl. Nothin' for you here but a shell to the face if you get in my way."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Part of her knew this wasn't the best idea, but this was also still her beat in so many ways. Her old neighborhood, her old church, her old friend's family. Her last contact with that missing DEA agent. So, Karrin's taken every precaution she knows but is now walking rather blindly into what is most likely a trap.

She's got her kevlar on under her usual leather jacket, her little but effective SIG in her hand, and sharp blue eyes on the scene. As she approaches, she keeps her back as covered as possible, hugging the wall in the shadows as she moves on foot to the little store. For a mortal without any powers to her name? She's pretty damn good at keeping quiet and low. She also isn't wearing her uniform. This isn't BHPD investigating, this is Karrin Murphy.

Her schooled and deathly quiet footsteps carry her to just outside the door, about to swing in and clear the room, when she hears a voice. She presses harder against the edge of the door frame, listening. Was that for her, or someone else?

Oracle has posed:
Well, if he was planning on shooting her, he'd have already done it. Or so she'd like to believe. Batgirl turns slowly toward the sound of the gravelly voice. "You know... *He* wouldn't even bother to *ask* what you're doing, things would just get bloody in a hurry," she observes mildly. "BUt I'm really curious about why you're kidnapping DEA agents in Gotham. I mean... if you *want* the Bat to come out and play, it's not hard to get him there. And you went to an awful lot of trouble covering this one. So clearly you were attempting to finish business without drawing his eyes." She doesn't move, knowing that if he's going to shoot at her, he's already got her in his sights. "Wanna give me a heads up on the problem?" Not like the 'nope' answer isn't obvious, but maybe if she gets him talking, she'll learn who exactly is up to shenanigans that we've missed.

Punisher has posed:
"I'm not afraid of the Bat. If I were, I wouldn't be operatin' in Gotham." The grating voice continues from the left. There's still no sign of him though; Seeing it first hand, it's clear that the Punisher knows what he's doing when it comes to stealth. "I have my hands full fightin' a war on multiple fronts in New York. Strategically, Gotham is low priority right now."

Then, out from behind a rack comes a person... whom is exactly who Batgirl thought; The Punisher in full regalia, including his trenchcoat. His gear web is loaded up too.

He's clearly ready for a fight, if Batgirl gets it in mind to start one. That SPAZ-12 he's wielding would make trying it... unpleasant.

The Punisher is just about every bit as good at Deadshot is with a gun, and that right there is a custom tooled combat shotgun. Batgirl would be at a serious disadvantage if she tried.

"The message in the file system was a courtesy call for you people, so we can have a chat. You don't exactly leave a callin' card."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The night is just quiet enough that Karrin can make out almost every word that is being said. So, horribly curious or not, the little cop remains pressed against the wall right outside the door. Her SIG remains in her hands, definitely no measure for the firearms inside, but it fits in her small palms and she's not going into this situation unarmed.

If she's lucky, she won't have to go in at all. She keeps her eyes on the shadows and area around her, looking for anything out of place or a hint that she might be giving her own position away, but she's not moving otherwise. Karrin's doing her best to become one with the side of the building, barely breathing other than some low, deeply controled inhalations when necessary, but she is still as humans can be.

Oracle has posed:
Fair enough. Batgirl's lips quirk faintly. She's not as rigid as the Bat himself. "Then thank you for the good manners," she replies lightly. She doesn't appear as if she's going to start anything, her hands hanging loosely at her sides. She does step sideways so that her back is not to the door but instead to the wall besides it so that she can keep the door in her periphery.

Curiosity evident in her tone, she asks, "What's on your mind, Mr. Castle?"

Punisher has posed:
"I'm here workin' on somethin' I came across during a quick raid. I got what I needed from the agent, and my plan is to release him once I've finished up with another aspect of the operation. He was just a bit reluctant to talk, so I had to get a bit rough, but he'll be fine." The Punisher suddenly looks to one side just slightly, as if listening to a conversation. "Not one of theirs? You're sure?"

Five seconds...

"Right. Keep an eye on it." The Punisher looks back to Batgirl, then. "Seems like my callin' card got more than just you and yours. You've got a civvie just outside."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Well, so much for being unseen. Drones are hard to spot, and the little shadow in a street light Karrin saw could have been a bat or bird as much as it was what she fears. The words from inside confirm her worries a moment latter. Karrin's jaw tightens, considering her options for a handful of heartbeats. She could run, maybe out run the people inside, and get no information.

Or, she could swing in, keep her back as protected as possible, and join the conversation. If the Punisher was going to shoot up the place, he probably would have already. So, after another second on the edge of a decision, Karrin shoves the door open and swings into the room. Her gun's still pointed at the ground, not intending on attacking anyone there immediately, but clearly prepared to defend herself. She was quite the civilian -- barely over five feet, built tiny but taunt, and with the motions of someone who's had a lot of training in her life despite being at a forever disadvantage. Or, probably, because of it. "...guessing you had eyes out there in a drone. Well, I didn't come to just listen anyway..."

Blue eyes track quickly across the room, noting every other target and occupant. Barbara is given a brief nod, and then the man she's seen on more than a few files.

Oracle has posed:
Somehow him 'getting what he needed' from the agent is not exactly reassuring, but Batgirl merely sighs. And then the eyes behind the mask narrow on him even as the caped woman glances toward the door. She'd pinch the bridge of her nose in aggravation -- what the hell is one of Bludhaven's PD doing in Gotham in the middle of the night with a *weapon* out?? Barbara recognizes her only because she's very recently been browsing PD files for Bludhaven -- but that's less important than what probably brought the officer.

Barbara's gloved hand comes up, palm out, to hold Karrin where she is. "Just stay right there. I assume you're following up on the agent too, officer. He's.... in one piece." Her attention returns to Punisher.

"You were saying?"

Punisher has posed:
"You might as well holster that weapon, officer. I could have put a shell through the wall if I wanted to knock you on your ass." The Punisher notes to Karrin, before he looks to Batgirl, "given I don't have a fuckin' idea when I'll be back in Gotham, this seemed like as good a time as any to get some lines of communication started. I may think you and the rest of the bats are all naive fools like Red over in New York, but at least you're tryin', and I have no interest in rockin' that particular boat yet."

He gives a sideways nod to Karrin, "the police are easy... you?" He looks to Batgirl, "I was actually considerin' puttin' up a bait and switch for the grinnin' asshole to get your attention, but Microchip convinced me to try it this way first."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin is not accustomed to taking orders from vigilantes. Well, not THESE kind of vigilantes, at least. She tightens her jaw a bit in Barbara's direction, mouth in a skeptical line, but she doesn't refuse. She remains near to the door, back protected by the wall as best possible. She's still not raised her gun. Everything about her body language says she's not here to fight but she will if she must.

"Lines of...communication are a good place to start. I know what file you pulled, who the woman was, who her son is. I'm just trying to take care of the people of this city. Which means...maybe we're all on the same side. So, let's stop the dick waving contest and start communicating." She nods for Barbara to ask a few more questions. She does, however, finally holster her gun. A show of momentary trust. She'd probably be dead anyway, if he turned on her. For now, she goes quiet and listens. She learns more that way.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl's jaw clenches. "Well, do tell your friend Microchip I appreciate it immensely. The grinning asshole, as you call him, is really not my favorite kind of evening." There are many things in his statement that she could unpack and ask about -- he has no interest in rocking the boat YET and Red in New York could be a number of people -- but for now she keeps it simple.

Grateful that the officer puts away her weapon, Batgirl can't help a small smile at the tart retort. Her attention comes back to Punisher. "What does the agent have to do with the cold case you're looking into? And what's your interest in it?" Obviously it ties together or he wouldn't be looking at all those files related to the one case.

Punisher has posed:
"Nothin' you need to worry about." The Punisher states with finality. He's clearly not interested in sharing with Batgirl. Instead, one hand reaches for a pocket, and tosses a business card in Batgirls direction. Then, he starts walking for the alleyway. "That's a proxy fitted address that Microchip will maintain to talk to you. Use it... or ignore it. Consider it a digital dead drop."

"Oh... and if you manage to find the agent and release him before I'm done with my other plans, I'll know that attemptin' to do anythin' like this truce again would be a waste of time and I'll just consider you and the rest of the brats active disruptors to be subdued on sight."

He stops just nearby Karrin, and looks at her, "There are parts to this that we should discuss later. Microchip is doin' a workup on you now."

The Punisher heads for the exit, "Don't call us, we'll call you... and he'll be out in three, maybe four days, max."

Oracle has posed:
A hand whips out and catches the card with ease. Batgirl's eyes are narrowed and she would roll them were it not for the fact that Batman's even worse about the tight-lipped crap sometimes. Mild annoyance flits across her features and she shakes her head watching the tall man head out of the store. "Some days I do not get paid enough for this mess," she mumbles in a fit of pique after the departing figure.

Not that she gets paid at all.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A dry smirk crosses her expression at the Punisher and Karrin just stares hard for a few moments more. "...in the interest of ...cooperation... And the fact I know not a single person you've... Handled, has been innocent, I guess this is a good start." But the look in her eyes says she'd have fought back if she needed to. If she thought he was as awful as the papers said. She'd have fought and probably died. She's got the look of a woman who long decided to put her own life in danger before others and the fear has worn off.

But there's hope here too. No guns were fired. No fight broke out. Barbara is given a long, curious gaze as the Punisher moves for the exit. Karrin doesn't move to stop him. She waits to see if the woman might try. An understanding smirk deepens on her mouth at Barbara's mutterance and Karrin just echoes, "...you get paid?" She certainly wasn't on the clock herself.

Her shoulders ease a bit when the ticking time bomb of a man leaves the room.

Oracle has posed:
"Pfffft. As if," Batgirl snorts. Tucking the card into a compartment on her belt, the tall woman turns to face the officer fully. "Now... what is a BPD officer doing out of her jurisdiction pulling a weapon on the streets of Gotham without calling in backup?" she asks Karrin mildly.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Well that was unnerving. Karrin's not used to being the one that is known. Sharp blues narrow moreso on the woman across from her and she doesn't move from her semi-protected place, shoulders to the wall, right next to the exit that the Punisher just left. She exhales a ragged little laugh, shaking her head.

"Not BPD business, that's for certain. This is a...matter of friendship and protection, not work. So, means I come alone. Besides, I used to protect this city too. Still have a soft spot for Gotham, you might say. You seem to know me... but I can't say the same for you. Care to enlighten an old cop?" She asks with a lofted brow.

Oracle has posed:
"Batgirl," the caped woman says evenly. "I have ties in both cities as well -- helping Nightwing up in Bludhaven at times. So I recognize you from the rosters." Meaning the Bats have the cops in a database somewhere, most likely. Not that it should come as a surprise to anyone who might have ties to cops in Gotham.

Her gaze flickers toward the door Punisher used to leave and she seems pensive for a moment. And then she shakes it off. "You caught their little message," she observes as she studies the officer. "Takes a sharp eye for that. Perhaps we'll be talking again." Her smile is a touch cheeky.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Batgirl. I... well, don't know that I'd call him your boss, but Batman and I have crossed paths before. I...have a feeling we're all vaguely on the same side here. Let's keep it that way." With that, Karrin gives her a small tip of her head, a half salute, and moves for the door. She'd rather not hang around to get caught operating out of her turf and she's said her piece. She's still careful to watch her back as she heads down a few blocks to her bike, but the pure paranoia is mostly gone. For now.