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Latest revision as of 14:55, 7 August 2020

A Spoonful of Mischief
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Loki is up to his old tricks, but Morgana and Grant are here to enjoy.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Aguila 6, Morgana le Fay

Loki has posed:
New York City is rather lovely this time of day. Despite the utter mediocrity of the humans who live in this unsurprisingly political city, Loki has always enjoyed it -- there's a reason he always wanted to rule the world from this place.

But...oh dear, oh dear...its so utterly dull. Its always the same things. Scream at this person, rob this store, pray to the gods for a hero to save you...lets liven up the situation, shall we?

As Loki happened to be strolling through the city disguised as a businessman named 'Lawrence', he suddenly points to the sky. "Look! Run for your lives!" No doubt due to Loki's machinations, there's about ten Frost Giants causing trouble and commiting a vile display of public property damage! Who will save the day as Loki falls into his old tricks?

Aguila 6 has posed:
There are lots of things out there that make Grant get up in the morning. Necessities, mostly, but what really drives him is the idea of making a profit. That's what he's out and about doing today, preparing to kidnap someone to collect an illegally placed bounty on their head. He's in the back of a van with a small team of his men. There's a rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher slung across his back as he waits for his van to pull up next to his prey.

But of course he'll not have the chance to go ahead and capture the bounty as his target suddenly changes direction and flees from the arriving frost giants, ducking down into a subway entrance in the hope that it'll offer protection or allow him to escape.

As a direct result of this Captain Washington gets angry. Nobody messes with him collecting a paycheck, even if they're a giant monster.

Yelling to his driver in Spanish as he opens the door to climb out, "Don't get killed. Keep the van nearby for my escape." Then another exclamation, this time in English, "I'm going to kill these suckers." The rifle is brought around in front so that he can hold it at the ready, checking quickly to make sure his grenade launcher is loaded. Then he heads towards the nearest giant.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Who will save the day? Probably not the robe clad woman who is like Loki, strolling through New York City really. She does something not many do and looks up, and shakes her head looking a little irritated at the whole thing. Frost giants...really. Really? Morgana isn't entirely thrilled. Nor is the van making her feel any happier. See. Morgana is not in the best of moods today. The trip from Avalon nearly ended up with her flying through an airliner. Stupid big metal tubes with wings that go and scream...

Now she's here, and points a finger at the frost giants. She has access to elemental magic herself. But if she pushes too hard, then...she's draining herself

Loki has posed:
Grant moves to the nearest giant and the large creature looks -specifically- at him and shouts something likely profane at him in Jotun, a language which he probably doesn't understand, and proceeds to try and swing that heavy mallet in its hand directly upon him, intending to turn him into paste.

As for Morgana, well, it would appear one of the largest ones seems to notice the witch of ancient days and approaches her, not thinking her a threat. It shouts at her in Jotun as well, though rather than the one who is attacking grant, the Frost Giant appears to be speaking curiously. Either that, or its being very wary. Hard to say.

Meanwhile, 'Lawrence' looks very non-plussed at all of this chaos and is currently sitting in a chair at a non-specific diner, sipping on a cup of soda. "Vile drink. How do mortals even drink this putrid essence?"

Aguila 6 has posed:
"First you cost me money, now you want to smash me?" Grant asks the giant even as he's dodging aside to avoid getting crushed. Shouldering his rifle he aims it at the giant's head, switches it from safe to semi and starts firing controlled pairs towards the beast's eyes. "I'm going to sell your corpse to a freak show, you big bastard!"

Even as he shoots he moves to get a bit of distance, just enough so that a grenade he fires will arm before striking the target. The target in this case being the frost giant's neck. With a loud 'thump' the grenade launcher goes off!

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana on the other hand....she's conversing with the frost giants. Something like...go home already. Morgana's a gifted, if older than dirt, linguist....though her eyes glint and she changes her tune. She's actually not telling them to stop. She's explaining it's not her problem if things get destroyed, really...and if they'd ekep Morgana out of the line of fire, mind...

She does, though...coat the road in a slight film of ice just to sate her hatred of humanity. Because she wants to subjugate them all.

Where better to start than by making them late for work, or in a wreck or something? Plus it gives her that evil thrill. And really, she just wants to get revenge on New York

Loki has posed:
The giant attacking Grant seems to retreat a moment after getting its face pelted with bullets, which honestly doesn't seem to do that much to it aside from being greatly irritating, like getting tennis balls thrown at you repeatedly-level of irritating. But just as the giant is about to attack again, it eats a grenade to the neck, causing its head to explode into ice and its body to collapse.

One down, nine to go.

As for Morgana, as she converses with the Frost Giant....it appears as if it is uninterested in 'sharing' in its victory aside from its own kin. So it proceeds to roar in her face, as if to cover her in snow.

'Lawrence' is laughing in the distance.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Are they literally made of ice?" Grant asks as he surveys the giant whose head he just exploded, looking around for the next threat curiously. Smoothly, he reloads his grenade launcher, letting the empty shell fall to the ground before it's replaced with another high explosive grenade. "I have to wonder if someone's going to end up paying for this," he mutters as he performs a tactical reload on his rifle as well, jogging towards the next giant. "I should get a GoPro and put this on the internet. I'm sure people would pay to see me take these things down."

The sound of laughter catches his ear and Washington turns to look for the source. Just some dude drinking coke and watching the monster mash. Must be a typical day in a city with so many super powered people.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana gets an idea andd, well, fires, a jet of flame at the throst giant while making a hasty retreat. If she can bait them to follow her, why not? On that thought...she creates s a burst of flame around her from head to toe. It's...like she's just sent out a shockwave made of flame. yeah so what if those chairs melt, and that awning catches fire? Small problems right?

Don't those humans have people to fight fires? Why do they not have people to fight ice? That's....actually a good point to Morgana.

Still she runs and runs, seeing if they'll follow. If so? Good. If not. morgana's got an idea too, call in a few friends of her own, if she can pick some that is. Mostly since Morgana's got enough friends and magical creatures to, well, fill a kingdom.

Loki has posed:
As Grant continues to explore, he'll find a Frost Giant bigger than the one he just took down start -sprinting- at him with murderous intent. What will Grant do in response? He knows his weapon packs a punch, so why not make it two's company?

As for Morgana, when she fires her flame at the Frost Giant, it clearly doesn't appreciate it. But something different also happens -- the giant seems to be getting smaller. Heat and ice don't mix, thats just a fact of life. But seeing their brother in trouble, two other frost giants pursue.

In the meantime, 'Lawrence' seems to be telling the tale to himself. "A wizardess and hardened mercenary fight against the forces of darkness and ice in defense of a world that they believe belongs to them. The poor duo fights as hard as they can, but refuse to fall in the name of protecting what is theirs."

He ponders. "A story has many beginnings, but how will this one reach its conclusion?"

Aguila 6 has posed:
"They get bigger?" Grant asks rhetorically as the bigger version of the thing he just slew comes charging at him. Best to nip that in the bud with another shot from his grenade launcher. 'Thump!' goes the weapon as the explosive device is sent flying towards the villainous monster's head. As soon as the shot is fired the mercenary is moving again, trying to make sure that the hopefully soon to be corpse won't fall down and crush him.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
More fire. More flames. More...Morgana firing flames...and oh, yes. Morgana's annoyed now. Mostly since she's not in any hurry to show off mini frost things in Avalon. Nope. Instead, she's had enough of fihting and isn't wanting to spend all day picking fights with the frost giants. Mostly sincee, well, Morgana has places to be, and things to do.
These frost giants are not on here 'to do list' so she is perfectly fine leaving well enough alone. She only shot flame at one to see what'd happen.

Loki has posed:
As 'Lawrence' is crafting his story, he narrows his eyes at Morgana. "....as the witch runs away and leaves the mercenary to die." He growls. "Ruining my story as mortals always do. Fine, I suppose I should give them the savior they so love and crave." with a snap of his fingers, 'Lawrence' seems to literally shift into a being with long black hair and green, black, and gold armor. Minus the helmet. But, the businessman is revealed to be Loki in disguise.

Morgana may immediately notice the new magic presence.

But, Loki seems to float into the air, a slow exhale of his breath as cold exudes from him. "Back to where you belong, beasts whom I call my kin. You don't belong in my world." and with a carefully crafted spell, the frost giants who were pursuing Morgana seem to fall through portals that appear directly beneath their feet.

The same is true for the other Frost giants, minus the one that is immediately exploded into shards of ice by Grant Washington.

Back to Jotunheim.

"Do me a favor for once, mortals, and be appreciative." he murmurs to himself begrudgingly. Mischief isn't fun if there's no further entertainment to be had from it.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana did sense it, true and she's made a note of it. Not her place to go toe to toe with Loki, at least not right now no...but given enough time, and enough effort, oh she will absolutely stand up to Loki and give him a piece of her mind.

Aguila 6 has posed:
After his giant explodes and the others go ahead and disappear, Grant reloads his grenade launcher and looks around to try to figure out what exactly appears to be happening.

Then, there's Loki. Washington begins strolling his direction, reaching up to touch his throat on the way over to say in Spanish, "Get ready to bring the van to my location."

Dealing with gods may be above his pay grade, but that's not reason to be impolite. The mercenary scans his surroundings once more and jogs towards the mischievous deity, "Yo. You got rid of the giants, right?

Loki has posed:
Loki settles back onto the ground, before his attention shifts to the mortal brave enough to approach him. Granted, he was no Thor by any means, but Loki was still one of the most dangerous creatures alive. Of course, thanks to the Allspeak, Loki knows that his ride is apparently on his way.

"Your powers of observation are incredible." Loki says in a deadpanned voice. "But if you must celebrate my achievement, be my guest. I would not refuse adulation." He gives a theatrical kind of shrug, though judging by his appearance alone, its clear he's not from around here.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's actually caught a little off guard by a mortal approaching Loki. Okay then...but she's not got much time to think on it before she's dissapeared back to Avalon. Morgana has things to do, people to backstab...and all that evil fey stuff.