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Not the Burglar You Expected
Date of Scene: 26 July 2020
Location: Noel and MacLeod Antiques, Vancouver
Synopsis: A burglary. Black Cat ends up finding more than she bargained for and Duncan finds a link to his past.
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Duncan MacLeod

Black Cat has posed:
Vancouver, Canada. Felicia Hardy is normally a New York gal, but every so often she comes across an opportunity that's too good to pass up. But Vancouver? Seriously? One never knows.

The blonde spends a few days just looking around, doing tourist-things and seeing the sights. In burglar-talk she is 'doing her homework'. And she's pleasantly surprised to discover that her quarry is in an antique store of all places! No sophisticated laser-grid, triple-tumbler safe with fingerprint encoding. It's a shop. Just. A. Shop.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The drawbacks to being as old as he is. Sometimes he misses the obvious in sense that he doesn't have a lot of high tech options in his shop. Locks and chains behind the glass that come down from the ceiling is all the protection that he has. It's Canada. Nothing bad happens here right?

     The shop has a wide variety of things on display and there are stairs in the back of the main room that mark it as a three story building. At night it is dark and quiet on the main floor.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat has been in the little antique shop doing window-shopping, even, along with the steady Vancouver tourist crowds. The gemstone necklace isn't on display, of course, The proprietor may be young (seeming) but he isn't stupid. For all that, however, just a couple of quick visits is enough to tell the cat burglar where the piece SHOULD be.

A three story building. Most of the time Black Cat prefers a skylight entry. In this case she's not sure whether there's an apartment upstairs or just storage. In either case, that's where the REALLY valuable stuff will be.

It's a cinch for her to climb to the roof, and just a few moments of hanging upside down outside a window before she jimmies the lock and flips into the room. Landing lightly on her feet, she pauses to look around.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The building is well kept if not fancy. When she lowers her way down to open the window she will discover that the top floor is a living quarters. The lights are low, but she can see something of a studio apartment. The occupant isn't obvious, but the corner where the bed probably sits is sarker than the rest so he or she might be sleeping.

     Either way the living area seems pretty mundane. A few pieces of art that will likely make fast money, In the corner opposite of her window is a safe. A large, heavy safe. Old style dials probably aren't too difficult for someone that knows the tricks, but it is solid.

Black Cat has posed:
The art definitely catches her attention, long enough to linger and give one piece a quick once-over. Authentic. Hmmm, might have to come back for a return visit. But that's not why she's here!

Feather-soft footsteps carry her over to big, heavy safe. It seems too obvious, like leaving cheese on a trap, so of course she checks it over. Can't be sure whether it's just bait or the real thing. The model is one that's familiar to her, and even one that she practiced on years ago.

One more sweep of the room with infrared optics, then she crouches down to start cracking the safe.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The room remains quiet and nothing moves. If she looks at the bed close enough there does seem to be something there, but pillows or person is hard to be sure. Once she arrives to the safe she is right it is pretty basic.

     When she makes the final sweep over the room and then turns to start onthe safe another body moves in from below. Equally silent. He moves to the window where she entered and waits. Resting in his hand loosely is an old katana that is probably older than anything else in the entire building except him. Duncan waits and watches, recognizing something about the way she carries herself.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat is distracted by the safe, of course, but the cat burglar is never so distracted that she lets her guard -completely- down. With an expression of triumph the last tumblers settle into place. She grips the handle, pausing for a moment to reach for something on her belt. A couple drops of oil, and she knows just where to add it. The handle turns, noiselessly.

Without looking back, the woman rocks onto her heels and speaks. "I suppose this isn't a good time to discuss your building security." Whether she actually heard him or simply expected him to be there isn't exactly clear.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Duncan is quiet for a long moment, studying her while she works her magic in her way. He is on edge, but not enough so to start swinging. Instead he waits for her to discover or acknowledge his presence.

     "I suppose it isn't." he replies finally in his quiet tone. There is no anger there at least, more curiosity and a touch of admiration for her technique and audacity,"I suppose it isn't a good time to discuss the fact you move a lot like another cat burglar I know either." Tit for tat. The old sorts can be aggravating.

Black Cat has posed:
The lock on the heavy safe may clicked, but Black Cat has the good manners to leave the door closed. Slowly rising, she turns to face him and plants both hands on her hips in a jaunty pose. The smile is full of charm, and it's likely no accident that her fur-trimmed assets are best presented in this position.

"Like -another- cat burglar you know? Honey, I wasn't aware there'd be so much competition in Vancouver." she replies. Her gaze wanders a bit, lingering on the katana and his stance. Yes, he knows how to use it alright. Something she makes a mental note NOT to explore in depth.

"I'm the Black Cat, mostly out of New York but lately I've gone global." And there's likely no coincidence that her father also went by the same moniker.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "The Black Cat." he repeats thoughtfully. His eyes stay on hers, though it isn't easy to miss the assets in question and might have had a momentary look. He's a man no matter how old he is,"I think I heard a few reports about you last time I was in New York." he admits.

     He isn't hostile, but neither is he terribly friendly either. His face remains neutral and he adds,"You move like Amanda Deveraux. Like she might have taught you how to almost everything you've done since you walked in this last time."

     "So. A necklace for your pretty neck or something else?" he asks. He knows there are some things more valuable than others and that necklace and a few other pieces will move fast and easy. It's more or less a shot in the dark by all appearances.

Black Cat has posed:
Okay, so THAT was enough to make the blonde in black leather lose the playful demeanor. Momentarily, at least. "Wait a sec, did you just say Amanda *Deveraux*?" Her father mentioned the woman's actual name only once. His mentor, and the woman who taught him everything he knew. Most of the time, however, he simply referred to her as...

"The Raven." Felicia adds in a softer voice. The safe is forgotten for a moment, brows knitting as she regards the man more closely. "Who are you, really? And yes, I was after the sixteenth-century necklace. Although I did see some really nice pieces of art on my way in."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "The very same." he replies to her,"I've known The Raven for many years." He remains wary and watchful, but the sword eases from a stance that says you're gonna die to one of let's still play nice. He studies your eyes for a long moment and might see the hint of good behind the cat burglar. Might.

     "My name is Duncan MacLeod. Maybe you saw it on the door when you came in to case the place. I have to admit you have good taste in your marks. It is rarely and worth a great deal." He is still calm and a little more at ease, but wary,"So does the famous Black Cat have a name?"

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat squints, folding her arms and shifting her weight more to one foot. "For many years? I seriously doubt that. The Raven taught my father when he was young and still learning the craft." She doesn't come right out and say it, but she knows Amanda must be quite advanced in years, after all.

The blonde relaxes once he states his name, although she gives her head a curious tilt when he asks for hers. "She does have a name, in fact, and it's not once she gives out regularly. But you know an awful lot for an antique shop owner, Duncan MacLeod. Almost like you're family." She pauses, then adds. "Felicia Hardy. And I'm assuming you won't be talking with the police."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a smirk and he replies,"Never underestimate the words of a stranger." Of course he doesn't take that any furthur. The sword in his hand rolls forward in a perfect circle around his wrist and he sets it aside. Somehow he still manages to not look dangerous.

     "Miss Hardy." he replies with a nod,"So far you haven't done anything other than interupt my evening. There isn't really a reason to call the police that I see." he agrees,"I mean, you're almost like family." Humor touches his words,"I'm assuming you won't be making a return trip to my bedroom without an invitation." Yup. He can take shots, not bad for an old guy.

Black Cat has posed:
If Felicia had a 'Spider Sense' it would be tingling right now, but she's not dumb enough rush a man with a katana. Instead she steps back, raising both hands in the air while keeping her gaze fixed on his own. "Can I ask a favor of you then, Mister MacLeod? I'd like to at least -see- the necklace, if you don't mind."

She takes a couple more steps back, hips rolling with each, soft footfall. "And I promise to be a good girl and not try anything stupid. The Raven taught my father to be better than a 'snatch and grab'. We're a family of professionals."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He considers her for a long moment and finally nods,"You were almost there. Go ahead and open the safe." He settles the weapon in a case that he latches. He's less on edge, but still wary.

     His arms cross and he relaxes a little. He has her name and he could always track down Amanda to have a few words if he needs to. Her wiles and her movements are quite impressive. Maybe she can worm her way into making him more at ease. Maybe.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat's eyes brighten and the smile returns, the blonde woman looking almost giddy. She steps over, still careful and wary herself. Crouching down, she twists the handle and opens the safe. Her eyes go wide and she reaches into the safe with a glove hand. Slowly.

The necklace is drawn out reverently, held aloft to turn this way and that and sparkle in the low light. "The pictures in the paper don't do it justice, not by half." she declares. After a moment, and a look of reluctance, she lets the dangly, sparkly thing linger as if about to drop it into her cleavage. Then she chuckles and holds it out to him. "You'd better put it back yourself." she declares.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a smirk when she smiles again. He's settled down some and doesn't seem as worried. When the safe opens he enjoys watching her take it out and look at it. The piece is very nice and old as it is billed.

     There is a slight raise of his brow when she dangles over her cleavage, mostly amusement. He reaches his left hand out palm up to take it back,"You are talented in your craft. I have this crazy idea. Stop me if you heard it. You could actually buy the piece." Always a wise guy in every crowd.

Black Cat has posed:
He extends his hand and she reaches out with her own, pressing the jewelry into his palm. "Pfffft!" she replies, laughing softly and rolling her eyes. Her hand clasps around the jewelry and his own, and in the next moment Felicia pulls herself right up close and personal with Duncan.

"I *could*, you know." she replies, slipping her other arm behind his neck. "Buy it, I mean." She's soft beneath the leather. Soft and warm, even for Vancouver. "Orrrrr, I've got another idea. I don't have to leave just yet, either. And we could, say, talk about it in the morning."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     When she moves in closer he smirks a little bit, not in a bad way so much as curious. The touch is nice of course, but he's seen a lot in his life. The necklace in his hand and her hand on his he turns his head slightly,"See I thought you could."

     It is difficult to miss out on all the ways she is soft and comfortable. He eyes you toughtfully and he continues,"You're not one of those girls that takes off before the sun comes up and leaves him wondering where she went?"

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat pouts at that, she actually POUTS. Then she chuckles and meets his gaze. "That all depends on the guy, really." she replies. "But with you...?" The blonde shakes her head slowly, then. "No. I don't think I'd do that with you."

Felicia steps back, withdrawing her hand and leaving the jewelry in his palm. "But right now you're thinking about it. You're wondering whether it'd be worth it. Whether I'd rob you before I left. Whether you could trust me." She pauses, hands clasped behind her back. "I can't answer those questions for you, Duncan."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Closing his hand around the piece he hmms softly and places it into he safe and closes it. All the good that really does considering she opened it already. He crosses his arms and considers her for a long time,"I admit it is tempting. A lot."

     It is strange, seeing her behavior and movements being so like someone else,"You are amazing and beautiful in ways I haven't seen in a long time. The question then becomes are you my rebound girl since my most recent lost?" He went there. Downer or just straight forward?

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat tilts her head at that, and her expression softens. "Awww, rebound girl? A charming, affluent and well-armed guy like you lost a girlfriend?" She pads slowly closer, now that he's replaced the necklace, and drapes her arms over his shoulders. The smile is still there, as is the playful mischief in her eyes.

"Alright, Duncan, you talked me into it." she declares. "Maybe you got me feeling nostalgic or something, I don't know, but I'm trading this 'alleged' burglary for a date night. You pick. But I'll warn you that if we're not going to bed right away I'll need to borrow something to wear."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Is that the right name?" he asks curiously. He forces a little bit of a smile. He is getting back into the saddle as it were,"She died a few months ago." he explains. The arm on his shoulder gets a smirk and he tells you,"The funny thing is I'm finding myself liking the idea of spending time with you." Too much like Amanda.

     He smirks a little and he nods,"I have some coffee over there..." he teases lightly,"...I might have something you could wear, but I don't know. That outfit has it's perks." Sense of humor starting to get strong in this one again.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat bites her lower lip when he mentions that his girlfriend died a few months ago. Her head tilts and she starts to reply when he continues. "Listen, Duncan, I underst-...." Then he mentions coffee and her outfit. The blonde brightens again, and reaches up to remove her mask.

"I was gonna say we don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I'm thinking that's less and less of an issue." A sharp, steel claw tip hooks into the zipper then and drags it slowly down down down. "I like my coffee strong and black in the morning." she declares.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Maybe he's a glutton for punishment. Maybe he just wants to fill a void. Regardless he seems to enjoy the company of the random woman who broke into his home and acts a lot like someone else he knows. It's always good to keep someone guessing right?

     "There's a lot of things I don't have to do, but I am thinking coffee with you in the morning sounds like something I want to do." he replies. The claw on the zipper is watched curiously. Then he meets your gaze again,"Strong and black in the morning it is."

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat steps closer, tugging a glove off one finger at a time. She cradles it in the same hand as the mask, then switches to remove the other. All the while she steps close to him once more. With the zipper down so low he can see the black bra strap, and the hint of matching black lace below as well.

"Good. Because I was starting to think this little business trip was going to have to be a total write-off." she replies. Raising a little onto tiptoe, she presses a warm palm to his right cheek and soft lips to the right. "What do you say we skip the movie and popcorn tonight?" she whispers.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     When she starts to remove the glove and step closer he does as well, listening to her words,"You wouldn't want that." he muses with a smirk. Total write off indeed. The touch at his cheek and the kiss seems to take the carefree out of it.

     His hands slip around your waist and he whispers back,"Movies and popcorn another time." he agrees with a nod. The rest of his caution starting to finally ebb away and all that is left is a beautiful woman that wants his attention.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia drops the gloves and the mask when he draws her so suddenly close, the blonde settling comfortably into his embrace. She's strong as she returns the embrace, arms wrapping around his neck to crush her softness against him. Her lips are full and warm, soft and eager.

The time for conversation is apparently over, even though questions remain. Amanda. The deceased girlfriend. Connections to her father. And why she feels so damned comfortable with this man! All those, as well as others, can wait until morning. Late morning.