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Peaceful afternoon in the park. Right
Date of Scene: 26 July 2020
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Jimmy encountered Tasmia Mallor in a random scene. They decided to get together and train some time.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Shadow Lass

Warpath has posed:
     While he isn't a home body by any means, James doesn't get out from the mansion for very much. The last time ended badly and the time before that wasn't much better. Regardless, he is sitting in the park, legs crossed resting on the grass. His hands are currently palm down against the ground.

Shadow Lass has posed:
Today Shady was attempting to fit in. Ha! For as a blue skinned, slanted ears could do. So far, not bad. Except, she really has to work in her attitude, her cheerful attitude. People were all over the place. Chatting. Playing. And one man sitting beneath a tree, contemplating. Shady watched in intently. Curious like.

Warpath has posed:
     James casts as wide a shadow as the tree even sitting. His eyes are closed and he meditates on the world around him. The upside of his mutation is that he isn't exactly obvious. Most people just see a /really/ big man.

     If he notes anyone looking his way, he doesn't indicate it yet. Instead he continues to breathe and soak in the relative peace of the park. Sure people still look because he's so big, but there's nothing for it.

Shadow Lass has posed:
Ah! Breathing. Whatever he's doing, his breath was a part of it. She almost cracks a smile, but she did lower her breathing down to that. In two three four.. Out two three four.. So simple was it she closes her eyes.

Warpath has posed:
     While he doesn't initially show any indication of being watched, slowly his left eye opens to take in the one watching him and slowing her breathing. His right eye opens slowly as well and he considers her a moment.

     He lifts his right hand from the ground and indicates the ground infront of him. An invitation without words. His hand goes back down to the ground and he starts to settle into the meditation once more. His eyes slowly lower and soon he is back where he was.

Shadow Lass has posed:
Without opening her eyes she notices him. In her mind she went over basic forms, a smile creeps over her mouth. And when his invitation, she joins him. Bowing before she sits or the ground. "Shady," is all she says.

Warpath has posed:
     He continues to meditate, though he doesn't say it loud, he does reply,"James." Times like this are what gets a person through sometimes, especially someone that lives in a city, but yearns for the open country side. His breathing continues to be slow and steady as he tries to find his way to a quiet place in his mind to relax and let himself be free of anti mutant sorts, the classroom, and other such things.

Shadow Lass has posed:
Shady falls deeper into meditation. Going over her basic forms, and then the other ones. Her breath remains calm, and cool, but eventually her skin is covered with a fine sheen. James. The name suits him.

Warpath has posed:
     There are a few gawkers that are walking by and they stare at Shady. There are mutants everywhere. A few whispers reach James' ears and he continues to meditate. However, his hand moves behind his back and when it returns there is a large, wicked looking knife in it. He stabs the blade into the ground beside him.

     Suddenly, the two of you are not so interesting anymore. Everyone sees the big man with the big knife and their eyes have somewhere else to look and their feet carry them away with haste. A deep sigh and then his breathing settles again. Tourists.

Shadow Lass has posed:
"You know, that was very impolite. However, I would have contemplated the same. However I do not have a blade." She opens her eyes, and nods. "A good blade."

Warpath has posed:
     He snorts softly and slips out of meditation to talk with you,"Impolite would have been to throw it at them." he counters. Since nobody seems interested in them anymore he reaches down and picks it up. Turning the hilt towards you he replies,"It has a twin. They have seen me through some bad situations in the past."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"True. That would have been impolite." She reached for the blade when it was offered to her. "A twin you say? Interesting." And, without sitting up, throws it into the tree, almost hilt deep. "Indeed. You should cherish them. Shall I fetch?"

Warpath has posed:
     When she throws it well he looks impressed. When she stick it almost to the hilt he raises a brow,"Never judge a book by the cover." he comments,"I do. The two are very difficult to replace due to their material and forging process."

     He looks at the knife and gets up to walk over to retrieve it. If she is observant she will see the hilt of the twin hanging near his waist for quick draw if needed. She's strong and the fact he pulls it out without too much trouble should give her a hint that he is pretty strong as well. He runs his finger over the hole where the blade was and then walks back over to you.

Shadow Lass has posed:
"Excuse me. I have to.. playing with my strengths. Forgive me." She bobs her head in him. "You put out the knife. Something inside wanted you to be that all girls do not need your protection. However, I was just as bad as you. So, forgive me."

Shady cocks her head. "You are terribly strong. It must have been hard for you. A peaceful man? Yes?"

Warpath has posed:
     "The blades are made from vibranium. You aren't going to hurt them." he assures you and places the weapon back in a hilt with its companion,"I put out my knife because I don't like people staring at someone like they were. It wouldn't matter if it was man, woman, or child." he assures you.

     He laughs softly and shakes his head,"I was born this way and just grew bigger. I try to find the peaceful man inside, but it is a struffle daily." he admits,"I grow weary of normal people staring at those that seem different."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"Indeed." Shady stares past James. "All of ours, we were warriors. From the cradle to death, it was necessary. Few people were exempt." She doesn't explain her story. Yet. "I am used to. When you can't escape it, you must embrace it. But the story is still the same. Always make certain that you are better then."

Warpath has posed:
     "I am Apache, the last of my tribe. The blood of the warrior run deep." he replies to her bit of backstory,"So yes, people have stared for a long time at me as well. I just refuse to get used to it." he admits with a shrug. Another deep breath and then he exhales,"Most people stare at me because I am big and quit staring when I look at them."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"I am Talia Mallor, Shadow Champion of my people. It's a responsibility I have taken on." Shady makes a laugh, "I've never said it about your people. Strange."

Warpath has posed:
     He nods as he considers her words and then he replies,"I think we both took it upon ourselves to take care of our people. Whether the Apache or mutants in general. That seems to be my lot in life." He considers and adds,"I'm James Proudstar. It's nice to meet you." See he can me cordial when he needs to be.

Shadow Lass has posed:
Now she laughs, truthfully. "My name still is Tasmia Mallor. But my friends call me Shady. It's a laugh for them to call that. You see, I fight in pitch black. On my planet, it was almost dark. Plus a might more." She shrugs.

Warpath has posed:

     "A dark fighter." he comments thoughtfully,"That is something you don't see a lot anymore." He pauses a moment and adds,"I have tried my hand at it. I'm not very good at it even though all my senses are dialed in higher than normal."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"No. There aren't so many of us. However, my friends can work on the brilliance, and I? Well, I don't. Someday we shall try? I am able to fight in the light, and it is hard, because I can shut my eyes." Shady shrugs. "It's probably we could go to a place to practice. I'm afraid people wouldn't appreciate it here."

Warpath has posed:
     He shakes his head,"No. The local authorities have a narrow view about that sort of thing. They are pretty paranoid about anyone with powers or abilities that isn't Spider-Man or Daredevil and even they don't always get too much love in the press."

Shadow Lass has posed:
She doesn't know those people are, but she can follow it. "Then perhaps we shouldn't cause all the fuss, yes? I hear there are gyms here!" She almost thought of the ship's gym, but how would she explain him up there to the others?

Warpath has posed:
     "Probably not a good idea." he agrees,"People like us get attention whether we want it or not an whether we deserve it or not." Looking over the park again he nods approvingly since nobody really pays them any direct attention anymore,"There are a few gyms around yes. I don't know if they require membership or not."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"Membership. Ah, yes. You pay money to belong, yes? That becomes a problem. They probably require some form of identification." She frowns. "I don't have any of that."

Warpath has posed:
     "Money and identification yes." he agrees with a shrug,"If I had my truck we could drive out to a park away from the city more, but I walked." He leans against the tree that you murdered earlier,"How often do you find yourself here in the city?"

Shadow Lass has posed:
"I'm.. not. For this, I will be there." She decided, she could make time for a.. friend? Of course she grins a the murder tree. "I will be there."

Warpath has posed:
He hrmphs softly and reaches into a shirt pocket. Withdrawing a notebook and pen he starts to write down the address and general directions to the park,"It's an old park and not many really even remember that it is there anymore. Rarely anyone there to take care of the grounds even.

Shadow Lass has posed:
She takes the number and the address. "It should be alright. Come with casual clothes on. Perhaps I will show you something which you can use."

Warpath has posed:
     He nods, not really smiling because that could be taken wrong. One thing about him, he's a maser tactician and he's always in the market to learn something new if it is out there,"I have to teach class tomorrow through the day, but after five I am done. I could meet you an hour after that."

Shadow Lass has posed:
"Alright, I shall meet at five." She's grinning. "Until tomorrow."

Warpath has posed:
     He nods and puts the pad and pen back where they were,"I will see you then." The strangest things happen when he comes to the park.