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(Silver Sable comes by Joan's house to relay a business deal.)
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Latest revision as of 18:17, 8 August 2020

Hi: Oh Silver
Date of Scene: 08 August 2020
Location: Joan Wright's House, North Shore, Staten Island
Synopsis: Silver Sable comes by Joan's house to relay a business deal.
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Silver Sable

Joan Wright has posed:
It is a rather pleasant Saturday morning over in Staten Island. The sun is out, the sky is clear, and the greens of the yard are popping out extra brightly today to contribute to the cool blue of the sky. Over at one house on the pleasant street, a gate that leads to a parking area has been left open with what car that is typically parked there moved all the way to the back. The universal sign of a distracted home owner, or one who is expecting company.

The inside of the home seems to indicate the latter option. The doors to the LEGO room and bedrooms have been closed. In the mostly refurbished kitchen, Joan is using tongs to transfer some baked goods from a box over to a glass covered dish placed in the center of the kitchen table while the coffee pot putters away, brewing up a fresh pot of coffee.

Silver Sable has posed:
The company turns up in a Ferrari. Of all things. A. Ferrari, and parks neatly in the lot. Silver climbs out of her Italian sports car and makes her way to Joan's door and steps inside, looking around. Silver's, as usual, armed to the teeth but she's here on official SSI 'get money' type stuff. As in. She wants to strike a deal and get her and her company paid. The head of SSI herself, not some lackey, is visiting. And is, yes...drawn to the kitchen by the smell of coffee.

Stepping into said kitchen Silver looks around and smiles to hrself. It's not quite the embassy but it's s got a charm of its own. Silver's got her game face on, not that it ever comes off really as she strides toward the table.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Good morning." Joan greets chipperly as she puts the box away, the baked goods safely tucked away under the glass lid, "I wasn't sure what type of breakfast pastery you liked so I grabbed an assortment. The coffee is still brewing. Make yourself at home."

She turns, opening the deep brown cabinet to pull out two matching dull teal mugs, sufficiently contrasting the decor of the kitchen but not to the garrish extremity. She sets them by the coffee pot while she starts to bring over the sugar and cream over to the table. "The office did not give much in the particulars of what you were looking for, but just that you required an appointment."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver Sable sits and watches Joan. She's too awake, and too chipper this early in the morning in Silver's thoughts. Silver pulled an all nighter flying back from Africa, yes...and took naps on the flight back. She looks like she got a good night's sleep, thanks sleeping through three hours of flight of a 9.5 hour flight.

"You thought of breakfast pastries?" she asks and sits at the table. "Thank you" she says and sits, eyeing the coffee, pastries, and she nods. "I ate in the embassy, but I won't refuse your hospitality" she says, ever the diplomat. Her people get pastries today then? Admittedly....admittedly, Silver Sable does look out for her troops and employees. Pastries are a good way to keep morale up.

"Yes, I learned you work with an architecture firm, correct?" Silver begins. She looks up to find a Wild Pack mercenary in the living room ready to intervene if needed, though he's giving Silver space to do her discussions...but ready to fight if this goes horribly wrong.

Joan Wright has posed:
"I wasn't sure if you have eaten yet with how early the appointment is." Joan explains, setting the coffee items down. Cloth napkins and matching plates are already pre-positioned at the table. One for each of them.

When the brewer gives a final hiss, the architect moves back over to the machine, pouring a couple mugs of coffee, leaving enough room for any additives people may need to do with their drink. As she walks back over to the table, her glance follows Sable. Finally taking note of the mercernary.

"Yes, I tend to specialize in restoration projects and modernizing older structures rather than new construction but I can do the latter." She answers, setting the coffee down before Silver Sable and her own spot before moving back to the cabinet, for more travel friendly containers. There's no way in heck she's going to eat all those snacks on her own after all.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver listens and sips her coffee. "Alright" she says, looking more like the ruthless CEO and leader of Silver Sable International. She nods slowly to Joan. "Go on. You work with older buildings, instead of new ones?" she asks simply. "I have an offer for you, We, Silver Sable International are searching for a contractor to work on a building in the city. We will deal with the permits and paperwork, leaving you free to work on the old building without interference from the city" she says, innustrating the point by tapping her fingers on the table. Yes. SSI does work out of the embassy but...but...Silver is buying up an old brownstone to rehome people who were victims of people she and the Wild Pack hurt. It's Silver's way of giving back. "By 'the city'" she says, "I mean my country, Symkaria. You'd need to travel for this, but it will be worth it. Okay, not technically a brownstone, but that's the New York equivalent really...

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan listens carefully, giving a slight nod as Silver goes through the details. "I can work with both types but my general methodology is to preserve and restore rather than tear down and rebuild. In the end, it is the client's preference that wins out." She pauses, "What type of building are we speaking of? Residential? Commercial?"

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver takes a photo out of her trenchcoat and sets it on the table, it is a photograph of a 1920s era run down store building. "This is the building in question. It" she says simply. "Used to be a store, and is in need of repair. I have a client in Symkaria who wishes to turn it into an orphanage for disadvantaged children" Silver says looking across the table with a look to the photo again.

"We were hired to make the deal easier" Silver says with a look up to Joan and a sip of her coffee again.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan leans forward, looking to the photo. A brow raising, before a smile forms, "Oh, that would be delightful. Plenty of windows for light, most likely would need rewiring but that's pretty much any restoration with the changing building codes." She glances over towards Silver, "Where is this?"

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver Sable looks over to Joan and taps the photo. "It's a photo of the building type in question" she says and nods. "The building in question is New York City, there are several in question. You'd be hired to locate a suitable building and carry out the renovations. Like the deal says, we are handling the clerical side of things" Silver explains. "The client is in Symkaria however and short of you going back and forth howeverr, you are here in New York, though" Silver says. "I can get you in touch wihh the client to facilitate this, and we will go over the paperwork if you wish to get involved onh this. The fee is north of a million dollars" she adds and sips her coffee silently, watching Joan and the photo for a moment.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan blinks at the amount being offered. "Is that factoring in a rennovation budget or is that just the consult fee? Real estate in New York City is expensive, no matter how old the building."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver nods. "That's the whole thing. Your consulting payout will be about a million dollars give or take, before taxes" she explains. "However your budget is ten million Symkarian currency, which turns out to about two and a half United States million dollars. So two point five million for your budget. However that needs to cover everything, the client will cover travel costs, food, and fuel expenses though, but it is entirely up to you to source and renovate the building, you will be paid upon completion of that"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's smile dies away, "Are we expected to have the property purchased out of that budget? If so it will be impossible to do it in New York City. An acre of land alone in New York City is around five million."

Silver Sable has posed:
"No. The funds to purchas the building do not come out of that budget. Sourcing it and purchasing it are two seperate things. The client purchases the building in her own name and your budget is not affected" Silver explains quickly to allay that fear. Joan doesn't have to buy the building with 2.5 million.

Which as she said, is impossible. Hence Symkariaclient paying for it.

Watching Joan again, Silver puts the photograph back in her coat and eats a pastry listening to Joan. "Do you feel you can do this?"

Joan Wright has posed:
"Hmm." Joan considers, picking up her mug. "It will depend greatly on the properties currently on the market and the condition they're in. But Rennovating more often than not is more cost efficient."

She pauses, taking a sip before continuing, "You gave me an example of style but there's the matter of building size and what is needed to create a proper orphanage. Certain layouts may be better than others. Plus there's the concern of not having access to any of the rennovation budget until AFTER building is complete. That's not good business for our end. A pay scale would work better so the funds to get the needed materials are already there."

Silver Sable has posed:
"Those are not my concerns" Silver says curtly. "I am here to search for a contractor and not get bogged down in concerns. What you have concerns about is your business, and between you and the client. We will take our percentage of any and all fees and not interfere in the renovation project"

Translation. Good luck. You're not getting SSI or Silver's support on this. You're working with a client across the ocean. This one is on you to make work.

Silver sips the last of her coffee and looks to Joan. "By that I mean" she says with an ultra serious 'in her office' look. "You are responsible for the renovation, and all aspects of it. If you want to get involved with this, I will arrange a meeting at thee Symkarian embassy in New York to discuss this further"

She's already thinking two or three steps ahead. If Joan signs on, great, if not, then she'll leave SSI to find a contract while she does more important things.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's eyes narrow, setting the mug down, "Well, then. I will need to speak to the person who has the knowledge to answer my questions before I give an answer. I am not going to give an answer based off of inadequate information. I am not going to blindly endanger the company like that."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver sets her coffee down again, and listens more. "I understand your...hesitance to sign on for this given a lack of information. However. I gave you all the information I was told about this, so we are on the same page" she says, still in that controlled tone. She gets up though and leaves her coffee untouched.

"I will have more information sent to your house then" are her final words before she's heading for the door. There's no emotion in her steps, the ice queen is made of pure, frozen, cold water. Or ice.

In other words, Silver's heading for the door, then the embassy.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances over to Silver as she heads out, not stopping her. "Very well." She glances to her companion and then nods to the glass covered dish. "Want any to go?"

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver doesn't say a word. Instead she directs the mercenary to retrieve the food and bring it with him. The door closes as Silver's already out the door never having slowed her gait. Instead...the sound of her Italian car starting up can be heard in the lot. The merc? That'd be a taxi back to Manhattanthen, on Silver's dime.

There they go, leade and mercenary. Silver did what she came here for. And her employees at SSI get free food. Silver doesn't care on that, it's beneath her really.