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3F Warning!
Date of Scene: 08 August 2020
Location: New York
Synopsis: Fin Fang Foom came to New York looking for his ex. Turns out it was the Statue of Liberty. They took the Bifrost Express to Muspelheim.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Peggy Carter, Captain America, Pixie, Thor

Iron Man has posed:
"Tony, my programming requires me to once again remind you that your behavior is extremely reckless and ill-advised. You may now proceed to the part where you fail to heed my words of wisdom and suffer appropriately."

The stiff digital upper lip of Tony Stark's AI Lifemate is stiffer than ever as he scolds Tony for probably the thousandth time (conservative estimate...). Fortunately, J.A.R.V.I.S. is capable enough to multi-task, and has managed to scold Tony while also patching him into the comm networks reserved for Priority Avengers communications AND the SHIELD network.

He's also mostly flying the suit at the moment. Tony is... kind of just present really. But he designed it, so he gets all the credit.

"Hush, J.A.R.V.I.S, I'm trying to coordinate here..."

Tony Stark lacks J.A.R.V.I.S.'s incomparable multi-tasking abilities, but he is able to at least keep up with the conversation that's going on in his head. Beaming directly into his eye, four video conferences are going on simultaneously, with Important People from SHIELD, the Avengers, and even a talking cat from Stark Tower. He's even sent in a Priority Message to the X-Men, so surely they'll send their Biggest Guns. Surely.

The talking cat's name is Dr. Shapiro...

"I don't see what the big deal is? Isn't the highest tornado alert like... a 5F?" The talking cat (Dr. Shapiro) presses his face close to the camera, filling up most of it with his nostrils. Anyone patched into the call can see all the way up there.

"No no no no... if this was a tornado, it'd be an F3. This is a '3F!' Way worse."

The suit continues to rocket toward the indicated coordinates, which have also been shared across the High-Ranking Heroes Zoom Call.

It looks like Tony will arrive in less than a minute. Hopefully, that's enough time to Avert The Disaster.

Spoiler Alert: IT WON'T BE!

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...And this is Howard's son? Why am I not surprised." Peggy's voice clips out from where she sits clipped into place on the deck of the Quinjet. She's not yet retrained how to fly one of these, but she's got her weapons certifications up to mark and is in the new, painfully modern, black SHIELD uniform that was recently fashioned for her. The body armor potential on it alone made it worth wearing, even if it was not quite her style.

As with any other assignment she's taken since her strange return, the transit there is being spent catching up on as much background as possible. She's quickly scrolling through a data pad about Tony's most recent inventions and updated readings the Quinjet's sensors are getting. "...Do we know... what a 3F warning... *means*, exactly?" She asks the others around, as much as she does the data pad in front of her, looking for any Stark Industries cross referencing she can find.

Captain America has posed:
    Hand to his ear, the man known as Steve Rogers leans over the shoulder of the pilot of the Quinjet peering beyond him and to some of the navigational data displays, then giving a nod in recognition as he pat-pats the Quinjet's handler on the shoulder. Turning back and stepping away from the front of the personnel carrier, Cap's calm voice can be heard on the comms.
    "I'm coming in with a SHIELD team, Tony. We're about two minutes out. What's the expected picture there?" As he asks that question he walks down the small aisle between the seats and nods a few greetings to those getting ready for the drop.
    Once near the back of the ship he grabs a halo-loop and hangs there as he gives a small smile and a barely visible shrug to Peggy as if to say, such is life, perhaps not hearing her question at the moment as he continues to focus on comms. "And any operational parameters we should know?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was enjoying a peaceful flight over the city when she had received Tony's distress signal and frowns, veering her course to join him at the rendezvous point. She's already in her Xmen attire, a black flared mini dress made of a tough leathery material complete with tough yellow boots and gloves and a utility belt bearing the X symbol. Just in case people are wondering who she is.

Pixie pauses in the air, peering towards the Quinjet, a cool jet that she's heard of but never seen. "Sooo I guess that's the Avengers then? What's the emergency? Tornado warning?" she continues to hover nearby, awaiting further instructions.

Thor has posed:
Were it a Tornado, the Thunder God would be ideally suited for dealing with it. Alas, it is not. Thor was not actually on Asgard at this time...instead, he was on Midgard...apparently they were going to try to teach him more sports, never mind the last episode involved him hitting baseballs into literal orbit.

Thor, however, is also somewhat confused on what 3F means. "Stark, did you not say the 3 Fs were Fun, Females, and Flatliners?" The last of which was a Midgard drink. Midgard drinks never really did it for him, though.

Regardless, Tony sounds distressed, so the Thunder God is incoming with Mjolnir leading the way.

Iron Man has posed:
A partial vew of the Quinjet's cockpit can be seen via the interface in Tony's helmet. Enough for him to get a rough idea of the group that Cap is bringing with him.

"Those are all EXCELLENT questions, and I'm more than happy to provide some illumination."

Tony sends an info dump of mostly textual, but partially graphical information to the Quinjet's computers, though they probably won't have enough time to go over it in the two minutes before they land.

Speaking of landing, J.A.R.V.I.S. is in the middle of helping Iron Man do just that, while Tony busies himself with chatting away inside his helmet. It's not all that disorienting for him, but everyone is probably ready to all be together in person and dispense with that particular nuisance.

"The 3F Alert System was set up a few years ago after our last encounter with the subject. Ever since, there hasn't been a peep, but I have the Stark Global satellites regular sweeps for activity. As you can see, we just got a ping..."

Fully landed, Iron Man's boots sink into the beach's sand, and a ruckus immediately ensues. It's always an event when Iron Man shows up, especially unannounced.

"Ha. No, Thor. That's my patented 3F Seduction System. It stands for Find a Female, Fly Her to Your Mansion, and F... hold on... did the X-Men send us a KID!?"

Boy, it's a good thing Tony didn't finish outlining his system.

"I hope she shoots lasers, because we're going to need some big guns for this one. The 3 Fs stand for..."

Out in the water, something begins to surface. A scaly green head starts to rise out of the ocean, and it doesn't stop rising for quite some time.

An enormous, dragonlike creature slowly draws itself up to his full height, and announces its own presence with a telepathic roar that can be heard by all.




Peggy Carter has posed:
"Somehow, I don't think we can blame this one on the Stark sense of trouble making." Peggy mutters flatly, dark eyes only slightly wider as she looks up from her data pad and to the image on the screen. Enemies have gotten a lot taller nowadays, and she's suddenly quite thankful for the various updated SHIELD weaponry she's got strapped to her. Including a few zip lines which she's only starting to get used to using again, but might become quickly necessary.

"I'll work on getting the beach clear of civilians and fend off what on the ground attacks I can. I suspect that...thing... If far more your speed." Peggy admits, being one of the few without any actual powers or gifts on this mission. Just her brain and decades of fight training under her belt. But she unclips the moment the Quin Jet is stopped, readying to spill out with the rest of the small team. She has easily fallen back into team tactics again, even if she's not leading nowadays.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn taps her Stark watch, listening to the exchange going on between the Avengers. She doesn't know most of them, but she did once fight alongside Thor (Read: accidently sprinkled him with Faerie dust...Whoops!) *ahem* anyway! She raises a wary brow at talk of the 3 Fs, and coughs a bit, not sure she wants to hear the last part.

Except of course that someone called her a *kid*. "Heeey wait a minute, I just turned 18! Sheesh! I'm a fully fledged X-girl!" ok fiiine, so she's relatively new to the superhero gig, or rather, *official* heroics as she has been involved in many 'accidental' heroics. ANYWAY back to business!

She flutters closer to the water's edge, peering in but keeping her distance as the giant creature emerges from the water. "Good grief! It's GODZILLA!!! Aaaaah!"

Oh wait, she's not supposed to run, she's supposed to stay and fight! dammit, what did she sign up for?

Thor has posed:
A dragon? ...Well, Thor was in his element, then. Because he lands right in front of the creature, hammer crackling with electrical charge. "...What business have you with Midgard?" Dragons don't typically belong on Midgard. One usually finds the firebreathing sort on Muspelheim, the realm of Fire Giants, where the natural fire of the realm helps them stay healthy.

If the creature attacks, that'll answer a lot of questions...but sometimes, even dragons don't attack. They are intelligent, after all. Well, most of the time. He generally figures they are more than they aren't.

Iron Man has posed:
"So... normally with this guy, the deal is... well... he's uh... he's very big. And very green. And he's usually wearing purple pants, so we always sic the Hulk on him. You know, because they both have bad breath."

Inside Tony's surround sound inner helmet infotainment unit, J.A.R.V.I.S. lets out a digital sigh.

Iron Man's repulsors start to glow and he slowly elevates off of the sand. By now, the crowd that was trying to mob Iron Man is now trying desperately to get as far away from this whole event as they possibly can. Probably smart.

Surprisingly enough, the giant dragon man actually DOES answer Thor's question, albeit telepathically. It sounds to everyone within about a mile radius as if someone is roaring inside of their head. But in whatever language they speak.

Very disconcerting. Buy Tony is actually kind of used to that. What with all the J.A.R.V.I.S. scoldings.

"An immortal? You too are far from your home, so I might ask you the same question! But I will NOT ask you any questions, for I am FIN FANG FOOM! I have no time for the games of lesser beings! I have sensed my BELOVED, and I must go to her! If she is here, I will devour all that stand in my way!"

So... this is off to a great start.

Looking up, Iron Man scans the creature with his suit's onboard sensors.

"Uh... bad news guys... it looks like he's not wearing the purple pants this time."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The small team of SHIELD Agents, brought to back up the Avengers, spills smoothly out of the jet and into the chaos which is a New York beach full of panicking Iron Man fans. Peggy curses faintly beneath her breath, dark eyes drinking up the whole mess of a situation even as she winces against the echoing telepathy that seems to be booming in all of their heads. "They're...telepathic... too?" She grumbles. But there is no time to be wasted in complaining.

"THIS WAY. Evacuate the beach NOW, through THAT EXIT." There is a covered, heavily reinforced concrete underpass that goes through the road to parking on the far side. It'd be somewhere that civilians would have several layers of infrastructure between themselves and the fight and Peggy has decided it's their best chance. So, now she's trying to funnel civilians in that direction.

"YOU. Stay right there and start directing traffic to THAT underpass if you want to help! NOW." She enlists a few others to assist, making her way deeper into the fray so she can help guide the crowd who might not be able to see the exit point.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie blinks slowly, glancing between Tony and Godzilla. "Errr....Do you think you got your wires crossed? This is NOT the hulk! This is...Err...." Fing Fang Foom?! Wait, what? Seriously? What kinda name is that?

What's worse is that he actually answers back! Okaaay, Pixie was NOT expecting that! For now she holds back, surveying the area, getting ready to teleport any innocents who might wander too close to the monster..

Then apparently he has a...Beloved? "Okaaay, this is getting weirder by the second..You have a BELOVED? Where did you see her last? Is she a....Whatever you are, too? Maybe we can help you find her and avoid any bloodshed?"

Thor has posed:
Thor stops dead, and the epic battle that was about to be waged doesn't happen.

"...Wait a minute. All you seek is your beloved? ...I'm fairly certain we don't need to have any destruction or battles. What does she look like? Who is she? ...and more to the point, if you find her, are you willing to leave in peace?" Great battles cause a lot of damage to the city. Director Fury has explained to him a few times how that's a bad thing.

Iron Man has posed:
"I have not seen her since shortly before your species walked upright. True, this isn't much time, but every moment without my Beloved feels like an ETERNITY!"

The mournful tone of Fin Fang Foom would probably make a great accompinament to a Smiths album. Something from their middle period.

The enormous creature makes his way steadily toward the shore, each of his strides causing waves far bigger than normal. Let's hope he doesn't get excited and thrash his tail in the water, or it might be Bye Bye New York.

"She left one day, saying only that I spent far too much time terrorizing the primitive humans, and not enough time fulfilling her many desires. I said 'But Beloved! Surely it is the responsibility of the male to keep a copious amount of charred flesh on the table?' But she would not be swayed...."

"... And since then I have been ALONE! So ALOOOOOOOONE!"

Inside the Iron Man helmet, a single tear rolls down Tony's cheek. Fortunately, only J.A.R.V.I.S. can see it.

"Okay, gang, here's how I think we should play it! Thor's onto something here. We can split up, and search for Fin Fang Foom's Fin Fang Friend..."

"Butterfly Girl! You're with Thor! I need you two to keep Foomie occupied and AWAY FROM NEW YORK!"

Iron Man lifts off, and lands near the Quinjet that Agent Carter and Cap just came on.

The one they're all moving away from.

"You! The brunette with the legs! You seem to be in charge, so I need you in the Quinjet running point!"

"And I'll... uh... dammit, I gave away all the good jobs."

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy is doing her very best to see that no innocent New Yorkers get caught up in this mess, the team is coordinating in other ways. She can't entirely miss the fact that Iron Man is touching down right next to all of them, causing another stir in the crowd, but she yells across the masses she was moving fairly smoothly, "KEEP GOING. The emergency is not OVER. This is not the time to gawk, people! Go, go, go!" And the last wave of onlookers does seem on their way to actually getting near safety.

Then, that voice comes in her direction. Very different than the strange telepathic presence from the creature. It's like Howard Stark was alive again, complete with the sexism and asking her to run point. Peggy blinks back at Tony for just a moment, her mouth starting to answer before her brain catches up with it, "Howar-... " Not Howard. His son. Even if this all seemed so familiar.

"How... are you planning on finding his beloved? I'm happy to run point, I think we have you on comms, Mr. Stark. And I have a name. It's Carter." But she doesn't argue further. She reaches one hand up to the comm unit at her ear, trying to be certain she can tune into his frequency as she's dashing for the quinjet once more.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie blinks sloooooowly, at Tony and grits her teeth. "Heeey! My name's Pixie, not butterfly girl...And these are dragonfly wings, Sheesh!" she actually sticks her tongue out at him. So much for being an adult!

Drawing a deep breath, Pixie focuses back on Godzilla (it's easier to say than the alternative ok? She's sticking with it!), and flutters closers him. "Okaaaay, so I guess we're talking two Godzilla's then, only..Only I don't think she came this way, I think we would have noticed that! And if that happened some tens of thousands of years then she left ages ago, Cmon!" She sighs, starting to wonder if they're doomed.

She glances helplessly at Thor, "Ummm, where do we even begin searching for his wife?"

Thor has posed:
"...Before my species walked upright? You're probably not even as old as my grandfather." Bor, father of Odin...

"...But you've yet to describe this maiden of yours, though I can see why she might object to the charred flesh of sentients. My grandfather would've objected to that too, in your original time." But that was a long long time ago...even by the standards of Asgard.

"Describe the maiden, that we may find her. If she's like you, she's probably still alive." Immortals tend to be difficult to get rid of, hence the name, though it's also possible his beloved could be sealed away somewhere, possibly for the same reason this being might've been.

Iron Man has posed:
"You would help me find my Beloved? For the first time in Fin Fang Foom's life, he does not know what to say! How nicely you have evolved, little apes. It almost makes me regret slaughtering so many of your ancestors, but a Foom's gotta eat."

Halting in his tracks, Fin Fang Foom raises one of his massive paws up to his even more massive head, as if thinking. "Let's see... my Beloved was small, about the size of... maybe four or five trees stacked end to end. Her scales were a soft green, like the most delicate algae..."

As Fin Fang Foom continues to describe a creature that sounds a lot like Fin Fang Foom... Tony gets busy with the SHIELDies.

"Agent Carter, then. Is that Mrs. Agent Carter? Ms.?" He offers the last option with an obvious hopeful tone in his voice, distorted a bit by the sound system that it's projected through.

"Anyway, we're going to find his beloved using SCIENCE! Something I'm really good at, by the way. But I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea, I'm not just a super genius. I'm also very into the outdoors and I donate millions of dollars each year to charities that benefit The Children."

This doesn't exactly relate to the mission, but it's important that she know, apparently.

But unfortunately, Fin Fang Foom is beginning to stir.

"Zounds! I can sense her closer than EVER! She must have become ENSORCELLED! Some wizard has no doubt CHANGED HER SHAPE!"

And... now he's heading for the shore again.

Right towards Iron Man, Agent Carter, the SHIELDies, the Quinjet.

And New York.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The look that Agent Carter gives Tony for the split of a second is utterly incredulous. Like father, like son was so clear it almost hurt. She also can't believe he's taking time out of this ridiclous but highly dangerous situation to list his dating resume. "Mr. STARK, we can talk about this later, just tell me what the hell we're looking for on our sensors here, because while you might have capable ones in that suit of your's, we've got more up here and your friend from the sea is getting closer!"

Peggy's warning comes just in time, as the big creature is coming up the beach and if some of them didn't get back onto the jet, it might get over taken by the tide. She slides on board, looking down at sensors she's only half learned to operate. "Patch into Stark's suit and see if you can give him access to our sensor array to run what scans we need for this creature's... Partner. And make certain we don't get caught up in the tide!" With Steve off doing his best to play protection, Peggy's just fallen back into command and coordination. No one seems to be bothering to contradict her as everyone snaps into work and suddenly Tony's suit is getting a far more enhanced read out from SHIELD tech live on the ground.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie blinks slowly at Godzilla's idea of small. "Umm...I guess, if she were in human form, she could more easily blend in with society..But it's still a large area to scan..Mr. Stark, are you able to scan the area? If she's close and ensorcelled, I should be able to sense that magic but being pointed in the right direction would help a lot.."

She grins at Godzilla, "We'll...To be fair, I'm part fairy, but if she was ensorcelled against her will, my soul dagger should be able to easily unravel the magic.." but in the meantime..She closes her eyes and tries to focus. Hopefully if he's too far for her to pick up on 'beloved's' magic signature then Tony can nudge her a bit closer. And teleportation can come in handy too if she's far away!

Lets just hope they can placate him in time..

Thor has posed:
Thor isn't having that. "Hold it! If she is indeed ensorcelled, the Sorcerer Supreme of this world is a personal friend of mine. He can help you find your mate and reunite you, if magic is what ails her. But he isn't going to help if you start crashing into the city and eating Midgardians. He considers himself a protector of the realm, after all...and in fact, it's literally his job."

Thor considers how unlike him this is to do all this diplomacy. There was a time once when the battle would've been joined and his hammer would've been flying all over the place. But such are the deeds of an arrogant prince. A king can't afford to act like that. He's not sure if Odin would be proud of the changes he's had to make, but he likes to think he might've been.

"If you wish the Sorcerer Supreme's aid, stand down and remain in the sea, and give us time to break the enchantments that bind her. Is this an acceptable deal?" Really, if his mate was against the eating of Midgardians, reuniting him with his love is probably the best for all parties, as she seems likely to be able to curb his more destructive impulses. The Thunder God's voice does boom when speaking to a being this size, and he speaks with the authority of a King.

It's also occurred to him it might not be Strange that helps this being's beloved, it might well be the Faerie girl...but at this point, it doesn't matter who gets the job done, so long as someone does.

Iron Man has posed:
"Okay, patching in. Let me get a bit of elevation, see what I can see. It'd help a lot, Agent, if you could use the Quinjet's computer systems to defragdecompilerebootzipunzipit...." The computer talk goes on for a little bit, and apparently what Tony needs her to do is extremely complicated.

She's pretty good at typing, right?

"Let me know when that's done, gotta jet! My compliments to your tailor!"

Lifting off, Iron Man soars several hundred meters up into the air, as the various satellite networks that he's patched into begin running information through J.A.R.V.I.S.' operating system and collating all of the data.

It might take a minute.

Meanwhile... back over near Fin Fang Foom and the Potion Patrol...

"Yes... I see... you both possess instruments of magic. I will do as you advise, but do not tarry! Fin Fang Foom can not be bamboozled by the likes of you! There's also a volcano that's about to errupt at the bottom of the ocean. I... wanted to go watch that. So... hurry up."

But suddenly, as Tony begins lifting up, Foomie's friendly expression starts to change.

"Hold... where is the Crunchy Man going? And why is my Beloved..."

"She's moving! My Beloved is moving!"

Fin Fang Foom spreads his mighty wings, and with one downward thrust, propels himself into the air.

There's... a lot of wind when he does that.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg isn't as good at typing as the trained agents operating the quin jet's sensors, but she is good at relaying command information. As Tony is speaking in her ear, she copies him word for word into the room so the techs operating the Quin Jet's sensors can actually help get Stark what he needs. Once the message is given, she mutters quieter..."I hope you understood that more than I did..." Of course, her comm unit is still on, because she's constantly broadcasting unless she deliberately shuts that off, so Tony's got an earful of her really not understanding modern computers.

She paces across the quin jet's deck, hovering over the techs so she can watch what they are doing as the ship takes off just in time to catch the wind of the moving beast. Everything shudders around them, the little jet being slightly tossed but the pilot is mostly good at getting things back on track. Peggy's caught herself against a chair. Barely. Smooth, Carter.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie's wings fluttering more quickly, more impatiently as she waits for incoming information. As Thor mentions, presumably, Dr. Strange, she blinks slowly at him. "Waaaaaait, you mean Strange? Where's he been all this time? He promised to teach me stuff..." she seems rather disappointed that she hasn't been able to find him in a while, but...

"But I can do this, just gimme a little more time and...." eyes widen in alarm as he mentions a volcano erupting 'sooon'. "Waaait, whaddaya mean soon? Like in the next hour? Heey!" Then Godzilla is taking off into the sky and she blinks, taking off after him, "Hey! Slow down! You're gonna....Ahhhh!" she gets blown back a bit from the sheer force of his powerful flapping..

Thor has posed:
Thor has much to do. First, he has to counter those winds before Foom whips up a hurricane. Something that size and that strong could easily cause a great deal of damage with the wind. The Thunder God creates a tradewind, so the winds don't have long to beat against the city. Still, the power Thor's showing should've already convinced Foom he's not exactly a Midgardian.

...Wait a minute...is Foom heading towards...that statue? "...That is the statue Steve claims is his favorite. ...Did someone trap his beloved in the statue? Steve would be disappointed if Foom broke it..." The Statue of Liberty, of course. What else would be big enough to house something the size of Foom?

Guessing what Foom was likely to do to the statue when he got there, "...Do not destroy the statue. You could harm her without meaning too. Let us handle that with magic."

Iron Man has posed:
"Hold up, Thor. Did you just say he's headed towards the STATUE OF LIBERTY? J.A.R.V.I.S., verify his flight path and run an analysis, how bad is this?"

"It's pretty bad, sir."

The mighty wings of Fin Fang Foom propel him southwest, sure enough, right in the direction of the Statue of Liberty.

Well... not EXACTLY in the direction of the Statue of Liberty.

In the direction where the Statue of Liberty is currently walking.

Ellis Island is deserted, and the Statue of Liberty is walking through the water, holding her skirts up gingerly, as if trying to avoid them getting wet as she plods through the river.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., run another analysis real quick. What's my blood alcohol level at this exact moment?"

"Lower than usual, sir."

Tony's voice is broadcast to all, about an octave higher than usual as he tries to catch up with Fin Fang Foom.

"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT!? Magic people! Why is the Statue of Liberty WALKING?"

Soon, Fin Fang Foom will be right upon her!

Peggy Carter has posed:
Well, that wasn't right. Peggy stares at the screen, taking in the view of Lady Liberty just having up and moved from her normal spot. A place she used to like to go, to think, she's seen a thousand times over. She knows this shouldn't be possible, and yet... "Send a transmission to the FAA and all local air control centers. We need to redirect ANY air traffic, especially helicopters from the Ferry terminal, away from this area NOW. No air traffic in or out until this is settled." Peggy orders to whomever is working outside comms. Fortunately, everyone seems content with the old agent giving orders in this instant because no one was really prepared for Godzilla and the wondering Statue of Liberty.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie nods and smiles to Thor as he counters the destructive winds. "Thanks! Let's......Wait, is that....?" eyes widen as she zips after Godzilla and realizes he's heading right for the statue...Not only that but it's moving! "You're not imagining things, Mr. Stark! That's the Statue of Liberty...And it's moving! Can you scan inside, see if there are any innocents trapped? I can't risk harming them if I'm gonna unravel the spell on that thing!"

She shivers as she opens up her senses and nods in affirmation, "Okay, there's definitely a spell on the statue..Either she's inside or she IS the statue...I'm going in!" And with that, Pixie increases her speed, fluttering towards the statue, trying to take a peek inside for movement..

Thor has posed:
"...Be quick about your work, Pixie. His ladyfriend must be released from that statue before any more harm is caused." Pause. "If she can talk to you in there, please ask her to put the statue back before she exits the statue."

Thor continues flying near Foom as he approaches the statue, which apparently contains his beloved. Somehow. How a lady Godzilla got inside the statue of liberty is a story he will ask Dr. Strange some other day. But it is surely a story of high magic indeed.

Thor is faster than Foom, when he wants to be, and he dashes ahead of him, and now tries to communicate with the statue. He's got the All Speech to deal with any translation issues. "...Please cease running away. I believe he wishes to work things out with you. ...and if it is your wish that he not eat Midgardians anymore, know you have our full support in convincing him to comply with such a request."

Iron Man has posed:
"Oh he wants to work things out, does he!?" The telepathic roars of Fin Fang Foom were probably disconcerting enough, but it's got to be even worse when the Statue of Liberty speaks out loud. Audibly. Her mouth's moving and everything.

Did you know that the Statue of Liberty had teeth? Apparently she has this whole time and we're just now seeing them.

"Thanks for the advice, fair-haired one, but I'm NOT INTERESTED! Typical male! Only notices the problem when it's TOO LATE TO FIX IT! Well, I'm TIRED of living in the ocean waiting for that stupid volcano to errupt!"

Even though he's several hundred meters up in the air, Tony suddenly gets a sinking feeling...

Foomie has finally caught up with the Statue, Thor, and Pixie, and he lands in the river with relative grace for a creature of his size. The splashing barely knocks any citizens into the water.

"But... Beloved! You said you loved watching volcanoes errupt! And this one is going to be amazing! All life on Earth will be snuffed out! And it'll errupt any decade now, I'm sure of it!"

This goes on for a while...

Inside the statue, there are lots of terrified tourists, but not many actual New Yorkers. There is, however, a very strong magical signal coming from somewhere inside of Lady Liberty's Head.

Some sort of giant glowy... glowy thing.

Like a gem, but without any weight. Hovering there, as if it were... maybe it's her brain?

"What do you have in there, Pixie? We're all in suspense..."

Hey! Tony did get her name after all.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Well, now there is another priority target to evacuate, but it's far more challenging because getting a ferry to Ellis Island would be highly dangerous at this moment. The waters are all kicking up and even the Staten Island Ferries are now shut down. Peggy curses beneath her breath, staring down at the readouts as she tries to consider the best place they can put people. "If we have anyone on the ground at Ellis Island, have them start funneling people into the area beneath the base of the statue. At least it will get them out of harm if she tries to tread back into place. There should be two sublevels of basement, get them all into the first level, south west corner, as far from where she's... Walking... right now."

Pixie has posed:
Pixie narrows her eyes, slipping in one of the large open windows of the statue. "Umm....Gimme a sec...Soo many people in here! We need to get em evacuated!" she sighs, wishing she'd brought a megaphone. "Okaaay...Everyone get close to me, no time to explain,just trust me. I'm gonna get you to safety!"

Shes still linked to the others and nods to where the quinjet is. "Okay, I've got about fifteen people incoming!" and she swings out her arms, squeezing her eyes shut as she tries to encompass all those people and send them a safe distance away from the base of the statue. "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" she yells, transporting away the tourists to the outside of the statue at the directed area.

She draws a breath and shudders, not used to teleporting such a large crowd at a time. "Umm Mr. Stark, or anyone on the quinjet..Can you scan the statue, see if I missed anyone? Also Im sensing strong magic coming from the head of the statue..I'm heading that way now! Just buy me a little more time..." and she teleports again, this time to the statue's head, glancing around and opening her senses for that magical sig..

Thor has posed:
First of all, a volcano that would destroy all life on earth is not something Thor could allow to happen, and, "...If a volcano were to erupt that has such destructive potential, the guardians of earth would be forced to stop that eruption, and you wouldn't have been able to watch it anyway. However...I have an idea that may please both of you. Instead of waiting for that particular volcano to erupt, may I recommend...a vacation? If you like, I could take the pair of you to Muspelheim, where they have volcanoes that erupt mightily, every single day. For it is a realm of fire, and the Fire Giants that dwell there are accustomed to it."

Perhaps just the thing to bring the currently not so happy couple back together is...rekindling their romance in the realm of Fire, with the birthplace of all sparks of Flame, among other things. As a side effect, it'll probably annoy Surtur a lot, so bonus.

Iron Man has posed:
"PFAH! Like this one will ever go for a vacation! He never takes me anyplace nice! The last time we took a trip, it was to this DUMP!"

She means Earth.

"Pixie, I'm detecting large levels of magical radiation. Or at least that's what I think it is. I'm pretty sure it's not any OTHER kind of radiation, at least. Sorry, kid. I'm useless here. Magic isn't really my thing."

At least he's able to admit his limitations. Humble guy, that Tony Stark. And he donates millions of dollars to charities for The Children.

Fin Fang Foom seems to be thinking this over. He scratches his green scaly head with one of the claws on his green scaly hand.

"Well... I don't know... maybe it WOULD be nice for us to get away for a few thousand years? A nice quick vacation? You always did look especially sexy covered in lava..."

"Oh Foomie... do you MEAN it?"

The Statue of Liberty clutches her torch to her chest, as she lets the ends of her skirt drop right into the water.

"I can feel your witch crawling around inside me. She has but to shatter the binding crystal, and I will be free once again. It's a shame though, I really liked being a statue. So many interesting things to see in this village."

That's all the information that Tony needed. "Do it, Pixie! Before they change their minds!"

It sounds very much like J.A.R.V.I.S. is about to protest, but he doesn't get the chance...

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Pixie, let me see. We're getting a lot of interference from the radiation!" Peggy calls over the now very shared comm unit. But if it kept people safe, she'd worry about security later. It was getting this mission coordinated. After a few more scans from the tech below her, she calls back, "I think you got them all. We're not picking up anything else here. If you can handle the final clean up... We can all feel like we're going a little less insane watching Lady Liberty walk around." Peggy's clipped British accent calls over the shared communications unit. She watches on across the monitors otherwise, not much help for now until the real clean up needs to start happening.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie breathes a sigh of relief once she realizes that all the innocents are accounted for, "Thanks, Agent Carter! Mr. Stark, on my way!" and she quickly arrives at the head of the statue, eyes widened in awe and a little fear as she approaches that crystal. "Wooow, what *is* that thing??" but now is not the time for speculation.

Drawing a breath, she brings a hand to her heart and summons forth the soul dagger, a mystical glowing pink short sword that she draws out of her chest, bracing herself for the accompanying pain as she literally rips it out of her chest as she has done countless times before.

And once that's done, she rushes at the throbbing crystal and with a yell she plunges the powerful dagger into the crystal..."Here goes nothing!"

Thor has posed:
When the gem is destroyed, the Statue and the bride of Foom...begin seperating. 'Mrs. Foom' for lack of a better term, appears in the water, looking almost exactly like her husband, except smaller and more graceful. Thankfully, by happy accident of magic, the now vacated statue gets teleported back to the island, as if it had never been walking around at all. From there...

"Now...I shall keep my end of the deal. Heimdall!" And behold, the great rainbow bridge arcs down into the water, engulfing the Fooms and Thor himself.

A short journey later...a piece of which the Fooms get to see, the wonders of space and stars...before...

The arrival on Muspelheim! And just as Thor said, there are volcanoes EVERYWHERE, and at least half of them are actively erupting at any given time, and the other half look like they're about to erupt any minute now. "I trust this is to your satisfaction?"

The Fooms seem excited now, and cheerfully run off the play in the lava. Somewhere, the Fire Giants can hear all those heavy footfalls, and will probably have to investigate that later.

Another trip of the Bifrost, and Thor returns to Midgard. "...They seem quite happy in Muspelheim."

Iron Man has posed:
When Thor returns, Tony is actually a few hundred meters away from the spot that Thor originally vanished from. He's sitting on a dock, on Ellis Island, with his helmet tucked under his arm.

Feet dangling, and kicking idly.

"It's like I was saying to my close personal friend Dazzler the other day: 'You can always crash at my place...' By the way, Agent Carter, do you mind if I call you by your first name? It'd help if I knew it, of cour--...."

Looking up as the Rainbow Effect occurs, Tony puts his helmet back on, and yells into his internal headset in a voice that's juuuuust a bit on the masculine side from 'whiny.'

"DUDE! It's been almost TWENTY MINUTES! What were you doing back at Mordor all this time?"

Shaking his head, looks at the rest of the people who're hanging out at the island.

"Unbelievable, right? Oh well. Anyone hungry? I could go for a cheeseburger."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As things are settling back to almost normal, Peggy does her best to handle the human clean up of it all. Careful cover up with various news outlets, making certain ambulances are called and seeing to the few people that got run over in the rush away, insuring all security is settled at Ellis Island again and everything is normal. She falls back into strange disaster clean up easier than she expected.

When it's all mostly said and done, she comms over the unit to those who had shared the airwaves, "Thank you for the assistance, Pixie. Thor. And... the alert, Mr. Stark." Then she does actually remember to shut her comm link off to the others, sinking back down into one of the quinjet's seats with an exhausted sort of collapse. "...Is he always like that? Howard...really did pass it onto his son, didn't he?" There is some affirmative murmuring on the deck of the ship as they all head back for base. She makes a mental note to properly visit, sooner rather than later.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie peers up at the rainbow bridge and...Is that tears in her eyes as she watches the happy reunion.."Awwe, it's sooo sweet..lThat was awesome, Mr. Thor.." with a tired sigh, she flutters down to join Tony on the docks and smiles, "Oh yeah, nice to finally meet you, Mr. Stark! And..." oh wait, did he just say he's good friends with Dazzler?! "Whaaaaaa really? That's soooooooo awesome! Think you could get me a backstage pass?" she giggles.

But with all the flying and teleporting, Megan is pretty exhausted and she sighs and yawns, flopping her head down. "Thanks Agent Carter, it was an honour working with you too! You're quite the legend in your time.." she grins, sitting straight up again. "Oooh I could SO go for burgers!!"

Thor has posed:
Thor may have had the idea, but he was rather nonplussed to see two creatures that size frolicing like lovers in lava, of all things. Still, he knows happy when he sees it, and...just decides to leave that vision alone as something he is glad Midgardians didn't have to see. It's bad enough he had to witness it.

"There is a bit of traveltime, even with the Bifrost. Also...be glad you did not have to witness two creatures that size frolicing in lava. It would've haunted your dreams indefinitely." Then Stark mentions food. "A feast of Cheeseburger? Have it, then! Let us go and enjoy the feast, for on this day, no blood was spilled, and the conflict was resolved peacefully."