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Latest revision as of 12:57, 10 August 2020

The Harlequinn and the Preacher.
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Central Heights, Old Gotham
Synopsis: They talked things through
Cast of Characters: Firefly (Barrows), Harley Quinn

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah was standing amongst a group of people in trillium park. The mobile church which josiah was a part of decided to hold a cookout in gotham city and he was present spreading the word and healing those who needed it. Seems there is alot of mentally damaged people in gotham, strange enough. "Can you feel his spirit within you?" He says as he was praying with a woman with cancer. "The lord loves you like he loves his children. He only puts us through hardships, because he knows, deep down, we will rise above them, to join him in heaven, where we live forever."

    Josiah smiles as he helps the woman, her cheeks gaining color as she stands from the wheelchair. He smiles as he looks a bit drained himself, But still able to help. He watches the crowd, glad to see such a turn out.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's no coincidence that Harley Quinn also happens to be in Trillium Park ... no, wait, yes, it is entirely a coincidence. As soon as the woman gets color in her face, and she stands up from the WheelChair Harley raise her hands, "Hallelujah, praise the lord, he helps those who helps themselves, he also really likes to punish brother killers far far less than he might say - I dunno, girls who dig on girls. I mean, that makes sense right?" She smiles and looks around, "How are ya this evenin'? Everyone havin' a good time?"

Over to the man with the light, she squints a bit, "Aren't ya bit young ta be out this late at night. I'm gonna have'ta see a hall pass." And she holds out her hand, with a serious look on her face, waiting.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah turns to Harley and he gives a big smile. "The lord loves all. Even brother killers and girls who dig girls. Life is sacred and every thing bears the mark of his gift." He says as he reaches to take her hand, and then his hands start glowing brightly, the Lightforce moving through harley as he studies her reaction. "Maybe one can help you, Miss Quinn is it?" He asks curiously as he studies the woman.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As the stranger goes to touch her hand, she might even be expecting a hall pass to be left behind. There isn't one. And so Harley kind of scrunches up her face and squints at the teen. "Yer a bit young fer me. I like my men older an' a bit angrier." Though she looks around at some of the others, who though maybe helped by Josiah's calming effect, still have a sensibility about them and start to disperse (or at least give a lot of room) for the Clown Queen of Gotham. "I ain't too sure I know you Mister, an' I didn't catch a name. Though, I am pretty popular myself." And she spins around in a little pirouette before falling backwards into the remaining wheelchair. She starts moving the wheels with her hands to test the chair's maneuverability and she nods her head, "I've always wanted me one of these. Broke my legs an' went to the hospital, but they tend to just put you in casts or wheel ya around. Ain't no fun in that. An' ya can call me Harley, all the fellas do."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I am Josiah Barrows." He says as he speaks with a faint cajun accent. "From Louisanna mainly. I am one of the preachers for my folk's mobile church. When my powers happened, Many claim I am the next christ. I refuse to be it, and instead see myself a servant to his will, righting the many wrongs of this world." He says as he smiles at her. "You are pretty popular. You and your beau bring suffering and pain to many others, in the pursuit of your fun." He says softly, a concerned voice but not a judgemental one like most people of faith.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yer a preacher?" Harley feigns shock, as she puts a hand up on her collar, "Ya don't say." And then she smiles as she puts her hands back on the wheels of the wheelchair. She then takes in a quick breathe before pushing herself up quickly, the chair tipping backwards some, but she stops it fall falling all while pushing herself up straight into a handstand. The back of her head is now facing Josiah, but she stays up there for a moment longer before pushing off and flipping to her feet. A quick spread of her arms a fast few bows to an imagined crowd before she looks right up at Josiah. "Wasn't it god, who said ta punish folks an eye fer an eye. Treat others like ya want ta be treated? Weren't those in there somewhere? I think they were. Let's see, if I'm rememberin' right that's Luke 6:31, also in Matthew somewheres. Exodus fer the eye fer an eye comment, an' Matthew's certainly in there." She shakes her head a bit and wiggles her finger like a 'tsk tsk tsk' to Josiah, "I ain't doin' nothing to nobody I wouldn't be excited ta have done unto me. Especially with maybe a dinner, an' a movie first."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "Are you aware of how much of the bible was cut out?" Josiah says as he watches her. He then smiles. "I dont know, your beau seems intent on hurting those around him, yourself included." He says softly as he studies the woman. "I have met with all sorts of people. From the faithful to heretics and pagans. I know that once upon a time, god was a vengeful and wrathful and jealous god. But that changed, when his son was born. He decided then, that man was something to be treasured, to be protected." He says softly as he turns back to the others before turning to Harley and he studies her. "What do you see in the Joker? You are his most ardent supporter. Tell me, what about him do you see loving so wildly?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I ain't too sure, I mean in Jewish child prison, I mean classes, or teachin' they really didn't talk too much about the Christian fella. He was a pretty dirty Jew after all." And Harley shrugs her shoulders a little bit, walking a bit back and forth. Anxious? Energetic? No place to put the energy, she's not even holding onto her bat any longer, so she reaches up and curls a finger manically through one of her pigtails. "Mister J? What's not ta love? He's a snappy dresser, he's brave, an' smart. I mean, there he is in nothin' but a purple suit, an' the Bats got all sorts of nifty gadgets. And J comes out on top, every time. Plus, the quickest way to a girl's heart ..." She pauses and comes a few steps closer, leaning in to Josiah to whisper, "Yer inta girls right? Else this advice ain't gonna go no where." And then she speaks up again to conversational tone, "Quickest way is by being able ta make her laugh. An' my puddin', he's a riot. I'd put it to you, though, ain't he jus' followin'... even if not on purpose, wit' god? He's always given people choices, an' only punishes those who make the wrong choice. Plus, what's so wrong with a world that's smilin'?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I do like girls, yes. What teenager isnt?" Josiah says as he watches her and he clears his throat. "I guess I dont got much of a sense of humor, because the stuff Mister J does, doesnt seem funny to me. Like spraying people with acid, creating toxins which kills a person and makes them smile. Doing collateral damage with someone your supposed to love in with it but getting away yourself?" He says softly as he watches her. "I believe in redemption, and the thing about it is that you have to genuinely want it to have it work. Your beau, I think he does these things because he doesnt care about anyone but himself."

    Josiah studies the woman. "If you want to stay with him, then do so. You probably have heard all the arguments, that he doesnt care for you, that you should leave him before you get too hurt, and that you will wind up in jail or worse." He says calmly as he watches the woman. "I wont tell you what to do. You are a grown adult. Just know life does have repercussions, Especially to those who help bring suffering." He says softly as he looks to her bat and sighs.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, I think you jus' ain't understandin' him. It's okay, Mister J confuses a lot of folks." Harley smiles and looks up into the night sky and takes in a deep breath, "Mister J wears himself right out in the open. He's honest, an' sure he's got a few quirks, but who don't?" She clasps her hands together and brings them up to her head where she can rest her cheek on them. "In a world that's cruel, and lies all the time, it's refreshin' ta know a person who ain't got on no mask. You know the sayin' tho, sometimes the truth hurts." And with that she turns back to Josiah.

Smiling still, eyes a bit wide, though a soft expression, "He dreams big, and sometimes that bigness means those closest get a little stepped on. Yer Jesus fella, wasn't he willin' ta sacrifice himself for the greater good? I ain't doing nothin' different. I love someone who's gonna change the world, an' being even a glimmer in his eyes at times is all that's needed. You'll understand some day when yer older, maybe find true love."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "Probably. I am young after all." Josiah says as he watches her. "You make it sound so perfect, you have rationalized so well in your mind, that so what if some people get stepped on, sacrifices have to be made to achieve greatness." He says as he leans in close to her. "The truely great, dont need to sacrifice anyone to achieve it." He whispers into her ear as he begins to gather his things. "Talking to you has been fun. You have revealed to me that love can blind someone to the most obvious things. I just hope that once that tiny voice within you that tells you when something is wrong, isnt telling you that it told you so by the end of your time." He says genuinely as he watches her.

    As the people seems to disperse he walks over to Harley and offers her a card. "This is how you can contact me. If you ever want to talk about anything, even your mister J, feel free to call me. Maybe, someday I can redeem you." He says with a gentle smile.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Tilting her head, Harley squints a bit at Josiah, in a bit of confusion. Then she smiles, and starts laughing a bit, chuckling a few body shuddering times, "Oh, yer great. Yer tryin' ta recruit famous people fer yer church. I get it now. Sure thing kid." And she takes the card, stuffing it into a pocket in her jacket. "God didn't kill nobody on his way to the top, an' he certainly didn't ask fer his son ta sacrifice nothin' for him."

Moving over to where she settled her bat, she rolls it with a foot to the top of her boot and then flicks up so she can catch her bat in a smooth motion. "Ya gotta remember, without people like my puddin' and I, there wouldn't be no reason for people like you. Can't cure the sick if ain't nobody gettin' sick. Ain't no Shakespeare, no Bats, no Supes, no capes at all. If Caine weren't such a jerk, we'd of never gotten no Ark. Just sayin'." And she puts her hands on the back of the wheelchair before starting to push it away from the area, "I'm thinkin' a jet chair ... who do I know who builds jets?" This last part is likely talking to herself.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah sighs a bit. "I want to help you, Harley, not because I have a weakness for blondes." He says with a wink before moving to his things and he watches the woman. He shakes his head. "Making people sick just so I can heal them isnt a good excuse Harley." He says softly as he watches the woman before turning to head back out with his parents.