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Latest revision as of 12:58, 10 August 2020

Which came first, the stash or the stash
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Some people drive a hard bargain for their silence. I'm lookin' at you, Gamora!
Cast of Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Gamora

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
When one is in space, moving from one station to another, there is a lot of downtime. Now, Rocket's 'downtime' usually is filled with tinkering, cursing, more tinkering and then fixing that which someone else messed with while he was off in another area, tinkering. But, it's also chock filled with eating.

Eating snacks.

Set at the small table in the little galley, there are wrappers strewn across that little table, all emptied. Some crumbs remain behind as remnants to show that something had been there in the immediate past, but is no longer. Little smacking noises can possibly be heard as Rocket tries to dislodge something vaguely sticky from pointed teeth. Even with the aid of a short claw at the end of a paw/hand isn't quite doing the job. Instead of fussing about it, though?

Another candy wrapper is unwrapped and he pops it into his mouth, savoring the sweet.

Gamora has posed:
Downtime for Gamora usually means cleaning weapons or training of some sort, and today is more of the former. Knife in hand, she runs a cloth over it as she moves into the galley. Her pace stops, though, when she notices Rocket and the remnants of his snacks. Or, what she assumes, must be his snacks. After all, what kind of monster would take someone else's snacks?

She moves to the table, taking a seat as she casually continues to clean the blade, her gaze just barely lifting over towards the furry creature. "I hope those aren't from Quill's stash," she gestures lightly with the tip of the dagger before focusing on her cleaning. She's not interested at all, really. Of course not.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
The entrance of Gamora means that Rocket looks up, startled, and starts shoving whatever is left on the table into his mouth, the fuzz on his muzzle expanding, which makes an almost comical push of whiskers straight out. "Mrgglffll..." And it takes a few hefty and hearty chews in order to finish enough to swallow before answering, but not before pushing all the empty wrappers off the table and onto the floor.

"It's my..." *mrffglf* "...stuff first. He tell you otherwise, an he's lyin'."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora leans over the table to look at the wrappers on the floor, examining them for a moment before sitting up straight. Her gaze falls on Rocket again. "If he comes through looking on his stash... I saw none of this." She nods towards the wrapper-clad floor. She wants no part of this Great Snack War that appears is brewing in the ship. The edge of the blade is tested with a fingertip before she runs the cloth over again.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"S'what I said. Lyin'."

Patting his pockets down, the giant-sized raccoon makes a soft discovery noise and digging into a pocket, retrieves a small tannish-colored candy with a small white, round center wrapped in a clear plastic wrap. "Here," and he passes the confection over with it hidden under his paw, as if he's passing something illegal. Caramel with a buttery/powdery 'cream' center. "Try this." He sounds almost.. smug.

Gamora has posed:
The illicit offering of confection causes Gamora to eye it carefully. There's a look, one that reads as a complicated mixture of 'is this a trick' as well as the accompanying silent threat that comes with it if it actually is a trick. While she takes it from him with all the care of someone accepting a bomb, she slowly and delicately unwraps it and peers it over again. Looking for traps, probably. All's fair in love and snack war, after all.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket's paw comes off of it to showcase it properly, and the skeptical look that it's given by Gamora is met with a long-suffering sigh. "When was the last time I set you up." A statement. "Other than, uh.." With a free paw, he scratches at the base of an upraised ear before, "Just try it.." and he'll wait so long as to make a soft, encouraging sound that might be totally unlike him.

"Eh? Eh?"

Gamora has posed:
The green-skinned woman eyes the treat one more time before going for it. Tossing it in her mouth, Gamora chews thoughtfully for a half-moment before quickly coming to her conclusion. "That's... pretty good, actually." She smooths the wrapper out between her fingers, straightening the creases before setting the wrapper gently on the table next to her knife. She gives Rocket a knowing nod of approval.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"See?" That is a pleased raccoon right there, and he hits the table with two flat paws before he shimmies to stand up amidst the wrappers left on the floor. Once up, his purpose is soon easily divined, as he first goes to one small trapped piping, makes a frustrated noise, then goes to another pipe with a top. When that second lid is opened, there's a sound of victory that escapes Rocket and he dips a paw in, pulling out more sweets.

"Come to daddy.." is murmured before he turns around towards Gamora again. "See? Now.. if it wasn't my stash, I wouldn't have known where it is. Right?" Makes sense!

Gamora has posed:
Chewing on the remnants of the confection, Gamora tilts her head to the side a bit as she watches him. "Well, you could have already known where they were because you already found them. The looking around might just be for effect." She smooths the wrapper again with a finger before she goes back to cleaning the knife. She's still watching, though, ever watching.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"I just know where I stash my stuff, is--"

Rocket begins to push some of the sweets back into his flightsuit, squirreling them into various pockets to be feasted upon later. Lifting his head, his whiskers quiver and beady little black eyes narrow slightly, and he makes a soft growling noise in the back of his throat, "Wait.. you on his side? Really? After all I done for you?" He shakes his head in disbelief.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's eyes are now on the blade. "What? Why would I possibly take sides in all of this?" It isn't, after all, any of her business. Her gaze, however, moves back to the wrapper in front of her for a little too long before she looks back at him.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Those black eyes are still narrowed as Rocket looks from the knife on the wrapper and back up to Gamora's face. It's a cool second before he responds, "I don't know.. but.." and his little hatch is closed with a *thunk* once everything is in place. Not without unwrapping another candy, however, and popping it into his mouth and dropping the wrapper.

"If I hear him complainin' about my taking back what he stole from me in the first place? I'll know who told." It's a pointed remark, certainly.

Gamora has posed:
Slowly, the knife is set down on the table, not even looked at as Gamora focuses on Rocket, then extends her hand. "Alright. Bribe me." She looks at the wrapper on the table again. "Can't say anything if my mouth's full." Snack mercenary bought by the highest bidder? Sure, she'll settle for that, should the price be sweet enough.