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Latest revision as of 11:59, 11 August 2020

Warehouse Duet
Date of Scene: 11 August 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: After crossing paths and singing
Cast of Characters: Blue Beetle (Kord), Rift

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
From roof top to roof top a long absent blue figure leaps, gliding through the air by the power of his trained and well timed leap, arcing through the air before letting velocity and angle and sometimes the blast of a grapple gun tp propel him along. It's utterly /sweltering/ outside but with properly designed hero costume made with the best of materials, such oppressive and muggy weather can be enjoyed. Mostly.

It's been a long time since the almost forgotten hero has had the chance to roof-top it across New York; And the freedom is like a song in his heart. Every time he leaps, getting closer and closer to whomever is near enough to hear it, the sound of /actual/ singing can be heard getting louder.

~It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small..~

The Blue Beetle sings as he jumps, arms out wide, off one building then flips in the air as he descends to a slightly lower roof top.

~And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all..~

He pop-stands over another raised edge like a monkey and lands on a wire between two building; Sliding across it, high above the street below.

~Up here in the cold thin air I finally can breathe..~

Wait.. /what/ cold thin air? It's /summer/. Oh well, doesn't matter! He Rambo-rolls off the wire onto the next rooftop, popping up again to his feat in one smooth motion and starts to run faster across the roof towards the far side..

~I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieeeeeeeve..~

Only feet away from the edge he leaps up on the short brick wall and kicks off with all his might, spread eagle again as he almost seems to fly over an alleyway.

-~Let it go! Let it goooooooooooooo! Can't hold it back anymoooooooore~

Wait.. What?!? Really?  REALLY?!? /FROZEN/?!? In /JULY/?!?!

Rift has posed:
A red dot can be seen, which seems to look like a girl who's just fallying - the wind rippling her clothing - she appears to be glowing in an eerie red aura with bright glows visible inside her arms, legs, chest, and head. And... somehow she doesn't look like she's flying Superman-style, but somehow falling - as if gravity to her is sideways.

She is approaching the warehouse district, seeing something small and blue jumping across rooftops. She slows down and changes course to intercept as she is rapidly moving in that direction, but slowing down - and then hears some lyrics. Of... "Let It Go" from Frozen? Weird. And definitely a male voice. She arrived just at that last line and simply decides to sing along.

~Let it go, let it go, I am one with the wind and sky.... let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cry!~

Rift doesn't have the best singing voice, but it's good enough as she moves to a stop floating near your last location, eyebrow raised. "Intersting song choice."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
He hasn't heard her ye, or seen here.. As she is at his LAST location and he's still moving /foreward/, away from her. Of course she can probably catch up. She flies, or something it.

His heart is PUMPING! He is IN THE ZONE! ANd it feels MARVELOUS. HE feels ALIVE! At the top of his next arc through the air he whips out his BB-Gun, snap-loading a grapple in mid-arch and just as gravity takes him he launches at a far off water tower on top of a building, the sticky-end hitting the upper edge and the gun reeling him upwards as he grins.

Yep, good ole Water-towers. Blue Beetle knows aaaaaaaall about water-towers. They are a /staple/ of the Superhero Rooftop Transit System (or S.R.T.S. for short). So many nice cross-braces for a grappling hook to, well, grapple. Or beams for a gloved hand to grab on to. And when it rains, you can sit beneath one and wait out a storm!

Still singing as he swings onto the roof with tower he reduces the gripping friction on his soles with a flick of a button in his glove and slides the rooftop, figure-eighting as he loops round the base of the of the Tower.

~Let it go, Let it gooooooo, Turn my back and slam the door!~

He stops sliding and pirouettes along the street facing-edge in the tower's shadow, jumping up on the edge with arms spread wide as he sings for all he is worth to the city beyond.

~And here I staaaaand, And here I'll staaaaaay...~

~Let it go, let it goooooooooooo.....~

A beat.

~The cold never bothered me anywaaaaaaaaays!~

And there Blue Beetle stands, proud and panting and grinning like an idiot, pleased with his re-introduction to the city skyline. "Helloooooo New York! Any Other requests?" he calls out.

And from below a cabby sticks his head out and yells back. "Yeahs! Shut da hell up, ya loon!".

Beetle frowns, looking hurt and drops his arms to his side. "Everyone's a critic.." he mutters..

Rift has posed:
Rift pursues, curious, as she sees the water tower too. This blue guy seems to use some kind of gadgets as she is now standing upside down on the underside of the water tower, gazing at you. She's opening her mouth to sing along again... then winces at the sudden critic. "Ouch." She then gazes at you. "Hi there!" she states, waving at you. Though she's standing upisde down - her clothing and hair doesn't look like it's fallign down over her face - it's staying put on her shoulders like she's right-side up. "You're a great singer, by the way. Strange choice of song, but I can dig it."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Beetle /gahs/, twirling arouind at the sudden voice behind him.. He clutches his chest and /almost/ loses his balance.. But at the last moment he takes a few deep breaths and recovers without falling to the street below.

"Oh my god! Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack!" he gripes, his voice breaking for a moment.. But then he coughs, thumps his chest a few times and stands a BIT straighter when he notes the glowing (and upside down) feminine form. He strikes a bit of a pose; One foot foreward, fists on his hips, and puffing out his chest.

"I mean... Ahem.. Helloooo there, Miss." he says, grinning a rather silly grin. "And thank you.. For the compliment! Who might you be? And how can I be of service?"

Rift has posed:
Rift was about to raise her hand up but you caught yourself, as she smiles softly. "I go by Rift," she says as she lets go and turns right-side-up and lands on the ground. "I was just coming back to the city and saw you jumping over the rooftops. That's a neat suit there. Love the insect motif. Is that a scarab or something?" She smiles. "And you might've been broadcasting your singing RATHER loudly. I could hear you from quite a distance."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
For a moment the bug-eyed hero blinks at her, then opens his mnouth to say something.. Then stops.. Then tries again.

"It's a Beetle." he finally says. "I'm the Blue Beetle! You know, The /Blue Beetle/?"

The lack of recognition in her eyes makes his heart break a wee lil bit.

"The Cerulean Crusader?" Nope. "The Saphire Scarab?" Nada, she dstill doesn't seem to get it. "One half of the dynamic duo known as The Blue and the Gold? The /BETTER/ more handsome and definately /SMARTER/ half, I might add?

He has a feeling she isn't recognizing him. At all.

"C'mon.. I was once a member of The Justice League..!" he finally tries, then honesty compells him to add "..International." in a quieter tone at the end.

Wow, has he been out of the limelight that long?

Rift has posed:
Rift widens her eyes. "Ah - I thought it looked familiar - I couldnt' quite place it. I've heard of you. But it's been a while." She smiles softly. "I'm not really associated with anyone - I just do what I want really - mostly go to college when not on break." She smiles. "Sorry for that, but... y'know... it's been a while." She smiles softly. "So... what have you been up to of late?"

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Beetle would hang his head, if he didn't think it would somehow make him look somewhat less debonair (though of course he doiersn't seem debonair at all). Of course a small part of him CLINGS to the hope that she's NOT lying about knowing him.. Hell, he'll pretend she does, regardless.

"No need to apologize, Rift! I mean, there are /so many/ great heroes out there.. You can't remember /all/ of them. I /totally/ understand!" he says with a grin (as he lies to himself)

He then looks around and furrows his brow. "Actually.. I'be been sort of out of the game. Sort of took a long hiatus from the spandex. Of course, it still fit /perfectly/!" he says, slapping his abs. What he doesn't say it that it fit perfectly after MONTHS of INTENSIVE re-training. apparently he hit the Chocos harder than he thought.

"Tonight I was just.. getting a feel for the city after a long time. Shaking the rust out, so to speak."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yeah.... I'm glad you understand." She looks you over. "That suit must be rather tight - I'm glad you kept in shape. I do a lot of gymnastic and some caporeia." She glances over at you. "Care for some lunch? Oh wait - eating with that helmet on might be difficult - and I look pretty bizarre when using my powers so... maybe not."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
"Well, it's not /too/ tight? I mean, yeah it's tight but it's also flexible. I tend to do a /lot/ of bending. I'm an Olympic-Level Acrobat after all!" he says, proud, though if anyone loks ity up there is no OFFICIAL olympic-level acrobat rating. But thats neither here nore ther!

Wait.. She's asking if he wants to /eat/? He tries to remember when /anyone/ asked him to eat while in costume.. And excluding Booster Gold and Guy Gardner wanting to go for beer, he can't think of a single time. "I... I guess I could go for some food.." he says, then his stomach growls. He/has/ burned a lot of calories after all. Whgen you're a hero and have NO powers you tend to eat more than most regular people. "And it's not a helmet, it's a cowl. I can eat fine in it. DIDG6Fq.png

Rift has posed:
Rift nods slowly. "Ah. I... I just get so hungry - I have to eat like five thousand calories a day. It's... a side-effect of my powers." She shrugs. "I... mostly wasn't sure for you'd probably have to expose your face to eat and some heroes are RATHER sensitive about their identities..." She shrugs.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Blue Beetle chuckles and grins once more. "Well lets just say you don't look like your on a high calorie diet." he teases and winks, then shakes his head. "And yeah, I'm as sensitive about my 'Secret identity' as much as anyone who wears a mask or cowl but I designed mine to mess with biometric recognition so as long as I keep it on, no one would match me with my alter ego."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "So - even if your face is showing, your suit would block sensors from catching on? That's a neat trick - but maybe we can just chat a bit longer?" she asks. "And thanks for the compliment. Normally high-activity athletes have to eat a lot - but mine's a side-effect. Manipulating gravity is hard."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Looking around a bit, Beetle shrugs and smiles. "Sure we can chat a while. I mean, nothing is blowing up so I have nowhere pressing to be!" he tells her. "And yeah, I would guess being able to biologically manipulate gravity takes /some/ energy. I mean I know Supes and his cousin eat like horses. Well, /He/ eats like a horse. I will refrain from saying that about Supergirl because she'd hit me." He tells her but then he leans in and stagewhispers, "I did see her eat five bags of Cheetos in one sitting though..."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods slowly as her phone rings. "Oops," she notes as she peeks at it. "Ah - I gotta go - my friends are calling me. Nice to see you, BB!" she chirps. "I'll look for you on the roofs again soon." She then goes to the side of the water tower - and then suddenly starts falling - slowly atfirst and increasing speed, just like she's in free-fall - sideways towards the heart of the city.