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Hot Pocket Picnic
Date of Scene: 12 August 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jeremy and Shannon enjoy a campfire picnic of Hot Pockets by the lake. Life, friends, and team building are discussed. Girls are still confusing. So are boys.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, SpyderByte

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, it had been a somewhat calm, and even almost happy sort of day for the mansion's resident winged healer in training. She'd been humming and puttering about the kitchen, gathering together a small array of goodies and putting them in one of those bags that look as if it might be well-suited for keeping hot foods hot. Too, there is a small shopping bag with cans of Red Bull, graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate.

     <<Still up for that picnic, Jer? I'm heading for the lake if you are.>>

     A text is sent off into the aether, and Shannon makes her way down to the edge of the water, where she sets up a ring of stones on the sand, and starts building a small campfire. It's nothing major, but enough to keep off the slight chill of night, offer some light, and a place to toast marshmallows if wanted.

     All in all, a rather idyllic-looking setup for the evening.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< The lake? Oh, geez. Okay. I'll see you soon. >>

Jeremy stares at his wardrobe in his closet for a few moments, eyes widening. He has so much black stuff. Why doesn't he have any other colors!? He rubs the back of his neck, then reaches in to take a white plain t-shirt out of his dresser, followed by a pair of khaki shorts that he digs out from his hamper. At least they aren't too wrinkled.

Looking back at himself in the mirror again, he takes his hand through his hair a few times self-consciously, bouncing from foot to foot a few times with nervous anticipation. His lips press together and he can feel his heart pound, his breathing pick up in his chest.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Just breathe. /Breathe/. Okay, he's breathing again.

<< Coming! >> Dying. << Will be there soon! >> I'm freaking out.

As he heads out to the lake, he uses his phone to ping her location so that he can track her down. Being that he's not wearing all black for a change, perhaps he stands out like a sore thumb.

Nightingale has posed:
     Actually, for once, Jeremy blends in rather well, when not wearing all black. He looks just like any other kid on campus. Down by the lake, a small campfire is burning, and there is a flash of white feathers near the welcoming circle of flickering light. It is in this spot that the tech signature of Shannon's phone is located, her device letting out a happy little chirrup into the aether, as if calling out in greeting to Jeremy's device.

     As he nears her location, Shannon is turning at just the right moment, smiling wide as she sees him approaching. She waves and gestures to a spot near her on the sand, where she's got a couple small folding lawn chairs set up, the bags of goodies set up right in between them. "Yay! You made it! Wow... you look nice in that." she calls out, giving her wings a little flick of approval.

SpyderByte has posed:
Glancing down at himself, Jermey gives a few tugs of his shirt self-consciously. << It's just a t-shirt I sleep in and shorts. I feel weird. But I wanted to do something nice for you. >>

He slides his backpack off his shoulder and unzips it. Taking out a package of Chewy Chips-A-Hoy, he puts it down into the stash of snacks. Easing himself down onto a lawn chair, he clasps his hands around hisp hone tightly.

<< You always look good. You make it look easy. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "The man speaks my language!" Shannon grins at Jeremy as he adds his contribution to the feast. Never mind dinner, she opens up the package and plucks out a cookie, chomping right into the ooey, gooey, chewy goodness of the sweet treat. From the somewhat bulky bag that contains warm foods, there are perhaps some familiar and comforting smells, especially as she opens up the bag....

     ...to pull out some sealed containers of steaming hot Hot Pockets. And what looks like something breaded and fried, and in stick form. There is the distinct smell of mozzarella cheese as that particular container is opened.

     And in the other bag? Graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate, and... Red Bull!

     Shannon's cheeks flush a light, rosy pink at the compliment, her wings furling around in front of herself. "Bah, I'm not even trying to look good," she murmurs. "Thank you, though. And it worked, you doing something nice."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You actually brought Hot Pockets? >>

Jeremy squirms a bit, embarrassed as he lets out a laugh. He looks tickled by the idea of even bringing those on a picnic. Placing the phone down nearby, he taps the screen to launch his music app. It's Sinantra. Fly Me To The Moon.

<< I am not used to this. This feels really normal. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, you did say Hot Pockets when I asked what you wanted," Shannon replies, grinning impishly over at him. "Plus, I know you and your cheese sticks, so I made some fried mozzarella sticks, too, plus there's Red Bull to wash it all down." Okay, perhaps not the most idyllic, picturesque sort of spread for dining al fresco, but hey--it worked!

     Her smile only widens as she hears the song coming from Jeremy's phone, soon humming in harmony with it, her voice weaving in and out of the main melody. "Can't go wrong with Sinatra," she says, opening up the containers of hot food and finding a spot on the sand between the lawn chairs where both can reach the contents. Cicadas whirred, crickets were chirruping, and somewhere, peep frogs sang their summery song as if joining in with Sinatra's tune.

SpyderByte has posed:
As he slips off the chair next to her in a boneless thump, Jeremy gives her an amused grin.

<< It's like a school lunch at the cafeteria, but way better because no one is throwing it at me. >>

That's the statement of the year for the young Gothling. He listens to the music and the world around him as the silence fills the space between them. He glances around for a moment before looking back to the containers of food.

<< You look to be in a good mood today. I am excited about classes starting. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon chuckles, leaning back on her hands. The sand crunches lightly beneath her palms, almost lost beneath the soft -whump- of Jeremy flopping down onto the shore. "Yeah, me too," she replies. "Got a lot of science and biology this year, some botany with Miss Munroe, self-defense with Logan... music and stuff sprinkled in there, too. And training with the team. It sounds like a lot, but I did get some of the classes I need this term out of the way over the summer, so that helps."

     Smiling a bit wider, she looks up at the moon, the silvery light and the flickering flames from the campfire casting her features in a mix of gold and silver shadows. "Sam's like a big brother to me in all but name. But it seems my family kind of grew a little bigger. Seems Mr. Proudstar's kind of taken me under his wing like that, too." She giggles, reaching for the container of Hot Pockets, picking one out of the bunch to nibble on. "And that's one big figurative wing. He's not exactly what you'd call small."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I have a lot of classes with Doctor Mc Coy. I am focusing on the sciences and technology sides. Miss Frost wanted me to take college courses this year as well, but I told her I just wanted to take normal classes with the rest of the students. I know that I am probably farther along than most due to how my brain absorbs data and my ability to pull information at an instant. I just want to be normal. >>

Jeremy plucks a cheese stick out of the container and takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully as he gives another glance at his phone. His shoulders lift upwards into a shrug.

<< At my old school I would be valedictorian. If I wanted to. I would purposely lower my scores on some tests so that I wouldn't be at the top. I did not want the attention. It was already hard enough for me. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "My old school was home. I was homeschooled for most of my life. This is the first actual school I've been in, so... I'm not really sure sometimes, what 'normal' is." Shannon lifts her shoulders in a slight shrug, leaning over to bump Jeremy lightly. "In a way, I'm glad I missed a lot of the clique-y crap you hear about. The bullies, the jocks, and all that BS. On the other hand, though, I don't always know how to reach out to people... to not bottle things up inside. Even if I try to treat everyone decently."

     Munching away on her Hot Pocket, the winged teen looks into the flames, watching them leap and dance, sparks whisked away into the air by a stray breeze. "I can only imagine how that must have been for you. You don't have to hold back here, but at least here, it's your /choice/. Not a necessity."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< School sucks. It's just a prison. They stick everyone in one spot, like a prison yard and then you fend for yourself with minimal security measures. Big fish eat little fish. The strong kills the weak. I was always the weird kid, even before my powers made it worse. I had a few friends, but we drifted apart when they discovered girls and filled out. Just how life is. I felt my world close around me tighter and tighter. When my powers came, I thought at first they were a blessing. I felt connected to everyone. >>

Jeremy fidgets with his cheese stick.

<< And by connected, I mean that I could see what they were saying about me back and forth in class. Taking pictures of me and laughing. Not just me, but others. Everyone was apart of it. Everyone hated everyone. School was a big illusion. If you didn't have wings, you'd run school easy. You're beautiful and easy to talk to. You would have football players asking you out. You'd go to school dances. You would be accepted. But for me? The runts of the litter. We get devoured. >>

He peels a few strings off the cheese, then lets out a low noise in his throat.

<< But I could deal with all of that. But after I was raped, that was when I think it got worse. I came back to school changed. No one knew, but they knew something was different and they went for the throat. It's easy to target the kid who breaks down and cries in class when someone drops a book on the ground, or laughs too loud, even if it's not at you. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "I'd probably tell those football players to go pound sand," Shannon replies, rolling her eyes. "And even without the wings, once my healing gifts came in, I'd be in the same position you were, with people pulling away from me, or going for the throat. Someone I thought was my best friend from when we were real little, she dropped me like a bad habit. So did most other folks, exceot for my family. This... this place, I'm just /normal/, wings and all. People care about what's inside you, not what you look like, or what you can do."

     A few strings of cheese dangle between her hand and her mouth as she takes another bite of the Hot Pocket, leaving her to giggle softly at the somewhat comical sight. And she just... slurps up the cheese. Very unladylike, undignified, but there it is. "I think if I ever saw anyone going after you like that, I might actually do a flying drop-kick on them."

SpyderByte has posed:
There's a soft laugh from Jeremy, one that is kind of a giggle.

<< You liar. Soon as one of those cute football guys winked your way, you'd be all poodle skirts and hulahoops. It's just the nature of the beast. It's hardwired in our DNA to find football players impressive in high school. >>

Jeremy takes another bite of his cheese, giving her a grin at the slurping of cheese. He leans in to bump his shoulder against hers.

<< Also, don't underestimate the power a beautiful blonde has in high school. You literally have all the power. Even with the healing thing. I think a lot of kids would think that was cool. Coach would probably put you on the sidelines and tell you to heal Johnny when he gets hit too hard so he wouldn't have to come out of the game. You'd be the hero of Liberty High. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head, giving her wings a little flick, her feathers decidedly ruffled. "Football players are hardwired to think with what's in their jock straps, not what's between their ears or their heart. I mean come on, look at pro players as adults. You think that's changed any from the time they were teens like us?" Another slurp, another giggle, and the rest of the Hot Pocket meets its doom. "There's a great song out there about that. 'That Don't Impress Me Much'. Takes more than brawn to impress me."

     Leaning over, Shannon shoulder-bumps Jeremy lightly, chortling to herself. Was he serious? Blondes with all the power? Yeah, right! A mozzarella stick becomes her next prey, though not before being dipped in some of the chunky marinara sauce on hand! "Maybe I would... until they saw what the cost of that healing gift was. Then it would be like everyone else. It would be 'that's awful', and 'what a horrible gift to have'. Not something to be proud of."

SpyderByte has posed:
Shrugging his shoulders upwards, Jeremy gives another giggle. He blows some hair away from his face. He takes another bite of the cheese stick to finish it off, then picks up a hot pocket as he blows on it to cool it down.

<< I don't know. I think maybe if someone who played football was also really nice, they could impress you. They aren't all a one size fit all. I've met a few that were okay. At least one stuck up for me, but he was a senior and was out the door. So he had nothing to lose. >>

As he bobs his head a bit, he gives a glance about the picnic area, spinning the hot pocket about in his hand a bit as if it was his phone. It feels about the same size and shape. At least he's not trying to talk to it.

<< I really think you would have been popular in school. Normal school. Even with the wings. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Maybe in a perfect world, that could be true. But my friends turned their backs on me when I manifested. It's not easy to trust after that. At least here, none of that stuff matters. We're all of us weird, and in a strange kind of way, that makes all of us normal, too." Giggling lightly, Shannon leans over as if to bite the end off of the hot pocket in Jeremy's hand, but at the last second, she pulls away, only to get one of her own.

     "Guess it's kind of like that one normal human that was teaching us both first aid. He stuck up for me that one time, too." She shrugs, and smiles a bit, nibbling on the edges of her hot pocket. "Probably didn't really have anything to lose by helping us out. It's people like him that make me hope maybe things can get better someday."

SpyderByte has posed:
Holding the hot pocket out to her, it doesn't appear Jeremy would be upset if she took a bite. But when she leans back, he lifts it up to take another bite of his own. He chews a few times, then swallows as he swipes his lips away to clear the sauce.

<< Ninjas are not normal people. Especially not with battle vans filled with beyond military grade technology and secret partners in head-sets. >>

There's an amused grin on his face as he shrugs his shoulders. << Even I was smart enough not to probe into that situation. I'd hate to have ninjas knock on my door wanting to beat me up for stealing their secrets. I also realized that day I am not good at First Aid. >>

He picks up a Red Bull and cracks the tab open, then takes a sip.

<< I feel bad that you don't have good food to eat for yourself. Maybe next time I can make sandwiches and bring water or juice. That way you don't have to eat garbage that I normally do. I really should eat better. I downloaded several nutritional guides and work out plans, but I am too nervous to start. I need a guy friend to show me how to do it. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smiles softly, leaning over to take that nibble of Jeremy's hot pocket from the other end, giggling. "Hey, these are pretty good as a treat. Just not a staple. As for working out? In your case, where you really haven't done all that much physically, I'd probably start out real gentle, and just walk more. Of course, you could check with maybe Sam or Mr. McCoy and get their recommendations, too. Maybe you could ask Ted or Adam for ideas." She pauses, shrugging a little. "You know, I haven't had a chance to meet Adam yet in the time he's been here?"

     Smiling, she bobs her head in approval of the idea of sandwiches. "Good call. You make some sandwiches, and I'll make something like a potato salad. Doesn't take a complete overhaul in one day. Just try little things at first with the eating habits and exercise. The sandwiches could be a good start."

     The description of Snake Eyes, the debate on how 'normal' he is, and his technological situation has Shannon shaking her head and chuckling softly. "Yeah, better not go poking around that too much," she agrees. "Still, could do worse than to have someone like that at your back. At least he didn't seem to care we're mutants."

SpyderByte has posed:
Nodding his head, Jeremy clears his throat lightly. He pokes at his phone a few times once he puts the hot pocket down.

<< Adam spends a lot of time with his younger brother. They came from a bad family situation. I shouldn't tell you because he got upset that I found out when I looked at everyone's files. He and I have a lot in common. Except, it wasn't random people, it was his dad. >>

His face scrunches up emotionally for a moment as he reaches up to give his cheek a brush of his knuckles.

<< So, before classes start, he's just trying to spend a lot of time with his brother. He's in a new home now. Fostered now. The state took him away from their parents once Xavier accepted Adam to the school. But it's close enough for him to see him all the time. >>

Giving his phone another squeeze, he lets out a sigh. << Don't say anything to him, not unless he does. He's embarrassed by it. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Can't say anything about something I didn't hear, right?" Shannon winks at Jeremy, and for several minutes, companionable silence reigns. Thankfully, among the items she brought out for the slightly odd feast were some napkins, one of which she plucks from the bag of s'mores goodies and passes over to him. Nothing more is said about the emotional moment. Hey, a guy has his pride!

     Nodding slowly, she seems to take all this information in. "I'm glad he and his brother are going to be safe now. But I heard nothing, of course."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< He hurt his father pretty bad one day. Went into full bear rage and almost killed him. It's how they found out he was a mutant. Adam will do anything for his brother. I am pretty sure he will kill someone if he had to. He is pretty gentle and quiet, but I know that is his weakness. Which means it's our weakness also. So, as a team, we need to make sure his brother is safe if he's with us. Prove to Adam that we're all one family. One team. Even extended family. >>

Jeremy lets out a soft sigh as he reaches up to work his fingers against his eye, then reaches in for another cheese stick.

<< He's so lucky he has a brother. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yes, and now he has you, too, plus everyone here," Shannon gently reminds Jeremy. She smiles somewhat, seeing him reach for another cheese stick, debating the wisdom of going for one herself. "Your eye okay?" Her voice is laced with concern, though outwardly, she is otherwise calm.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It's fine. Trying not to be a baby and start crying or something. >>

Jeremy says as he drops his hand back down to unpeel his new cheese stick. He lifts it up to take a bite from it, then gives another few chews in thought.

<< Anyways, I think our new team will be fun. I like Indi a lot. Ted is cool too. I also like Adam. Maybe we can all spend time together this week. Do a camping trip. I haven't gone camping before. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Maybe," Shannon agrees, suddenly a little cautious. "Though if we're going to do that, it should be pretty soon before the weather turns for the season. Depends on if we use tents or a cabin, too." Her feathers are somewhat ruffled, and her wings begin to furl themselves around her.

     "By the way, you're not a baby. We all have our emotional moments."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I know. Doesn't mean I want to get emotional about stuff like that. >>

Jeremy looks up at her and furrows his brow. He wiggles the end of his cheese stick at her a bit side to side.

<< Are you okay? What's wrong? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shrugs. "One of those stupid girl things it's a bit hard to explain." She, too, reaches for a cheese stick, and brandishes it like a sword. Her frown mellows out somewhat, at least for the moment. "En garde!"

SpyderByte has posed:
Watching his cheese stick wobble limply in his hand, Jeremy squints his eyes and tilts his head, then flails it at her own a few times with a giggle.

<< What kind of stupid girl thing? Is it.. the... " >> Gulp << Monthly thing? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     A little giggle escapes Shannon, and she shakes her head. "Ewww, no. Not /that/ girl thing." Her nose scrunches up, and she looks for a moment as if she's eaten a whole lemon. "One of those stupid girl and guy things. It's nothing."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Stupid girl and guy thing? Like what? >>

Jeremy is all questions as he takes another bite of his stick, peering up at her as he chews on it.

<< Did I do something wrong? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head. Holy hell, this had gotten awkward really quickly. She actually begins to squirm a little, and shakes her head. "No you didn't," she replies, her voice soft. Letting out a soft sigh, she leans over and rests her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Guess I've just got to get used to the fact that you're really nice, and other girls just might like you."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I hope other girls like me. I don't want anyone to dislike me. I want to have lots of friends. >>

Jeremy's phone modulates through the speakers as he finishes the cheese stick off, then glances at her parked on his shoulder. He's boney. Ow.

<< Why would that upset you that I have friends that are girls? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "You're right. It shouldn't." Boney shoulder or not, Shannon does not seem at all inclined to move, even allowing herself a small smile. She reaches for the last of the cheese sticks, and chuckles a little bit. Breaking it in half, she offers Jeremy a piece, nibbling on the other one herself.

SpyderByte has posed:
Jeremy Statton reaches out and takes the other half of the cheese stick and puts it in his mouth. He chews thoughtfully for a few moments, glancing over at her at times. He still looks confused. Girls are confusing after all.

<< It's okay if you have friends that are other guys. I won't be upset. You have lots of friends. You're my only friend that I have here. I hope your friends become my friends too. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sounds like you might have more friends than you think," Shannon replies, with a smile, reluctantly moving away, to retrieve a long stick, a bag of marshmallows, and prepare the sweet treat for toasting over the fire.. "Most of my friends tend to not be other students, mostly. And the ones I did have, have mostly graduated and moved on. Which is as it should be. It's just nine times out of ten, I wind up getting along better with teachers than I do other students."

     Her wings relax behind her, the firelight casting flickering, dancing shadows all around as she holds her marshmallow on a stick out over the flames. "There's been rare exceptions. You. Sam Morgan. Sam Guthrie. Megan. Andrea, a bit. Maybe Ted a little, don't know yet. Haven't talked to him too much." A small smile tugs the corners of her lips upwards, and she chuckles, shaking her head. "Oddly ehough, you know who Indi reminds me of?"

SpyderByte has posed:
There is a shrug of Jeremy's shoulders at the question. He thinks for a moment, then looks confused.

<< I don't know. Who does she remind you of? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "A younger version of Mr. Stark." Shannon giggles softly, twirling about her marshmallow stick in her hand, watching as the outside of the sweet starts to turn a light golden brown. "From what I've seen so far, she's got a pretty strong personality, buzzing with that same kind of energy. It can be a little intimidating even when you're prepared for it, and a bit to get used to." She laughs now, and shakes her head. "Kind of like the day I met him. Told Captain Rogers I felt as if I were bracing myself for an oncoming train. Heh. SHe's definitely a firecracker that same way."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Oh. I thought you were going to compare her to a girl. >>

Jeremy rubs the back of his neck for a moment as he squints his eyes in thought.

<< You are intimidated by Indi? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "A little. I'm just not sure what to make of her yet. Only thing to help with that is time." Her voice takes on a wistful note, as she pulls her marshmallow from the flames. It's alight like a homemade, sugary torch. Allowing the flames to burn for a few seconds, she blows them out, leaving the outside nicely charred. "In a way, too, she reminds me a little of the friend I lost the day my gifts manifested. I'm afraid of being hurt like that again."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You said that this is a school where you can feel normal. If she reminds you of your old friend, you should try to be friends with her. She can be the friend you should have had, who accepts you. >>

Jeremy takes a marshmallow out of the package and tears it apart, then stuffs one side into his mouth, cramming it into his cheek. He takes the other half and does the same to the other one, causing his cheeks to puff out like a chipmunk.

<< I like her because she makes me laugh. She really wants to be here. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Then I hope you plan on making a lot of sandwiches," Shannon says, assembling her s'mores. Of course, that means the addition of an extra piece of chocolate in her mouth, and not between the crackers! "Because I'm starting to think it might be good for us all to get out here like this while the weather's still good. Cook out, goof off, and have a little fun before class starts. Maybe sleep out under the stars if the weather allows for it."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It would be a lot of fun. Team bonding is important. What kind of sandwiches do you like? I can make grilled cheese and anything involving turkey. >>

Jeremy lives like a college student, obviously. Everything has to be easy and minimal in his life. He leans in against her, giving her a smile with his cheeks puffed out from the marshmallows. Slowly, he starts to chew them back down before swallowing.

<< I want to try camping. As long as we can reach the cell towers. That way we have a way of signaling for help if something happens. Like wild animals. Or Sentinel attacks. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh... yum. Seriously. Yum. You just picked two of my favorites!" Shannon grins wide, leaning in against Jeremy. She giggles, gesturing to his face. "You look like a chipmunk with your cheeks full like that." It's a comical sight, and it triggers a fit of the giggles that just will not stop!