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Latest revision as of 13:06, 19 August 2020

The Detective comes looking for Information.
Date of Scene: 19 August 2020
Location: Recreation Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Old friends find out that one another are still alive.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Detective Chimp

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's late. Somewhere in that after midnight but not yet 'morning' kind of late. Peggy should probably be tucked into bed, but being displaced through time does a lot to a woman's head and she didn't feel like staring at the ceiling of her quarters. So, the once-Director, now semi-retired 'asset' is up, tucked into the corner of a couch in the rec room. She's changed into more comfortable clothing, most of it hidden by the old fashioned satin robe she has neatly tied across her waist. It's black with large pink flamingos and looks like it probably came right out of the 1950s. Her hair is twisted up in dozens of little pin curls pressed against her head. Old habits die hard, it seems.

She's reading. An actual, honest to god, hard back book. Her data pad ress on the coffee table beside her, but she much prefers a solid book she can hold. There's also a neglected cup of tea and a few crisps on a table. Apparently, Agent Carter has gone for full comfort mode tonight.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp comes walking into the rec room "You would think a place that one eyed son of a gun ran would allow smoking. " He mutters as he has an unlit cigar in his teeth. Chimp has not been around shield much of late, they have not called him, and he has not called them. Tonight though he comes looking to chat with the main man and he seems no where to be found. He walks in and says "Ok, who got rid of the bar." He looks around the room and stops as he sees Peggy a brow raising a bit on the simian's face.

Peggy Carter has posed:
That is not a voice she expected to hear. How long did Chimps live? But then, he wasn't your average Chimp otherwise. Peggy blinks up from her book, staring at the consulting agent for a long few, shocked moments. But it has to be him. He's got the same attitude, is looking for the bar, and she even remembers that tone of voice. "... Bobo...? I... I think they got rid of the bar sometime in the 90s, frankly, but there's still some stashed around here. Is that... actually *you*?" Sure, rumors of her return probably got around SHIELD itself, but not much beyond the halls. She folds her book shut, sitting up a bit straighter as she takes him in, a happy, breathless little laugh escaping her throat.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over, and says Yea, and that's you Peggy, last I heard you up and disappeared in the 70s." He will walk over towards her "Considering I aint heard anything about you being around I take it you took some type of short cut here?" He will offer her a smile "Some of us had to take the long way." He does not seem any older than he was when she lost saw him.

Peggy Carter has posed:
She knows him well enough. Back in the day her, Howard, and a young Fury too turns handling him, depending on the case and the strangeness of it all. But she always was content to pour a drink and chat it out before she sent him into anything dangerous. Tea and crisps abandoned, she elegantly shifts up and out of the couch to move over to one of the side cabinets. "I know Bobbi said there was something hidden SOMEWHERE around here... Ah!" There it is. Secret liquor cabinet, disguised as general bookshelves. She opens it up and pulls out a bottle of decent whiskey and two slightly dusty tumbler glasses before returning to his side to give him a long look over.

"...You're looking young and slightly drunk as ever." The comment has a gentle fondness behind her clipped accent. "... And yes. The incident which 'killed me' didn't actually. I just got sucked into some sort of... quantum experiment of Howard's. When they managed to recativate the machine he was researching it... Ah, spit me back up."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Ah well it is good to see you about, and yea, seems after my little sip at the fountain, I am pretty much like ya see me from now on. Rex is still around as well, and he aint aged either." He will tell her. He will move to sit down opposite of where she was. "So how long you been back then?" He will ask after listening to her story.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It takes just a moment to dust out the glasses and she pours them both a generous few fingers of the whiskey. She doesn't even ask how much he wants, she pretty much knows at this point. Passing the amber liquid across, Peggy settles back down into her little corner, watching him with curious, slightly worried eyes. The news about Rex makes her smile, "Well, I guess you're not going through it all... Alone?" His question of her being back gets a slight glance at her data pad, "...A... few weeks? Goodness, a month now, I suppose. It's been a lot of... catching up."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and says "We get together at least every couple years. He is a good guy, think he is working with shield here a bit more than I have of late." He takes the drink and takes a long sip "I can imagine, heck living it the past 20-30 years have been a hell of a learning curve. " He will admit to her and says "Well glad your not dead, it is good to have some more of the old school about."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The woman is comfortable enough with him that she tucks her legs up beneath her, sitting in the couch like she would with an old friend, not an asset she's trying to train to go out into the field. Peggy's dark eyes haven't changed, even her hair isn't showing any grays. While she never drank from any sort of fountain, there was something that happened back in the day which seems to have bought her quite a bit of time. "I'm...rather glad I'm not dead as well. And... apparently a few others have made it. I'm... a bit shocked by it all, but I'll take what bits of old companions I can find. And Howard has a *son* now... Who causes almost as much trouble as he did, from what I can tell."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and says "I have thought about looking him up, but he is more into the whole science side of things, and I am still working on the not science side of things." He smirks a bit and says "Speaking of which where is Nick? Need to see if he knows about all the vampires about."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...Which Nick? And, honestly... which *vampires*? I know I've encountered one, one I met during the war..." There's a slight frown on her lips, something she's unhappy about with that encounter, but she doesn't further elaborate. "...there's more? Are they a threat to this city?" Peggy asks earnestly, that over protective, always ready to work tone returning to her voice.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well last I heard Fury was in charge, so he was the one I figured should know, and the classic type, blood drinking night time stake in the heart." HE clarrifies for her. "I have encountered them a couple times now when out on jobs, and I was thinking best to find out if it was a bigger problem or just happened to wander into them."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh hell... Fury is still around? I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, but he's not ducked his head out from whatever mission he's on since I returned. Frankly, while they've verified I am who I say I am, I don't think they really trust it yet. Steve does... Even Bucky does, but the higher ups? There's a lot of paranoia around SHIELD, and I don't blame them. I couldn't really tell you who is the final authority nowadays..." And it's bothering her more than she cares to let on. There is a restlessness behind her eyes. A frustration of a woman who used to be in charge, and now Peggy isn't even trusted on certain missions. She takes an abruptly deep drink of her whiskey.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well if it helps, from what I can see, I would vouch for you, smell like you and such. And if they are not letting you work around here you can join me on some jobs, some are boring as hell, but in New York and Gotham some of them do get somewhat crazy"

Peggy Carter has posed:
That offer earns him a softer smile and just a bit of a chuckle, "I... might just take you up on that, frankly. Though, seeing a few things we've recently encountered, I have half a mind just to go off, take a small team, and see if I can finish cleaning up the last bits of HYDRA once and for all. I... can't believe they are still out there, but we took out another next just last week. I guess I didn't finish the job the first time around..." The bitterness behind Peggy's voice is as much at herself than anything.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "Hatred and thirst for power are pretty hard to stomp out. Then you add the whole young men with nothing to do and being easily lead. Sometimes I wonder if there needs to be some new patriotic drive, maybe get Steve back out on the campaign trail, I am sure he would love that.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh gods. Steve would murder me in my sleep if I suggested he go on the war bonds performance train again..." Peg takes another sip of her whiskey, a softer laugh following. "No, that's a lie. He'd not be happy about it, but...if the country needed it, he'd probably go. I think we need him in the field more, but then...I thought that back in the day and they listened to me barely at all, so... Once more, not my choice. Unless he decides to sneak off hunting with me. Then it's both of us going rogue to finish the job."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Well if you do give me a call, will see if I can get some of the old guys about Rex, and maybe a couple of the magic types, as Hydra is always trying to stick their nose in there.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I certainly won't complain about the back up. I need a bit more intelligence than I have now about it all but... I've got fingers in a few pots. Just seeing what they over turn." Even fifty years separated from her directorial reign, and Peggy gives one of those engimatic, slightly proud smiles that says she's got connections left and isn't scared to use them.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles and nods his head a bit more to this and says "Well I would offer to go in and sneak about but got a feeling I would not quite fit in with them." He offers a smile to her, and says "I will put out the word as well, see if I can hear anything.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You bring in a good tip, and I'll buy you any bottle of scotch you want." Peggy offers with a wider grin, clearly still appreciative of his skills. "...But truly, Bo, it's... good to see you. I'd never have dreamt you were still around or I'd have at least... called. You still in the yellow pages? Do they still even HAVE yellow pages?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Barely but yea." He will pull out his wallet pulling out a card listing him as Detective Chimp. It has numbers for a couple cities. He will pull out a pen and writes his personal number on the back."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I... rather suppose I need to get new cards myself. I have this bloody thing now, though, and it's better than a rolodex, even if I'm certain it follows you where ever you go. I remember DEVELOPING that technology." Peggy nods towards the cellphone on the table in front of her, before leaning forward and grabbing a bit of scrap paper to write her own number down for him. His card is tucked as a bookmark into the novel she's reading, so it won't be easily lost.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "YEa, they are handy but if I am going somewhere I don't want people to know about I take out the battery before I leave, He admits

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...That's not a poor choice. Someone earlier told me a ziplock bag and tape it to the bottom of a sewer grate, if you really don't want someone following you. Yours... seems a bit more practical." Peg admits with a touch of a laugh. She then finishes her whiskey, a sigh following after as she considers the empty glass, her cold tea, and the old friend across from her. "...I should, however, attempt to be off to bed while the whiskey actually makes me think I might be tired."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Well it was good to see ya Peggy, if ya don't mind let someone in the mystic department know will be sending an email in for some info and giving some back.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy Carter stands, stepping over to him for a brief, one-armed hug, if he permits, her other arm full of datapad, phone, and book. "I'll let them know in the morning, I swear. Hopefully they'll get back to you. I should duck my head down there anyway. Now... go get some rest. This is a bloody well stupid time of the night for either of us to be working." And with that, she heads back out to her quarters. Hopefully the whiskey will help with sleep.