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Latest revision as of 13:09, 19 August 2020

Of Canine Investigations
Date of Scene: 17 August 2020
Location: Recreation Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Sharing culture, one dog and one aircraft at a time.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Mockingbird, White Fox

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Mid-afternoon in the Trisk on a Monday. There should be business being accomplished. Missions assigned, workouts, training exercises, classes to further oneself in any number of subjects that are deemed important by the agency.

But what is Clint Barton, Senior Field Agent of SHIELD and Avenger, doing?

Dog Detective. All the episodes he missed while on his mission. What's a little scary is that he'd rigged the DVR in the Trisk to record them...

So, in jeans, t-shirt, boots.. with his right arm still set in a sling, Clint's sitting back on the couch, a cup of coffee in hand, and is lazily watching television, remote just off to his left side on the couch. Blue eyes are half-mast, and he's got the close-captioning running on the bottom of the screen that even helpfully captions a *bark* every once in a while, when appropriate.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's not in the rec room....yet. Her footsteeps draw closer as she pauses outside the door and listens, shaking her head with a look into the room, and blinks.

Must be a Monday...she's come here from putting in time on the range and the gym too working out, her hair's still damp as she steps in, looking to Clint. "Hey, are you getting ideas for pets again?" she asks looking from the screen to Clint. Settling on a chair, Bobbi's not bothering with watching the TV. She's not too interested really...sacrilege? Maybe.

White Fox has posed:
4 hours Quinjet are a pain, specially if you do it several times a week to keep SHIELD posted... and use it at the same time to get activity in the US done. But while Ami Han is scheduled for some meetings in the ROK's embassy in Washington on tuesday, it's White Fox that pays a visit in the Triskelion. White mask, white hair, blue track suit with the RoK's flag on the shoulder.

"I was told that I could spend some free time here while I wait for my flight tomorrow?" they note as they slip into the Rec room, giving the two some smiles. "I see... Morse and Mr. Burton, right? White Fox."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Honestly, Clint's not //that// much of a slacker. He's actually started attending PT for the arm, and ribs are healing nicely in that the skin above them is no longer purple. (He takes the purple thing a little far at times, maybe?) He's been up longer than he lets on. He does a lot more than people realize!

But now? He's doing nothing. Decompressing from a mission, if he wants to give it a proper name.

Clint catches the movement, and rocking his head back, his hand reaches for the remote to pause his show. Brows rise and he watches her brief progress into the room, catching the question. He shakes his head in response,

"Nah, no time. Miss my dog, though." 'His' dog. He takes a beat, then, "Done for the day?"

Clint catches the newly arrived into the room, looks at the TV.. and back again before he sighs and puts the remote down. The picture on the television is a typical 'happy dog', a shepherd that's on his hind legs, getting praise from his cop partner. Bone. Ball.. one happy dog!

Working his way up and off the couch, Clint moves to extend a hand but has it slinged up.. and casts an apologetic glance before,

"Yes ma'am.. and that's Barton. You can call me Clint, or Hawkeye." There's the pause again before, "A pleasure."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks up at the voice and nods. "YHou can, yes. Don't mind Clint, he's just watching his episodes" Bobbi says. "C'mon, take a seat. So what're you looking for, relaxing wise?"

Looking over to the White Fox, Bobbi offers a hand too, and looks to Clint. "You had to pause it on the cutest image, you know that?"

Yes. She went there.

White Fox has posed:
Ami Han takes the hands only briefly, giving them a quick shake before eying the screen. "What are you watching? Something good?" she asks, smiling. "Mind if I join?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"They're all cute. They're dogs." Dog Detectives. Duh.. and Clint's tones just carry that off. Still, he's got something of a lopsided smile when Bobbi's familiarly dismissive of him with the 'Don't mind Clint..' and once the introductions are done, he settles back on the couch, maneuvering his arm out of the way of the cushions.

"Stopover? And sure, pull up a chair." Now, however, he's curious. "How'd the meeting with the Old Man go?" His tones are easily conversational, that 'bro to bro' without it being a bro.

To illustrate his willingness to accomodate a guest? He holds out the remote, though he underscores it with, "Nothing really good on at right now. Divorce Court. Maury. The View."

Mockingbird has posed:
"But..." Bobbi says, thinking better of arguing with Clint over just which dog is cutest...this is how SHIELD agents spend their downtime...apparently? Clint loves Dog Detective. Bobbi...she's got her ways of killing downtime. "Admit it, Clint. You'd adopt all the dogs if you could" Bobbi says and looks to Ami with a smile. "What he really means is there's things on, but who wants to watch those other shows?" she adds.

Bobbi pulls out a datapad and studies it with a laugh, "That's it. I'm sending you all the pictures of the dogs, Clint. That's it. You get all the dog pictures" Bobbi nods.

Hey the show's not bad for background noise, and Clint's happy watching it. Even though they are divorced....it's kind of not hard to notice Bobbi would go the extra mile. Or hundreds of miles for Clint.

White Fox has posed:
"Three legged ones are a nuiscance though." White Fox notes, tapping her chin as she ponders the time in Korea as she settles down. "I think there are some K-pop dramas with subtitels on around now... but I don't think they would be up for your liking. Too much cultural context to understand them needed. So why not keep with what you already have?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shrugs his shoulders lightly, though it's not dismissive. "Every one of them," is admitted, he attention first settling on the ex-wife before looking at the guest. "Yeah, sorry. Basically trash shows. Stuff that you watch to make yourself feel better about yourself." Which, well.. he used to keep on in the background too.


"I've never had to deal with a three-legged dog, thankfully. But, I'm thinkin' that he couldn't be spoiled enough." Because... dog. With three legs.

K-Pop, though.. that's a little far out of his experience. Clint's curious about this White Fox, though.. and while his first question didn't go answered, he'll try for a second. "Director Fury's got you goin' home in style, right? Not some little thing that feels every air current?"

Mockingbird has posed:
"You smack talking our flyers, Clint?" Bobbi asks with a look from Ami to Clint, then to Ami. "Aw come on. Three legged dogs are adorable, though" Bobbi admits. "See, I'm all for adorable dogs. Clint, you'd spoil any dog, be honest" she says looking amused then back to Ami.

"So there's nothing wrong with going anywhere in style, is there?"

White Fox has posed:
"Spoil a Samjoksu and you got touble coming." White fox notes with a little glare over ot Clint. "They're in league with the Tirads, and one of them murdered my mother. The only thing they're good for is Gae Suyuk."

"A Korean Quinjet? It's fast, but loud. Though the pilot needs to keep his breaks so he gets his clearings."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I fly 'em," is said with another light, easy shrug. "Sometimes, if I know my passenger gets air sick, I look for the.." Oops. Nope.. and he simply finishes that up with an innocent smile. Instead?

Clint lifts himself off the couch again, making the cross towards the coffee pot tucked away in a small corner. A 'technically homeless' Clint addition, no doubt!

"Anyone want...?" and a gesture is made in the pot's direction.

Regardless of answer, he'll be making a full pot, and the fixings begin. "Any dog. Big is cute. Small is.. a dustmop. Which is also useful." And cute. Canting his head towards the ladies again, and he blinks, trying to follow White Fox.

What he seems to get out of it all is 'murdered my mother', and his expression falls, "I'm.. sorry." It's a Clint backtrack, and he looks at Bobbi with that question mark that may be appearing on his face. "I didn't realize.."

Mockingbird has posed:
Okay that was a gut punch, Bobbi looks upset. "I'm sorry to hear that" Bobbi says looking uneasy aboet about the 'murdered my mother' part. Great, she feels like the mood took a sharp turn. "Yes please, coffee is a thing, and I'll take a coffee" Bobbi adds and looks from Clint then Ami.

White Fox has posed:
"You couldn't know, and I killed the culprit back in 85 if I remember correctly." White fox excuses the two, waving off. "So are we done digging through bad parts and can drag out coffee, root beer and whatever is on TV now?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint... is going to be looking up 'White Fox' on SHIELD's computers once this little meeting is done. Oh yes.

He returns a look back to Bobbi, and is rescued by the brewing of the coffee, and once finished, offers up cups. "Coffee.." is added a little lamely, but he's good.

One cup poured is set into his sling (complete with creamers and sugars), and he's holding two others so he can pass them out. Bobbi's, he fixes the way he'd remembered and hands it over, his own is black.

"I'm.. uh.. I'm good with just talking. Your flight is tomorrow? Tell me you have a good hotel nearby. If it was up to SHIELD, they'd put you in an out-of-the-way place to keep costs down."

Mockingbird has posed:
like Bobbi won't be looking that up too. Okay see, she's curious now and sips her coffee. "Thankss" she says and looks from Ami to Clint.

"Korean quinjets are what, they are fast but loud? Long as it can outrun everything..." Bobbi starts, "You can run away from most things, yes?" she wonders with a sip of coffee. She glances back to the screen again and smiles. "Coffee, Clint. Detective Dog, and you're here as well" Bobbi nods to Ami. "See you're fitting in fine with us"

White Fox has posed:
"Oh, It's rather similar to the SHIELD ones, but made in the Republic of Korea. Dropped some sound protection for a tad bit of extra airtime and speed, but anything more is confidential. It's not like we have a need for a 'bus' in the republic usually. After all the RoK is rather small compared to the US."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Bet that baby screams," Clint whistles softly. Fast cars, fast aircraft, fast wo-- right. "Why would you need something faster if the country is so small?" It's more a rhetorical question, one that he's more wondering than actually expecting an answer for. "I'd fly it."

Clint glances towards Bobbi again, and he chuckles. "Gotta agree with Bobbi. Coffee and Dog Detective," and he gestures at the television again, complete with 'good dog' still in frame. "The Gs you pull must be fun." To get back to flying! "Think your people would let me give it a try?" Because, why not!

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow at Clint. "You want to get your hands on a ROK quinjet?" she asks. That's....kind of wary on that. Sure, let the SHIELD operative fly other nations quinjets...sure why not....sarcasm.

Bobbi watches the paused oh so cute dog over her coffee and looks to Clint then Ami, then back to Clint again. "Alright, are you going to burn that image into the TV or you going to resume the episode?" Bobbi teases with a smile.

White Fox has posed:
"What better for a Missile Interceptor role?" White Fox answers, refering to the line of dictators in the norht arming up with missiles and nukes, constantly threatening peace. "Si vis vpacem para bellum."

"I don't think that LED screen will burn the image in, it'd be more likely that the negative would be burned in by destroying those LEDs.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins lopsidedly, the Midwestern boy coming out. "Absolutely." A man who thinks he can fly anything! "And sure, makes sense. Mustering against 'that guy'." Now that tenuous 'peace', Hawkeye is more than aware of. He's just not in that theatre very often. Hard for him to fit in.

Finally, Clint sits back down in his spot, coffee on the injured side for the moment it takes him to grab the remote and click back on to the TV to restart his episode. Once done, the remote is put back into its place beside him, the coffee taken, and the dog comes to 'life' once more as the scene continues.

"Even if it did, it's a hell of a lot better than other things people watch." Besides, who doesn't like dogs?

Given his chance? Clint will be more than happy to keep watching Dog Detective, and even pointing out recurring characters, replaying particularly cut dog/ball scenes.. and, of course?

Dog Detectives always get their man!