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Latest revision as of 23:33, 19 August 2020

Are we superheroes now
Date of Scene: 19 August 2020
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jeremy and Shannon talk and make plans for the weekend. Thai food is in their future.
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Nightingale

SpyderByte has posed:
Sitting at the couch is Jeremy with a laptop over his knees. He has spent a great deal of the morning cleaning up the video feeds from yesterday's adventure. As far as the camera feeds go from the bank, there's just a chunk of blank space from start to finish. They only popped back on when the cops arrived to arrest the bank robbers. There was a blip on the news as well of a group of kid heroes who thwarted the robbery, though no interviews were conducted. Mister McCoy ensured they were rushed out as soon as he got there.

As he taps away at the keyboard, he is all smiles, looking comfortably relaxed for a change. He is even sitting straighter instead of slouched or slumped over. He had a phone call last night with Supergirl that appeared to have gone well, leaving him pleased as punch.

Nightingale has posed:
     For her own part, Shannon was simply relieved nobody got hurt during the previous day's adventure. Granted, she had nearly spit nails at Indi, but when push came to shove they all worked well together. Every team member had come back without so much as a scratch, plus they were not an item on the evening news. They had been incredibly fortunate and she knew it.

     There were no such phone calls for her to answer, but that was fine. She was content to flop down on one of the sofas in her red tartan sweatpants, baggy gray tank top, and her floofy sheepdog slippers, a huge bowl of popcorn in one arm, and a 2-liter bottle of Barq's root beer in the other. Smiling over at Jeremy, she plops the bowl of popcorn down in between them so he can partake if he chooses. It gives off a heavenly, buttery, salty aroma, and still radiates warmth as if freshly made.

SpyderByte has posed:
Glancing over at her, Jeremy gives her a wide smile, then reaches over to pluck some popcorn out and cram it into his mouth. He gives a few chews and a swallow. << Hey. How you doing? >> He says as he scoots in a bit closer, leaning in to bump his shoulder to hers. He wipes his hand down on the top of his jeans, then reaches out to give her hand a squeeze briefly. He has his phone balancing on the top of his other knee.

<< Do you want me to pass you the remote? I was watching TV earlier but I got bored and turned it off so that I could get back to work. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sure, I mean, I was probably just going to turn on one of the music channels and chill out for a bit. I like the New Age one particularly. Or sometimes New Wave or 1980's style stuff." Smiling, with a hint of color to her cheeks, she leans in to bump shoulders, and squeezes his hand gently. Something akin to a giggle escapes her, and she actually grins. "Voice of God, huh? Hey, at least we were able to get all those nachos to go!"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Was Adam's idea. I was just going along with it. >> Jeremy says as he winds his fingers up with hers, giving it another squeeze. He passes the remote to her with his free hand, then sneaks some more popcorn out of the bowl to take a mouthful, crunching away.

<< The nachos were really good. I'm glad that we were still able to bring food home with us. I'd have been disappointed. >> He gives a glance of his head towards the laptop, causing it to sleep before he closes the lid and moves it off to the side.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yeah, those were awesome nachos. I oughta work on making stuff like that next." Shannon sets down the bottle of root beer nearby so both can partake if they want, finally leaving her other hand free to pluck at the popcorn. Or the remote. She flicks the remote on and taps a few numbers, going straight to one of the music channels. It's very soothing ambient music, with some nature sounds mixed in. Smiling a bit more, she squeezes Jeremy's hand. "Sometimes when I've been out in the field, when I get back and everything's settled down, I head for my dorm, lock the door, and just put on music like this for hours. It's very soothing."

     Giving a little flick of her eyebrows, she smiles a bit. "I don't know why Indi didn't seem to think I cared about those hostages, though. We didn't know those guns were fake, and we sure wouldn't have done any good to them hurt or worse." A roll of her eyes, and another laugh escapes her, the young woman shaking her head. "I think I'm starting to gain some sympathy for Mr. Summers and some of the stuff he deals with."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I think it was a misunderstanding from what I could hear on my end. She was making a snarky joke, but then you misheard her, so she fired back. Either way, it's cool. No harm done. I wouldn't worry about it. We all did great and kept our cool. No one getting hurt was the most important part of the job. >>

Jeremy gives a smile as he takes another bite of popcorn. << I was confident either way. There is a reason why the fi--six of us will be a team. >> He knows something! His lips give a small curve upwards as his eyes twinkle.

<< We're a perfect puzzle. All of us. We are going to need to depend on each other to not only get through the field, but through life, and I'm so excited. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yeah, when it comes to people not getting hurt, that's not something I like to joke about. But you're right. No harm, no fowl... err, foul... ah frak." Shannon just facepalms, shaking her head and groaning at the inadvertant pun.

     Or at least she does for a moment, until Jeremy almost spills the beans. "Six? Wait, who else is joining us?" Her eyebrows twitch upwards as she glances up, that smile of hers re-appearing. "Come on. Dish. If you've got the deets I'd love to hear 'em."

     Her eyes twinkle, and she nods, munching on the popcorn for a few minutes. "I don't know how perfect a puzzle we all are, but that's just because I'm still learning everyone. Indi, for example. She has a ways to go learning her gifts, but she made damn good use of what she had keeping those goons distracted. Ted and Adam were our heavy hitters, and they did their part helping get the hostages free and keeping the goons in their place. Me, I just looked pretty, told the hostages they were going to be fine, and got them clear. Thank god. I don't think I want to deal with my mom freaking out again about a healing anytime soon."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I could spill the beans, but it's not my surprise to share. I would also get in trouble because I was told to stay out of the teacher's files but I peeked anyways because I can't help myself. Information is like a drug and it calls to me. >>

Jeremy looks smug for a moment before he takes some more popcorn and pops it into his mouth, humming happily around the buttery taste. He leans in to bump his shoulder against hers again, followed by another firm squeeze of his hand around hers. << You gave the hostages assurances that they will be okay. That part was important. If they panicked, it may have ended badly, especially if the guns were real. Most people look to angels for hope. That is what you are for our team. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Chuckling, Shannon just shakes her head, making darn sure her phone is out of sight, and not a tempting target. "Then pulling one over on you for Christmas is going to be really difficult," she replies. In a rare goofy moment for its own sake, she tries to balance a kernel of popcorn on her nose, tilting her head back to see just how long she can keep it up. It doesn't last long, with the popcorn dropping from her face and into her lap. She giggles softly, leaning in for another shoulder bump and a firm squeeze of his hand.

     One of her smaller wing feathers flutters to the couch cushion, a stray breeze blowing it to the floor. "Someday, though, I want to be able to do more than just give hope--even though that's really important. Adam and Ted have strength already. I have to earn mine the hard way, so if I had to, I could airlift someone to safety. But I'll get there. We all will."

SpyderByte has posed:
There is a shrug of Jeremy's shoulders upwards, giving her a grin. << Adam and Ted have strength, but do you think they can deal with people like you can? People will be scared of bears and scared of people who can throw a car over their shoulder. See yourself as the team's PR. That is a strength of it's own as well. It's a good skill to have. >>

He takes out a piece of popcorn and tries to balance it on her nose, though it topples to the side and falls into her lap. << Maybe we can build an anti-gravity device so it can make people lighter so you can pick them up easier. That would be kinda cool. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "You know, that's not a bad idea. But I still should work on my physical strength, in case tech ever fails." Oh, my. The team's PR? With a shurt whuff of breath that almost sounds like a laugh, Shannon shakes her head. "Maybe. But I give a lot of credit for learning to deal with people to the teachers here, and their example."

     Giggling, she tries to hold still as Jer balances the popcorn on her nose, not quite able to catch it as it tumbles to her lap. In turn, she holds up a kernel of popcorn, and reaches over as if to balance it on his nose in turn. "Let's see how you do with that!"

SpyderByte has posed:
Holding his head still, Jeremy squints his eyes at the popcorn kernel for the half second before it falls. He whips his tongue out to try and catch it but he just misses miserably. He picks it up and puts it in his mouth, grinning. << So, what am I on the team? The punching bag? >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon giggles softly, watching Jeremy's attempt at catching the popcorn. It fails. It falls. But that's fine. "Hmmm. Definitely our tech support. Not out on the front lines in the physical world, but I don't envy anyone going up against you on your own turf. You can do stuff that none of us can, and sure made our job out there a whole lot easier. Thank you."

SpyderByte has posed:
There is a small giggle from Jeremy as he shrugs his shoulders upwards. << Was hoping you'd say the brains of the operation. I guess I'm just the team's Best Buy employee. Geek Squad. >> He takes another piece of popcorn and puts it on his head, as if it was a hat. He holds himself very still, looking upwards as best he can with his eyes.

<< What do you want to do this weekend? I don't have any plans. Maybe we can do something. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Giggling, Shannon bobs her head in agreement. "Hey, why do you think folks call techies? Because they've got the brains. So yeah, you -were- a huge part of that brains of the operation." A second piece of popcorn is plopped on Jeremy's head, right next to the first. And then a third. Soon enough, the winged teen is mirroring the new headgear on herself, holding as still as she can to keep the crunchy treat on top of her head and not in her lap.

     "Hmmm, I don't know. Usually I just train or study, or work on my music. Got any thoughts on that one?"

SpyderByte has posed:
As he holds himself still, Jeremy reaches up to put a fourth piece of popcorn on the top of her head. A few more goes into his mouth, even as one topples down and bounces off his shoulder. << Let's do something this weekend. Let's see a movie and then go to dinner. I don't care where. Maybe we can try a new food. Something exotic. Like Taco Bell. >>

His lips twitch upwards with a teasing smile, then lets out a quick yawn as the rest of the popcorn falls off him.

Nightingale has posed:
     Some might be able to wear popcorn as a hat and have it work for a fashion statement. Lady Gaga, for one. However, Shannon was not one of these fortunate (or not) souls, the popcorn soon falling off her head, bouncing off her wings, and getting scattered around the couch as she giggles softly. "If Taco Bell is exotic, I wonder how you'd do with Thai food? Or Chinese?" She grins and stretches her wings out behind her, giving them a little flick. "See, there's this great Thai place in the city...."