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Latest revision as of 03:20, 20 August 2020

Jail Break -- Sort of
Date of Scene: 20 August 2020
Location: Juvenile Detention Facility, NYC
Synopsis: Jean and Ororo cut a deal for a teen with a criminal past. Will they live to regret it?
Cast of Characters: Aegis, Phoenix, Storm

Aegis has posed:
The juvenile detention facility in NYC was not a pleasant place. Sure it was 'Kid Jail' but it was filled with the same sort of criminals that populated the adult versions. From petit crimes to murder, they were all here.

The powered types were kept in a special wing, split into multiple dorms by sexes. There were even two for those with alternative lifestyles, as they liked to label them. It was government related so everything--and everyone--had to fit a label. Whether they wanted to or not.

Normally when in the wing, the power dampeners flooded the floor so everyone was on equal footing. The visiting areas were not quite the same. It was the same area for all those involved, which meant they had to be depowered another way. Simple collars that blocked impulses to the brain sufficed for most. The young woman they were coming to visit was one of those.

The visiting room had thick glass set in a small cubby area where the two people could see each other. There was a speaker set up. No having to pick up a phone here. They would be able to hear each other passingly well through the speaker box at the base of the glass.

The young woman who was brought out was short. Barely over five feet and probably a hundred pounds soaking wet. She would argue she was over that of course. She would argue the sky was green and the grass was blue if it suited her. Her dark hair was down and stood out against the orange jumpsuit they had her wearing. No makeup and--Madre de Dios--no jewelry.

Xiomara sat down in the chair, glancing to the emptiness on the other side then looking back to the corrections officer behind her. "So what is all this? It ain't Sunday so it's not my Mama. Que paso?"

Phoenix has posed:
The school's true nature was one of the closest kept secrets, but there were a few who knew. Ex-students, family, or those otherwise affiliated with the X-Men; they were out there, the eyes and ears that didn't rely on a psychic and a wired up helmet. Through those channels, news of Xiomara had reached them and offers began. It took some strong arming and some morally grey brain wrangling, but it was done. A new home, a new chance, and hopefully one more mutant youth protected - even if that meant from herself.

Jean had come to Ororo, someone she trusted to keep a level head and her wits about her, to assist in collecting their new student. "Plea deal," Jean would explain. "She behaves and gets herself a degree and show that she can clean up her act, and she doesn't go back to prison."

The clean black car pulled up to the hall with little to identify it on the outside save the subtle X in place of branding. Dressed in a sharp black pants suit with a deep green shirt underneath, Jean stepped out with a briefcase under one arm. "...I do hate government buildings." Her old friend would hear her mutter before she heads up the steps and inside. In short order, the two women check in and are shown to the visitor's room.

Storm has posed:
    Storm follows Jean into the facility, dressed smartly as well in a suit and black knee-length skirt with high-heeled shoes.

    Really, who -does- like buildings like these? But they were here to give someone a chance to get out of here--a second chance at a life outside of crime.

    She sits down across from the glass, her eyes calm as she takes in the sight of the young girl. But she would let Jean do the talking first.

Aegis has posed:
When the officer wouldn't help her, Xio turned back around in her chair. After a minute, she slumped down, picking at her nails as she waited.

As the door opened, she glanced up and there was a moment of hope on that young face. When she saw the strangers, it was gone, like mist when the sun rose in the morning.

"I don't know you. You ain't my public defender. Unless he bailed. I was just kidding when I said I'd kick his ass if I got jail time," she says with a smirk which belies that she was kidding.

Phoenix has posed:
"Well, we're here to give you that news that you don't have jail time." Says the redheaded woman as she steps up to the table where the teen sits. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Batista. My name is Jean Grey, headmistress of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a private boarding school over in Westchester County. This is one of our teachers, Ororo Monroe. We've been in negotiations to offer you a deal. We can offer you a full education, as well as residency on campus. Should you complete your education as well as avoid any further disciplinary action, the state has agreed to drop the charges against you."

"That's the short version. I figured I would save you the sales pitch and let you ask any questions that you have. And to start, no, we're not a detention facility. This isn't a juvie hall with math class." She says with a faint twinkle in her eye. "We're a school, like so many others."

Storm has posed:
    Storm nods as Jean gives a brief explanation of what Xio is being offered. "Yes, as Miss Grey said, you will not be a prisoner. But we -will- take care of you, and ensure you are safe."

Aegis has posed:
The offer on the table makes Xio scrunch up her face. Honestly, it's a good deal. But that doesn't mean she is going to like it. Go off to Westchester County away from her friends. No one around she knows.

"This like military thing cause I ain't marching?" she asks, stalling as everything is running through her mind. Drop charges. Get education. Has to avoid disciplinary action. "And discipline like what? If I get a demerit, I'm back here. Or like something big like...illegal?" She's not stupid, she can put things together at least.

Was it worth it to try this? "Record needs to be expunged too. So I got a clean slate when I'm 18."

Phoenix has posed:
"Expellable offenses and above." Jean says as she takes a seat at the table with introductions out of the way. "And since you are a minor, yes. Your record will be clear upon successfully graduating. We're not a military school, though we do encourage student groups. As a boarding facility, your classmates are often your surrogate family so learning to live and work together is important. Nor are we a religious organization, but a fair portion of our curriculum we keep devoted to personal growth and development. I promise, both of those are more exciting than they sound."

Storm has posed:
    "You may not like everything about it," Storm admits. "Not many do. But I can guarantee you it will be much better than staying here." she tells the girl, her voice even, but gentle.

Aegis has posed:
It is sounding entirely too good. Outside the whole having to behave. But there is a lot that can be done without getting expelled. She'd managed it before.

She caught her bottom lip in her teeth, considering and glancing down at her lap for a moment. Course, she could always escape. Get away and go back to the city. They couldn't stop her after all! Then it wouldn't matter. Or...she could try to play it stright for a while, get her record cleared.

"My folks okay with this? I mean, I'm guessing they are." That cockiness is gone when she mentions her parents. They are important to her, despite her actions.

Phoenix has posed:
"They are." Jean confirms to Xiomara with a nod of her head. "I've already met and spoken with them. If you're agreeable to the deal, we'll be driving you home in order to pack your necessary belongings before taking you to the school. You have twenty-four hours to decide, so if you wanted to call and speak with them first you're certainly welcome to. I know it's an important decision to make in a short amount of time."

Storm has posed:
    "You won't regret it. You parents will be proud of you if you finish." Storm says with a kind smile, sensing that was a tender subject for her, with the way her attitude changed upon mentioning them. She seemed to care about them--that was a good start.

Aegis has posed:

Her parents thought it was a good deal. Were willing to let her go. She knew that her parents loved her. All the things she had done were not enough to turn them against her.

Xiomara gave a shrug, making a bit of a face. "Whatever. I'll give it a try. If it sucks...well, I think we can all figure out what will happen," she adds.

The deal was made. The question was answered.

It was the first step of Xiomara's future.