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Latest revision as of 03:13, 23 August 2020

Belated Beer Birthday
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Nick and Karrin meet for a beer and steak sandwich. He gives her the rundown about the current wizard problem. She doesn't entirely dodge questions about her love life.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Karrin Murphy

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, it's been a few days since Karrin's birthday but Nick is having to make up for missing the festivities. He did get an invite to an address he assumes to be Harry's place which made it all the more interesting but alas. Things were not meant to be. Conflicts occur and sometimes you have to skip out.

And so this is how Nick ended up with a return trip to McAnally's. It's quiet inside which leads to the ultimate variety of potential places to sit at. And yet, He's seated at one of the tables that he's grown accoustomed to sitting at when he's ever invited here. The association with mostly good times is enough to merit keeping the pattern intact. Same chair. Same beer. Same Sandwich. Same. Same. His knitcap is still missing and instead he has a ballcap resting on the table. allowing for the hair to be free from its confines. Only to be corralled into the back of his shirt. No one likes hairy sandwiches after all

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Birthday times this year were very strange in that they were nice. Almost too nice. Other than a work mess, something she almost expected or planned, everything was utterly lovely. Karrin is waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it doesn't seem to be today, as she steps into McAnally's and nothing pushes in the door or stands up to attack and violate the hallowed neutral ground this place is supposed to be. Karrin lets out a little breath she doesn't even realize she was holding and makes her way towards the usual table, smile on her lips.

She's in her usual, black tank top, jeans, black motorcycle jacket big enough to hide the few weapons she's always carrying. She looks actually well slept for once and isn't even carrying around a single bruise. Bobbed blonde hair is tucked behind her ears and her clear, blue eyes only give the room a single paranoid once over before she smiles to Nick and settles down across from him. "Good choice, as ever. I think between the half dozen of us, we keep this place in business."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, more you guys than me being I don't live in the area." Nick replies, watching as the cop sits down. "Last time I was here was with you after some statue incident with Harry." He nods over towards the counter, "Hope you don't mind I already put your sandwich order in. Wasn't sure if you were going the beer or lemonade route today so I left that one alone. Either way, sandwich and first drink's on me. Late birthday present."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin smiles a bit more, "You come here enough to have a favourite table and favourite chair, Nick. It counts." She settles in and tosses a look over her shoulder at Mac, "Lager, please. Whichever one you will *permit* me to drink cold." She's not taking her jacket off because then she's just wearing weapons openly and she tries to be a bit more polite than that to Mac. It means she's also not drinking a warm beer. She sinks back into the chair, "Thank you. You know just want I wanted." She winks, and then looks over to Nick, a touch of concern brushing her eyes, "...And how are you holding up... with...grenade friends, and the like?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, in a world of chaos, sometimes a bit of consistency helps." Nick admits, giving a bit of a shrug of surrender to the cop. "Hey, if you ALWAYS ordered the Lager, I'd order you the Lager." Nick pauses, "Uh honestly I haven't thought much of the grenade thing. I got a lot of stuff on my plate with work and other stuff that that's kind of on the backburner." Where it belongs. "I've pretty much got a full dance card."

He picks up his beer. "Filming, recording, rescues, immortals, there was a thing at the museum a couple weeks back, its just a lot of STUFF coming at once and honestly that's old news now."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The too-casual list of very wild things gets a longer, slightly more wide-eyed look from Karrin. "...okay... Immortals? Museum? Anything you want to fill me in on or, more so, maybe actually take some back up for? You know I'm only a phone call away." The blonde offers, her tone not TOO worried, but her normally protective expression is well in effect.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Uh, considering how you latched on to the grenade thing?" Nick replies, "Not really. Well, the museum thing's done with. It happened at a public event. News probably covered the hell out of that one."

As for the immortal thing, what is s- The musician grows quiet, considering. Hmm.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin goes quiet for a moment as her lager and sandwich are brought over, giving a thankful nod to Mac but not broadcasting Nick's business ALL over the place, at least. She then turns back to him with a bit of a sigh, "I didn't *latch* onto the grenade thing. I was worried about you and looking into things, that's all. I haven't called you every day about it or anything." She states with a pointed look before taking a deeper sip of her beer. "...You're only one man and I am rather capable, you know. Hell, I'm probably going to end up transferring back to Gotham PD, so I'll be closer anyway..."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ok no, you didn't spam me with phone calls after that talk but... I bet you went looking for him even though I asked you not to. And side note, I still would prefer it if you just stayed away from him. You're only one person TOO."

He pauses to sip his beer before looking back to Karrin, "Transfer your choice?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Her little nose wrinkles up a bit at the comment of her only being one person, but even more with the question of it being her choice. Karrin sighs, "... sort... of? A choice I'm making before I completely end up fired or shoving Ruldolph's nose through the back of his skull. I'm on probation under investigation...*again*, after taking a sick day for my damn *birthday*. And they've been sniffing around every move I make for weeks. At least if I clear back out to Gotham, I know what SI is like there and Ruldolph has a few less friends in the department." Karrin very carefully hasn't said anything else about still looking into Nick's issues, eating her sandwich instead while it's still hot

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A brow arches at the lengthy response, sipping his beer several times as she explains. Upon the pause, he takes another sip. Sets it down upon the coaster, takes a bite of his sandwich and chews thoughfully.

"So, 'No' then." Nick surmises upon finishing his bite of food.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...It is. I'm choosing between going back to my old department or murdering my ex-husband and his buddy in IA." Karrin gives him the most innocent smile ever, batting her eyes teasingly, "A perfectly good choice." She chuffs a little laugh and goes back to her lager, sinking down a bit deeper in her chair as legs stretch out beneath the table.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a slight smirk. "Excellent choice." He pauses for a moment, considering matters, "Won't that take you further from Harry though?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A slight shrug crosses her shoulders, "It's... a 45 minute commute unless traffic is awful? I can get home before it's too late. I'll probably take off shifts anyway." Home? Did Karrin just imply that Harry is home? Maybe it's just a slip. "Just moving work, not life."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head, smirk strengthening "Oh?" He straightens in his seat, still looking over to Karrin, "So you're no longer living in Doily central then?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That question makes her eyes drop, staring down at her sandwich for a heartbeat or two, picking at the fries as she considers exactly how to answer. Karrin definitely doesn't look the most comfortable, but she's also not directly lying to him. Finally, she clears her throat a touch and sits a bit straighter, like she needs to brace herself for answering questions about her love life. Old habits die hard. "I'm still... keeping my grandmother's house. It's a good fallback base and... sentimental. But... well... Harry put a tub in for me. For my birthday. A...full, old, gorgeous clawfoot tub. And I've got a dresser at his place now and.. it's just... Easier... you know."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh, well a TUB." Nick replies, putting an added emphasis on the gift, "Well... that changes EVERYTHING." He smirks, shaking his head as he grabs the beer again. "Congrats. Considering how often he gets brought up, I was wondering when that was going to be settled."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
This might be the first time he's ever ACTUALLY seen her blushing, but Karrin Murphy is genuinely, actually a little flushed. Definitely a blush, in response to his words. She tries to hide it behind a long gulp of her beer but that just makes it worse. Besides, he was her friend. Her gaze is a little shy, it actually taking an act of will to bring herself to look into his eyes, "...It's a... long story, but... Yeah. That finally... I mean, I've been spending most nights there for... months now. I don't really know what my life would be without him and I hate to think about it. It just took Thomas being an unholy nightmare of an annoyance and Harry being an idiot for me to yell at both of them that yes, I love the man, just to get them to shut up. Fortunately, Harry seems to feel the same..."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
:"Well, once again I say congrats." Nick replies, giving a bit of a chuckle, "And... try to keep your boyfriend from killing Thomas. With how often his regular piano player gets into trouble, that's a steady source of income subbing for him."

Exageration? Maybe. Maybe not. But Nick is there a lot. "Do I even want to know what Thomas did?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There is a momentary hesitation on her face, studying Nick, trying to figure out something it seems. "Harry and Thomas have...gone a long way to repairing their relationship, I'll put it that way. How much do you...actually know about Thomas?" Karrin asks, blue eyes a bit more narrowed and thoughtful. She doesn't want to give up the man's secret but, clearly, there's a lot more behind the scenes here.

"...In short, without... going deeply into things, Thomas called me on the carpet about being in love with Harry in a way I couldn't deny." She sighs, "It was highly annoying."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I know that true love hurts him like a vampire making out with a crucifix would." Nick offers up, keeping it mostly vague, "He's protective of Buffy. Very much so. Stealth is not a strong suit for him. And if you do an exchange of creative toasts with him be ready to spend the night."

He pauses on that one. "Okay. I get the take the keys so you don't drive bit but... I don't have a car."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Ah, then, yes. That's...exactly it. He touched my nose and it burned like he shoved his hand into a hot stove top. Same goes for Harry. It's... hard to ignore evidence like that." Karrin admits with a little, sideways smile. She still doesn't seem all that comfortable with the thought of it all, but she's not in denial." Then she arches a brow at the toasts comment, smirking more so as she narrows her eyes, "...there is a... Story here I'm missing."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Let's just say, I have pretty good alcohol tolerance and I know a lot of questionable toasts. So does Thomas. And he prefers getting the last word in."

Nick leans in, picking up his sandwich, "A lot of free alcohol was acquired that night." He takes a bite of the sandwich. Seemingly smiling as the memory comes to mind.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A single brow arches at him curiously, though Karrin doesn't push too much on this. She mainly looks amused, "I'll...remember to never get into any drinking contests with the man. He's bad enough when he's trying to prove himself right for your own good. I'd hate to hear when he's doing it just for fun and amusement." She just shakes her head quietly then, no real anger on her face about it. Just that usual, quiet discomfort. She takes a few more quiet bites of her sandwich, letting a companionable silence fall between them.

"It's been... nice, with Harry. I'm just sort of waiting until I inevitably mess the whole thing up. But, so far...it's been very nice. He's good to me. Even if we routinely nearly get ourselves killed."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, chewing away the lump of meat and bread accumulated in his mouth. He lets the silence settle between the two of them, managing to get a few more bites in again before Karrin starts talking about her concerns.

He swallows, setting the remains of the sandwich back on his place. "Hmm. There's no point spending energy just worrying about how things are going to end up. I'd just say focus on enjoying the now. Just. Kick back. Do your thing."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That earns him a slightly sardonic look across the top of her beer. "Do you know how many people have said that? But if I don't go into a situation looking at every possibility... people die. It's hard not to plan ahead when you're in my field. But..." Karrin sighs, draining the last gulp of her beer before setting it side and wiping her hands down on the little napkin, "I'm... trying not to dwell too much on it. So. Give me a distraction. Tell me what's going on and where you need back up." She grins a bit more.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"But do you NEED that approach for your relationship?" Nick asks, frowning, "Thinking about that stuff is just... It gets to you after awhile."

He considers the detective for a moment before he sighs, "Just the uh- immortal thing. We've got the numbers already. But we're trying to track down some stuff. Strange is pretty much MIA so having to try other contacts."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That makes her blink, mind catching up to the words he's actually said, "Oh... this is the...wizard mess? I heard about it on the radio, but we don't exactly have a TV at Dresden's place. He'd burn it out the first time he stubbed his toe on something. Give me the low down? Or...better, what you're trying to track down?" Karrin asks flatly, sandwich finished, she looks quite content to dig into some work talk instead of relationship discussion. It's clearly easier for her.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Um, well, the cliffsnotes version is one the sorceror supremes back in the BCs made a deal with a god of destruction to be immortal and he's timetraveled to current day to cause problems. But he brought a hitchiker barbarian king who we're getting some notes from. Actually. That's why I missed your party. We were having a meeting."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That makes Karrin just blink. She's heard a lot of wild things in her life, but she's now staring at him with slightly too-wide eyes, lips in a skeptical, uncertain line. "...You...just said a... lot of words. And they mostly made sense. But making sense together is... a bit much. You're shitting me?" Maybe this is some weird birthday prank.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head, giving Karrin, a look. "Welcome to MY life."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin drags one hand across her face with a low sort of groan, sinking back deeper into her chair while she's boggling at the situation. Silently, Mac brings two more beers over for them. The bald man gives Nick a long look and a little grunt of... Understanding? Respect? Who knows, before returning to the bar. Karrin finally has her mind totally caught up. "Alright. So...what are you trying to track down?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a slight nod in response to the bald man, eyes closing for a moment looking over to Karrin. Being the cop hasn't run off the rest of it comes out like a flood gate. "Well, apparently we're looking for some ancient weapons that are older than him so they can be joined together to make an even better one. BUT we don't know what they look like or where they're located. So, it's mainly research right now. Strange is gone. Probably off in some other dimension fighting some other threat because he sure as hell isn't working on his side project right now. His library is not being helpful at the moment and it's highly ill-advisable to be touching the stuff in the display cases so, not sure if any of them are it. I'm probably going to ask Duncan if he knows of any lore and pray he does because I-i-i- really don't want to be asking the other person I could think of."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The summary makes her wince just a bit, but his comment about Duncan gets an earnest nod of agreement. "He'd be wise to ask, definitely. Maybe even Dresden, though he's not always up on his history...He *knows* enough people. If this is bad enough, he could put a call into the white council. Maybe... they'd listen. Maybe they'd help." The tone of her voice, however, says that she really doesn't think either of those things are true. Her eyes then narrow a bit more on him, "You have another idea...one you're not telling me and you don't like... But you have it."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick points to Karrin at the suggestion, giving a slightly relieved expression, "Okay yes. Harry. I'll go with that for the secondary option." Anyone but the third person. His lips clench as she points out him not mentioning the third person. "I'd rather not push my luck by mentioning her name."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Every guess that Karrin would have as to the third person is now a name she doesn't want to say. Her brows are knitted in confusion, but she doesn't push it. She seems to know how powerful names can be sometimes. "Yeah. Check with Harry. It's not like it'll pay any less than his usual cases." She lightly teases around gulps of her second beer. "I'll admit I'm damn curious who else you are thinking but... well, let's just say, if you decide to go in and want back up? You know you can just call me."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smirks, "We got a Hulk. And a Thor." He pauses, "Actually come to think of it we also got retro Iron Man so, got a business card for Harry so I can suggest for him to contact Harry if need be?"

Yep. Not even the potential of an apocolypse is making Nick foot that bill.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Yeah, I they come in handy, on occasion." Karrin takes the last sip of her beer and sets the empty bottle down on the table before reaching into her back pocket. SHe pulls out her wallet and removes a ten for the second beer, and a good tip, as well as one of Dresden's cards she hands in Nick's direction.

"But that sounds like you've got a good team. So, I won't press. You... You know where to find both of us if you need us." She offers simply, before standing up and leaning over for a quick hug. "Speaking of, I should get back... pounding the pavement tonight on foot patrol like some rookie." She half growls those words. CLEARLY unhappy with her job, right now. But she's still going to do it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a slight smile as he gets a hug from the older woman. Glance becoming a little distant in thought for a few moments until contact is ceased.

"Well, think of all those steps you're going to get in." Nick offers as he takes the card to slide it into his pocket. That's a thing right? People wanting to go for their steps? He turns his head to look to the departing Karrin, "Oh and Karrin? Happy belated birthday."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Sadly, Karrin missed the distant glance, or she might have more questions. But the hug is genuine. She doesn't do it with many people but Nick is, apparently, on the inside circle. Friends who are like family. She gives his shoulder one last squeeze and pulls away. "Thanks, Nick. It...it's really been a nice one. Truly." With that and one last, warm smile, she turns on the ball of her foot and heads back up the stairs. At least she'll be in a good mood until work.