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Latest revision as of 03:15, 23 August 2020

Mandarin by Osmosis
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Balcony, Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Tim and Phoebe discuss dental options for crime fighters over a very late/early breakfast.
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe has been spending more and more time at the Roost, in some cases because she's been put into regular rotation (with a very eventful night with Nightwing). She had logged an hour in training, and then had taken to the livingroom for study. Biochem was open. Statistics was open, dog-eared and bookmarked, and she was currently face-down in a book about learning Mandarin, her nose squished into the bindings. Both of her wrists were currently in braces, laced up neatly in spite of the fact that she didn't need them.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has just been reading the report about the night out. He will move to walk over to her, he is moving quietly not wanting to wake her at least not yet. He moves to close the books she is not using now. He smiles at her a bit, remembering nights like that himself.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    She's trying her hardest to balance it all. Including stubbornly waiting to reply to a position at Wayne Enterprises because her coffee shop job said they needed her 'just two more weeks'. She had her hair in a wrap at the moment, to keep it from being disorderly, and was wearing soft sweatpants -- and one of Tim's T-shirts. She's stolen it. It's her's now. That's just how relationships go. Her copious notes are in a note book, her pen having paused and a droplet of ink spread. She might have dropped off about twenty minutes before Tim got here.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will finish organizing her stuff, and looks around. He sees no hints of food, and will go into the kitchen and soon the smell of bacon and eggs starts to fill the place, as he makes them a bit of late breakfast, knowing she probably needs the protein and wanting to take care of her. If he finishes before she awakes he will bring it over to the couch and sit it on the coffee table and touch her shoulder softly.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Bacon. Eggs. Coffee? The classic trio of wakefulness. Phoebe awakes with a start, at the smell of food cooking, and bearily calls out "T-Tim?" before seeing that her books were closed, and she swings her legs out, making her way to the kitchen. She was a bit of blue ink along her jaw where the pen might have brushed against her. It's difficult to see.

    "So much for situational awareness." she grumps.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit, and will lean in kissing her jaw on the side without the ink and says "Well I have had a bit of sneaky training myself hon." He offers her a smile "You looked like you been working a bit much thought you might be wanting something to eat."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, eating's great." she replies tiredly, and just leans against the counter a moment as she gives a wry smile. "Yeah. I had to swing about a while the other night until my nightly trainer was satisfied that my wrist was open enough and I was stealthy and fight-ready enough coming in hot." she explains and gives a yawn, turning to kiss Tim's cheek back before he goes back to cooking.

    "The stealth part is hard, but just watching him move? I'm not going to be able to follow the leader with him any time soon."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "I have issues sometimes too, he was my hero even before I knew he was Robin. I saw him preform with his parents before they passed, and I wanted to be like him. It was how I realized he was Robin the way he moved." He will make plenty of bacon eggs, and even some toast for them.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... that's... oh. /Oh/." Phoebe blinks, sudden realization washing over her, and she looks down to her wist a moment, her ears and cheeks coloring out of embarrassment. "That's right, I remember now..." she trails off, and she gives a waning look to Tim, her dark eyes focused on his figure a moment, remembering all the scars on his body, and she breathes out, her eyes closing a moment.

    "Pretty sure I skipped lunch today. Still feeling a little woozy."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake reaches over to rub her back, and says "You need to watch that hon, you need to keep your energy up even more so than the rest of us, you burn through it quicker than we do." He will offer her the plates "Table or couch?" He asks her where she wants to eat.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Trust me, if I could trade the Good Feels Aura for not-having-the-Good Feels Aura, I would. It's exhausting physically and mentally -- for a long time I couldn't figure out who liked me for me, and who liked me because I made them feel good." Feebs replies, and she gives a grin. "Eat in the livingroom? You madman."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Wild and crazy." He tells her with a grin and says "Well, I like you for you and like us both making one another feel good." He grins at her. "What you want to drink hon?" He will ask getting himself some coffee.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe laughs, and she draws her hands to her face "That is *not* what I meant and you know it, Tim!" she squeaks, and she gives a smile, "THough hey, skin-on-skin contact makes it easier to heal, and lounging on the couch watching the morning news is a treat." grins, and she hops off the counter and goes into the fridge, grabbing some orange juice.

    "But... real talk. I was a bit worried that the whole healing aura thing made people accept me more easily. It made it hard to know who my friends really were in highschool, and I wanted to be sure that I was... that the decision to take me in and train was made with a clear head, as it were. And not your lower one, either." she points out.

    She then follows Tim into the livingroom.

    "... but he was brutally honest with me the other night. So I think that no matter what, if I wasn't good enough, I wouldn't be there."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and walks into the living room and makes room for her to have a seat "Well hon, to be honest if I was thinking just from the whole I love you side of things, I would probably try to get you to do the hero thing in another city. I mean like Central City, has it's villians, but most of them run by a bit of a better code than the Gotham ones.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I wouldn't do it. Gotham's my *home*. I've almost never left the city." Phoebe points out as she takes a seat, and then purses her lips, and swings her legs up over Tim's to provide him with a place to set his own plate, giving a completely innocent grin.

    "No... he said... well." she frowns a moment, nad then pokes at the bacon a little bit.

    "... /would/ you have tried to get me to do 'heroing' in a different city if B hadn't given the okay?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to her and says "Well... honestly I aint sure what I would have done, I may have had to do some heroing elsewhere. I mean I trust you, and felt you deserve to be here. Dick had disagreements with him and left Gotham for a while, thats part of what has him in Bludhaven as his main stomping grounds.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Pretty sure if you didn't trust me, I wouldn't have a fancy new nickname, armor, throwing knives, a mountain of training to catch up on, and a world-class genius researcher teaching me about hi tension lines." Phoebe points out, "Or fighting me for the right to pay for my half of the Chinese we order." she nomfs some bacon thoughtfully.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins over and says "Well, Paying for my girl friends food now and again, thats important." He tells her and makes a bacon and egg on toast, munching it a bit. He chews a bit and swallows "So what you think f running with the world class acrobat?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "IT definitely gave me some different perspectives. Both he and B saw my wrists as being a weak point when handling throws and lines. He's got a good eye and I definitely appreciate his experience... and honesty. He's a good teacher, definitely someone worthy of admiration." she frowns a moment.

    "... he was also quick to remind me the very real danger that you're in every night you go out. You in the general sense of the family, not you as in you."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "Well I figured maybe me as in me too, I am still the kid of the family after all. I mean you might get it a bit more now that your here, but they are used to it with me. They trust me, and my abilities but the protective side shows a bit more outside the mask than inside it.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, no, he was too busy breaking someone's ribs to really be overly concerned with me. The one I faced off against was already injured, but we were pretty evenly matched." and she smiles over at Tim, and wiggles her toes.

    "Must be nice to have siblings that look out for you."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins a bit to her and says "Well, pretty sure you will know the feeling more and more, as we go along hon." He offers her a smile and says "I grew up till teenage without any siblings too, but they took me in with time and experience.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... I didn't think about that." Phoebe replies, her eyes narrowing a moment, and her lips pursing. She crosses her arms, looking down at her eggs and bacon as if they held some mystical, magical answer.

    "... Dick *does* give excellent hugs, if he's so inclined."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Well I hope mine are better." He jokes around with her, and says "And Babs is really smart, and has an outlook different than the rest of us, heck you and she have some things in common you will need to talk about outside the suits

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Mmm... I might have to get more hugs from Dick in order to really qualify the betterness of hugs between Drake Hugs and Grayson Hugs. What qualifies a better hug? Is it pressure? Upper arm stregnth?" Phoebe teases Tim as she leans back against the couch, leaning her head back as she gives a yawn.

    "I'm looking forward to spending time with everyone... except maybe B. Mostly because he's really intimidating, it's hard for me to get a read on him. That's probably by design. I mean, I know of moms who use him as a boogie man for their kids -- if you don't behave, the Batman will take you away and you'll live in the sewers." she gives a wry smile.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "He is tough but he does care, if he tells you your off the job, he has a reason, sometimes we may argue and not see it, but in his mind at least he is doing it to protect you, and the others out there. Also if ya think the roost is fancy wait till ya get to see the batcave,. "I got more tech look than he does.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... wait, there really *is* a cave where the Batman lives?" Phoebe blinks, startled out of her thoughts by that particular revelation, but she gives a wry smile back to him.

    "Look, I already know he approved of me, at least tangentally. He let me continue training, and then insisted I train with others. That is a huge vote of some sort of confidence, right? Or maybe it's just really useful to be allied to someone who can lay on hands on the fly?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well to be honest might be a bit of both, I won't deny that he has probably filed the fact you can heal people away for when he needs it. But if he thought you did not have potential he would have more intimidated you out of heroing, and probably tried to guid you to help one of our doctor friends."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Feebs leans back another moment, and her lips purse before she looks over to him. "Why did you get involved in all this, Tim?" she questions gently, "... what was your reasoning?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Batman needed a Robin, he was getting to close to crossing a line he shouldn't, without a Robin Batman can be dark. Jason has been killed and Bat's was distancing himself from others. Dick was away at college. I saw it happening, and knew it needed fixed.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "So, you knew someone had to be the counterpoint to his darkness?" Phoebe questions, her lips pursing. She carefully draws one leg up, setting her chin on it. "And you figured out who they were, just by doing investigation into it?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and will rub the other leg "Well I figured out Dick as I said from watching him move. He did a move that they talked about was a signature move of the flying graysons, and then from there, I followed the dots, and went to Dick and confronted him first not Bats.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Probably wise. Dick's somewhat less intimidating." Phoebe replies, a little bit of mirth in her dark eyes as she looks over at Tim, folding her eggs into her toast. "How'd he take it?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well dick tried to deny it at first, but looking at it and seeing what Batman was going through came back to help, and I ended up helping out and thats when my training started. Batman was not happy I figured it out but respected it too"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "So instead of swearing you to silence, they trained you and you became the new Robin, to help Batman out and not let him be so alone." Phoebe leans her head back. "Very respectable. It hurts like Hell to be alone all the time. Can't imagine what mourning Jason did to him. Poor guy." she replies, shifting her weight slightly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "We have all lost people, and we try to be here for one another. It is a sign though for us to take things serious as it can be the end for us with a mistake." He leans over and kisses her knee.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... there isn't a net." Phoebe whispers quietly, and she gives a dry sound of amusement. "You know, I could have picked a healthier coping mechanism. Drugs, maybe. Strong ones. Or Magic: The Gathering. But no. Crime fighting and bettering the city through caring for its most afflicted is the option I chose. Pff. At least my mom thinks that I'm out all night canoodling with my uber-rich boyfriend."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says "So, you think she will be asking us when we are going to take the next step soon?" He rubs her legs and says "And I heard those magic guys are wierd." He smirks at her

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "She actually is asking when I'm going to get my picture taken for my passport so I can go to Japan, and I told her about applying for a paid internship position in the Foreign Relations division and made sure I listed you as a reference." she gives a smile as Tim rubs at her legs, her toes curling slightly. as he rubs them. "And those magic guys are weird. Not that I would know anything about it, what with my Chandra Nalaar vintage mat set and retired POPs..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and grins over at her "Hey I got my superhero memorabilia collection mind you it is a bit of a cover, but I probably need to get a sparrowhawk item sometime soon." He teases her a bit and says "I understand though, then there is the folks with real magic."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I don't see Sparrowhawk getting a cookie variety any time soon. I mean, the males are gray and red, but the females are just kinda boring. Not really anything exciting at all, other than the fact that they eat little songbirds." she jokes.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Luckily Robins are medium sized song birds." He jokes a bit back at her. He grins and says "So, anything you want to ask me about the super hero things hon? If something is real, or what something is like?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "So much, but I'm still processing the greetings I have to master for my Mandarin class that I'm taking, since I'm already conversational in Japanese and they won't let me take Japanese II." Phoebe gives a smile, wryly over to Tim, adn then breathes out as she gives a yawn. "How's the dental at Wayne Enterprises? Like, none of you are missing teeth."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Well, we have a pretty good specialist on the Bat plan but we do pretty good for all the insurance and such with Wayne tech. "You want to go lay back down get a few hours before we take on the day?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives a loud snerk "The Bat Plan, for the Bat Fam and the Bat Man. Courtesy of Wayne Enterprises... I should probably get more sleep before I head out into the world." she yawns. "I've gotta start bringing some clothes over and stashing them here. I can't keep stealing yours."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says "Well, I like you in mine, but you can have the second closet in he bedroom or if you want set up one of the other bedrooms as a full bedroom hon

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I don't need a full closet, just a couple shirts, couple pairs of jeans... it's not like I'm moving in." she jokes quietly.