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Latest revision as of 03:40, 23 August 2020

The wolf in the fold
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jimmy and Terry talked for a while and tried meditation to help focus her mind.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Siryn

Warpath has posed:
     After dealing with the two students, Jimmy makes his way back to where he left the girls. The girl. No Shannon. He nods and takes a seat next to you, looking out over the horizon and he mutters,"Sometimes I think we should set up a fight club for the kids to get that sort of fire out of them. I don't see Scott and Jean going for it though."

Siryn has posed:
Terry laughs softly. "Would it help?"

She stands by the rooftop, with her flask in her hands. Just looking at it. "I know, but sometimes just looking at it helps. How is Shannon? I don't know the whole story." She looks over at him. "Are you going to visit her? She really was upset."

Warpath has posed:
     "It might help yes." he admits,"I might have to give the idea to them for consideration, but I doubt they will be onboard for it." He lays back against the roof and looks at the sky for a time,"I'll check on her later. She needs time to get her head around it all. Teenager. A very smart one, but still a teenager."

     "She's just trying to figure life. I get it that Creed upset her. It wasn't my favorite discovery when I came back here." he concedes,"I still considered taking him with me to get you back. I wanted whatever it took to get you back."

Siryn has posed:
"Really?" Terry moves over to sit beside him. "I'm glad you were able to get me. Let me guess, Winter Soldier made the difference?"

She still holds the flask, looking at it. "You know, I thought I had everything under control back then. Now? I think I'm doing everything all wrong. Make sure she talks to someone. If not you, someone."

If there was one thing she had learned, it was two people did not have to live like that. One was enough!

Warpath has posed:
     "That helped for sure." he agrees,"A coincidence, but workable." The arrival of the Soldier was completely unexpected, but it worked out for the best,"I really should meet with him again."

     Eyeing the flask he nods,"I will talke to her I promise. It's part of the job and family commitments." Studying the flask, he nudges you gently,"That goes for you too. You aren't the only one on the planet, there are those of us that want to take care of you."

Siryn has posed:
"I know." The flask is opened up. "See? No booze. Three more days. That's what the medbay said. Of course he didn't mean three days before I can have some alcohol ." Nobody was supposed to know. "You're the only who knows. I've tried. It's harder than you think."

Terry looks over to him. "I really think she would be a drunkard, but there are lots of things she could do." Thinking on it, "Has the molting been recent?"

Warpath has posed:
     "You know I'll keep what goes on between us." he tells you softly,"I won't say anything. We've all got our demons. If you need help you will ask." He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly,"I'll be watching Shannon and will go make sure she is OK. She might need a female sort of older friend too. Regardless we'll watch her for drinking tendencies."

Siryn has posed:
"Me?" Terry was quickly up on it. "Why? I'm a drunk. What could I do?" Ignoring the fact that she was the ipso de facto guardian of the Fallen Angels.

Warpath has posed:
     "You drink. Sometimes in excess. That means you fight a disease, not just a drunk." he tells you firmly. He's still quiet in his voice...well quiet as it gets anyway,"You could both help each other. It's part of being a teacher and a student. You never know which one you are."

Siryn has posed:
"Ahh, you are so mean!" She laughs. "Ok. I'll try. She's not like the other girls. They're.. Well, they don't ask of me. They're a street gang." Crooks. "It's easier. I've been reluctant here. Sure they like me, but should they?"

Somewhere this had turned around from Shannon, to Terri herself.

"Everything is going so fast. What if I don't make it."

Warpath has posed:
     "Then we pick you up and you try again." he replies simply. He can tells this is making her uneasy so he moves on,"As for the rest of the kids at the school, they will look up to you once they get to know you." He takes a deep breath and exhales,"Things are going too fast, then it's time to slow down." He sits up and folds his legs under him,"Face me and sit like this."

Siryn has posed:
Terry watched for a minute, then put her flask away, before joining him cross legged.

"Like this?" Yes, she knew *what* she was supposed to do, but she was afraid, so she jokes.

Every time she drew closer to him - every. time. - she was afraid.

Three more days? Could she make it two? (Could she stop the perpetual cycle?)

Warpath has posed:
     There is a smirk and he tells you,"Like that." he agrees and settles into a slow breathing pattern,"Control your breathing, let each breath slow down to match mine." he mutters,"Center your thoughts on whatever makes you at ease."

Siryn has posed:
"Ah-hrm I don't think that would be helpful." Terri gives a wry look, but closes her eyes and focuses.

In.. Out..

But it was hard. Her brain kept spinning around the thoughts that always haunted her.

Warpath has posed:
     "Shh..." he comments softly, mostly teasing yet a little serious,"Focus your mind like this. Look past your thoughts and imagine a door." he tells you softly,"Imagine it any way you want. Decorate it, how you want and decide how it opens, in or out."

Siryn has posed:
"What?" Terri opens her eyes. "Decorate it?"

But he closes her eyes, again, and whispers, 'decorate it'.

*grumbles* But, she tries.

At first, there was nothing on the door. A was white, beyond white, with a knocker in the middle. No doorknob to be found. It was taunting her. So she threw something at it.

A big streak of brown was on it.

Warpath has posed:
     "My door is double, wooden, and long handles that are verticle and ornate brass." he explains,"There is Apache totems carved into the surfaces of the door." Taking things pretty seriously. Still calmly breathing with the same depth and speed as before.

Siryn has posed:
For a time, all it was a white door, with a knocker, and a big streak of brown.

Terri banged on her door time and again, begging to let her in. No go. She threw handfuls of brown earth against, leaving nothing but ragged stains against the wood.

She screamed, and curled up against the door, crying. "It's not working!"

Warpath has posed:
     "There doesn't need to be anything specfic." he tells you,"Just a door. It can change with practice." he explains, remaining quiet and steady,"There is no right or wrong answer. No right or wrong door. It's just a door." he explains,"Do worry about the rest. Just a door."

Siryn has posed:
Still sobbing (sorta), she nods. Damn man. If she didn't lov.. like him so much.. (woah, almost)

The door is still without a doorknob. Every single surface is covered with grime. What can she do? Terry stood up, and looked at it another way: if she couldn't open that door, maybe, just maybe, she could knock?

She really felt stupid, but what else could she do?

She knocked - three times and waited. And just as she had given up, suddenly, the door opened.

Warpath has posed:
     "When you open the door it leads you into a garden. A Japanese garden for me, but maybe for you something different. This particular meditation is meant for that. Still, see whatever sort of garden you see." he explains and continues to breath,"See the garden, feel the texture of the ground under you. For me there are hanging plants as well as those in the ground. In the distance you can hear a roaring fire, but at the edge of the garden area you see a huge tree that has a seat cut into it. Walk over to sit there."

Siryn has posed:
For the first moments it was blank. And the door was gone. She opened her mouth to say something, when it changed to overgrowth everywhere.

"You have to be joking! Undergrowth and brambles everywhere? Come on." Terri was not having a great meditative experience. Mind you, it's her own fault.

But he carves an old seat into a log - still overgrown. But it is there, she so takes it.

Warpath has posed:

     There is a hint of a smile,"This isn't easy for anyone the first time." he tells you softly,"Just relax and focus your thoughts as much as you can. Go to the tree and take a seat. Let your feet rest on the ground and stretch out out your senses, feel the energy of the ground and the breeze in the air."

Siryn has posed:
"Let my feet stretch out on the floor." Terri really didn't have a clue. Usually, she'd drink. Something there? Drink. Not there? Drink. Drink was the ultimate hide behind. Except it wasn't allowed now.

She tried, really she tried, but only made it as far to feel the earth.

Warpath has posed:
     "For a time, just hear the world around you." he comments softly,"Just relax and try to clear your mind of anything other than the garden and the earth. Anchor yourself to the world and forget anything else. It takes practice."

Siryn has posed:
For Terri it was a looooooooong time. But eventually she got it. Breathe in.. feel the earth. Breath out.. let your cares go. Breathe in.. Breathe out.. Breathe in..

Warpath has posed:
     He stays quiet for a long time and finally he tells you,"Ok. Now get up and walk toward the door again." he comments softly,"Make your way out of the garden and always...always close the door behind you. Never leave it open." Now, once outside take three, deep cleansing breaths and make your way back to me."

Siryn has posed:
Surprisingly the door was there. Probably because when she practiced the breathing, the rest fell into place. Terri closes the door, quietly, and counts to three before opening her eyes. "Hard. Phew"

Warpath has posed:
     "It takes practice. Once you are more confident, I will take you along the way to other areas of the garden." he tells you softly,"It will open your spiritual senses." he explains. Another deep breath and he exhales,"For now I should go check on Shannon and make sure her head doesn't explode."

Siryn has posed:
Terri nods, "Go. I need some time to think upon this. If it seems right, say hi from me." She had a lot to think about. A lot.

Warpath has posed:
     He nods and gets up,"I will. Have a good evening and I'll see you in the morning if not before." He looks over the edge and steps off again. So much faster than walking through the house.