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Latest revision as of 04:03, 23 August 2020

Surprise Trip
Date of Scene: 23 August 2020
Location: Balcony, Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: And Tim Funnaps Phoebe to Greece.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Sparrowhawk

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has decided he wants to surprise Phoebe today with a treat, so he made sure she had no plans for the weekend, and Saturday morning, he is up, and getting dressed after just a few hours sleep. He looks over to her smiling as he plans on making the day special.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe was still in bed, wearing one of Tim's shirts, somewhat sleeping. She was still getting used to the 'working schedule' of splitting her sleep -- but she reached over to where Tim had been laying, and she frowns a moment, finding the spot warm but not precisely filled with Tim. So she opened one eye, peering bleerily up at the dressing Robin, and breathes out.

    "Did I oversleep again?" she questions, giving a yawn as she stretches her legs and her arms out, befor erolling out of bed.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "No not really, I just have a few plans for us today, and wanted to get an early start on it." He will stepping over and leaning down to give her a quick kiss "Morning."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Mrngble." she replies in an agreeable tone at the kiss, and she goes to stand up, giving a yawn. "All right, so, there's a plan, I was not appraised of this plan, what if I had plans?" she jokes, and goes to riffle around for some clothing ".. and will this include a stop to grab some stuff from my house? I really should start either leaving an overnighter bag or some clothes here, just in case."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "Well, we can or we can buy you some new stuff to keep here." He looks to her, and says "I know your not into me cause I am a rich boy friend, but I want to be the rich boy friend today ok?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... I'm not sure if I like the sound of that --" Phoebe states as she finds a pair of jeans, and tugs them on, knotting the T-shirt she's stolen so that it fits a bit better, and she eyeballs Tim.

    "I don't like it when you're the rich boyfriend. That makes me feel like I'm the golddigger girlfriend." she replies, and narrows her eyes. "What kinda plans do you got, birdie?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and takes her hands in his and says "Well we start with going and getting your passport finished. Hon, your not a gold digger, I trust you with my life, I want to show you some new things."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe holds Tim's hands. She looks him in the eye, and then gives a loud groan, and tilts her head back. "Ugh. Fiiiiiine. I'm going to need my adoption papers then."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head to her, and says "I talked to your mom she has all the paperwork we need to get it laid out for us, I thought about getting it but figured if you wanted to grab clothes there we could get it then.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "UUUGH!" Phoebe groans louder, still holding his hands. "Now the two of you are conspiring behind my baaaack. I'm never going to win now!" she complains, and huffs. "Well then, are we taking your bike, or a car, or I have my bus pass if we need it. Mr. Rich boyfriend." she jokes, reaching up to ruffle Tim's dark hair.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well we can start off with the car, but we will be using something a bit bigger before we are done, and don't worry will have you home before class Monday morning." He gives her hands a reassuring squeeze "And just trust me to take care of you?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Did you clear this with the boss? Is someone going to show up to water my plants?" Phoebe begins stammering a moment, strongly suspecting where this was going. She pulls back a little bit, "I mean, B's not doing it, is he? I mean I trust him, but the idea of him very strenly watering the plants is hilarious." she gives an awkward grin, and she exhales. "Fine, let's go, I'm sure my mom's been up for two hours waiting for us."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will wait for her to get dressed, and he says "Hired someone to come water the ones here, and got the ones in the roost set up with automatic watering system." He offers her a smile and will drive her to her mom's house, giving her a smile now and then.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    As they drive, she tries to find excuses. Her hair wasn't done. She still looked so tired. She wasn't dressed for anything -- but when Tim pulls up to the Beacon residence, it was almost as if Caroline had been waiting. She opens the door, and has a duffle bag and a folder in hand!

    "About time you managed to get here!" she calls out cheerily, and Phoebe embarrassedly steps out of the car with Tim's shirt on.

    "I've gotten some outfits together for you--"


    "And here's all your paperwork, I got the secondary copies so they can keep anything they need--"


    "And I packed your vitamins and meds and just in case I grabbed a box of condoms--"

    "MOTHER!!" Phoebe groans out, looking horribly embarrassed.

    "Hi Tim! How are you today?" calls out Caroline as Phoebe dashes inside to do something about her hair.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake does blush a bit at the last bit but offers a smile and says "Doing ok, think the day will go well, if I can get her to come along with me." He says and steps over to give Caroline a hug in greeting "We will take a lot of pictures for you."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well. She definitely has the Beacon stubborn streak." Caroline gives a grin to Tim. "So, I heard that she got to meet more of your family! You should bring them by sometime, I'll make eggplant and zuke lasagna!" she cheerily replies as she gives Tim a hug. "I mean, I understand if they're busy, what, you all working in Wayne Tech division and everything, but we're not too far from the city center!" she offers in a friendly manner. "Do you want some coffee or anything before you have to goad her into pictures?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "I will tell Dick, I am sure we can get him to come over, the others' I will talk to but finding time with their schedules might be hard. " He looks over and says "I think we can take time for a cup, just might have to make sure she does not lock herself in the basement or something." He grins at Phoebe.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe rolls her eyes as she passes by the basement door, and then races upstairs. It'll take her a bit yet to get to the top floor where her room is.

    "Well then c'mon in," Caroline gives a laugh.

    A few minutes later, Tim has a piping hot cup of coffee in front of him, served in an older mug with some old cartoon characters on it, while Caroline is regaling him of how Phoebe and 'Nacho' met.

    "And so I have to go to school and pick her up, and she's there in the chair with the boy whose nose she broke talking about their favorite books, and the principal says Phoebe refuses to apologize, and Nate speaks up and goes 'oh no, she let me know to stop touching her hair, an' I won't do it without permission ever again!' -- like he was so scared of little Phoebe that she intimidated him into being her best friend."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles softly and says "Well I gotta say seems like it developed into a true friendship, he seemed a bit protective of her when I first met them." He looks up to the upstairs and says "Have not told her where I am taking her yet, I think it will be a surprise, but I think she will enjoy it alot."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Think she suspects?" Caroline inquires, pursing her lips as she leans back. "She has never been outside the city, as far as we know. Not even to New York or Metropolis. She almost seems afraid to go anywhere else, doesn't she?" she replies, thoughtfully, and that's when Phoebe appears. Her hair is down, straightened, and she's pulling it back.

    "Oh! You straightened your hair again? I thought you weren't doing that anymore?" Caroline asks, surprised.

    Phoebe draws her shoulders up slightly. "It... looks more professional." she explains quietly, and coils her hair into a bun, securing it in place with a red barrette. She's switched out her borrowed shirt for a nice, cream-colored peasant blouse with a white tank top underneath and clean, dark wash jeans. Office casual. "Figured this would be all right no matter what your devious plans are, Tim." she gives a slight smile, and grabs her coffee -- drains it -- and exhales.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well, I plan on taking care of her, and if anyone tries messing with us, am sure I would have to stand in line behind her to teach them the error of their ways." He will finish his coffee, and says "We should probably go, told the pilots to meet us in about an hour."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "-- Pilots? /Pilots?/"

    Phoebe, who totally, fearlessly took to leaping around rooftops, wandering homeless camps on her lonesome and attempted Follow the Leader with Dick, suddenly looked afraid.

    "/WHAT/ Pilots?!" she squeaks, and appears to be on the road to a crash before Caroline stands up, and tut-tuts. "You heard the boy, Phoebe. Grab your things, don't forget your paperwork, and have a good time!" Caroline pipes up, and waves at the two as she literally goes to push Phoebe out the door.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will take Phoebe's hand and leads her to the car, and says "Well I could have flew the plane probably but I thought would rather be in the back with you." He tells her, and once in the car off to the passport agency.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    It was a special Passport Agency, one that could issue the passport -- with the right documents (and an awful lot of money, more than Caroline pays on her mortgage!), Phoebe is photographed, documented (although there is a bit of difficulty with not having an actual birth certificate, after the situation is explained the adoption papers and copy of her 'live birth' information with approximate birthdate is accepted), the passport is issued to one PHOEBE MARIE BEACON, and then Phoebe is back in the car, holding her passport and looking stunned.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake reaches over to give her hand a soft squeeze again, and he will head not to the main Gotham airport but a private strip, and drives the car into a hanger, where a very nice private jet is parked with one pilot in the cockpit, and one waiting outside the plan for them.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe is obviously nervous. She has her legs drawn up in spite of being in the way of any airbag. She's gripping her passport very tightly. She's tucked her folder of documents away inside her duffle, and she looks at the plane with a clear expression of absolute dread.

    "Are these guys trustworthy? Do they know where we're going? Is this plane going to be able to get us to where we're going? Do you know their credentials?" she qhispers, and it becomes very clear that this little Sparrowhawk had a distinct fear of airplanes!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake takes her hands in his and stands in front of her "Ok, hon, look into my eyes, take a moment and breath, center yourself you are good, and yes they know where we are going and Bruce and the rest of our main pilots. The plane is in top notch condition and will get us there safe and sound."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Feebs breathes out, turning, and looking at Tim, and she gives a nod. "All right, well, if you trust them --" she leads off, and she takes a deep breath, looks dubiously at the jet, then gives a nod before unclipping, failing the first attempt, and getting out of Tim's car, grabbing her bag from the trunk and giving the brightest smile she can to the pilots.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and has his bag back there and grabs it. He does lead her to where they store the baggage, anf says "We got this paul, thanks." Once Paul is back in the plane, he will pull a grey and white vacuum sealed package and opens a hidden compartment and slides it in next to a couple black ones and a red and black one.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... extra clothing, just in case, or -- is this a planned surprise trip?" she ventures, pausing to look at Tim as she holds her dufflebag out for him to load.

    "I honestly have no idea what my mom packed for me." she states in a wry tone. "we'll both be surprised."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Just in case, we try to keep it nearby in case we need it. Got a set in most of the vehicles. " He puts her bag away and leads her to the plane where it is luxury incarnate. He will tell the pilots, they are ready, via an intercom, and once they are seated he will tell her "They will buzz if they need to come back here for anything so we can talk openly here.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe breathes out, sitting in one of the luxurious seats, and looking around the private jet. Wood inlays. Polished metal and plush and everything that a commercial flight doesn't have. Including a bar.

    Phoebe is sitting in her seat feeling all nervous about flying. She exhales, and rubs the back of her head a little bit.

    "I've never left Gotham before."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Well, I am glad to be with you when you do fir the first time, and also, we may need to work on getting you used to planes and jets, in case we ever have to take the Bat Jet somewhere." He tells her. He looks to her, and will reach over tapping a command into a console and soft relaxing music will start playing. "We will be in the air for a few hours, but should be a gentle flight."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... you realize I'm still getting used to the idea of not driving a motorscooter, but a massive and very wreckable piece of expensive crime-fighting machinery humming underneath me, right?" Phoebe states wryly.

    Of course, ten hours later, Phoebe is curled up with a tablet in her lap, dozing slightly, leaning against Tim as they share one of the big seats on the private jet, having kicked off her shoes and wearing happy little avocados on her feet.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and rubs her side and will give her a soft shake "Wake up hon, we are going to be landing soon." He will tell her. He does not want her waking in mid landing and freaking out. If she looks out the window, she may see they are flying over some old stone buildings, is that the colosseum? It sure does look like it.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Mrhmble?" comes Phoebe's confused wake-up sound for the second time that day, and she blinks, drawing up and looking out over the stone buildings, the countryside, bodily leaning over Tim to do so (she had elected to take the 'inside seat', since all that blue was very, very concerning).

    "... this isn't... Tim, this isn't anything a few hours from home." she states quietly, blinking. "I was thinking 'Florida' or 'Tahoe' -- where are we?" she asks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well, you have always been interested in mythology and legends, so I thought I would bring you to Athens and we could spend the weekend seeing all the places you have studied and heard about." He offers her a smile.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Greece? We're in *Greece* for the weekend?!" Phoebe exclaims, and she is visibly shaking in disbeleif, looking at Tim, and then out the window, and then she takes a deep breath, and sits back down. Her eyes are wide. Her fingers are knitting in her lap.

    "I... I can at least buy dinner? I think? Will my debit card work over here?" she asks, and she begins to pat down herself looking for her wallet.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her and says "This weekend is about me spoiling you and sharing firsts with you love. I want to be there as you see things you have never seen before. I thought about Japan but knew we will head there sometime on work, this is purely romantic weekend with the woman I love."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe is apparently speechless for a few minutes, blinking owlishly at Tim as her shoulders rise up a moment, and she breathes out, closing her eyes, and she begins to sniffle, and raises a hand to wipe at her cheeks. "You didn't have to do this. You could have driven me to Metropolis, or on a tour of New York, but you chose something I can't possibly match?" she states quietly, and then she looks out the window. Greece! Athens!

    All the delicious Greek food ever!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will move to put his arms around her, and says "Hon, you have already shared so much with me, and make my life better ever day. This is not about matching or what I can give it is about us having a good time together. " He will move to lead her off the plane once it is landed.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And she follows behind Tim, demured and mollified, for now.

    And of course, as one does when word can spread, there are a few curiosity seekers on the tarmac of the airport -- not *every* day one of the Waynes makes their way out here!

    Phoebe steps off the plane, putting on a pair of sunglasses against the late afternoon light, and she purses her lips a moment.

    "They're staring at me." she mutters, a little crossly as some of the curious types gawk a moment, one taking a pic with his cell and yelling to his buddy about the couple.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Well they will probably be putting us on TMZ or something Tim Wayne and mysterious beautiful woman. He looks over to the Pilot and says "Can you have our baggage sent to the hotel Paul? Thanks." Tim does hand Phoebe a small folded wallet "Your gonna need this by the way." He says and leads her to a classic scooter "Thought you might want to drive."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "What's in here?" she questions, opening the wallet as they go, and she purses her lips, and then looks at Tim. "Are you *sure* about that?" she questions to him, though her smile grows a little bit more as she spies the retro scooter.

    "... well, that's stupid adorable." she replies. "So -- ah, do you speak any Greek? Because I don't know anything that's not from My Big Fat Greek Wedding."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles as she finds a international driving license with her name on it. Tim either pulled some strings or made it up. He shakes his head a bit at the question "No but got my phone set up with a translator program." He will offer her a little earbud "That will translate for us, we will just have to say what we want in english and then let the phone translate unless your wanting to use subvocal mics."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... you nerd." Phoebe replies with a gentle sound of approval in her voice, and then she looks out over the new country. "So, where to first?" she questions with the biggest smile on her lips, finally feeling a little more excited about their trip.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Well we can hit the Parthenon, and look around there, might want to make sure we show respect around here though, never know when they might be watching us, since am a friend of one of Zues's daughters.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You mean respect to the releifs that the British Museum still has from the Parthonon?" she questions with a grin, and then she raises her eyebrows "Ah... that... somehow shouldn't surprise me, really." she replies, rubbing the back of her head before she sits on the scooter, and starts it up.


Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake climbs on behind her and puts his arms around her waist "There should be a guide book under the seat, I figured we find things together and decide together." He kisses her neck, and says "So lead on."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe breathes out as she looks to Tim behind her, and blushes as he kisses her neck, his arms about her waist, and she brings the motor of the scooter to life, leans back a little against Tim, and breathing out she pulls away from the jet on the tarmac, and goes out into Greece!