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Winter meets Summer
Date of Scene: 29 August 2020
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Megan receives an unexpected message and meets a familiar face once more.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Pixie

Winter Soldier has posed:
    When you go looking for those who make an effort not to be found, when you seek those who hide, when you wish to talk to those who can barely be proven to exist, it should come as no surprise that one day there is a message sitting on your phone from an unlisted and unknown number. This message, when it arrives, invites Megan to go for a bit of a stroll, and make for a certain landmark. In New York. Alone.

    But true to form, once there, nobody is waiting except the anonymous throng, nothing to be found except for the occasional beggar, vendor food of various (and often dubious) quality... and another message, with more instructions, to head further uptown. On and one the journey meanders, until finally, after well over two hours of detours, it leads to a quiet corner of Central Park.

    The sun is westering, the air is warm and mottled with only a few wisps of occasional cloud, all in all a pleasant day to be walking. But once again the destination is reached, a bench sitting by itself on a lonely path, and nobody is waiting there. Nobody, that is, but for a man that slowly walks towards the bench...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn wasn't a big fan of mysterious messages from anonymous senders...Why, that just reeked of danger. But she's also a very curious person, and of course she's just dying to know who it is. She had contacted Tony a few weeks prior so of of course Megan suspects it might be the Winter soldier. Which has her a bit nervous..

Cuz he's basically a ghost or something, right? Well too late to turn back now and she wanders about, enjoying the summery weather, sitting down on a nearby bench where she slips in her headphones, tapping her foot to upbeat music as she watches kids play with a dog in the park.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    After a minute or two, the sight line is that long, the man sits down on the bench next to Megan. He's surprisingly unimposing, dressed in simple denim and a leather jacket, with sturdy boots and leather gloves despite the weather. He doesn't tower, he doesn't loom, he doesn't appear to be built entirely out of marble or wrought from steel. In fact, he looks just like half a dozen other people Megan may have come across today. Almost exactly, in fact. Or, not to put too fine a point on it, he's likely been following her for quite some time now.

    Leaning back against the backrest of the bench, the Winter Soldier crosses his arms and stares off in the middle distance, waiting for the young woman to notice his presence and, one hopes, start a conversation. Because it looks like he could sit there for all eternity, unmoving, just watching...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is on the alert - it's one of those things she learned as an X-girl. To never let your guard down. Mind you, she's no ninja of course, and not exactly a super seasoned heroine, but she's quite aware when the stranger sits down next to her on the bench..

Of course it'll take her a moment or two to actually recognize him from before, and it doesn't help that she's currently listening to one of her favourite Andrea Jackson songs, to which she is rather enthusiastically singing aloud and tapping her foot to. Heck give her a sec or two and she might never notice him there at all...

Too bad the song quickly winds down and, having reached the end of her playlist, she pouts a bit, pulling off the headphones and tucking both away in her pocket.

Its only then that she glances at the guy sitting next to her blinks. "Oh....Hey...Hey! You're uh...That guy..From the other night?" um. Did he actually give her a name? other than 'Winter Soldier..' that is?

"Umm...Mister Winter..Guy?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "I hear you've been asking about me." Bucky intones, in a level voice that's neither harsh nor unkind, but still has a rather gravely timbre to it that makes it sound ... colder, somehow. The way fresh winter snow looks peaceful, but a whole tundra is a death trap. "A lot of people ask about me. I don't meet with all of them." It might be a compliment. "Going through Stark was very clever." Okay, so it was actually a compliment.

    Arms still crossed, he finally turns his head to look at Megan, pale blue eyes tracking her, double checking at close range what he had already deduced from further away. Unarmed. Likely no hostile intent. Good... "I'm usually known as the Winter Soldier. It's as good a name as any. But James will do just fine between us, I think."

    Then his gaze goes back on the middle distance, as if checking of threats in the area. "I asked a friend of mine what I should say to you when we met. He suggested stay in school and drink your milk. And say no to drugs. He's... idealistic. So what's this all about, kid?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is by contrast, all chipper and sunny and too much pink, for crying out loud! She is literally the manifestation of summer, with her warm and cheerful voice, gentle yet energetic eyes watching him in turn, quite the study in contrasts really. But hearing him talk, watching his movements, the subtle power she had seen hidden beneath such an unsuspecting visage...It's a little creepy..

Kinda makes you wonder why exactly they call him *winter* soldier..

Still, Megan did go to the trouble of contacting him, but now she feels rather silly, poking her nose where it doesn't belong, potentially getting herself in trouble. "Oh, umm.,.Yeah, I guess that's just between you and me, I mean..This is totally off the record, unofficial...Business.."

She blinks in surprise, "Really? All those people trying to contact you? How come?" To be honest, Megan knows next to nothing about this guy, but she's even more curious. "Umm..Someone told me...You were some kinda..World War 2 soldier, fought along side Captain America or something..?" that's a loaded question of course, like how and why and what happened etc.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Lots of stories about the Winter Soldier, kid. Bogeyman of the cold war. Every time our side managed to mess something up, blame it on the Winter Soldier. Easier that way, that's how rumors start. I got stuck with the name." It's an explanation that seems at the same time plausible and yet... not entirely convincing. It's certainly convenient. "But me fighting in World War two, with Captain America? Do I look like I'm a century old?"

    The question is asked with a raised eyebrow and a good natured smile. Seems like an honest answer might be appreciated. "You were up in Maine, weren't you kid? Rescuing that friend of yours? Does that make you Nightingale or Pixie?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip in wide-eyed wonder as he speaks of himself as the bogeyman and ither things. "Ummm so what, you're the big bad?" she swallows, "But...But you helped my friends and I out so...So you couldn't be all that bad..Right?"

That question if course makes her stop to think and she slowly stakes her head. "No...No you don't you look old at all, but then again, neither does Captain America. Why is that?"

As for who she is, Megan just beams, iridescent wings probably partially hidden, flattened against her back but still, she looks the part, "Why, I'm Pixie, of course!"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    A glance is given to the wings, and a judicious nod follows. "Clears that up. Explains a few things too." Exactly what those things might be, Bucky doesn't say, but he does turn his attention more fully to Megan. "Some stories are true, others are just that, stories. That doesn't stop some people from looking for me for all the wrong reasons. You have to make up your own mind about what I am. But take your time, haven't figured it out myself yet."

    For a moment he seems to want to talk about something, decides not to, and goes on a completely different tangent. "Look, kid... Can I call you Pixie?" He doesn't wait for a response. "Look, Pixie, what happened in Maine was a lucky accident. I happened to be around, you all happened to fly overhead in a strange jet, just so happens I have a weak spot for rescue missions. That what it was. Coincidence."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, shaking her head slowly, "Umm, I dunno about that. It's not like most strangers would just risk their lives to save a total stranger. But whatever your reasons, I just wanna say, thanks! We couldn't have done it without you, especially when Juggers showed up." she smiles cheerily, wings fluttering a bit although she's careful not to spray him with that pink glittery which isn't so effective when she's got her wings folded behind her.

"Well...I've already made up my mind about you..Besides, I don't think it was a coincidence, us meeting you...Does the name Samuel Morgan mean anything to you?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Ah, Marko. Didn't know he was there, was a bit of a surprise. But at least now we know where he's been, so that was a lucky break." Who this mysterious 'we' is, again Bucky doesn't elucidate. He seems to take the thanks and gratitude in stride, as if he's heard it before and has long ago decided that it's a necessary part of a rescue mission. For all that, he continues to smile.

    Right up to the point that Megan asks about someone else. For a second his face goes utterly blank, and when the smile returns it's just as friendly, but his eyes have decided not to join in. "Should it? Related to Captain Morgan, is he?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks and nods, "Yeah, a lucky break alright, can't say I mind those.." she does arch a curious brow at him. "We, Huh? Are you...Do you know him through..Hydra..?" those fighting moves, the secrecy..Why, you kinda remind me of him in a way." oh yes, Megan is way too curious for her own good, poking her nose where it doesn't belong. But she's concerned too, after everything Bean's been through..

"Wait...Captain Morgan? Is that what you called him back then..?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "No." And the voice suddenly loses some of its warmth. Bucky's eyes narrow just slightly, as if to warn that dangerous ground is being trod, but so far his appearance remains calm. "Bad joke, is all. Captain Morgan, like the rum. And the fictional pirate captain"

    For a moment, his head tilts slightly further back, and he seems to assess Megan anew, looking for other things now, things he would not have been looking for until a certain name was invoked. "We. I work for an organisation. Very much the good guys. Don't know where you heard the other name, but it's probably best you started forgetting it. Some bogeymen are real."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiiinks slowly, realizing very quickly that she's treading on dangerous territory. And was that why even Tony was a bit shifty about this whole thing? "Ohh...Umm..." she swallows, waving a hand, "Sorry about that..Umm...Guess it's not really my...Business, so uh, I should probably be going soon.."

She rises to her feet rather quickly then. Stupid girl, you're getting in waaay over your head...This guy is potentially dangerous. "Oh well.." she sighs, "Maybe I'm thinking of someone else I guess.." a bit of a sigh there, she was kinda thinking there was a connection there. It would explain a lot.

"Well Umm...It was nice meeting you, mister..James..Sir. I'm..I'm sure we'll cross paths again...Maybe?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Oh, I think we're both thinking of the same person." Bucky admits, as he stands and offers his hand in parting to Megan. His right hand, of course, although had he offered the other a few more things might have become clear. "But that story isn't mine to tell. Leave skeletons in closets until people are ready to take them out, that's my advice to you, Pixie. Not as wholesome as the one my friend would offer, but I think you'll find it has a few more practical applications."

    "We'll meet again. After all, you have my number."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs rather nervously now, eyeing his hand for a moment longer...But she's going with her original instinct, and he DID save their necks Afterall. "Um..Right! Guess sometimes I'm too curious for my own good.." she does take his hands giving him a firm comradely shake and nods with a faint smile, though her wings look a bit grey and wilted..

"Yes, I suppose I do..Maybe one day I'll return the favour too!" and with a smile and wave, she lifts to the sky and hurries off..