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Latest revision as of 03:08, 1 September 2020

There's a reason you don't sit at the counter
Date of Scene: 01 September 2020
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Three celebs run into each other
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Wonder Man, Rage

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is a reasonably peaceful late afternoon over at Fred's Diner. With the work week started up, the weekend antics have since died away. This leaves the diner for those with odd work schedules or a need to console themselves over the work chaos associaed with Mondays.

A series of pastel colored patrons who appear to be together take up most of the seats at the counter. Various other tables are taken as well. And while there may be some chattering going on at the counter, it is not loud inside. The volume is so low the mutterings of the line cook fiddling with the grill top can be heard.

Nick has opted not to be one of those who brave the counter today. He's been here long enough to know better and instead has opted for a booth furthest from the counter. As of the moment the ballcapped rock star is by himself, hair tucked away to avoid recognition. A notebook sits open as he stares to the words written inside. In his hands, a pen.

Wonder Man has posed:
    Simon is wearing his uniform and his customary pair of red and black Oakleys; they hide his red eyes well. He doesn't need to eat, nor does he really need to drink. Still, every once in a while a little comfort food after a hard day really hits the spot. He's been to Fred's before. Winifred knows him. The mutant woman makes a damn fine burger. As Simon pushes open the door there is a jingle-jangle of a bell ringing. As he steps in, his left hand pushes his hair from his eyes. Simon moves towards the counter and slowly eases himself onto the scuffed and taped over vinyl stool. He nods to the counterperson, A young lady. "Classic burger. No cheese. Medium well with Fred's french fries and that orange soda you guys have. You know? The diet stuff that tastes like a knee high but isn't actually a knee high." He has no fear of settling at the counter. His smile is meant to be charming and he doesn't think twice as he pulls his glasses off to hang them on his uniform's collar.

Rage has posed:
After spending most of the day at Club Evolution working on the staging and setup of an upcoming concert, Andrea has decided to call it a day and find some food at Ferd's Diner. The doors open to reveal the mutant popstarlet, dressed in a pair of snug, flexible jeans along with a sleeveless black tanktop with a red heart on the front that reads: Mutie Cutie.

She gives a wave to one of the waiters that she recognizes, reaching up behind her to pull her hair free of a snug pony tail to let the blonde and brown streaked hair flop against her shoulders. After giving a quick run of her fingers through her hair to tousle it into place, she snags a menu on her way to a table.

The sight of Wonderman catches her attention first. He's a celebrity and a superhero. Her brows raise upwards some as she takes a moment to stare at him before she eases into a chair. She lifts a hand to wave to Nick as she recognizes him as well.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the door open, the rocker glances up to see an Avenger and a pop starlet walk in. As Andrea waves to him, he lifts up the pen holding hand in a wave before glancing back to his notebook, quietly murmuring as he does so.

After a few more moments of fiddling the cook gives a frustrated, "Oh for-" The line cook opens his mouth allowing for a plume of fire to go across the grill top. The small bits of conversation at the counter cease with the startled shout of one patron revealing them to be new.

The counterperson doesn't even blink as she simply writes down Simon's order. "Alright that's a classic burger, no cheese, medium well, with french fries and the diet orange. Do you wan't pie too? It's fresh."

The line cook smiles as he starts to toss patties onto the grill top, the newfound heat causing for them to sizzle.

Wonder Man has posed:
"Only if it is the apple or the chocolate silk. If you got one, I'll take it. If you got the other, I'll take it. You got them both? I'll take them both." His meal just got more expensive, but Fred's pie is killer stuff. The upside of ionic bodies is the lack of weight gain. He is nonplussed by the flame breath and playfully calls out. "Just grill the onions, don't burn them!" His laughter makes it obvious he is not meaning to be derogatory. Rather, Simon really seems not to care a whit about this being a mutant run establishment.

The big man adjusts his weight on the barstool and gives a nod to the guy next to him. As heads turn and crane about he turns his gaze as well, settling his eyes on Andrea. He looks her over, one of the perks of not having pupils, then gives a soft sigh. He should know her. Is she in the industry? Crap. Crap! He should know her. There was a nasty bit of business about her turning 18, right? Some really tasteless drek. Simon mentally flounders for a moment. He really should know her name.

Rage has posed:
Once she is settled, Andrea places her phone next to her and goes about tapping along the glass surface a few times with her fingers as she responds to an email, a few text messages, a couple of social posts, then updates one of her own. At times, a customer may wander over to her table to ask for a selfie with them, which she obliges. She'll give a bright smile each time, autograph whatever they put in front of her, and even engage in some conversation. If it's a young girl, she'll pay the most attention to them.

Being an out and proud mutant and activist, it's no surprise that Andrea would be more intune with 'her' people. Protective even. Once she is finally left to her devices, she'll skim through the menu a few times, then offers up a smile to the waitress who heads over. She orders a strawberry greek salad with a bottle of water.

After which, she takes her phone out to document what she ate with a furrow of her brow. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The counterperson nods, smiling as she continues writing, giving Simon a wink. "Alright, both it is." She strolls over to the metal ring, ripping off the ticket from her pad and affixing it to one of the notches before walking back over.

The line cook turns, looking to Simon for a moment before giving a half smile and a thumbs up. "You got it." He states before going back to tend to the burgers.

There is no documenting of Nick's coffee or of his sandwich and there is definitely no documenting of whatever he's working on in his notebook. The other half of the sandwich is mostly ignored as his lips pause in their movements and he shakes his head, bringing the pen down to paper, crossing off something and writing something else in.

Bringing the pen up, he looks down to the notepad again, quietly murmuring it down in a low rythmic manner. Fingers playing with the pen absentmindedly as he does so. As the fingers of both hands clasp on to the pen, it starts to glow. But the effect seems lost on the man holding the writing utensil as he's not looking at it.

Wonder Man has posed:
Damnit, Simon. She's had bigger roles offered to her as a kid than you've ever had. What is the girl's name. Andi? Shea? Audrey? Yes. Audrey! Audrey Jackson? No!

"Andrea Jackson. The former little sweetheart of those Disney films!" Simon announces with a finger snap as he figures it out. "One of the few stars to put their celebrity to a cause for actual altruism purposes. You.. left the business though. You are doing like? pop music, right?" Simon asks that with some uncertainty, as if once she stopped acting she wasn't a real person anymore.

Honestly, he's quietly impressed he got that much right.

"Good on you though. Mutant rights are human rights."

Rage has posed:
As she hears Simon's voice, Andrea gives a blink, then glances upwards towards him for a moment as her head tilts. "Uh.. yup." She says awkwardly for a moment as she rubs the back of her neck. "They sure are." Her brows lift upwards some as she gives a squint of her eyes. "Did you just Google me or something?" She asks with an amused noise in her throat.

"Nice to meet you, Mister Williams. What are you doing in Bushwick? Patrolling or just here for Fred's famous burgers?"

As she leans back into her chair, she folds her hands around her phone, giving a casual glance over towards Nick and the glowing. In Mutant Town, she's used to seeing the unusual. "Yeah, I quit acting. I do some modeling shoots once in awhile but I am really focusing on my music and college at the moment. I needed a break from Disney."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Simon blurts out Andrea's resume, the pen stops glowing as Nick glances up, looking back over to the two. As Andrea asks if Simon googled her, he cracks a bit of a smirk, "That DID sound wikipedia like."

Wonder Man has posed:
He got the name right! Yes!

Simon holds up his hands. No phone in his hand or at his spot. "No. I remembered you all by myself." He says with the pride of a 4 year old evident in his low voice. He winks one of his red eyes at Andrea and plays it off with a genuine gesture of dismissal with his left hand. "I had to think about it some, I admit, but I knew I knew you. It is a shame you moved on. You had real talent. You have really good eye movement. I envy that" No pupils.

"And, actually the burgers are great, but the pie is divine. I think Dr. Hank McCoy brought me here once?" Famous Simon Williams namedrop. He considers. "I'm not sure. But when I actually splurge and let myself eat, this is a guilty pleasure."

Taking the jabs in good humor, Simon shakes his head. "Nah. You give me too much credit. I try to keep up on the industry, but I'm not flawless or perfect about it." He pauses a pretty good comedic beat. "I would have used IMDB anyways."

Rage has posed:
"It /did/ sound Wikipedia like." Andrea agrees with Nick with a small giggle. "Though my IMDB is not very long, sadly. Once I quit acting as a child for Disney, I immediately focused on my music when I hit my teen years. There is a lot more freedom within it, instead of answering to the Mouse."

She made sure she was not going to be chewed up and spit out by the Disney machine. She refused to be the next Britney, or Miley, at least in regards to drama and buzz feed dirt. Her music speaks for itself. "I had the pleasure of learning from Doctor McCoy as a professor for two years. His biology tests are incredibly challenging to pass. I'm glad that you two know each other. He's one of our best."

Our best. Not your best. She says those words so easily.

"Hello, Nick. It appears that Fred's is a celebrity magnet this evening. Perhaps we can all share a table? I don't mind the company."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh give it time. They include the music videos in that." Nick assures, "You'll see plenty soon enough."

At the invite Nick glances to his plate and drink in judgement. Guess there's enough food left to merit the move. "Alright. Sure." He reaches over to his notebook, flipping it closed before shifting over, tugging up a bookbag which looks to be containing anything but. Sliding the book and pen in next to something long wrapped in cloth, he slides out of the booth and pauses to collect his plate and drink.

Wonder Man has posed:
"I do not doubt that. Disney runs a tight ship." Simon picks up his drink and invites himself over, or assumes that Andrea meant all of them should sit together. "That said, you should remember some of us might kill to be on that ship." He says it gently. Simon's acting career has been limited to cameos, supporting roles, and the lead in B-grade science fiction and fantasy films where his eyes can either be hidden or explained away. His real claim to fame is as a stuntman, where is widely considered, due to his powers, to be the best in the business. AS he sits down, he nods to Nick. he still hasn't quite put the pieces together on Nick. He offers his right hand. "Simon Williams. Wonder Man."

There is another comedic bit of timing. "NO relation." He assures the other two.

Rage has posed:
"You say that, but trust me, when you're a ten year old little girl that can pass for thirteen, some of the people that you work around make the experience not so magical." Andrea says simply as she offers up a half-guarded smile to Andrea. "Disney is not all Musketeers and Hot Dog dances behind the scenes. It's intense. Controlling. Manipulative. Sometimes terrifying depending on who they leave you alone with when your parents aren't around."

Cracking her neck to one side, she gives a half shrug of her shoulders. "But you would be fine. You can fly and throw a car into the sun and I don't think most middle aged men will want to lay their hands on you. But, if you want, I still got the hook up, I'd be happy to pass you a few business cards."

"Nick, I got your last album on my phone. It's really good. I think it charted pretty well too."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick brings his plate over to the table, setting it down across from Andrea before he takes the offered hand. "Nick. Nice to meet you, Simon." He replies simply. No last name offered. Just, Nick.

He slides into the seat, looking over to Andrea as she brings up his last album. "Thanks, fortunately the sophomore curse didn't get me at full strength. Maybe the critics will be more forgiving when 'Stand Strong' releases in November."

"Alright hon. I have your food right here." The counter woman speaks up, holding a tray of food behind Simon. Considering the sheer amount of items on the tray it's impressive how quietly she snuck up behind Simon, regardless of the diner location.

Wonder Man has posed:
"My real problem is the women your mother's age, I wager, Miss Jackson." Simon replies wrinkling his nose. "Someone creeping into my trailer. Always some cute joke about wondering about something. Or a joke about testing my stamina, or any number of other things." He actually sounds a little put out by the attention. "And I'm sorry about those creeps. Let me know names and I'll do my best to work on their careers with the small amount of clout I have." he means it. "Pedophiles make me sick." He says all this even as he pulls a few cards out to shamelessly slide them to Andrea. Simon has got hustle. He has to. His agent sucks.

He smiles a the waitress. "Bring me the check next time you pop by, will you please?" He spares her his best smile, made all the more dazzling by the fact it is not a fake one.

"Another singer, Nick? Cool. I cannot carry a tune in a bucket." He then tucks right in, obviously enjoying his burger.

Rage has posed:
"It's alright. Those people are not in my life anymore and my mother made sure that the message was sent loud and clear. You can call me Andrea by the way. Miss Jackson is my grandmother. Or Janet. You know .. if you're nasty." Andrea knows her popculture! Who isn't a fan of the legendary Janet Jackson? She is at least.

"My third album just went out at the first of this morning. I'm excited it has charted really well, especially with some of the songs being more of the political type. I just got tired of singing about boys and breakups and I wanted to sing about something that mattered for a change."

Sliding the cards to her, she tucks them into her wallet, then pulls out one of her own in a shiny black embossed material. "Here is my manager. He'll talk to you. I'll make sure he reaches out."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The server looks wide eyed to Simon, smile gone, eyes flitting between him and Andrea before giving a nod. "Uh. Huh." She turns, walking back to the register, giving a curious glance back to the table.

Nick glances down, lips tightening as he watches the cards being slid towards Andrea still. He blinks as Simon asks about his occupation, "...yeah. Performer."

He looks over to Andrea, "That's good to hear. Typically the further you go with albums the more flexibility they're willing to give you. He smiles, "I'm kind of banking on that for the fourth."