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Latest revision as of 16:01, 7 September 2020

Drops of Jupiter: Research
Date of Scene: 01 August 2020
Location: Hank's Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Shannon gets checked out by Beast to make sure she isn't tainted by death spores. She's clear.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Beast

Nightingale has posed:
     It had been a few days since the battle of the spores in Centennial Park, Metropolis. Life for Shannon had, for the moment, seemingly returned to normal. But in the world as it stood, what was normal, really?

     'Normal', this time, would seem to be the aforementioned winged healer in training making her way down to the lower levels, balancing a covered tray in her hands. By the looks of things she's about ready to bunk down for the night, dressed in her red tartan sweatpants, baggy grey tank top, and floofy Old English Sheepdog slippers, but is taking a bit of a gamble checking out the lab. Messages had gone out to Mr. McCoy, but if he were caught up in work, it was very likely they might have simply been overlooked. So she came bearing gifts, understanding all too well how easy it is to forget to eat in the midst of one's hobbies or work.

Beast has posed:
The lab is in a bit of a state. Doctor McCoy had obviously been deeply involved in his research. He's still there, clad in labcoat, glasses and shorts, currently hanging upside down from one of the rafters in the room, staring intently at a tablet in one hand while swiping through screens with his other hand. "This doesn't make much sense..." Who knows what he's working on?

The scent of food catches up with him and Hank looks over to see what it is, "Shannon! Welcome. What can I do for you?"

Nightingale has posed:
     At least Shannon finds a clear space on one of the lab counters to set the tray down, before craning her neck to try and look at Mr. McCoy upside-down. She can't help a light giggle as she straightens up again, shaking her head. The ways of the brilliant were, indeed, inexplicable at times. "A few things, actually. The first is more one you can do for yourself." She nods towards the tray, from which a mildly spicy, meaty, savory aroma emanates; removing the cover would reveal a large bowl of good, hearty chili, and some freshly baked cornbread.

     "The second is just an idea inspired by Jeremy, but it's a little less critical than the third." Her tone actually sobers considerably, her shoulders straightening; for a moment, it's almost as if she's standing at attention. Almost. "I'm not sure if Miss Grey contacted you at all about this, but there was an incident in Centennial Park a few days ago that I got caught up in. It involved spores with some... I have to say, very disturbing properties. She did manage to get a sample of some of what was left from the aftermath of the battle, but I thought it might help if I were on hand to relay what I could from having been there. Even if it may not be a whole lot."

Beast has posed:
Letting go with his feet, Hank does a neat little flip and lands on on the floor, striding over towards the student and the food she brought him, "Thank you very much, my friend. I may be quite hungry. Hadn't realized it until just now."

"I'd heard about the spores, just been working on them for the moment, in fact," there's a smile on his face as he picks up the bowl and spoon, starting to dig in. "I'm running every test I can think of without exposing them to any other living things. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the bottom of whatever it is before it becomes a threat once again." Lifting his chin towards Shannon he says, "It would be very useful if you could tell me everything that happened."

Nightingale has posed:
     "First thing... whatever you do, do /not/ apply heat to them. They'll grow like mad." Shannon shivers a little bit. "One of the supers... I didn't recognize them at all, and I've met a few... used heat energy on one of them. The thing grew to about the size of a small truck, and it was enough to give even The Hulk a hard time. He didn't seem affected by the spore, thank god. That could've gotten real messy."

     Canting her head, she smiles a bit as Mr. McCoy tucks into his repast. At least that would hold him a little while. Good, healthy protein and veggies. "Water alone didn't seem to do much against them, but at least it didn't make them grow. What /did/ work against them was cold. Thor brought the rain--literally--and someone else started freezing them." She pauses, seeming to think for a moment. "I don't think this is the first time these things have been here, either. In the middle of things, I thought I heard Hulk say something about seeing the fungus monsters before." She cracks a bit of a smile. "Let's face it, his voice /carries/."

Beast has posed:
"No heat," Hank says after getting the word from Shannon. His head nods slightly as he continues putting food into his mouth. "If cold works on them then perhaps Ororo might be able to lend her might to the effort."

"If they've been here before, it will be important to figure out how they were dealt with last time," says the blue scientist. "I may have to try to get in touch with the Hulk to see if he can provide me with any more information."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon frowns a little bit and nods. "If he knows, I'd be willing to bet that others on the team know, too. But Dr. Banner would be a great place to start." Flopping down on a stool, the winged teen runs her fingers through her hair, letting out a whuff of breath in a deeper sigh than she ought. "It was really weird. Whole thing started out as a strange group just... digging. That's it. Just digging in the park, and planting something. Turned out they were planting the spores. And it didn't seem to take much for them to convince others to join them, almost like mind control was involved."

     Shaking her head, the young woman has to pause for a moment, her brows furrowing. "One poor man looked like he'd just been touched by one of the smaller spores. Looked like he was in pretty good physical condition for the most part. It looked like Miss Lane knew him, she was trying to get through to him and didn't seem to be having much success. I had to shoulder-check him to the ground before things got worse. Got a good look at his right hand. He'd actually been holding one of the spores. You can bet I put a pair of gloves on from my little brown bag pretty darn quick. There were red lines running up his arm, almost like you see in an infection going bad." She shivers a bit. "Let's just say I was /very/ glad for first aid classes. I got a tourniquet on his arm about six inches above the lines, and strongly urged Miss Lane to get him to some medical care."