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Latest revision as of 02:10, 11 September 2020

End of summer ponderings
Date of Scene: 10 September 2020
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Buffy invites her friends to a bbq and discusses her odd family.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's another hot day but at least the sun is shining in Gotham. Buffy is up early, busily packing a bag. She'd left a note for Willow explaining that she'd be heading back to the Summer's house in Bludhaven for a few weeks but not much more than that. Not wanting to wake Willow up but not exactly sneaking around, she's got the radio playing softly in the background as she pulls her suitcase out into the living room.

Buffy didn't have a lot of stuff to pack, just a few change of clothes, some gifts for Dawn, her mom and her dad who was visiting for a few weeks.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow stretches, and *blinks*. "Hey you!" Not yet aware of her roommate trying to keep it down and let her sleep in. "Want some orange juice? I'm out of fresh coffee. Gotta go and buy some. Do you need anything while I'm out?" It's safe to say it'll be awhile; she 's still in her jammies!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances up and chuckles, "Orange juice sounds good. Thanks Wil..I didn't wake you up, did I?" she looks tired, maybe a little stressed. Classes started recently Afterall, but there's a weekend coming up soon too. Buffy was never a good student.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No. Why?" Willow wanders into the kitchen and poured two glasses of juice. "I 'm trying to work out my schedule. No go. I may have to take an extra semester." Like that would be so hard.. Not!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Yeah, figured I'd take a light semester this year, I only have a few courses to complete my degree in psychology..Although some of those courses are killer." she shrugs, "Well at least I get a Thursday's and weekends off. My dad's in town for a couple of weeks..Besides I need a breather from Spike craziness." she smiles, "But we're having a family barbecue on Sunday afternoon, if you're free, you're more than welcome to come over."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Sure! I'll bring cookies." Willow was becoming an expert at them. "What about Spike?" She comes out of the kitchen with the glasses and passes one over.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, sitting down on the sofa, taking a breather. "Thanks Wil, my family is always happy to see you." as for Spike she shrugs, "Well you know how it is, things are always awkward between us.." Buffy sighs, "I just wanted to celebrate his birthday, let him know he's not alone, but..We'll we got drunk, started dancing...Kissing..Thomas was not pleased. It's really better if I stay as far away from him as possible for a while."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow shakes her head. "You know better than that. Thomas has to agree beforehand if your relationship is poly. Not during or after. I'd be angry too."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, shaking her head. "Hey, it wasn't even about that! I had no plans on making things inclusive. I was just frustrated and lonely after not seeing Thomas for weeks on end.." she sighs, "Why do people keep trying to make this more than just a moment of weakness?" she shrugs, sipping the orange thoughtfully.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Um, because you're with Thomas? He has every right to be angry." Well d'uh! "Sorry, I'm on Thomas' side. I take out you worked it all out? Otherwise you have to talk it with up with him, especially if it's going to be something that could happen again."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers groans, "Um seriously, he already gave me an earful, I don't need to hear it from you too.,I made a mistake, I apologized, I'm moving on.." well she was hoping for a bit more sympathy but. "ANYWAY, I was just explaining why I need to get out of this place for a bit. It's stressful, knowing I might run into him in the hall, that more awkwardness might ensue. It's not that I can't control myself, although I feel bad for Spike.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow sighs. There still were things Buffy had to say, but it wasn't to her. "A nice trip home will be just the right thing to do. Shake it off. Just the weekend?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, "I guess with school starting soon, I'll have to be back next week, but with dad in town, I'll at least be swinging by Sunnydale over the next few weekends." she nods, "But thanks, I know you're always there to steer me straight.." even if she didn't need to get another earful about how terrible she is for kissing Spike like that. "Soo...Cookies Huh? Hopefully I can get Thomas to come too, he hasn't met my dad yet..And of course Dawn's always asking about him.." she's always asking about Spike too, but Buff isn't going there.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Speak of the devil, the expression goes and he just might appear. Of course the fact that the Devil's girlfriend sent him a text asking him to come over might have something to do with it too. A Casual "Shave and a haircut" knock on the door and there he is standing in their hall, holding plastic bags and looking like God's Gift to Underwear Billboards.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oooh going to meet the parentals. You must be serious." Willow grins. "Chocolate chip cookies are the only thing I can bake. Well, and oatmeal chip." Willow put chocolate chips in all her baking.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and smiles faintly. "Yeah..He's already met the mom and the sis, but not that dad. But I'm sure he'll like him!" she grins, "Gotta say you're cookies are pretty wicked. We can always do with dessert.." and then the door knocks and she smirks, but hesitates a moment before answering. She had told Spike not to come looking for her anymore. Of course peering through the peephole gives her a relief and she opens the door smiling. "Hey, handsome, guess you're ears were itching, huh?" she winks as she pulls him in close for a quick hug.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith slides his arms around his lover, hugging her and whispering something, probably naughty, in her ear and smirking just a little bit. "I had a craving for Ice Cream on my way over. So I picked up a pint of Rocky Road, a pint of cherry Jubilee, and pint of something callled Death By Chocolate, which I thought might be up your alley." Grinning he looks over Buffy's head and adds "Hey there Willow, Nice to see you again."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow waves at him. "Hey. Come on in." She grins. Three ice creams. Three of them. "Don't mind the jammies. I've got my slippers on." As though pjs with slippers on made it okay.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, peering at the ice cream, "It was getting pretty hot in here..Thanks! I'm glad you're here, I was actually getting g ready to head to Sunnydale tonight.l.My dad's in town for a few weeks and I'd really like you to meet him..Oh, and we're having a family barbecue on Saturday and of course you're invited too! Dawn's been asking about you a lot lately.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins just a bit, tilting his head. "Is he going to aim a gun at me for taking advantage of his little girl?" he asks amused smiling at Willow. "Hey I'm all for jammies. If you can't be comfortable at home what's the point?" He sets the three pints of ice cream out, letting the two ladies chose theirs first. Old habits die hard.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Exactly. Besides I saw someone at WallyWorld who had less on than me."

Ice cream.. Which one? Of course she lets Buffy pick her favourite before she chooses hers. After all, he was her boy friend!

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and takes a seat, relaxing a bit and smirking. "Have you ever seen that website walmart people dot com?" he asks with a grin, "That place is just a little bit scary really." He shakes his head. "My Brother does allot of his magic shopping at Wal-Mart...

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"The funny thing is those people think that they are right, and you and me are in the wrong. And I've got really relaxed morals. Which should tell you something." If Willow is appalled something is wrong. "He buys magic stuff there? Like abracadabra magic, or my kind of magic?" There is a difference!

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit. "His kind of magic. Not sure what the difference is other then you don't blow out electronics." He scratches his chin, "Which means my club's anti magic defense system might not work on you. That's worth noting." Still he chuckles, "You think you've got relaxed morals? I'm White Court."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers returns with spooons and plates! "Alright, ice cream party! Which is good because it's hot.." and she has a hard time choosing so goes for a bit of everything. "So Thomas. Are you free Saturday night? For barbecue fun and family craziness? My dad's a pretty mean cook.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit and smirks some. "Saterday? I think I can be free, after all I do love a good barbaque. Should I bring anything?" he asks nodding for Willow to go ahead as well before he takes a portion. "so is he clued in?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Me? I suppose? What would happen to my magic?" Boggles. After all, Willow really didn't understand it. Magic wouldn't work? Laptop? Some combination there up?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Of course. I mean, even if I tried to keep it a secret, you know Dawn, she's such a big mouth. I think she's crushing on you big time too." she grins, "Well that settles it then, can't wait! My dad is curious but he can be protective. But you know, my mom and sis already both love you. As for stuff to bring, you don't have to but dessert or drinks are always good."

To Willow she smirks, It's interesting, Harry struggles around computers, makes them explode and yet you and  and magic work perfectly..Maybe there are different types of magic?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I'm the only one who uses technology to perform magic. I'm weird." Willow was surprised Buffy didn't know that.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "Well I meant about Slayers and Vampires not about me and you but still." He says amused and serves his own ice cream with a chuckle. "And of course Dawn has a crush on me, good taste runs in her family.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and smiles, "Yeah yeah, I know it's a running joke, me and vamps..." she rolls her eyes but decides not o go down that path. Baaad idea. "Yeaaah, Dawn's pretty impressionable but I worry about her. Second year of highschool and she's become a kleptomaniac. My mom is still in remission but occasionally she has memory glitches...And my dad I haven't seen in a year. Soo, might be tense but hopefully not."

Probabky why she needs her friends there, "Well I was gonna take the bus but could you drive us there Saturday? If not, that's fine but it'd save time."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes a hint. "I'm gonna to put on my clothes and go grocery shopping as we really do have coffee and a few more things. Nice seeing you Thomas. We'll check that thing with magic soon!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit and stage whispers, "I really like your friend, gotta love someone who'll give two love birds and three pints of ice cream privacy..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks at Willow, "Heey before you head off, think you can bring along a magic theory book or something? I just need something to distract Dawn with, get her away from stealing stuff, you know how much she worships you and wants to be like you? You're a good role model for her.."

To Thomas she smiles, "Wil's the best..I'm really lucky to have her as a friend..Soo, guess we have some time to wait as she packs.." she sits on the sofa, patting the seat next to her, munching on her ice cream. "Mmm this is really good stuff!"