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Latest revision as of 18:49, 13 September 2020

Making sure she's getting settled.
Date of Scene: 11 September 2020
Location: Siryn's Room (North Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jimmy came to check in with Terry and got a mild surprise at the end.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Siryn

Warpath has posed:
     Jimmy worries about Terry, it's in his character. There's nothing for it. So after giving her a little while to get settled and trying to not hover over her he makes time to come by and see how she is getting adjusted. He knocks on the door and waits for her to show him in.

Siryn has posed:
Terri was reading (gasp!) one of the books she had picked on her previous trip to Ireland, about Roderic O'Conor, Ireland's response to Gaughan. She folded up a napkin, and slipped into the pages. "Come on in!"

Warpath has posed:
     Walking into the room he looks around a moment and asks,"Bad time?" He closes the door behind him of course, but he can meader again if he needs to,"Sorry we haven't had a lot of time lately. It's like we have jobs or something. They are developing a new team and that's probably going to take more time, but I think it has potential."

Siryn has posed:
"Nyah, come in. Sit! uhm.." Right. Terri really needed to clean. "On the chair? I can throw laundry onto the floor, or, you can sit on the bed with me." She grins. "We can put a pillow between, for safety sakes." Terri sits up, regardless. "Team? Oh, tell me."

Warpath has posed:
     He walks over and takes a seat on the bed, putting the pillow there whether she was serious or not,"Something a little more...hands on. Closer to a kick the door in swat team as opposed to the X-Men. Still in the talking stage, but I think it would be a good thing to have."

Siryn has posed:
"I was only kidding about the pillow. Did you know, back in the day, men would come courting the girls. But they were way too long to come and go home, so they slept in the girls bed with a pillow between them." Terri nods. "It was about as useful as pulling out is."

She listens. "Actually, where will I fit in?"

Warpath has posed:
     He looks at the pillow and snorts,"It is pretty worthless." he agrees and shrugs,"The tribes were a little less formal, particularly in the older days." he comments,"Nothing says I love you like knocking someone in the head and dragging their unconcious body into the teepee. Usually mutual for the mostly part, but sometimes not as much. Just tradition."

Siryn has posed:
Terri looks like she is caught between laughing and appalled. "And the girls put up with that??"

Warpath has posed:

     "I didn't say it was a good way, but it was a way." he replies with a shrug,"Don't worry. As far as I know there aren't any tribes that do that sort of thing anymore." he assures you,"Most of them already settled for the one that did it and it was a form of courting. Brutal, but tradition. I'll warn you if something comes looking for you with a club."

Siryn has posed:
"Ach, you better be watching for the man. Trying that on me?" Harumph. As if! And she takes the pillow and chucks it. "There's funny, and not funny. I think I crossed it. Now, where were we ?"

Warpath has posed:
     He smirks and then laughs softly at the thought of what little secret might get whispered against the head of someone who tries to club her with a stick, loud whispers that will shatter the skull."

     The pillow getting tossed gets a shake of his head,"Crossed the line. It's all over now." he muses,"I think we were somewhere around the idea of figuring out where you fit in. Aside from teaching. You will always fit in there. It's a school. You can teach."

Siryn has posed:
"And the team? They haven't talked to me since I've been back." Terry frowns. "I'm sorta wondering maybe it was wrong to come here."

Warpath has posed:
     "I'm not sure about the team yet." he admits,"They don't talk a lot really." There is a shrug and he admits,"Probably it would be better to just seek them out and see what they have in mind. Scott and Jean do the proverbial burn the candle at both ends."

Siryn has posed:
"I guess." But Terry didn't seem certain. "Shannon seemed, well, she did want to talk about her new friend."

Warpath has posed:
     "There was more to that than you saw." he comments softly,"Apparently she and Megan have had dealins with him before. They got him away from wherever you all were and then ditched him as quick as possible." he comments,"Apparently he's some kind of mercenary or something. He was an acquaintance of a friend of theirs."

Siryn has posed:
Terry frowns, but nods. At least someone looked after the girls, even if it wasn't her. Turns out she wasn't quite ready to be 'back is the saddle' so to speak. When she was up for the next time, Blurr seemed to have slipped away, and nobody was talking. "I'm glad. Just, well you know, I am disappointed."

Warpath has posed:
     "Maybe we're getting too old to hangout with the kids anymore." he comments with a sigh,"I can't take too many one on one sorts aside from Shannon for sure." He nudges your arm with his elbow lightly and tells you,"Maybe we'll have to look out for each other and let the kids work out their own situations. Seems like someone had to throw their hands into the air with us at one time or another."

Siryn has posed:
"I guess that's it, isn't it. I'm a teacher. Feels weird. Normally *I'd* be the one with the crazy ideas." Her tongue makes a raspberry sound. "Help Me! I'm too young to think about this!"

Warpath has posed:
     "Not my idea really either." he admits,"Being a teacher here was never a part of the plan, but here we are." A soft chuckle and he adds,"We need to find something that keeps us young before we end up like Scott, Jean, and the Professor."

Siryn has posed:
"I refuse to become one of those people!" Except she already sort of was: the Fallen Angels. Although they didn't expect so much goody two shoes from her. Actually, maybe that was a good idea.. except, was, she was trying to put the past behind and live up to the new one.

Damn, where was her flask when she needed it!

She was, she was trying to hide from everyone, including Jimmy. Not because he didn't know she drank, but she wanted to try her best as far as he noticed. But, wow, it was hard.

Warpath has posed:
     "We all get old eventually." he comments with a shrug,"Well, those of us that don't check out early anyway. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional." He sighs and rests his head against the wall,"So over all you're getting settled with a few hiccups."

Siryn has posed:
"I think.. well maybe.. no. So much is happening. I'm trying?" Sigh. Terry wished she could tell what he wanted to hear, but it was Jimmy. "Sorry? What a way to be back. They said I may have a hiccup or two while the residual of the drugs are finally gone. It's supposedly nothing to worry about. Apparently they used regular drugs, not a weird mix. Mind you, the drug cocktail was plenty of fucked over as it was."

Warpath has posed:
     "Too many things happening all at once and not enough time to sort it all out." he muses and reaches out to touch your hand gently,"No reason to be sorry. Getting back into the swing of things would have been bad no matter how we would have gotten you out of there. I wish I had been a little more...observant of the situation and more present. Maybe you wouldn't have been lost so long."

Siryn has posed:
"Ack, not your fault. I should have tried harder at the beginning." Right, because they didn't have every little bit of planned. Right. Not! "When does the semester start?"

Terry squeezed his hand, reassuring him.

Warpath has posed:
     He sighs softly and shrugs finally,"Next time I will walk you onto the plane." he mutters. He pauses and considers the date for a moment and finally tells you,"So not very long." he sighs,"I have a few summer classes to finish up with before then, but nothing too complicated."

Siryn has posed:
"I've got another job. Just a wee thing. I'm the museum liaison to the auction house." Which was great, but she doesn't see that. "Do you ever think what your life would be like without powers?" Maybe it could be better? Of course, probably she would have be put in jail, after all, her powers had saved her more than once!

Warpath has posed:
     "That's simple." he replies softly,"I'd be dead with the rest of the tribe and there'd be no chance of even a partial blood line remaining." he tells you softly and sure enough.

Siryn has posed:
"Oh." And Terry does it again. Of course, how could she be so stupid. "I'm sorry. Oops?"

Warpath has posed:
     He shakes his head and tells you,"It's OK. I know what happened. It doesn't rule me. Just part of me." He looks at the hand he holds and squeezes it gently again,"Besides, no powers and I wouldn't have found my best friend either."

Siryn has posed:
On impulse she kisses a cheek. "Go on. I think you're getting very silly. And I need to read my book for my initial lesson. Shoo. Or I'll wipe it off." Good lord! What had she done? "Close the door when you are gone."

And quickly Terry opened her book and buried her face in it.

Warpath has posed:
     He gets up after the kiss on his cheek and smiles at the contact. Stretching his legs a little he starts for the door,"I'll see you in the morning." It's difficult to not like the contact, so he doesn't try to do anything else. Instead he opens the door and heads out into the hall. Shutting it behind him he is off down the hall.