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Latest revision as of 00:52, 14 September 2020

Mustard in Manhattan
Date of Scene: 13 September 2020
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Kory's odd dietary habits makes her a new friend in Ivory
Cast of Characters: Ivory, Starfire

Ivory has posed:
    Sunday afternoon, Central park. It's late fall, the sun shines, people stroll along the paths. Some people flock around the food stands, others sit and watch people go by. Ivory? Ivory is in the people watching group close to a hotdog stand, sitting on a park bench, sketching something on their notepad.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is heading towards the hotdog stand. They have the BEST hot dogs here. She glances around, wearing a simple mustard-yellow sundress. She orders a hot dog, with extra extra extra mustard, onions, sauerkraut, and dill relish. And a cup of mustard on the side. She smiles as she pays, ignores the weird look from the vendor, and looks for a bench to sit on with her messy meal. "May I sit here?" she asks, with a friendly smile, gesturing to the half-empty bench that Ivory is sitting on.

Ivory has posed:
    The eyes of Ivory dart through the crowd, ending on Koriand'r as the eyes wander, because who else would cach the eye if not the redhead with golden skin. Then... she buys MUSTARD? Mustard of all things, pure and without any other additions?! Who... wait, she's coming closer and...

"Eh, sure. Why not. But if I may ask, why a full jar of Mustard?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Because it's a delicious beverage," she cooooos to her seatmate. "Want some?' she asks, offering the jar to her seatmate. "I am Koriand'r," she says as she takes a bite of her hotdog as she sets the glass of mustard down.

Ivory has posed:
    "Eh, wait, mustard isn't a beverage. It's a condiment. And it's a cream, not a liquid..." Ivory notes, eyes narrowing a little. "I mean, look at its texture."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Sure it is." She puts a straw in it and slurps it up as she looks at you, eyes wide. Licking her lips, she murmurs, "I know - it's a thick and tangy beverage. There are hew-mon beverages of similar textures - such as a 'frappe'." She shrugs. "It's very tasty."

Ivory has posed:
    "Frappe is frozen and melts. Mustard... mustard doesn't melt unless you put it on a hotdog or such. OR you use the cheap, watered down stuff." Ivory watches with skepticism in the eyes. "I mean, but if it tastes you..."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r grins. "I'm not from around here." She glances at you. "I could note that though you look like a young woman, your hair is white which is not normal so you might be special in your own way as well," she muses, grinning as she sets her mustard down to work on her hot dog.

Ivory has posed:
    "I am special, but you are also wrong." Ivory chuckles. "Becaus I did not choose to be a girl today. Nope." They grin a little as they tap their sketchbook. "Could have, didn't."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinks as she squints. "What?" she asks curiously, tilting her head. "Really... you're a boy? You look so feminine in appearance..." She then looks you over. "I apologize for my assumption." She lowers her head. "Sometimes it's hard to tell."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory says, "With me, there is no knowing till either I tell you or you take a peek." Ivory teases, stretching out her tongue to lick agaainst her own nose, or at least trying so while blinking at her with both eyes. "So, golden skin isn't normal. Fell into a chemical vat?""

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shakes her head. "I am by hew-mon standards alien. I come from the planet Tamaran. I am a refugee. It's... a long story I would RATHER not discuss - but my life is much happier here."

Ivory has posed:
    "Human, it's pronounced human." Ivory ponders about the other words though. "That's like a long way away, right? Did you also develop from some apelike thingy?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "Legends have it that we evolved from felines, not primapes. I find some similarities between myself and local cats - for one, we love to lay in the sun."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory chuckles as they brush through the hair. "Oh, some days I am closer to cat than others myself..." they tease, fuzzy feline ears flicking out from the hair after the hand passes.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I have some powers - but many here do. The main difference between a human and myself is taste buds. I taste sweet and bitter opposite - so a 'soda' is disgusting to me - and my precious mustard is yummy." She smiles softly. "There are some things that we agree with - most meat is good stuff."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory snorts a moment. "Some guy from an island claims that meat is the fifth taste. Even called the taste tasty!" Of course, that'd be Umami, named by Kikunae Ikeda taking the Japanese word for umai - delicious - and mi - taste. Which literally translates to savroy taste or tasty. "Sooo, what you do here? Alien research representative? Asyl from an oppressive homeworld? Or diplomatic envoy?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Refugee from oppressive homeworld, displaced princess, and superherione with the Titans," she muses as she finishes her food. "Would you care for a hot dog?" she finally asks. "It's on me."

Ivory has posed:
    "So, because your daddy hates you or was dethroned you fled to earth to beat up our criminals and... gain friends to reclaim your throne?" Ivory asks, shaking the head on the offer of the hot dog. "Do you know what is in those sausages? That meat is very questionable! I wouldn't wonder if it was soylent green. LEt me show you a proper place to get proper meat, ok?"