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Latest revision as of 04:08, 17 September 2020

Decisions. Good or bad
Date of Scene: 16 September 2020
Location: Spike's Sub-Basement, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Willow came in with righteous indignation. Not that it wasn't earned, but Spike's a jerk and knows how to turn that back without too much trouble.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Willow Rosenberg

Spike has posed:
     The night finds Spike leaning against the kitchenette counter, studying a business card in his hand and holding a cigarette in the other hand. Taking a drag from the cigarette he exhales and tosses the card aside before walking into the living area. Time for Passions or something more intersting than a business card.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
After Buffy laid it all out, Willow decided she needed to have a little one on one with Spike, and he wasn't gonna like it at all. She raps on the door impatiently. "I know you're in there, Spike. Might as well open the door, or I'm gonna let myself in." Strangely enough, something about her seems to lend credence to her threat. "I brought a book, so I can wait all evening."

Spike has posed:
     He takes a seat on the couch, holding the cigarette away from him until he gets settled. Taking a drag he just settles when the door gets knocked on. There is a depp sigh and can tell by the sound of her voice there is something irritating the Justice Leaguer and power house witch,"Bollux." he mutters softly. Glancing towards the door he calls,"The door is open. Interrupt Passions at your own peril." Yeah, it doesn't sound too convincing either.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It only takes one offer to come in, and she marches herself in front of the television to boot. "What did you think you were doing? Kissing Buffy, with her boyfriend in the room?" Or close by. Actually, Willow wasn't certain about that. "Never mind *where*? Are you crazy? Shame on you!" Ok, that 'shame on you' sounds like old Willow, but the rest?

Spike has posed:
     Oh great. The Slayer kisses and tells. Joy. He sighs and shakes his head,"I kissed her yes. It wasn't my finest moment. Thomas wasn't close and he sure as hell wasn't in the room." he replies, just a little annoyed and trying to play nice inspite of the situation.

     "Two things to understand. Chip or not, I have little to no shame." he replies with less and less patience,"Do you really have to ask me if I'm crazy? I kill my own kind, protect yours, and go out into the daytime which can kill me. Sanity is over rated."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow makes a face. " Do you have *any* clue *who* her boyfriend is? He's not nicer than you."

Ugh. Why was she even worried about that if he wasn't.. oh yes, Buffy.

"Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you could have brought about? Buffy kills things like you. And probably things like Thomas if she had to. You could have started a big thing, all because you couldn't keep in your pants."

Spike has posed:
     Ok. So there comes a point in time that even the most calm of people take enough. Spike is far from the most calm of people and getting attacked in his home is not something he takes lightly,"LOOK..." he snaps and then manages rein it in a little,""I've met Thomas. I know Thomas. For hates sake I like Thomas. None of us are angels and we all do bad things. Everyone in the world."

     "I'm a vampire. I think with my blood and that doesn't run towards the brain on the best of days. That said, it never got out of my pants. Thank you. If you're quite done puking righteous indignation, there's the door. If you aren't I refer you to the exit."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You are so stupid." Willow just shakes her head. It was unbelievable how ignorant he was being. "I stood up for you. Telling her why you are a pain in the hindquarters. I told her you were in love with her. You're so lucky I don't cast a spell on you. Really lucky. But if I hear about it again, try me, you'll be dealing with me."

Exit stage left, so to speak.

Spike has posed:
     "Emphasis on were." he shouts at your departing back. If you don't shut the door he gets up and does it, otherwise he goes back to his show and smokes his cigarette,"Bloody Hell. How did they get her out of her grave?" he growls at the television and sighs,"I think it's time for a new crowd. Maybe a new place to live too for that matter."