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Latest revision as of 23:10, 18 September 2020

Perusing the Purrrrrfect Present
Date of Scene: 18 September 2020
Location: American Museum Nat. His.
Synopsis: Selina scopes out a new cat exhibit at the museum and runs into familiar feline figures..
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Cheetah, Ivory

Catwoman has posed:
It's early evening and the museum is starting to grow quieter as field trips finish and workers head home for the day. Which is just fine as far as Selina is concerned. She always preferred the peace and quiet of an almost empty museum, and what's this? Looks like they have a new display on ancient cat goddesses! Well isn't that just purrrfect? Perhaps she will peruse today and come back later.

Cheetah has posed:
Not quite alone, it seems. Another "lone" figure is admiring the exhibit as well. Seen from behind, it's a tall, sleek woman with shoulder-length red hair and expensive taste in clothing. She is standing to the side of the artifacts with her arms folded across her chest and her head cocked to one side admiring the quality of the ancient workmanship.

Ivory has posed:
    The museum is still open. Technically. And after having been bold and having visited Avenger's Mansion's garden, Ivory ponders what goes on in a museum by night. So at some time in the late afternoon, a person enters the bathroom, only for a cat to exit some minute later. Yes, a white persian cat sneaks around the museum in the falling night on silent paws. Who would dare to try to try to throw out a cat? only people who would see it. But seeing a 10 pound fuzzball of white would need to notice it. Which means, that cat looking for inspiration actually does stalk the museum, hiding occasionally as people are attempted to be sent home by the still rotating guards so they might lock up the museum.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles as she nears the cat exhibit, peering up at the African cat deities and paying close attention to the expensive jewelry, statues and sarcophagi that are displayed. "Mmmm...Beautuful.." she sighs. But of course she's not alone, and while she has no super powers, Selina has always been very aware of her surroundings.

"Ahh...Ms. Minerva, good evening. And.." eyes narrow on the white Persian and she smiles, "I've seen you before somewhere, Havent I?" okay..Cats tend to be drawn to her a lot. Had she seen this one before or was it another similar looking kitty?

Cheetah has posed:
Even before Selina "intrudes", Barbara-Ann Minerva's nose starts to twitch. Why does it suddenly smell like 10 pounds of Persian white kitty in here? Before Barbara can determine the source of this olfactory distraction, Selina has interjected.

Minerva turns toward the sounds of Selina's voice. She's trying her very best not to appear annoyed. There is a brief squint before a look of recognition takes hold, "Kyle! Selina Kyle! How are you, dear?"

Minerva arches an eyebrow as Selina's attention overshoots. What could possibly be more interesting than Barbara-Ann Minerva? She turns again, this time using Selina's eagle-eyes as a guide. Ugh. Who let that /cat/ in here? Wait. From a distance, Barbara-Ann scrutinizes the pendant around Ivory's throat. Is that..?

Ivory has posed:
    The cat blinks a moment as it spots the two - or rather notices them spotting them. The next moment, the white cat turns head to dart behind a statue. Because, they shouldn't be there! Totally not! Nobody let a cat in. There was no living cat in the museum... officially. Inoffically? It had just become the most catty place in the town. Not one, not two but three cat people in one hall full of carved cats and painted cats and forged cats and even mummified and stuffed cats. Cats of the world, united in the dim light as the guards shove out the last civillians but the three.

The white head reappears a few moments later. Not on the ground. It's a white speck upon black granite. Black granite that had been shaped in Tella-Basta. The place that was originally called Per-Bast. Or, as the greeks called it, Bubastis. A statute of Bast of course. White fuzzy cat on the sleek black one. And Ivory-cat yawns.

"What do you want?" Yes, the cat asks a question, using an ancient statue as throne.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle isn't stupid. She can see how Minerva's attention is drawn towards the white Persian, and she arches a brow, focusing on the cat and the curious pendant. "Oh yes..Weren't you one of those stray cats at the benefit concert..?" did it escape..?!

And then the cat talks! Her eyes widen in surprise. "Er...What? Did that cat just talk?" she didn't just imagine that, did she?

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva starts. For the briefest instant her carefully curated face assumes a more bestial cast as sometimes happens when she is caught badly off-guard and her true form reveals itself. This passes quickly and, thankfully, Selina's attention was on the cat. The /talking/ cat. If the cat saw this momentary slip, so what? Who would believe a cat?

Barbara-Ann speaks almost in unison with Selina, "Did that cat just talk?" Her mouth agape, she turns to stare at Selina, then back to the cat, then back to Selina.

Ivory has posed:
    "Not one of the strays," the cat answers, stretching the back a little, the ears flutering once, then a paw strokes it. Has the cat seen the bestial face of Minerva? Hard to tell, as it squints the eyes.

"You had a question, so why you feel uneasy that you get an answer?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle might have been shocked at a talking cat once, but she recently met and befriended a vampire and a wizard, and was attacked by a demon cat. Sooo. This shouldn't surprise her. Really.

She smiles a little, stepping towards the cat, extending an arm towards it but pauses. Is it okay to let a talking cat? Would they be offended? "No, I recognize that collar. You were there, but obviously you're not an ordinary cat.." eyes narrow, warily perhaps.

"Who are you? Please don't tell me you were working with that panther demon.."

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva can't help herself. As Selina warily approaches Ivory, Barbara-Ann unconsciously strikes a pose reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of West about to snatch the ruby slippers from poor Dorothy. A talking cat! Minerva could make a FORTUNE! She takes a silent step forward and is nearly ready to pounce when Selina mentions the collar.

Barbara's rubber-band mind snaps back to reality. The collar! It's the same one she (>ahem< ) tried to "borrow" a few weeks ago. First at that insipid fashion show, and later from an unwary young man in an alleyway. Now it's Minerva's turn to squint. What goes on here?

Ivory has posed:
    "Demon cat... you mean the one that runined the whole event? I had planned to take a full day vacation at someone's home and get money into the pocket of the charity and that silly thing not only ruins that but steals the money!" The eyes of the cat stay on Selina a little, then move to Minerva doing poses and then eying the collar.

    "What's up with you Miss Minerva? Seeing something odd?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods, "Yes..It stole the cat statue awarded to me..And left me with a nasty scratch.." she totally misses whatever Minerva is plotting behind her back as she ponders. "Soo...How is it that you're able to talk? You never answered my question.." yeah, she's persistent.

Cheetah has posed:
Monotone, directed at Ivory, and in the background, Minerva says, "A. Talking. Cat." Cheeky little cat; it's just asking for a slap. For now, Barbara cedes the floor to Selina and her inquiries.

Ivory has posed:
    "How? Magic," the Ivory cat answers, yawning once more, the tail flicking behind the cat lazily. "What did you expect?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle shrugs, "Ohhh, I dunno, curse, werecat, demon...Guess I have more to learn about magic.." she sighs, glancing at her watch, "Well nice meeting you both, again..I have a meeting to attend." she smiles and waves and hurries off.

Ivory has posed:
    "Werecat or demon or curse, isn't that all magic?" Ivory asks as Selina starts to scurry off, giving Minerva a glance before jumong off the perch and darting after her - and then out of the way to a toilet. Technically, the museum is still open, so... why not leave it the normal way?!

Cheetah has posed:
Minerva finds herself alone with her many, many questions. A talking cat. A philanthropist who doesn't seem that put out by a talking cat. And...her.

Nonplussed, she turns to the statue of Bast, which had recently served as Ivory's makeshift throne. "...the hell just happened?"

If Bast has an answer, he isn't telling.