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Latest revision as of 12:31, 22 September 2020

A Magnetic Reunion
Date of Scene: 22 September 2020
Location: Four Freedoms Plaza - Ground Floor
Synopsis: Peggy and Erik catch up after fifty years. The conversation is tense but civil.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Peggy Carter

Magneto has posed:
    It is evening in the Big Apple. As the summer ends, the night has been showing up sooner. The sun is setting behind the tall buildings of the city and there is a cool breeze blowing along the streets. Street lights are snapping on. There is some foot traffic along the streets, but this is not Times Square so the tourists don't get down here as much and certainly not at this time of night.

    In one of the smaller restaurants of Four Freedoms, Erik Lehnsherr sits quitely off in a darker corner. He has a glass of wine in front of him and a starter salad. He is reading various documents and seems to be keeping to himself at the moment. He is dressed in a gray suit that was obviously tailored. No one really seems to notice him among the various power movers here in this section of New York. He sips from his wine as he reads.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's just enough cameras around the UN, and Peggy has just enough pull with SHIELD still, that tracing Erik Lehnsherr's motions weren't entirely impossible. Difficult, it took her well over a week from the initial chaos, but still not impossible. When she got notice that he was headed out for dinner tonight, Peggy quickly changed into something acceptable for a meal and made her way in his direction.

When she arrives, it takes her a few minutes to figure out where he is in the place. The hostess asks if she needs a table, and Peggy gives her a matte red lipped smile, "No, no...I'm meeting someone." Ah. And there he is. She turns on the ball of her t-strap heel and steps smoothly in his direction. She's in something closer to the styles of their heyday, a deep navy wrap dress trimmed in red with matching navy heels. It's an outfit made to compliment the hourglass of her frame. Her hair is still in those vintage waves. Silent as the grave they have both managed to escape, she slips up to the side of his table. "...Room for one more?"

Magneto has posed:
    Erik speaks without looking up. "I prefer to dine alone." His voice is cold and hard until he does finally look up from his papers. He remains quiet for a second as seems to be deciding if who he sees is actually who he is seeing. Quickly, however, he stands and offers a hand towards the empty seat at his table. "Ms. Carter. I have to say I am a bit surprised to see you although your resourcefulness was always second to none." His voice does take on a friendliness that wasn't there before, and he gives her an honest smile albeit small. He looks over and gestures to a server. "What can I get you to drink?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The woman is rarely in a rush. Somehow, she's stolen enough time that she looks not a day older than the last time they met. Heck, maybe a little bit younger, for whatever has managed to beat back the clock? So, Peggy waits for him to look up, a simple, slightly worried smile lingering on her carefully painted lips. Once he realizes it's her, the smile warms, just a bit, and she tilts her head. "I was wondering how long it'd take you." Her slightly dry, British sense of humor is still firmly in place. It's almost certainly her.

She then folds smoothly into the offered chair, tucking her skirt neatly beneath her as she watches him intently. His every little motion. That small smile. Trying to piece together what changes she's missed. "...Whiskey. Legavulin, if they have it... two rocks."

Magneto has posed:
    "And put it on my bill, please," Erik says as the server heads off to procur the drink. He moves and slowly takes the seat across from Peggy, studying her as well for a brief pause before commenting on her drink selection. "You have been in America far too long, my dear. Two rocks?" He chuckles softly as he settles back into his chair. "You have not aged a day since the last time I saw you and that had to be what? Pushing seventy, eighty years ago now? I should be surprised, but little in this day and age really surprises me much anymore."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...I could say the same to you. In truth, I had heard the rumors but... was very surprised to see you at that rally. Part of me had assumed they'd gotten someone to take up your mantel, Erik. That surely it couldn't be you, after all these years." Peggy studies him quietly, smirking at the comment about the rocks, "I wouldn't want to lose my head. They tell me the man I'm dining with is horribly dangerous." But there is no fear in her voice. On the contrary, her clipped, British tone is full of a gentle bit of nostalgia, worry, some sadness for what was. Curiosity.

Magneto has posed:
    "A side effect of the power I wield, I am ashamed to say. No secret formula or magic spells. It simply slows down the aging. I suppose I should wrap up Magnetic aging process. The Americans would eat it up," Erik says with a chuckle. He takes a sip of his wine and the humor drops from his voice a touch. "You were at the rally? I thought I had heard your voice, but it was a bit chaotic there at the end. I was not sure. A pleasent surprise to find out I did." He sets the glass down and nods. "Quite dangerous. The police brought out the Brute Squad just for me speaking."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slight dip of her head comes in affirmation. "I was there. And while you know I...didn't exactly agree with your methods when you first started building things... Hell, I don't know if we will ever come to agreement, what they put out there was ridiculous. They only hurt their own case and proved themselves to be brutes and idiots." Peggy gives him a slightly more bittersweet smile, dark eyes lifting to search his. "...I tried to have SHIELD call them off. For what it's worth. But you were already gone."

Magneto has posed:
    "Unfortunately, the human Powers that Be will never seeing it as actually hurting their case. It will be they drove off a terrorist and brought peace back to the city." Erik makes a gesture in the direction of the heart of the city while still looking at Peggy. "We both know that they will always put anything I do in the Terrorist light, and I doubt your SHIELD is much better." He takes another sip of his wine and the server returns with Peggy's drink as well. "Could we have a menu for the lady as well, please?" Erik raises an eyebrow at Peggy as if to ask if she is joining him for dinner.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"A menu would be lovely. Thank you." Peggy accepts her whiskey, taking in a deep breath of it's bouquet and then a small sip before settling it down. She waits for the server to disappear before giving Erik a slightly rueful smile, "It has been what...fifty some years. The least I can do is stay for dinner after managing to track you down." She studies him across the glass in her hands, more worried about the man than food. Lost in thought for a few heartbeats. "...and yes. I suspect the government will do that. The question is what do you actually plan to do? Organizing your people... protecting them. Defending when you need. You know I never had a single issue with any of that. You all deserve your lives and your freedoms..."

Magneto has posed:
    "Ahh, the rub is how we secure those lives and freedom if I recall." Erik chuckles softly with a sound of humor and sadness mixed together. "We need to be on equal footing with the humans if we really want our lives and freedoms protected. That can be hitting back when we are struck. I will never preach violence to start, but I will not abide turning the other cheek either. If peaceful coexistence is to be achieved, it will not be by simply appeasing those humans. They will take and take. I have seen it before. As have you." A menu is brought over to Peggy. "The salmon here is quite good. They do receive the wild salmon from Alaska and never frozen. It is getting towards the end of the season, but I have confidence in the chef's standards."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The brunette listens to his words, taking in the slight change in attitude since their last parting. But not much. Peggy's smile slips away to the neutral line that he's seen from her so many times before. At least it wasn't anger. Not like the last time they sat as this, in a restaurant, where she promised she'd do what she had to in order to stop him. Everything is a bit more tender now, a bit more controlled. She dips her head once. "Salmon it is, then. Thank you." No need to make the waiter linger. She trusts his recommendations.

Once they are alone again, she exhales slowly, "...If it's just defending yourself... I understand. Proactive violence is what worries me. I don't want us to end up at war again. You have more people on your side than...than before. Humans and mutants. The government will lose a lot of support if they keep striking at you, but you can't give them reasons."

Magneto has posed:
    "And what would you consider a good reason?" Erik asks once more raising an eyebrow. "Legislation against my people? Perhaps they come through Mutant Town right here in the city stopping anyone that looks different for no real reason except to look like a conquoring army?" He sits back slightly and shakes his head. "There are a great many more reasons to stand up for yourself than just being punched. Where is the line? How far do I let them push before I push back? Perhaps just one dog is alright? Or perhaps the heavy manufacturing of plastic weapons? I am sure there are many uses for them, but I am afraid I cannot see them just now."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Silently, Peggy sets her whiskey down, eyes pinched with a touch of worry as she listens to his explanations. She doesn't interrupt him, but she's not buying the entire line of thought any more now than she did back then. "No... You don't let them stomp through mutant town like that. Of course not. We push back. We make certain the legislation doesn't go through. There's more protests that can happen. Hell... maybe a mutant review board? Someone to help speak for your people when the city is making decisions. I just know..." Peggy sits forward, resting both her hands on the table as she stares up to him. "I know that if you keep provoking them, then yes, they are going to bite back. Hard. You have a real chance here to do this peacefully..."

Magneto has posed:
    Erik sits back and once more picks up his wine. He does not drink yet, but is looking at Peggy for a hard moment. "Mmmm," he says in an almost nonchalant sound of agreement. "I am sure you are right. Bureaucracy is always the best way to get things done. I believe it was your own Oliver Cromwell that said to King Charles, please. We can work this out. No need to lose your head over it all." He takes a sip of wine as the waiter arrives with Peggy's salad and more rolls for the table, and then leaves again quickly. "Please tell me the last thing that was done efficently with bureaucracy. The biggest problem with that is if something can be done with the legal stroke of a pen, it can be undone. They must learn what happens if they try to undo it."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The man across from her has enough of a point that Peggy is dead quiet for just a few heartbeats. She turns dark eyes from his gaze down to her tumbler of whiskey, studying the melting ice inside. She swirls it around, lazily, exhaling a tired touch of a sigh through her nose. "...You're not wrong. But... there's other ways too. Starting with violence will just bring more violence, Erik. You have *mutants* at your fingertips. People who can go through walls. Listen to heartbeats. Do just as much as most superheroes and they are *loyal*. Every one of these governors? City Counselors? The people who will terrorize your people. They've got something they're scared of, and it's not that you will have more guns. They always have more guns. It's their mistress being exposed. Their embezzling... The skeletons in their closet."

Magneto has posed:
    " And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Erik speaks quietly but with conviction and assurance. "And with their weapons and technology, they can achieve many of the things my mutants can do. These governors. City counselors. These Presidents. They will not give up power simply with me asking nicely. They are scared of their secrets being exposed? Do not ask for tears from me." Erik falls silent now as dinner is brought over. The salmon has been poached in white wine and herbs with a light lemon butter sauce and capers drizzled across it. Erik looks up at the waiter with a smile completely devoid of the anger that has been causing the silverware to vibrate slightly only a moment ago. "Thank you."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The dark haired woman is silent again, letting Erik finish his quiet speech as their dinner is come. SHe also exchanges a quiet thank you and begins to politely cut into the salmon. She eats with small, neat bites, a woman who has often been exposed to the finer things in life and knows how to treat them. Finally, she looks back up to him, that sad sort of smile behind her eyes. "I'm not asking for tears. I'm asking you to do this in a way that isn't going to bring armies against you. Again. And your people. Sure, you might survive... but you know some of those kids? The ones you are trying to protect? If you bring the government down on their heads...they won't."

Magneto has posed:
    "You speak as if I plan on marching through Washington DC and ripping apart the White House." Erik shakes his head as he cuts into the fish and takes a bite. He is quite once more before speaking. "This is more Cold War than open hostilities, Ms. Carter. If they pass no limiting laws. If they allow mutants to live in peace with no undue violence, they have absolutely nothing to fear from me. We may have a skirmish or two here and there, but no open war between us. Unless they start it. They should fear me. At least a little. If not, what would stop them?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
She studies his face a few heartbeats longer and whatever she sees there seems to leave her a bit of contentment. Peggy gives him a quiet nod and sinks back into her chair, a little more comfortable than before. It's a start. The exhaustion behind her smile is still there, but it's all a bit softer now. "...Just... make certain you aren't terrorizing your own people... Fearing *for* you, or of you, while you're trying to get at the monsters behind desks and in senate offices, alright?" A bit of that smile dares reach her eyes. "It might be nice to have a friend back again. It's been too long."

Magneto has posed:
    "Ahhh," Erik says with a soft smile and nod. "The eternal balance between being loved and feared. Perhaps I do lean a bit heavier on being feared, but my mutants also know that I will be there for each and every one of them. I once heard a story about a British sailor being arrested in Greece and set to stand trail there. The British Empire would not hear of it and warships appeared off the coast to get their sailor back to stand trail in an English court." One silver eyebrow lifts slightly as he regards Peggy. "I often have thought that we are nearly as far apart as other politicians might believe, and yes, I would also enjoy having a friend back."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A last bite is taken of her salmon, the meal clearly having served quite well as she dabs at the final bits of sauce. The place earned every one of its stars tonight. But, fork down, it means there's nothing to keep her eyes from the man across from her. Peggy's smile is still faint, edged with hope and the reserve that says she doubts this will last. "I'd be one of those British sailors, as well. And that's how I always worked with SHIELD. We take care of our own. We've always seen eye to eye on that, Erik."

Magneto has posed:
    "We have," Erik says with a nod. "SHIELD and I have not. Your organization has its paymasters. Who they answer to and there in lies the rub. The real power in government is money, and in that regard, those governments have me beaten many times over. Not that I am hurting, but I can never hope to compete on that level. Your SHIELD may have all the grand intentions, but they do what they are paid to do. Mutants represent a threat to that money and the flow of power. SHIELD will come after us eventually."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A tired laugh escapes her lips as he explains all that. Peggy shrugs gently, "Well, that is no longer my decision. SHIELD doesn't... trust me, these days. They've done all the tests, every inch of verifying who I am, but... a girl stumbles out of some sort of quantum time experiment after her co-director gets her stuck there, and people don't entirely trust she is who she says she is. So... I'm... a field agent, but little more. Mostly retired. I can choose who I support...and where I fight. For good or for ill."

Magneto has posed:
    "It is cute that you believe so, Ms. Carter." Erik lifts his glass towards Peggy with a slight smile. "To being retired," he offers as way of a toast. "Good luck and thank you for a lovely dinner discussion."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"To being retired." Peggy clinks her glass against his before taking one last, deep gulp, finishing off that whiskey. "Well, I have disturbed your night enough. It... was good to see you. Don't be a stranger." And with that, Peggy smoothly dabs at her lips, perfect matte red lipstick still mostly in place, and unfolds from the table. One last smile, and she's disappearing back into the crowd, nothing but a faint touch of her amber and vanilla perfume left behind.