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Latest revision as of 15:00, 22 September 2020

The more they change...
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Alexis, Sam and Andrea talk about the fallout from Magneto's visit to the concert.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball, Rage

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis Carr was no stranger to the streets of Brooklyn, but she was still concerned over what happened the other night. There were still signs around; a empty canister. The occasional rubber bullet (although one ended up on Ebay recently, saying it was THE one that took down Magneto) could be found from what they fired into the crowds.

    And she sat, casual, a rucksack at her side, wearing stained and torn jeans and a light jacket over a plain blue T-shirt. She looked every ounce the same girl who stopped to admire Sam's motorcycle, before being enticed to come into the club -- and into Sam's life.

    But right now, she was watching the crowd. She could feel a tenseness in the air, even after the concert had been cleared away, and the #magnetoisright hashtag started to drop in popularity.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking along the sidewalk. He spotted Alexis a bit earlier, and before coming over he stopped and got her a hotdog the way she likes it and a coke, as well as one for himself. He comes over and sits down beside her offering her what he bought for her "Hotdog for your thoughts?" He offers her, He looks over to her with concern and love.

Prismatic has posed:
    "... I got within an arm's length of the boogie man the other night, and saw that in spite of his great and terrifying power -- he is, after all, a man." the British-accented musician states quietly, looking over at the STARLIGHT HEALTH CLINIC banner, and she accepts the hotdog and the coke.

    "There is nothing like a street dog from a cart in NYC. I don't care how Scott cooks them. They taste different here." She mumbles quietly.

Rage has posed:
Out from the building across the street is Andrea, who is dressed for the Fall weather in the form of snug designer jeans and a baggy white sweater with a blue and orange stripe across the chest in a cable knit fashion. She has a pair of dark shades over her eyes with her hair pulled up and behind her into a tight pony tail. As she reaches into her pocket to take out her keys, she looks across the street as her nose gives a noticeable twitch. At the sight of her friends, she lifts her hand upwards, then moves to cross the street at the intersection.

"Hey guys." She says as she makes her way over towards them, bobbing side to side a bit in her usual gait. "What's up? Catching some fresh air before work?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Alexis and says "In a lot of ways he can be a good and caring man, trying for what a mostly good thing but willing to pay the wrong cost for it, and taking it a bit to far. He wants the people he considers his people safe, sometimes overbearingly but he does want them safe." He looks over and sees Andrea offering her a nod in greeting. "Ah remember trying my best to do to listen, but looking back think it might have been more us trying to pacify him, while still doing what we felt like we needed to do or sometimes wanted to do."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Hey, Andy." Alexis replies as the singer joins them. She's still perched on an orange barrel, her feet on a concrete divider, looking casually at home in the hustle and bustle. She pushes up her shades a moment, and glances to Sam.

    "No, Sam, when I was little, Magneto was /the/ boogie man. My dad used to threaten to tell him I was a mutant so he would snatch me up and fly away with me to space and I would never see my mother again. Literally. Boogie-man." Alexis replies quietly, and she purses her lips. "... I never thought I'd get that close is all."

Rage has posed:
"Oh, we're talking about Voldermort. Are we allowed to say his name outloud?" Andrea asks as she slides her thumbs into her beltloops. "I remember being a kid and watching the news and seeing him all over it, being a badass and throwing tanks around and being called the worst thing since cancer. I remember meeting him for the first time last year and I sang at that concert in Genosha for his daughter and he was just so .. normal? He was powerful in person, but he wasn't the scary man that I saw on TV. He was .. old."

"Then when he showed up at my concert and started delivering that speech, I felt this rush in my gut. Pride? I don't know what to call it. It was like being hypnotized. Just to stand next to him and hear the raw emotion of his words. It's easy to fall for them." As she looks around for a spot to lean, she decides a road sign is good for her to park one foot behind her and lean backwards.

"Then when he got shot and I picked him up in my arms, he felt so weak. Like I was plucking my grandfather up and trying to get him to safety. I was in a themepark of emotions."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah never really thought of him as old, well old old, he took over for the Prof for a bit." He rubs Alexis' back, and says "If you want to actually meet him and get to know him I might be able to arrange it." He offers to Alexis. He munches his hot dog a bit, and after a swallow of coke, he will add to her "And I still say your dad's an ass hon, no offence."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Terrible themepark, that. You should ask for the admission back." Alexis quips over her coke, and offers the drink to Andrea in case she wanted some.

    "A man is not nearly as dangerous as the ideas he inspires, the crowd was nearly ready to turn on the police. /You/ and /I/ were nearly ready to turn on the police." she points out, and then looks to Sam.

    "I'm... not sure if it would be a good idea. I mean, they tell you you should never meet your heroes -- should you meet your boogeymen?"

Rage has posed:
"Well, Magneto is right in some ways. Mutants are tired of being treated like animals by society when only a genetic quirk is what makes us different. There would be a lot less dangerous mutants of everyone tried to help each other, especially the youngest navigate through what is obviously a scary point in their lives. Not every lucky kid gets an Xavier's trip to the mansion for free."

Andrea watches the crowds drift in and out of the streets and shops, furrowing her brows. "When I decided to become a mutant icon, I always wanted to show the best sides of me to the public eye. The glitz and glamour, the smiles, the girl next door. I wanted people to see me as their daughter, sister and neighbor."

"But I'm also getting kinda tired of smiling for cameras that only care about my lip gloss and my dance moves. I'm tired of being a token. I don't know." She trails off. "I plan on putting a lot more of my attention in Mutant Town though. Especially after what I learned the other day."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to them and says "Well meeting your heroes is bad because you realize they are not the bigger than life people you think they are, but finding out your boogie man is not as big as you think it is, is a good thing." He adds, and says "The problem with Magneto is he often swings to far to the other end. We need a world where both are equal. Ah once saw a world where Mutants were the ruling class, it was not a good thing."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well, why not? Why not have a mutant ruling class?" Alexis begins, though there is a bitter edge to her voice. "Next step in evolution, then it becomes all power plays. Who has more right to rule? The Omegas? Those of us who don't have such marvelous powers just sort of standing by the wayside as lessers? Where does the power shift come from? Who would lead?" Alexis asks.

    "And you don't have to tell me about the trip to the institute." Alexis states, her gaze darkening. "... I saw a lot of mutants disappear, and their deaths ruled a suicide."

Rage has posed:
"I think having a mutant ruling class with people out there like Apocalypse or Sinister would be a terrible idea. Can you even imagine .. President Apocalypse?" Andrea says with a furrow of her brow. "Anyways, I don't know. Maybe we should just buy an island and live on it away from all of these morons." She pauses. "You know, like Genosha." She says with a soft scoff under her breath in amusement.

"I don't think it matters .. they will always be afraid of us and what we can do. I can't blame them. When you can blow buildings up with a thought or set people on fire with a wiggle of fingers, I'd be terrified also. Humans start to think of themselves as cattle."

"Anyways, I found out who owns the museum here in Mutant Town." She says with a scowl.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Even with some good people, people who Ah trust with my life it was bad." He will tell them. "When you put one kind above the other, people will be even more cruel as they feel is is ok, they aint X, Y or Z." He continues to softly rub Alexis's back, and will ask "Oh which museum and who owns it?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "And here I thought all the Witch museums were in Salem." the mollified Alexis replies with dour statements, and she wrinkles her nose.

    "I don't think I could live on and island with all the students. Especially not the ones that interrupt when I'm teaching with the lively rendition of 'the musical fruit'." she states, and she looks over to Andrea.


Rage has posed:
"It's the Mutant Cultural Heritage Museum that opened up a few blocks away a couple months ago. It's a historical timeline of mutant evolution, notable names and the such. It's small, but it's gained a bit of attention. There is no attendance fee." Andrea says as she shifts her jaw to one side.

"It's owned by Oroku Saki. He is a billionaire science and technology guy. Owns a bunch of labs. He got ahold of some video of me as a wolf defending myself in a Starbucks two years ago. I saved Mason's life against The Reavers. He summoned me to his building under the guise of working with my marketing team, and instead told me that he had the video and he won't release it to the public if I was to give him my DNA and blood samples for 'testing' or something. He cited health treatments. I can't remember that well. Either way, he was blackmailing me."

Growing quiet, she clenches her fists up tightly for a moment, then sighs out. "Later that night, someone snuck into my condo and left a gift on my bed. A little token to let me know that he can get to me anytime he wants. I went to Jean about it and Jean talked to him and told me it was resolved. I haven't heard from him since, until the other day he showed up in front of my clinic and spoke to me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises as he frowns a bit more to this. He looks over and says "So, did you give him the blood sample when he asked for it or not?" He will seem to be thinking about something as he waits to hear more.

Prismatic has posed:
    "What? This Oroku Saki guy just... showed up and..." the young woman seems a bit miffed, and she slides her sunglasses down.

    "What the heck, where was your guard in all of this? How did they get inside your condo?"

Rage has posed:
"My guard was at home. My condo was like eleven stories up with only a private elevator access. I have no clue how someone got in there, through my doors and then leave a gift on my bed. There was no scent. Locks not touched. It was crazy." Andrea says with a frown on her face.

"But, no, I didn't give him any of my blood. I told himn I wanted twenty-four hours to think about it. My advantage is that he had no clue I was involved with a school full of the most powerful mutants in the world. So, I sent Jean after him. From what she told me afterwards, is that she was assured he would /never/ mess with me again."

"So, the other day, he was just letting me know that if I wanted, he could make a few phone calls and end those cop's careers who fired on Magneto during my concert." Her lips press together tighter.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Would about be willing to wager that he had access to either a teleporter or a phaser. Does Kitty leave a scent behind when she phases?" He hmms and seems to ponder a moment "And when was the attempted black mail, and when the museum started?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Sounds like maybe someone didn't learn his lesson. Jean'll flunk him out of class for sure." Alexis replies quietly, sullenly sipping on her coke as she glares in the direction of the museum, and then tkaing a deep breath, she sighs.

Rage has posed:
"Like I said, the blackmail was two years ago and I haven't heard from him since. I had no clue he even owned the museum until two days ago when I ran into him out here. He just happened to be pulling up in front of the clinic, stating he had business in the area. He's looking to invest heavily in Mutant Town because he wants to make a difference in mutant lives. He said all the right things you want to hear, unfortunately I do not trust a word that comes out of him. He's very tactical in how he speaks."

Andrea shrugs her shoulders at the topic of Kitty, not knowing. Good question though. "Either way, I told him where he can stick it and he laughed it off and went on his way. He said the offer of help to bring the police to justice was genuine. Says he has deep pockets of politicians he can call at any point who owe him."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "A possible Jean scared him to using his bad influences to mutant's side of things, but I would think there is more something else going on. Hard to believe but he may have had some way to make jean think he was convinced when not, and just wrote you off for then.

Prismatic has posed:
    "... dunno, sounds like the type of person who I can't trust as far as I could throw them." Alexis remarks quietly, then stretches her legs, and goes to stand to dispose of her trash.

    "Or he had plans for using Jean. Assuming she could be manipulated, or something. In which case I feel a little sorry for him."

Rage has posed:
"I'm pretty sure she took a shit on him and he bailed on the idea of messing with me. I just don't think he gave up on the idea of messing with mutants in general. He didn't threaten me or anything. He was polite and charming as always." Andrea shrugs her shoulders upwards. "Anyways, I'm going to head home and meet up with Jay for dinner. You two are welcome to join us if you want, we're just having some roasted chicken and a salad. Nothing crazy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Alexis, and says "You want to go hon, or more up for a bit more talking and walking around town?" He will finish his hot dog and make the same trash can trip Alexis did waiting on her answer.

Prismatic has posed:
    "... maybe I shouldn't come out and say who I am. I'm certain I'll get less savory manipulators." Alexis replies quietly, and she looks down at her hands, examining the callouses from her bow, and she breathes out.

    "I should go, lessons in the morning and all that."

Rage has posed:
"Well, hit me up tomorrow and we can hang out. I know I'm always up to seeing you two." Andrea says as she gives a smile as her keys are slid out of her pocket. She starts down the street, calling over her shoulder. "Stay safe guys!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Alexis and says "You wanting to come out about who you really are, and make it known your a mutant?" He hmms and says "Well you know i will support what ever choice you make hon." He waves "See ya Andrea, and tell Jay to give me a call."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Have a good evening, Andy, do giv emy love to Jay!" Alexis gives a smile to the popstar, and then looks to Sam, almost bashfully.

    "Well... yes. Why should I let my father intimidate me out of my name? It *is* my name, after all." Alexis gives a wry grin, and she picks up her rucksack. "I"m considering taking up performances again, in fact.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Alexis, and says "Thinking about staying local, or doing a bit of touring yourself?" He will ask moving to put his arm around her waist and hold her close.