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Latest revision as of 18:10, 22 September 2020

Here Comes A Challenger
Date of Scene: 22 September 2020
Location: Apartment 6A, Instrata
Synopsis: Claire stops by Matt's and, incredibly, he's there! He opts out of his night gig to help her through a tough night.
Cast of Characters: Claire Temple, Daredevil

Claire Temple has posed:
Chances are, Matt was already gone for the night. Claire knew that. Maybe she should have let Lester drive her home because the prospect of going back to her apartment alone is miserable. So, she's decided to take a chance that she might catch him before he disappears for the night. That he might pick her over going out to get in a fight. Probably setting herself up for disappointment, but it's a chance.

Still slightly tipsy, she's breathing a little hard because the damn elevator is out again and she's hoofed it up the six flights of stairs to get to his place. She's in her scrubs, carrying her work duffle across her shoulder, and smells like a mix of beer, another person he doesn't know, the hospital, sweat, and the faint echo of too much blood from the patients she lost. It's in the cracks of her crocs somewhere, on the edge of her pants thigh and the hem of her shirt. She knocks a few times, quietly, "...Matt? You... in?"

Daredevil has posed:
For once, Claire was in luck when trying to find Matt in his own home. He had only just arrived there a few minutes prior and was just about to take a shower. He'd gotten as far as loosening his tie and undoing the top button of his white button-down. Of course by the time she had made it halfway to his floor, Matt knew Claire was coming.

As she approached his door, he had already made his way over. The scent of beer was the first to hit him. Then the usual hospital smells. Then a lingering odor of a man's aftershave. The knock echoes through his apartment and he stands silently for a moment before he tugs the door open to the woman who has kept him from dying a dozen times at least.

She's met with a smile and a friendly tip of his head, "Claire." He steps to the side and motions towards the entrance hall of his apartment, "Come in?"

Claire Temple has posed:
Hearing the door click open in a surprise. Claire blinks, but a drowsy, slightly strained smile crosses her full mouth as she looks him over. Not even in in the body armor yet? Lucky night. "...Hey. Yeah. If you don't... mind. Didn't feel like being alone tonight." Claire's slighthly husky voice explains. She was either crying or yelling earlier, maybe a bit of both.

She then crosses into his apartment. Respectful enough NOT to tread the hospital inside, she immediately slips her socked feet out of those ugly crocks and sets her work bag down beside it. The thing is heavy and a bit overpacked, probably stole another round of supplies on her way out tonight, and she's carried it all the way home. She's on the edge of tipsy and sobriety, having walked back from Luke's and a good bit of water in her since those beers, but she's not quite there yet. "...shit. I shoulda showered first. I probably smell... awful. I just... I... I wanted to catch you before you... went..." She motions to the window.

Daredevil has posed:
The rasp in her voice catches Matt by surprise. The friendly smile remains unphased as she steps over the threshold and into his apartment. Closing the door, he lets her slip out of her shoes and put down her bag before he steps down the hallway and into his living room. "I don't mind," he says regarding her having not showered. He's smelled her after long shifts and he's never minded.

Stepping into his kitchen, he tugs the fridge open and pulls out a bottle of water, twisting off the cap and tossing it onto the unfinished counter before heading back to the living room to meet her. He offers her the bottle in case she would like more to help stave off the hangover she smells as if she might have in the morning. "You're always welcome to use my shower if you want to," he says as he looks her over. Listens her over. "Are you okay?"

Claire Temple has posed:
The bottle of water is taken thankfully and silently. She is still half smiling, as he admits he doesn't mind her smelling like hospital. God knows he's probably used to it by now, but normally it's not this bad. Normally, nights at the ER aren't so bad she gets sent home early. This wasn't a normal night and all the little changes about her are screaming that. She takes a few silent gulps of the water, like an exhausted child reluctantly taking their medicine, but then sets it down.

That question breaks something in her. It's different, coming from him, than her friend at the bar. She's allowed to be vulnerable around him and it's hard to keep her walls up when he's showing care. When no one cares, it's easy not to cry. When the care comes... She forces in a slightly shaking breath and finally just admits a quiet, "...No." Then she's reaching for him. Arms tightly around, body slightly collapsing against him. She just wants that hug, the press of his very warm, very alive frame. She's half collapsed against him in exhaustion, both emotional and physical. Two doubles and then this? Every inch of her sounds like she's been through the ringer and now she just leans there, letting him take some of her weight for the moment, her head pressing into his throat.

Daredevil has posed:
The blind man's blank gaze remains on Claire as she takes the water and has a few drinks. He can feel the change in her the moment he asks if she's okay. He knew she wasn't, but he didn't know it was like this. He steps forward to meet her halfway as she practically collapses against him. His arms wrap around her and gently, but firmly, hold her up. He'll offer her as much support as she needs.

Squeezing her into his arms, Matt lifts a hand to rest at the base of her neck, supporting her head against his shoulder and throat. He turns his head so he can press his lips to the top of her head, the saltiness of her day filling his mouth instantly. "It's going to be okay," he says as he holds her up. "You're here now." There's no movement, just holding her. For as long as she needs him to be right there, he'll stay right there. Any thought of putting on his armor and going out tonight is now gone. This is his purpose tonight.

Claire Temple has posed:
The gentle pressure of his hand at the base of her neck and those kisses into her hair help. Just being wrapped up in him *helps*. It's a far cry from those arguments, ordering him out of her apartment and her life. She drags in a few deep, slightly shaking breaths against his neck, drinking in the scent of him from the day. Her arms just tighten there a moment. She's trying not to let herself cry but it's a lot and the tears are on the edge of her breath and eyes.

"...two kids, Matt. Two of the. One was *14*. And I know you're trying to clean shit up out there and... we're doing everything we can. But they're dead and... I couldn't stop it... And... Fuck. Matt. *Kids*." Claire's voice chokes out against his throat. That's the blood of a kid on her pants. Her shirt. Someone neither of them could save.

Daredevil has posed:
If she needs to cry, that's okay. Matt knows how strong she is and how she doesn't let herself be as vulnerable as she should sometimes. He doesn't want to force her to express whatever feelings she's experiencing right now unless she wants to. He's just there for her. Holding her tightly so she doesn't have to worry about anything else.

Two kids died. He doesn't know what happened to them, but based on her mentioning him trying to clean shit up out there, he guesses it's something that wouldn't happen if he was out there. Maybe out there more. He pushes that thought out of his mind for now.

"It's okay, Claire," he says as he hugs her against him, his breath warm against her hair. He pulls back and reaches up with both hands to hold her cheeks and look into her face. "You did everything you could to save them, I know you did." His eyes, though unfocused, look from one side to the other.

Claire Temple has posed:
"I know... I know. Sorry. I... generally take this better. Fuck. Sorry." Claire lets that embrace be loosened, most of her steadier now just for having leaned against him a handful of moments. It helped. He might not be out there tonight, but he's helped here. All of her sounds steadier, if exhausted. She swallows back tightly as she looks up into those unfocused eyes and gives him a faint nod. "I know." She even tries at a bittersweet smile.

Her head then turns, pressing a momentary, quiet kiss into the base of his calloused palm. It's a motion that is both a thank you and something more. Tenderness she doesn't let herself express a lot, as she's kept their companionship firmly in the 'friendship' category in the last few months. They are both still busy. There's healing to do after the messes earlier this year. But not having to come home to being alone tonight? It meant more than she realized.

"...I... I think I'm going to shower. Get this mess off. If you're not going... out tonight. If I'm not keeping you. I'll... stay. It'd be nice to stay?" She asks softly, not wanting to make assumptions. Not wanting to hope.

Daredevil has posed:
When she begins to steady and collect herself, Matt starts to relax a bit himself. He's not used to seeing her lose control like this She's always kept her guard up. If she's this affected, he is prepared to do whatever he can to help her. As much as he wants to put on the suit, he can't just leave her like this.

The kiss to his palm brings a slight smile to his face. He's still clearly concerned. He nods and gives her one more comforting hug before he pulls away and walks towards the closet next to the bathroom. He fishes out a towel and stands beside the door leading into the bathroom, looking at her, "You are welcome here any time you need. It's the absolute least I could do." He holds the towel out for her. "I'll be here when you're done. Promise."

Claire Temple has posed:
The towel is grabbed, every decision to stay tonight now having been made. When he says he'll be here when she's done, a bit more of that tightness releases in her throat. There's a quiet wave of relief through her body, more of those defenses dropping. Part of her still thought he wouldn't stay, not until that moment. The promise means a lot, probably more than she even realized until she heard it. Claire gives him a tired smile, leaning forward and onto her toes so she can press a quiet, momentary kiss to the corner of his boyish mouth. "I... won't be long." She murmurs against him.

Then she's pulling away. Her fingertips already are pulling at the strings of the waistband on her scrubs, shaking them off her hips as she walks into his bathroom. Maybe his shower is nicer than her's. His apartment's definitely bigger, nicer other than that horrible sign that screams light in every night. She starts running water so hot it practically sheers off her skin, the sounds of shower and smells of her skin coming a moment later. She'll steal his soap, some of his shampoo, scrubbing the whole day off of her. But it's still her skin beneath all his scents which replace the smell of that hospital, bar, and that other man.

Daredevil has posed:
When the towel is taken from him and she kisses the corner of his mouth, Matt smiles. Despite him being stubborn and having planned on going out tonight, he's genuinely glad to see her. Glad she's here. Glad she feels like she can come to him if she needs to. Some strange mixture of pain and relief that she has the smell of some other man on her.

"Take all the time you need, okay? Just relax." He watches her disappear into the bathroom. Once the water runs and she steps into the wall of steam, Matt steps into his bedroom and fishes his phone from his pocket. He taps the screen a few times until a mechanized female voice speaks the name of Claire's hospital. He taps it again and the phone dials. A receptionist picks up, "How may I direct your call?" "ER, please," he says, listening carefully to Claire in the bathroom. He's going to find out what happened to those children. He'll find those responsible. He'll...

"ER," says a voice over his phone. Matt stands in silence. "Hello?" asks the voice. More silence. "Emergency room, do you.." the voice is cut short as Matt ends the call. He purses his lips and tucks the phone back into his pocket. Instead, he walks over to his bed and starts to turn down the comforter and sheets. He fluffs a pillow and then retreats back into the living room and has a seat in one of his chairs.

Claire Temple has posed:
The voice on the other end of the phone sounds familiar. Someone he's heard Claire talk to before. Sandra, probably? Sandy? It's hard to remember her name, but it's her. Maybe that's a good line to track down, since that woman knows her. But then Matt is hanging up and they're certainly too busy to call back a random number, so the phone doesn't ring again. The promise of information on the air, not pursued. Not tonight.

It's about five minutes later that the water is heard dying. Claire doesn't take long, her life almost military about the little things, used to being on a schedule that involves work, patching up a vigilante, or sleep. Not much else. But she's digging through his drawers to find some acceptable t-shirt. He left her alone in his bedroom! She's allowed! It's another few minutes before she comes back out, hair still damp but body dry and warm. She's got her clothes balled up to toss down on top of her duffle bag to deal with later. Now she just smells like herself, not that hospital or that bar, swaddled in him. His t-shirt. His soap. She quietly pads her way to the edge of that couch, staring down at him with a tired smile. "...Hey." Her fingertips come forward, combing a bit of hair off his forehead.

Daredevil has posed:
The image of her, at least the image of her he can see and sense, is captivating. The woman carries herself with a silent but incredibly fierce dignity and grace that commands the room. As much a fighter and vigilante as he is, sometimes he looks like a bashful young man around her. The moment at which she exits his bedroom and approaches him is no exception.

Watching her silently as she walks over to the couch, Matt lifts his gaze to rest on her face and smiles. "Hey," he offers her in return. He reaches up to take her other hand into his and gives it a squeeze. He likes this new smell. No more signs of the long day on her other than her just being exhausted. And that's nothing that a comfortable bed can't take care of.

"Feeling better?" he says, giving the back of her hand a kiss. "Can I get you anything? Food?"

Claire Temple has posed:
It's not her best pickup line, but neither of them were exactly smooth. Claire looks down to him, biting at her lower lip as she considers other comforts, but is mainly content just to watch his boyish face. "You know... you're pretty cute when you're not looking like ten miles of bad road?" Claire mutters, unable to supress a grin as she says it, her knees brushing against his. That teasing alone is probably proof as to how much better she's feeling.

"...Yeah. Not quite as good as a shower beer, but... I probably had enough. And you get better water pressure than I do. I might have to shower here more often." A slight shake comes to her head as he offers anything, "No... just being here is... enough. It helps. Thank you for... staying. It helps a lot." From the weight behind her voice, she's not just talking about the bad night. But, in general, the things they'd been working on. He's eased far more of her worries than she'd ever admit, just by staying tonight.

Daredevil has posed:
Her interesting choice of compliments makes Matt genuinely laugh. It's not a phrase he's heard before but it somehow perfectly fits Claire's personality. As backhanded as it almost seems, he'll still take it. "I appreciate that," he says between breaths. "I think."

He lifts his head and looks up at her, his smile wider than before. He doesn't shy away from the touch of her knees to his. It's all he can do not to pull the woman down onto his lap. "You can shower here anytime," he says, letting his hand find her calf and giving her leg a little squeeze. "I'll bring you a shower beer next time. Rookie mistake."

He finally pushes up to his feet so he's standing incredibly close to her. His arms find their way around her and he's hugging her to him again. "I'm not going anywhere tonight. Don't worry." He rests his jaw against her damp hair.

Claire Temple has posed:
As he stands there, Claire smiles and tugs him a bit closer. Her fingertips fall about his waist, against the back of his ribs, holding on close as her thumbs trace affectionately against the edge of his shirt. She's not quite finding skin yet, but she's tempted.

His jaw against her hair gets another deep, calming breath from her. Now everything smelled like him and, somehow, that made the world more right. Her head turns, pressing a single, lingering kiss to the side of his neck. "...we could both go sleep. Your bed is...right there. We could get a decent night's rest. For once." She mutters against his throat.

Daredevil has posed:
"A full night's rest sounds.. new," he says with a grin. Neither of them are very good at getting rest, but now they have the chance. Kissing the top of her damp head, Matt gently pulls back and turns, one arm remaining around her waist. He leads her into the bedroom and tugs up the comforter for her to climb beneath. Once she's settled, he'll tug off his shirt and pants, sitting on the edge of the mattress to peel off his socks before climbing in himself. Rolling onto his side to face her, he'll watch her quietly for a moment. "Get some rest," he says as he brushes a strand of hair from her face. It's not until then that he realizes just how exhausted he is as well.

Before he knows it, he's out.