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Flowers and Faeries: Our Quest Begins
Date of Scene: 29 September 2020
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Nevada drops Megan some unpleasant news and they begin to formulate a plan to come to the rescue of one Mama Gwynn.
Cast of Characters: Barghest, Pixie

Barghest has posed:
Most people who know Nevada probably assume that, despite his insistence that he does important work, he really spends most of his time loitering about and snacking relentlessly while absorbing the latest trash that's streaming this month. Occasionally spicing it up with a night out with other living creatures. He insists, though, that he absolutely does do grim and honest work that he keeps quiet about because no one wants to hear those kinds of stories. Today, however, his work becomes very personal.

Megan would get a call from Nevada, a hasty and suddenly very grave and serious message from the normally nonchalant and blithe young man. "I have news about your mother. Come over to my place and I'll explain. Hurry, time is of the essence." Which in itself is odd, because she's never actually told him anything about her mother.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hadn't seen Nevada in a while, although to be honest she'd been keeping her distance, mostly because she figured he probably wouldn't be so keen on seeing her, what with her spending more time with Conner these days.

Either way, she's rather surprised to get a sudden call from him out of the blue, and it sounded pretty urgent. So here she is, arriving at his doorstep, a bit uncertain but determined to help out however she can.

"Nev?" she calls out, rapping softly on the door. Of course if it was an emergency, she could probably just port in, but that'd be kinda rude..Wouldn't it?

Barghest has posed:
Nevada was pacing the living room. His limping pace isn't enough to burn a hole in the floor but he's still been making a solid go of it. It's another tell that something is wrong, if he's ignoring how own pain that much that he just needs to move. His head jerks up at the noise at the door and he makes his way over with haste to pull open the door. "Hey! There you are, come on in."

He'll lead the way over towards the living room area, though he doesn't sit and instead stands and shifts himself uncomfortably. "Alright, so I'm breaking a whole lot of hound etiquette here but you're my friend and I can't just not say anything. One of the other hounds sent me a message, figured since I knew you that I'd appreciate the head's up. He's been Called to attend to your mother. Megan, your mom is dying. A hound is involved because this isn't natural, something's being done to her."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows as she sees the state he's in..He's usually pretty relaxed, and..And..Did he just mention her mother!?!? Suddenly her heart's pounding rapidly, anxiously as she realizes where this is all heading.

"Nev, what are you...? How...? Are you saying someone's trying to kill her!?" she licks her lips, eyes widen anxiously. Okay, sure, so she didn't know her mom that well, she had left her when she was really young 'for your own protection' she had said, but..

Eyes narrow anxiously, fists clenched. "Dammit...This has to do with those demon dogs chasing me down, trying to kill me! Someone must have sent them! Where is she? How do I find her?"

Her head's spinning now, trying to figure things out. She could take a wild guess. Mrs. Gwynn could likely be in the Nevernever, probably even part of the same fae kingdom that they had rescued from the Goblin Prince's forces..But there are so many...

Eyes flash angrily at Nev. "You know where she is, dont you? You have to take me there!"

Barghest has posed:
"Wait, what demon dogs? Who's trying to kill you?" Nevada begins to say as he jerks his head back with a curl of his lip and then shakes his head to try and keep his thoughts together. "Ok, you really gotta call people more."

He scratches his nails at the back of his neck as he says, "If a hound is involved, I assume she's here on Earth. We can't cross over anywhere on our own since it's usually just humans we're sent to watch over. Usually, but you never know what comes across your desk. Ramsay is down in SoCal, National City. He didn't give me an address, but he mentioned getting to at least maybe sneak down to see the sunken city. Which makes me think near Atlantis."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shrugs, "Oh you know, some weird dog-thingies chased me around Apple Park the other day, said something about having to kill 'her daughter'. or something." she rolls her eyes, "We made quick work of them, didn't think it was connected to anything..."

Oh snap, you idiot Megan. Of course it's connected. Take out the mother, take out the daughter before she can save her, or avenge, or whatever. "Okay.." she sighs, rubbing her nose b ridge. "Atlantis, huh...umm, Morgana's kingdom is near there, or part of it..Um Avalon. Only some of it's in the magical realm..It's a start. She'd mentionned once knowing her.."

Megan turns around and heads for the door. "Fine, then I'm gonna save her and kill these monsters who keep trying to hurt me and my family." her hands are already glowing. Probably stupid for her to go alone though, "You coming?"

Barghest has posed:
Nevada blinks slowly to Megan as she brainstorms out loud, no doubt processing the new information just at a slightly slower speed. It's all new to him. He does, however, mutter in regards to her attackers, "Assholes like that give the rest of us good hounds a bad name. /This/ is why people think we're monsters." It sounds like he's just a little bit sore on the topic of equal representation of supernatural canines.

As she makes a move to leave, he holds up an index finger while pulling out his phone with the other. "If we're going on a big adventure to save your mother from someone who may be trying to kill her, then we're going to need someone who can punch harder than me. Hopefully Andrea isn't in the middle of an interview or this may get a bit awkward."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, totally impatient to go. RIGHT NOW. Although, she should probably call for backup, but dammit, her mom can't wait! "Andrea? Is she nearby? Cuz I can't wait a moment longer, Nev! if she's dying, then every second counts! I gotta do this..Now or never!" she's still glowing, eyes flashing dangerously. Yeah, Megan can get pretty crazy, maybe even a little dangerous when she's upset. Extra firepower is a good idea though, but only if he can get his sister here, like, now!