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Latest revision as of 20:00, 2 October 2020

Post Battle Anxiety
Date of Scene: 19 September 2020
Location: 51st Floor, Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Megan is a bit anxious after the latest attack against mutants.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy

Pixie has posed:
Things have been pretty crazy lately, and after the most recent attack on Liberty Island, quite a few feathers, Both mutant and human, got ruffled. Megan was feeling a bit anxious and had even skipped class for the day, looking a bit roughed up and bruised as she knocks on Conner's apartment door. "Heey Conner, you home?"

Superboy has posed:
Truth is Conner is rarely at home. So Megan is very lucky he had just dropped by to leave some groceries before going back to college. The door opens, Conner looks surprised at Megan. "You know you can teleport in anytime, baby," he says. He doesn't have much of a secret identity, but a winged girl at his door is going to cause some gossip.

"Come in, are you alright? Is your wing healed?" He asks, giving her a one-armed hug as she comes closer.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles faintly, tiredly at Conner as she steps in and moves quickly to hug him tightly. "Hey you, how've you been?"well, at least the wing has been healed fully, but she can't seem to avoid trouble, clearly. "Ehh...Just didn't feel like going to school today..Or maybe I'm just nervous with all the mutant violence picking up again lately."

She sighs tiredly, "It's not exactly easy to hide from the world either, when you look like me, yknow? Ugh, what a week.."

Superboy has posed:
"I am sorry, and yeah..." Conner sighs. He is hanging out in Mutant Town more and more to be with Megan, but he wants to show her the rest of the world, too. "I dunno what to do. Maybe I could ask Superman to make a statement about how mutants are good people? The League is pretty scrupulous about messing with certain social issues, but people listen to him. Or maybe Captain America?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, "Probably won't do any good. People are more likely to respond to what they see in action rather than what people tell them. But for me, it's a bit harder when I'm obviously a mutant.." she sighs, "I stand out like a sore thumb, and I'm likely to draw other mutants into danger just by association..What's worse is that the last time we encountered a peaceful anti mutant protest, and they were attacked by a tram of meta terrorists..I don't know..It's getting scary out there..And with the last attack, it's not surprising that people are scared of us."

Superboy has posed:
Conner grunts and helps Megan into the 'living room' area of the apartment, settling her on the couch, and then grabbing a couple sodas from his fridge to offer her one. "What I mean is that there are a lot of hatemongers around, telling people what they should feel and spreading lies. A number of politicians make a career out of populist hate-speech, and those who do not shut up to avoid controversy that might make them lose votes. Superheroes, though, we need no votes. And some of them well regarded and listened to."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is happy to relax on his couch for a bit. It's been a rough week, and she still hasn't figured out what to think about the dog demon attack the other day. "Thanks Conner, I suppose it's worth a try..What about you..Do you think people would listen to Superboy too, if they knew he was dating a mutant?" it's an interesting thought. She sure wouldn't want him to get targeted because of her.

Superboy has posed:
Conner hrms. "I used to have a lot of teenage fans three or four years ago," most of them would be college age now. Time flies. "But I also ran into a lot of trouble with the DEO. Well, at the start. They are shady, even though I eventually met a few cool agents."

They also blamed him from wrecking Mount Rushmore. He is not sure he was publicly cleared up for that one!

"I mean, if you want me to kiss you on TV, hell yes. Not sure if it would help much." But he will do it!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, "Geez, that's tough. I guess it's hard to be a shining example of heroism. I dunno how Superman does it.." she pouts as she waits fir him to join her on the sofa. "I suppose maybe I should lay low for a bit? Maybe dye my hair, hide my wings?" it's not an ideal way to go; Megan always enjoyed flaunting her mutant faerie heritage for all to see.

"Maybe I should learn a glamour spell...But both Strange and Morgana have been absent for a while, I guess I should study more magic books..."

Superboy has posed:
"You can. It would be like having a secret identity," points out Conner. "And yeah, I have no idea how Superman, or Wonder Woman, or Cap do it. I guess they have this presence thing, plus they always know what to say that is sounds diplomatic and awesome?"

He sounds a bit jealous. But on the other hand, they are unique even among superheroes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "I guess it helps when you can beat the strongest villains out there, single handedly, and your super powers originate from being an alien, and not a mutant." she shrugs, "I can do that I guess..It's awkward to strap my wings against my back so a glamour would work better. Just need to find a good spell book...I hear there are good magic stores in bludhaven. I guess it might help me find more information in those demon dogs that attacked me the other day too." Megan shivers visibly at the memory of the attack that shredded one of her wings.

Superboy has posed:
"I dunno," admits Conner. "You don't get the same impression from Hulk or even Thor," and they definitely can beat every villain. Or at least it seems they can.

He has little advice to offer about magic, of course, but Bludhaven? "Isn't that the most dangerous neighbourhood of Gotham? Maybe I should go with you." Amusing how she is not talking about the 'magical school' now!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites a lip and nods. "Yeah, I guess so...It sure is hard being a superhero I suppose. Maybe I just need more practice." she smiles, curling up on the sofa. That's enough action for the week, she needs some RandR.

"Dunno, I've never been there before myself, but I've heard the rumours." Megan smiles, "I would be happy to have you with me."

Superboy has posed:
Conner pulls Megan to him, so she can curl up against his shoulder, "sure, maybe you should join a team? I know it helped me a lot. I was a clueless clone back then," he chuckles in a self-depreciating tone. "But I guess fumbling around is part of the fun. Until..." he goes quiet for a few second. "Until someone dies because I didn't know better. So yeah."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles contentedly as she snuggles up to him, feeling more relaxed already. Ohh, but the stories that dint add up continue to build. And it's not that she wants to lie to him but the repercussions would be dire.

"Hmmm...Well, I kinda am part of a superhero team that fights for mutant rights, only they're all unite a bit older than me, so it's a bit intimidating." she sighs, "I mean, you've met a few of them before, and I know they have my back..Just wish they understood the struggles of a high school graduate trying to find her place in the world.

Superboy has posed:
"Uh, some of them must have gone through it?" Offers Conner. Most 'adults' seem to forget quickly! "So, okay, that is covered," he runs a hand through her pink and black hair and hehs. "See, but we can't be in the same team together. Oh well."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts, "Soo what about you, you at solo? Got a team of your own?" she shrugs, "Doesn't mean we can't still fight bad guys together, right?" she smiles, squeezing his hand, "I mean, at least I have more freedom now that I'm in college. Although I'm still not entirely sure what to do with my life..And how do you juggle school, work and super heroics anyway? It's a lot.."

Superboy has posed:
"Oh no, I was in a team with Robin, Impulse and Wonder Girl almost from the beginning," explains Conner. "Later we drifted apart, but Robin created the Outsiders instead, and it went forward a year or two longer. We don't hang out as much now, though. So I guess I am mostly going solo."

And college keeps him busy. He is not patrolling the skies six or eight hours a day while listening to music. Or running errands for shady agencies. Or the Rave. Although college is a bit like the Rave at times.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Robin is like..He was Batman's sidekick, wasn't he? Although that's all I know about them." she smirks, "Guess there are lots of superheroes out there..That's too bad you guys drifted apart." she sighs.

"I hope I don't drift apart from my highschool friends or the people in this superhero group. I think I can do a lot to help out mutants, just gotta figure out how to keep a low profile in the meantime..I just feel so lost in magic without a strange and Morgana...I wish I knew were they went.."

Megan seems especially sad at Morgana"s sudden absence. "I just hope she's not in some sort of trouble because I ported a giant robot right on her isle, temporarily..." oh yes, that's another big thing she needs to tell Conner about.

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah, well... there have been a lot of Robins. Actually, he goes by as Red Robin now," offers Conner. Hey, it is difficult to follow the Batfam stuff. He knows he can't. Besides, Robin never introduced him to any Batgirl. Some friend!

"A giant, seriously?" He chuckles. "Do tell?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks as she crawls further into his lap, determined to relax tonight. "Hmmm well, apparently a friend of mine has a rather odd habit of befriending g the most unusual of..lBeings?" she grimaces. "Anyway, we received a distress signal from a giant robot and found him trashed and standing at odds with a second robot..Apparently they've been lurking around earth for a few years now? Giant robots that are in the middle of their own private war. First time I met them, they were lurking in a subway station, I guess those are the places they hide from humans and stay off the radar.."

Superboy has posed:
Conner hmms. Giant robots underground fighting each other? Okay, he can believe almost anything, because he found a lot of strange things when he started his Superboy career. "Yeah, I heard there is a city of monsters deep under New York," he comments. "Oh, and the whole Mole Man kingdom down there. Plenty of weird."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shivers, "Oooh city of monsters? Molemen? Woow, that's really scary. I mean, I think I really need to brush up on my combat skills, maybe upgrade my costume to be bulletproof proof or something. I can be pretty squishy out there, and sometimes it worries me."

Superboy has posed:
"Ugh, yeah," agrees Conner. "Get bulletproof cloth for the outfit. Please. And uh... what happened with the giant robot anyway?" Hey, he is curious. And Megan's mind tends to wander when she gets going. "but if it is too expensive for you, I might know a guy or two."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Well, I ported him to Morgana's isle for safekeeping fir a bit, then we handed him over to the Avengers so they could fix him up. Not sure what happened to the other ro it but I'll bet he's not too happy his enemy escaped, or that we intervened. Who knows where it will lead? But at least he's safe now."

She shrugs, "I'll see what can be done about it. I know where I can get an upgraded costume, maybe. I was hoping to improve my offensive combat skills too, since I'm mostly a distance fighter and even then I'm more distract and flee than anything else..."

Megan sighs, "Sometimes I wish I could pack more of a punch but...Well maybe you can help me with training sometime?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner grins at imagining the face of an ancient half-alien sorceress finding a robot in her lawn. Megan is trouble. He kisses her scalp.

"I can't train you in magic, and what I have little to do with your abilities," he comments. "I mean, maybe I could ask Robin about combat training? But I can't think of what could I teach you." He pulls her closer. "But if you want to relax, I know a few tricks," he adds, leaning for a kiss.