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Of Siblings and Crowns
Date of Scene: 09 October 2020
Location: Fortress Asgard, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Thor calls a meeting with Hela and brings surprising and very delightful news to his sister.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Thor

Hela has posed:
At her brother's request, Hela has droppped her affairs to go on a meeting of siblings in New Asgard, as neutral a ground between the two as one could conceive. Not that there was ever direct enmity beyond their very first meeting, but it's prudent to not err when one deals with fellow Asgardians. As she steps into the Fortress in New Asgard, she does her brother the courtesy of not wearing her crown. "Brother dear...what ails you that you would seek a meeting in private...? Don't tell me the Lie Smith has been up to no good..." she playfully conjures one of the less flattering nicknames given to Loki.

Thor has posed:
As always, Thor is making a spectacle of himself in the form of trying to drown himself in the world's largest beer mug. It appears this one is a 'joke' most likley given to him by Clint or Simon. It's huge, with the words: Size Matters, wrapped around it in bright white and black text. After another long swig, he wipes his mouth off with the back of his hand as he settles it down upon the table in front of him with a clatter. "Sister! Good to see you again." He says with his bassy rumble in his broad chest as he rises upwards.

"Loki is never up to any good, but no, I have not summoned you because of him. Though if you /are/ bored, I could tell you where he is currently holed up in if you require target practice." His grin is bolstered along his face, which is showing about a week's worth of blonde dusting. He's growing it back out.

"How are you? Well I hope." He says as he plants his hands in front of him, cracking numerous knuckles in the process as he rolls his hands forward upon them.

Hela has posed:
Hela stops several steps away from her brother, arching a brow as she oberves him with the ridiculously oversized beer mug. "Size matters indeed," she quips, seemingly oblivious to the Midgardian joke that lies within the phrase. "We are yet here, and Asgard is restored, woe to Svartalfheim, their evil plots in ruin..." she says with a rather sinister smile. "Good tidings then?" She wagers, seeing how drinking and merriment don't go hand in hand with bad ones.

She smirks at the offer, "I can do better than bullying our brother dear," she says with a polite dismissive gesture of her hand. "He can be amusing, and challenging to scry, but I sooner would let him have his fun than be part of his fun."

"Compared to that I've endured, I am ever well, brother dear," Hela speaks softly, no doubt trying to guess at what brought about this unexpected meeting. "I see you've been spending more time on Midgard...are there pressing matters there?"

Thor has posed:
"Size does matter!" Thor says with a boisterous laugh as he pokes the large mug with his finger, giving a lick of his lips as he eyes the rest of the of contents of his ale. "It is a saying they have on Earth. Mostly in jest of one's performance in thy bedroom. They give these out as jokes at parties. I'm amused." He rolls his broad shoulders upwards.

"Aye. I have been spending quite a bit of time there in Midgard. I happen to enjoy those who populate it. I have good friends, strong allies and a purpose that brings me great joy and adventure as an Avenger." Unhooking his hammer from his belt, he gives it a slow spin by the handle as he examines the ancient and legendary forged metal upon it.

"Admittedly, I have found myself quite distracted from my duties here. Though my friends do a good job in my place, I do not feel that it is proper I continue to split my attentions in two worlds. On 'Earth', I have the chance to not only protect their world, but many others across the universe. To spread the legend of Thor Odinson and the stories of Asgard. That, and the weight of responsibility of ruling is quite heavy. Even if I do have strong shoulders."

He shifts his jaw some as he levels his blue eyes into hers. "And with our father's passing, someone has to rule. Surely it can't be Loki. I'd give up both of my eyes to ensure I would not see him destroy the balance that we have worked hard to establish here."

Hela has posed:
Hela smirks but adds nothing more to this rather obvious observation that Midgardians seem to celebrate so much. Odd people these Midgardians. "The bedroom of all things is what brought it about...?" Hela reaches to pinch at the bridge of her nose, "...but of course. Midgard." There's almost a sound of exasperation to the way she utters the word 'Midgard'. "Glad you are amused, brother," is how she concludes the whole thing, quite eager to move on in the conversation.

"I've visited upon this...Club Mjolnir on Midgard, they do seem to love and celebrate you, brother dear." Her eyes veer towards the legendary weapon, as Thor unhooks it from his belt, looking at it closely. "A fine craftsmanship, no doubt."

"You are at your very core a warrior. Sitting on thrones is quite the boring pastime for a true warrior," Hela agrees without trying to affect the course of conversation this way or that, "...so you seek advice?" She wonders, before chuckling at his pronouncement of Loki as King. "Yes, that would be most disasterous, he would act selfish in all ways."

Thor has posed:
There's another chuckle from Thor as he shrugs his shoulders upwards. "It came out of a conversation of me making the assumption, and rightfully so, that I /am/ the strongest Avenger on the team. Then Hulk made some comments about how he disagreed. Someone, I believe it was Natasha, said that size didn't matter. I laughed. Very hard. Obviously size matters!" He says as he gives his bicep a curl to admire the muscle for a moment before he clears his throat. "Either way, I am the strongest."

There is amusement in his blue eyes all the same as he gives her a wider grin before he holsters his weapon once more as he clasps it to his belt. "I have not come seeking advice, but giving you an opportunity. How would you like to be the Queen of Asgard? You can rule in my place. I am sure that you would do our world the honor it deserves and I know that you desire the chance to lead. One day, when I am ready to step up and be the true King that our people need, I may, but for now, that time isn't it. As you said, I am a warrior and I seek the thrill of battle."

Reaching over to the crown mounted on the wall, he plucks it off and admires it for a moment, before placing it on the table and sliding it forward. "I do not know if this will fit you. It's built for father's large ego." He grins ruefully.

Hela has posed:
"Of course you are," Hela answers sharply and without a moment's delay, it's clear she doesn't have an inkling as to who those Avengers are. But she does know they are from Midgard, and Thor is an Asgardian Royalty, and very much a warrior. Her very brother at that. None of them could ever hope to compare. She nods solemnly, finding no levity in an obvious factual statement. "There is no doubt in a sharp mind, brother."

It's when he makes his offer, that Hela seems transfixed to Thor, at once. Her full attention beset on him as her emerald eyes seem to glow. "...you shouldn't have to ask, I gave you my take on our very first meeting. It is through your fair negotiations, and the interest in the well being of all of Asgard, that we have not feuded over it. I respect your wit, brother. If it was Loki, I may have stood my ground, but as the wielder of Mjolnir, you are most worthy."

Her smile widens, and she lowers her head in a solemn bow, "that is a most selfless act, and I shall agree to your terms. I will ascend as you step down, and should you come to satiate on Midgardian adventures, you may return to the throne, brother..." the words are whispered, lovingly this time, as her eyes veer to the crown mounted on the wall. "Oh...I wouldn't worry. But yes, his ego was to his deteriment...hmph." She wisely doesn't elaborate any further of her thoughts about Odin, though Thor was witness first hand to her lamentation over being robbed of her vengeance.

Thor has posed:
"Good. Seems this was easy enough. We will drink to your new duties .. and my lack of them!" Thor says with a grin as he picks up his mug once more, taking a large gulp from it before he passes it her way. "I feel like a world of weight has been lifted off my chest. Of course, if you ever need help or counsel, I will be here at your side in a moment."

Giving a long stretch of his body to loosen his muscles up, he flops a hand over his chest to give him a scratching with his rough nails through his shirt. "Perhaps I will make my way to this Club and make a spectacle of myself. I have become quite popular in the most famous of places called a Starbucks. You should see their fascination with a drink called a Pumpkin Spice Latte. It has no liquor in it, but the taste is pleasant enough. For some reason, the women of Migard think it is the greatest drink known to the Gods." He laughs loudly.

"If only thy tongues could sample true Asgardian ale. They would change their mind about this festive drink."

Rising upwards to his full height, he rolls his shoulders again, then starts off. "I must head back and meet with my teammates and talk about our next adveture. Thank you for meeting me. I'll leave you to your celebration and excitement."

Hela has posed:
"We shall do that...let us head to the Tipped Horn?" Hela suggests, gesturing with her hands towards the door. Why not, a drink in New Asgard would be a symbolic way to 'sign' this agreement between siblings. "...and of course you are ever welcome in the throne room, and to my advice if you'll seek it..." Hela offers another respectful bow.

"You should go there, the crowds will adore you, brother, some actually know some of our legends. You'd be surprised."

Hela looks a bit confused when Starbucks and Pumpkin Spice Latte are discussed, and doesn't seem too sure about the truthfulness of the claims made. "Is that so...? Midgard is a strange place, with many oddities."

She turns to look at Odin's Crown while nodding at her brother, "go to your adventures," but then she whirls to face him and extends her arm, "but first we have that drink, yes?"