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Latest revision as of 01:19, 14 October 2020

Magical Bookworms
Date of Scene: 13 October 2020
Location: Library - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Illy returns. Megan is surprised.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Magik

Pixie has posed:
It's a cold, grey day outside today, and Megan is rather exhausted after a long day of lectures and reading books. Of course, with some tests and term papers coming up already, she has decided to get in at least a little studying today..

But of course after an hour or two, she finds herself starting to nod off and really wanting to do something funnn....


Magik has posed:
    In the normal Earthy-realm, there are cold, grey days and they're not known for lifting anyone's spirits. A cold wind is usually an ominous warning of bad things to come and there are plenty of drafts in the school's library. It probably /should/ be encouraging when the shimmering portal opens at the center of the library and that warm breeze passes through. But it's not. Because it's less of a warm gentle breeze and more of a hot unpleasant wind with a faint aroma of brimstone that emerges first from the gate.
    It's only a moment later before Illyana steps forth into the library, armed and armored. It's been months since she's been here at the school. Months since she's seen her family. The people she cares about. And she's made promises that she's now able to keep.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is dressed in her denim jeans, pink shirt and a warm grey cardigan, adorned in little pink butterflies. It keeps her a bit cozy and warm from the cold outside, and to be fair, the heating in the library is pretty good too (books make fairly good insulators too!).

But just staring through the window is not a cheerful sight. A sudden rush of hot wind and magic makes her arch a curious brow, turning around to peer at the magic portal that forms.

"Huh...Illy?" she bites her lip, remembering the last misadventure she'd had in limbo, a couple of months ago..She and Starfire had made a bit of a mess...Oops? Well, maybe she wont notice. "Hehehe, how's it shaking? It's been a while.." Megan smiles a bit nervously as she watches her, eyeing that armour quite warily.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana looks at Megan for a few moments. Her eyes are serious. Stern. Does she even recognize her? Her eyes narrow sharply before she eventually speaks up. "Yes. It /has/ been a while." She looks Pixie up and down, appraisingly, her expression still not softening. A hardness that doesn't seem to be subsiding. And then there's the matter of the drawn sword and armor. "...though I hear that you've gone to Limbo since then? /My/ Limbo?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows a bit, taking a step back from Illy, and laughs nervously at her accusation. "Wha...? Me? Been to YOUR limbo?" emphasis on the 'your' part cuz it's not like the door was locked or anything, not to her anyways.

She continues to laugh nervously, and it's a good thing they're at the back of the library and it's not very busy today, or the librarian might shush them out of existence! (Of course modern libraries today aren't as *quiet* as back in the day so that's a bonus too!).

Even so, Megan's heart is thumping rather quickly now, easily remembering the very first time she met Illy in limbo, all horns and cloven hooves and soulless..And what a frightening sight that was!

"Um..Well..I suppose I did, but..Y'know, it wasn't exactly..Deliberate. I mean, we were being chased by these giant monster thingies, and..And.." she swallows, "I just panicked and ported blindly..Dunno why limbo was the first thing on my mind. Heey, it's not like we waged war on your, uh..Minions, or destroyed the place, or seiged your castle right? no harm, no foul?"

More nervous laughter ensues.

Magik has posed:
    That harsh look remains as Illyana takes a few more steps towards Megan to close the ground between them. Her breathing is the only obvious break in her stillness as she hardly blinks as she approaches the pink-haired teen. "And that makes it right?", she continues sternly. While she may not have the cloven hooves, the horns, or the tail and the armor is a lot less "hellish", she doesn't seem to be trying to be any less intimidating. In fact, she just seems to be mulling over Megan's choice of words. "... no harm, no foul...", she repeats softly, in a way that's hard to determine exactly what she's thinking.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip all the more nervously as Illy comes closer. And for all Megan's hard training over the last couple of years, she knows that Illyana still outpaces her, in sheer magical might as well as physical prowess. She could squash her like a bug if she wanted to.

"Heey, come on!" she holds up her hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, okay? It was an accident, it wont happen again!" she pouts a little, "Besides, you wouldn't really start a fight over that..Would you?" Well..She's not sure actually. Illy has always seemed pretty moody and easy to anger..

Magik has posed:
    "An accident?", Illyana again repeats. She lets those words just hang in the air for just a few moments, her eyes watching Megan in that same accusing way.

    And then a smile quirks in the corner of her mouth and she lets out a laugh. Not a boisterous or hearty laugh. But a throaty amused one. "You are /so/ easy." With a flick of a finger, she dismisses the Soulsword and folds her arms across her chest. "For the record, I don't care about whatever you were doing in Limbo. It's not exactly a nice place anyway. If you messed anything up, I'm not sure anyone would notice." And now she offers a genuine smile. "So how have you been?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows a bit more, eyes widenning as Illy gives that dramatic pause, and...

Oh. oh wait, she's not gonna stab her or turn her into a mouse or..Or..Obliterate her or something? Phew, what a relief. She catches herself laughing all the more nervously though. And yeah, she's still shaking a bit.

"Um...Heh...Really? I can't believe you, I mean..Geez, you are SO hard to read, you know that?" granted, they DID kinda have an understanding when Illy briefly taught her some magic theory..Before she vanished again for a while. But they'd been pretty hot and cold in general.

"Me? Oh well, you know..School got attacked by gremlins, although I guess you were there for one of the attacks before you..Went wherever you went. I got stabbed by some evil sword and was tainted when my souldagger was stolen.." she sighs, actually understanding a bit what Illy went through.

"Soo, I guess it's not the same as losing all your soul, but I guess I can understand what it was like, being filled with dark magic, having my faerie wings turn all leathery and evil for a moment because of the goblin prince's curse.."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana seems to take Megan's reaction in stride. It's not like she's not used to scaring people. She takes a certain amount of pride in the fact that she can scare demons (or at least the populace of Limbo). So scaring Megan, is just part of business as usual. She doesn't say anything about Megan's admission that she's hard to read though.
    Instead, she moves on quickly to the next subject at hand. Particularly, the mention of her disappearance could almost sound accusatory, "I was busy. Limbo was getting... unruly", she states flatly. But then as Pixie comments on how she understands what Illyana went through, her eyes narrow if only for a moment. It's her time to be accusatory and her expression quickly becomes deadly serious as she eyes the teen with another cold expression. "I see..."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a curious brow. "Unruly, huh?" she smirks and shrugs, "Heh, isn't it always unruly?" she makes a face, trying to think of a time when limbo was ever not unruly! "Ummm, soooo uh...Need help with anything? It's been pretty crazy here too, with those mutant terrorists."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana seems a little taken off-guard. Or at least less bothered by Megan's last comment. "Yes. It is. In a sense", she answers, looking away with a faroff look. Though Megan's understanding of the word "unruly" is not the same as Illyana meant it. Afterall, she had meant it in the literal sense where it was becoming "unruled" and that her rulership over the dimension was being questioned and she had to right that. The last several months have been one long fight. In a hellish dimension. But that's settled now. And with a smile, she turns back to Megan. "And yes, there are things I want help with. But that can wait. For now, I am back."