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Latest revision as of 12:46, 22 October 2020

A pint of Beer and an order of Chimps.
Date of Scene: 22 October 2020
Location: A Quiet Bar in Brooklyn
Synopsis: A Beetle and a Chimp are sitting at a bar. No really! And teh chimp gives the beetle a bag full of magical robot parts to study for a case, but also to get a depressed Beetle back on track.
Cast of Characters: Blue Beetle (Kord), Detective Chimp

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
There are really no shortage of bars in New York. And there is one to suite pretty much anyone's taste. And since Ted doesn't have a 'regular' New York hangout yet as he has juist moved back to New York as his primary HQ is moving from Chicago to the new KORD Tower being renovated from an old abandoned apartment tower in record time by a number of propriatary techologies and local labour.

Thats going pretty good, thank god. Business is booming and, financially, things are looking up. But BEYOND business..

He shouldn't have put on the suit. What was he THINKING? Gah... He could have KILLED that mutant girl. OR at least hurt her more than she was. He thought she was more STURDY, slinging around light daggers and stuff like some avenging angel. He has no /right/ being Blue Beetle again. Blue Beetle is..

You're /dead/ Ted.. BWA-HA-HA-HAAaaaaaaa

That damned shadow laughing at him in his dreams.. Can't shut it up. Needs something to ease the pain. So yes, Ted is in a quiet bar on some side street. One that is mostly empty. Red brick walls. Narrow. A few booths but mainly stools. It's late afternoon so there is no crowd. He sits at the VERY end of the bar near the jukebox, nursing a pint.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp has been working on a case, and needs some expertise on some electronics he has found. He keeps an eye on the heroes running around and even more on the ones who have become a bit of a barfly, cause he has done that well and for a long time. So tonight, a chimp walks into a bar looks around and moves to sit one stool down from Ted. He looks over to the tender, and says "Boiler maker." And seems Chimp has been here befpre as the bartender nods and moves to get the drink.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted doesn't glance /right/ away at the newcomer. He is sort of moping, swiwling the beer around in it's glass and listening to some maudlin rock song on the juke.. It appears it isn';t teh first one, there being at leats one empty, which the tender sweeps away just as Detective Chimp sits down.

But when he /does/ turn his head to look at his sort of unwanted companion, the blue-eyed billionaire blink once.. twice.. Then quickly looks around before returning his gaze to the familiar primate.

"You know... This has the potential to turn into some sort of Joke, DeeCee." he tells him, using the abreviation he used to use back in the day. "We'd need at lest one more perosn though.. The bar jokes always have three people walking into the bar..."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smirks over and says "Well, I got parts of a robot in the bag here, that count?" He sets a doctors bag down between them "Thought I could a bit of help with some tracing on parts, and figured, I would go to the man, who is an electrical wiz, and a damn good detective." He offers. He tajes his drink and drinks half of it in one gulp.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted regards his evolutionary cousin for a moment, frowning a bit. "Me.. A good detective. Yeah, I'm sure whole lots of people feel that way about me.." he says with sarcasm, but there is a sad AND bitter quality about it.. and an edge of anger.. But then he sighs and looks back at his beer. "Sorry.. That wasn't aimed at you." he apologizes, then drains half his beer before setting the pint down and wiping his mouth with the back of his man. FOr a rich-boy he can be as uncouth as any blue-collar worker.

"You realize I've been out of the game, right?" he asks. "Okay, duh.. Look whom I'm talking to. Of course you know..." he looks past DC and at the bag, curiosity warring inside him. "Which means you probably don't care. So.. sure. Lay it on me, I guess..."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "No I care, when I see someone traveling down my road, I pay attention." He slides the bag over to Ted. "You should not be out of the game, you are one of the top 5 detectives out there. Ralph, you, Bats, I have to keep an eye on all of you might be coming after my title as best detective." He jokes with the other but does put Ted in some high company. "You know you miss it."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted is silent for a moment, especially as DC runs down the list of names.. He smiles when he things of Digby. The guy was a cut up and his wife was probably smarter than him. But he.. winces.. when Bats is entioned. ANd he quickly washes the thoughty of th dark knight away with the remained of his beer.. And then slams the pint down and orders another.

"Yes.. Yes I do miss it. But.. but..."

That twisted rotted mirror image grins at him with sharp teeth "Dead Ted.. Deaaaad Ted.."

"I'm broken, DeeCee.." he whispers. "Something.. Something happened. I cna't explain it.." He lets out a long breath as he new beer is set down and the tender walks off. "But.. That doesn't mean I won't help you.."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the other mammal and says "Ted, I am pretty sure I am one of the people you can tell about anything to and I am willing to look at it as at least something possible. Remember talking, unaging chimp." He tells him. He nods to the bag, and says "Found a guy with robot and magical goons, side by side, not the normal thing you run into on the magical side of things.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Again, Ted is silent.. but then he nods a bit and reaches over, patting DC on the shoulder. "Thanks, dude." he says, unironically. "Maybe I will.. I just need a bit more time. Maybe after I help figure out what toys you have.." he says and pulls over the bag. "Magic /and/ robots you say?" He asks, sounding interested. "No, thats not a usual mix... Who was the guy? Anyone we know? or maybe someone oin the league database?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp shakes his head a bit and says "Been a mostly minor pain for the past decade or two, but if he has found a way to mix magic and tech could be stepping up." He tells the other man. The parts in the bad while lots are custom made bits with glyphs in the circuit board, there is some high end parts in the bag as well.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted nods at that. "I see well.. I can run the components through my lab, it's materials and possible engineering signatures and patterns, against my own files and the League Databa..." he stops and blushes at that, before looking at his companion. "Uhm, yeah.. Maybe just pretend you didn't hear that.." he says. Because he really shouldn't have access to the JLA Database at all, consideirng his inactive status. Woops?

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over, and says "Hey, they only let me in the basement, what do I know about the league." He offers with a smile and motions for another drink. So, what have you been up to late, seen your moving the company out here?. Found a decent place to park the bug?" He asks, knowing he can pretend to be talking about a voltswagon.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted closes the bag. "Yeah well, thats their loss, right? You should have one of the big chairs on the middle floors at least.." he says, then picks up his beer. "Things are.. Okay. I mean the company is doing great.." he knocks on the wooden bar. "We're doing some real game-changer stuff. Bought a building not far from here.. an old apartment tower.. pretty much abandoned. We're rebuilding it, refitting from the inside out, with the newest tech. Eco friendly. We're hiring and training local labour and talent from the more downtrodden areas, trying to get money and education and jobs into the area. Give people the tools they need, you know? Even into mutant town. And The Bug.. well.. yeah I brought her. She's in an old warehouse I bought."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "See, once it is in your blood, it is there, and the blue and gold did good together or apart. You may have got into a few odd situations, but that was actually a good thing, helps some of the newer guys coming up.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted Kord nods and finishes his beer. "Yes.. yes we did." he says, then frowns. "You.. haven't happened to have HEARD from Michael, have you?" he asks, slowly. He is pretty sure DeeCee knows Booster's identity. "Or seen him. It.. It's been a while."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp shakes his head a bit and says "Last I heard he was running around a bit with Rip Hunter." He tells the other man "No real telling when they are." He shrugs a bit and says "Am sure you could get in touch with him, maybe a giant billboard out near the beach, with a picture of him and a mustache painted on it."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted Kord smiles at THAT for a moment, then shakes his head. "Maybe I will but I doubt that it will work. I've gotten a few vague texts. A few postcards. and a single phone call. And thats it, since my.. incident." he slowly pushes off the barstool to his feet. "I feel like he's avoiding me yet..."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over, and says "Maybe he is worried, if your not ready to do the costume thing, him being around will get you back in it before your ready, or bring up things your not wanting to talk about. If you ever want to talk, here." He offers the other man his card. "You spend to much time in places like this you might get a rep, and thats my gig."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted Kord sighs and pulls a few bills from his coat, droping them on the bar. More then enough for his drinks and DeeCee's and a hefty tip. "I don't think thats why, DeeCee. I get the feeling he feels.. guilty. But I don't know about /what/." He then looks at the barstool. "Anyways.. You may be right.. about the spending too much time in bars thing. Maybe this.. " he pats the bag.. "W.. will get my mind back into the groove. I'll let you know what I find. Come on by in a few days. I'd tell you where I'm hiding the bug and my personal lab but.. meh.. you're a detective. One of the top 5 I believe? You'll figure it out." he says, and winks at the chimp... a little bit of the old Blue Beetle shining through.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles a bit and says "Will see ya there on Monday night." giving the other man time to work and have a bit of a social life. He sips his second drink watching the other go. Maybe just maybe he got him back started towards the right track