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Latest revision as of 16:07, 26 October 2020

Central Park encounters
Date of Scene: 24 October 2020
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Kinsey MacKenna and Bigby meet at the park, getting to know each other a bit
Cast of Characters: Bigby Wolf, Kinsey MacKenna

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Another day, another park. It's not like he's doing any research about parks, but Bigby always enjoys Nature, would it only be a small park in Manhattan. Trees, birds, small rodents, everything tickles his senses. There a lot of people around, by this last merciful day of fall. Soon snow will cover the leaves on the ground.

As he walks around, Bigby stops before a bench, time to light up a cigarette. A woman is sitting on the bench, and he politely nods at her. A simple gesture of civility.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Ah fall! Something she had missed. Of course with the advent of Kibou she could take a little time for enjoying herself amongst earth. Which had her enjoying today in Central Park. .

She quirked a brow at the cigarette, but said nothing about it. "What a beautiful day."

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"That it is, ma'am," comes Bigby's low voice.

He's in no hurry, and decides to stand there, smoking in peace. You can't smoke around so many places nowadays, it's becoming a real pain. In a moment, his keen eyes have assessed the woman sitting in front of him. Thirty something, tall, slender, almost white hair.

"With the full moon yesterday," he adds, "All creatures, large and small, will start to be scarce around here. Winter's coming."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Ooo ouch. Ma'am?" Kinsey laughed. "Do I strike you as a ma'am.. no, don't answer that. I probably won't like the answer." Pause. "Kinsey. Kinsey MacKenna. If you want, there's half of the bench?"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby grins at her reaction to /ma'am/. While he's not actually requiring any rest, he nods at the invitation to share the bench. Before sitting down, he stubs out the cigarette.

"Well, there are /ma'ams/ and /sirs/," he replies almost jockingly, despite her not requiring him to answer the question. "Unless you're dressed up for Halloween, which I doubt, I'd say you ain't a sir. And I'm Bigby Wolf, call me Bigby."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I could be! After all, who really knows who we are. I don't know. I never felt like a ma'am, unless you were my students. And really not then. And before you ask, I have residents. Students working for me. Although right now there seem to be a lack of." Kinsey frowns, and brushes it away. "I guess I know what will be taking up my time for a little bit. Boring, really."

"Bigby Wolf did you say? Interesting. And what do you do?"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby raises an eyebrow at that. Teacher, really? But of what?

"I'm more into the sleuthing business," he replies, "You know, criminals, thieves, delinquants, lost relatives. They do something stupid, I'll find them. I kind of have a nose for it." He chuckles at that last remark. Yup, a very good nose.

Leaning against the back of the bench, he glances over at the woman.

"And what do you teach, Kinsey? You have residents, are you a doctor or something?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I'm a Xenobiologist on a station. Mostly I have one or two students - usually for their doctorate studies. I don't teach." A smile graces her lips. "Probably just as well. I'm not normally very good with humans."

There's a little laugh. She could be joking?

"Ah. Sleuthing. I've been around your type, surprisingly. Good friends of mine. And one not so good. You'd have to know him." Oh yes, Razor.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"Xenobiologist, interesting," Bigby nods at that. "As in, outta space. Does it involves only our dimension, or do you study other dimensions?" He grins as that, maybe hoping to sound like joking.

Then he reaches for his pack of cigarettes, stopping mid-way. Might as well wait for that. Instead, he produces a visit card and hands it over to Kinsey.

"I'm kind of new in the area," he explains - and which is not totally untrue - "I'd be interested to meet your friends," he says, "I don't mind the competition, you see. If you need a new pair of eyes on any mystery, do call. I must say, I have a good mystery solving record."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Well most of my friends are friends out of town." Very out of town! But she takes his card happily. "You would probably find my.. no, you probably wouldn't like them. My highschool friends. I was living in the projects. I still visit them, but you know sometimes life happens. I'll pass this on to my friend Hal. Maybe you can be of service to him."

She looks mysterious. "Well, I've not happened to go interstellar dimensionally. But who knows what the future may hold!"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"Yeah, life happens," Bigby replies, looking away for a brief moment, "That's why we need friends to keep an eye on things."

He then chuckles lightly, "You'd be surprised, Kinsey, I get along with all kinds of people. You mentioned living in the projets, like some kind of lab rat? S'cuse me, you don't look like one."

Yes, he's asking a lot of questions. He's a sleuth after all - and many other things.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"My mother couldn't afford much. So we lived in the projects. We made our home welcoming to everybody. It was the place where people went to when they needed a friend. A mother figure. A hug." Kinsey smiles with fondness. "So, I guess if you ever needed something.."

Interestingly enough she doesn't mention her father.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Something in Kinsey words resonates within Bigby. A home, a safe place.

"Yeah, it must have been a nice place the way you describe it," he comments with a softer voice, "You're talking in the past, is it gone? I know how it is to lose the place you like. Can't you go back, I mean, your mom and dad definitely left the place?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I maintain it. Low rent like that is hard to find. My mother died, though. Just before I accomplished my doctorate. It's okay though, I've had millions of happy memories." Yes, she missed her. "My dad left when I was little. I don't know where he ended up." And now that her parentage had been 'discovered', she thought, perhaps he was in space. Probably dead now, like her mother.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"Sorry to hear that, Kinsey," Bigby replies in that low soft voice. "But at least you still own the place, full of memories.

And memories do indeed go a long way in helping to cope with life as it happens. It's rare that Bigby feels that at ease with anyone, something about her is rather soothing. Maybe the way she talks about the past, without a hint of negative feelings.

"Say what," he says after a moment, "It's getting chilly 'round here. Coffee? It's on me. We can get to know each other a bit more. Or not, up to you."
It's not chilly one bit for him, and he has about enough money to buy two coffees. Nonetheless, she's good company and he's really intrigued about her.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Okay." Kinsey smiles. "And if it runs to two coffees, the second one is on me."