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Latest revision as of 02:40, 27 October 2020

Be very very quiet We're hunting pigeons!
Date of Scene: 27 October 2020
Location: The Swole Skyrat's Lair
Synopsis: The formerly immense Pigeon 21, now named 'Stinky', is placed in the custody of Supergirl. Garth earns a long shower.
Cast of Characters: Tempest, Supergirl

Tempest has posed:
Downtown Manhattan. The city that never sleeps! The Big apple! The eternal city! It's past Dusk and getting chilly. Not that the maiden of steel or her plucky Atlantean companion feel such temperature variations. Instead. The pair patrol through the area. Supergirl's nose is better than Garth's; she scents it first. Him shortly thereafter; Uric acid. A little more patrolling and there it is. A mound of pale, disgusting putrescence that coats a parked yellow cab like something out of a horror film.

As Garth approaches he has his lancet in hand, a faint nimbus of blue magic lighting the tip of the three pronged magical weapon. His nose wrinkles. "It is almost majestic." He breathes outwards in a soft exclamation of awe. "I mean, on the surface? That is a lot of --" He doesn't swear in front of Supergirl. "--spore. I mean, that is whale sized." The smell is awful. Garth gives a whistle between his teeth. "Birds don't get this big normally?" He asks, uncertain. He lifts a brow. "Not normally anyways, right? This is not some obscure cryptid that has been extinct for a century?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl hovers. Mainly because she is terrified some of that stuff might shift and get on her boots. It might also be like the Bog of Eternal Stench and she might have to get new boots. She liked these boots. Better to err on the side of caution.

She was also holding her nose, pinching it closed with her right hand. Thus when she spoke, it had a nasal quality to it. "No, that isn't normal for birds on this planet. Although in mythology there were stories of rocs which were like gigantic ones but that was just myth." She pauses, considering what she just said. "Considering we both have likely met some mythological beings ourselves and fought alongside them, maybe I shouldn't be too hasty about a roc not existing."

Tempest has posed:
    "What? Your hunting for a giant bird with your pal, the magic-wielding Atlantean prince?" Garth asks, trying really hard not to laugh. His eyes are very wide as he teases her. He pauses a beat, clearing his throat. He is actually grateful. "So. I'm normal to you?" Garths chest subtly rises with a touch of pride. "I swear, between you and Miss Frost I might actually start to like myse--"

She hears it before he does, but Garth whips his head about to espy a huge silhouette briefly blot out the moon with its immense, blunted, triangular wings. Supergirl's hair flutters in the downdraft as the giant gray and white form flies downwards, and inelegantly smashes into a trash dumpster. The creature seems to have issues flying. There is a crash as the dumpster gets rolled over and garbage is strewn about so the pigeon can feast upon the debris. Monstrous coos come from the beast, and it's beak gouges the concrete as it swallows down garbage left and right.

"That's something you don't see everyday." There is a glint of metal at the creature's left leg.

Supergirl has posed:
"Well as normal as I am, said by the alien from outer space who has to treat the world around like cardboard," comes the gigling response from Supergirl. "So don't let it go to your head. You should like yourself though! I mean, you're smart and cute and funny and cute and...wait I already used cute."

Hearing the sound, Supergirl's head quickly turns that direction. Her eyes widen as she sees something she has never seen before. The pigeon is enormous. Big enough that the dumbster is only a fraction of it's size. "Uhm...Steroids maybe? What in the world made it get that big?!"

She sees the glint of metal and, yay for super vision. She tries to focus on the band, to see if it says anything. "Don't metal bands usually mean a bird belongs to someone or something?"

Tempest has posed:
"You need to meet Emma. Tell her what a catch I am." Garth's cheeks are almost painfully scarlet at the compliments, or because of the horrid fish pun. Where was this girl when he was invisible as a teenager? For a moment his brows twist into a bit of dismay, but Garth resists the urge to sulk and pout.

"You are awesome yourself, Supergirl. If I was a few years younger I would be your biggest fan." Garth almost cringes, as if waiting for that to blow up in his face. He doesn't seem to consider himself good with girls. His vision seems to go distant. "It is not magic." He says, voice distant as he looks the creature over.

Her kryptonian gaze reveals the information 'Subject 21' stamped on the steel tube that curls around the pigeon's ankle. It's claws are longer than her arm. The beak is large enough to fit Garth's torso in it. The massive eye on the side of its head twitches, the focuses on the blue nimbus of Garth's trident.

"Yeah. It's like the place where a falconer puts an identity band? Like a dog collar?" Garth asks as he focuses back in. The pigeon spreads its wings wide. Some of the pinions show trimmed ends; it's wings have been clipped! Which explains its destructive landing. The pigeon's coos are the volume of a lion's roar.

"I don't speak pigeon, but it sounds hungry to me."

Supergirl has posed:
"I didn't exactly bring a giant bag of birdseed with me. Or a truckload of bread, which is what this guy would be needing," Supergirl mutters as she eyes the giant beastie.

"The band says Subject 21. Which makes he think he belongs to someone. Not a pet as they usually have better names like Streaky or Fido. Subject 21 sounds like an animal in a lab."

She looks to the trident then back to the bird. "He seems to like shiny though. Something to remember. Okay, so he has clipped wings, thus someone didn't want him flying around. Yet here he is and the damaged poo covered cars people have been talking about means he's been loose for a bit. The question is, who does he belong to? I haven't seen any missing posts on poles for that!" She hooks her free hand at the bird. She's still holding her nose with the other as they are too close to the defiled taxi still for her olfactory senses.

Tempest has posed:
The pigeon is far faster than a creature of its size should be. With a flick of its wings it hops over towards the duo and whips it's head down to grasp the trident in its beak. Garth starts to jerk back on it. "Hey! Leggo!" The creature is at least stronger than the Atlantean.

Garth gets lifted oof his feet and 21 whips him and the trident about violently. The Garth refuses to let go. "Ohh Shiii--!" The pigeon flicks a wing at Supergirl, attempting to knock her over as if at advances. It whips Garth about and loses its grip on the atlantean metal.

"No!" There is crack of metal and a disgusting spray of? filth as Garth gets tossed into the goop-covered taxi. He is okay, but is gagging and retching. "My mouth was open! Oh.. " He heaves but nothing comes up as he sits, covered in filth, the door of the taxi crumpled in. He heaves again, retching. His atlantean senses betray him.

Supergirl has posed:
The wing manages to hit her mainly because Supergirl was distracted. And giggling. She is a failure as a hero but the image of Garth getting tossed around like a rag doll at the whim of a giant pigeon? It was too much and she had to giggle.

It's all fun and games until someone takes a wing to the face. She goes sprawling herself, thankfully /away/ from the stank taxi.

Garth was not so lucky and now it isn't nearly as funny. "Don't heave. If you do, I will too. Then it'll be even messier around here!" Like telling him is going to help? She'd gag too!

"Bad Birdie! No! That is not your shiny! Just take us to your person and I promise to get you a barge filled with seeds!"

She's trying to reason with a giant bird. Superman would be so proud.

Tempest has posed:
Garth once tasted a poison in his pizza. He has the refined palette of an Atlantean. And he has bird mess in his mouth. He goes to all fours, trying to wipe his eyes free of the filth, gagging and coughing up the mess. For the moment, he just crouches in the stinking, still warm mess and heaves. "Sorry!" He heaves more.
    he pigeon is attracted to shiny things, and the trident is now obscured in the slimy muck. But the Maiden of steel's golden hair gleams in the midnight and the bird attempts to snatch Supergirl up by her hair with a squawk and a vicious shake of her giant head.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl has gotten to her feet just as she realizes reasoning is not working. "Okay, going to need to try some--" The words are cut short as she finds herself in the air, being flung around until thankfully her silky locks slide free of the bird's beak. She slams into a nearby building, about three stories up, just seeming to hang there a moment. Then she turns, floating out from the spot as she reachs up to be sure her hair is all still there.

Karma's a bitch, obviously. That's what she got for laughing at Garth getting tossed around.

"It's just an animal doing what animal's do. I don't want to hit it..." She's going to end up having to hit it. "Maybe we can trap it inside some where? I can get an empty shipping container from the shipyard!"

Tempest has posed:
Coughing and gagging, Garth manages to choke out. "Distract it? I have a spell I looked up for this!" He starts to sort through the? muck? digging for his trident. After a moment he gives up and points his left hand at a nearby hydrant. Water rumbles and a jet of sluicing water sprays out of the hydrant. The water would flay the skin off a person, as Garth's hydromancy is accelerating it. The spray causes the taxi's paint to peel and it slides sideways into the street, its tires squealing and leaving marks as it is pressed sideways. Garth remains crouches, as the poo is washed off him.He fumbles for his trident and forces himself to stand, gargling the water for a moment before spitting. "Great Poseidon." he snarls, dripping wet and steaming, but significantly less poo-drenched.

The pigeon's massive beak snaps at Supergirl's head, trying to rip it off her pretty neck like the head of a dandelion.

Supergirl has posed:
She had learned her lesson! This time she was ready for it and Supergirl nimbly dodged to the left. Still about three stories up because she was going to be ready to move now, not a sitting duck on the ground where she was limited on the directions she could dodge.

"Whatever you are going to do, do it quick. This thing thinks my head is a sunflower seed or something!"

She whooshes over to the side. "Between my head or your trident, we should be able to get it to where you need for your spell though!"

Tempest has posed:
Garth spreads his arms wide, then brings his hands together, spinning his trident for a moment before exclaiming something in Atlantean. There is no getting around it. It almost sounds like something Harry Potter would incant. A beam of glittering light lances off the trident. It misses the bird, which is criminally bad aim considering the bird's size. It narrowly misses Supergirl, deflects off a window and strikes a vehicle, immediately shrinking the vehicle to the size of a matchbox truck before continuing on to strike the bird with a squawk. There is an explosion of giant feathers and the bird's noises go far more quiet until finally there is a tiny little pigeon cooing up at Supergirl and running towards her as if to seek comfort and protection.

Apparently 21 is a domestic pigeon.

Supergirl has posed:
As the beam goes all over the place, Supergirl can't stop herself. "I've heard of not being able to hit the broadside of a barn. I didn't realize it was actually /possible/ until now!"

Then the pigeon is far smaller than it was. And he was after her still! Wait, no. "Aww, you poor thing."

Just like that, all is forgiven. Supergirl scoops up the little bird in her hand cuddling it in close and protected. "It's okay. It's all over now. I'll get you some food right away now that it won't require me to empty out the entire stock at a pet food store."

A look at Garth. "That was a great spell. Thank you. I just really didn't want to hit it. But we need to figure out where it came from. How that happened. If there are numbers 1 through 20 out there, we need to know."

Tempest has posed:
"It's in my eye!" Garth says dropping his trident to allow the water to sluice over his face, sputtering and gagging again.He honks his nose. His shoulders shudder in revulsion a couple of times.His lips curl. "I am eating chicken every day for a week you beastly little thing!" Not Garth's most shining of moments. That said, he's got most of the? ick? off him now. Shoulders shuddering again in revulsion, he gestures at the hydrant and the water stomps. He walks over to get the cap for the hydrant and begins hand screwing it back on.

It takes him a couple of moments to nod. "You're a Titan now if you want it. You are right. It is just a stupid, filthy, disgusting animal." he might still be a little upset.He pulls in a breath. "You should keep it, just in case the spell wears off before we can figure out what happened to it."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl puts a hand over the miniature pigeon, as though protecting it. "You're going to hurt his feelings!" She has no idea if it is a he. She isn't going to find out either. It is forever a he now in her mind and that's that.

Eyeing the remains of the car further down the road, the water working into the drains with a lovely smear of color from the poo going with it.

"I get why you are upset. Should go shower. For a week. Hot as you can take it." She eyes the little pigeon. "His name is now Stinky. For the moment. I'll probably change it tomorrow." Then she makes a face. "Or not. By Rao, you couldn't have done that before I picked you up?" she mutters as she shifts the bird to her opposite hand and flicks something out of her palm from the one it just vacated.