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Milk Cartons: A Spider and a Cat
Date of Scene: 22 September 2020
Location: New York City, Harbor District
Synopsis: Scene may be picked up later: Betsy and Victor attempt to rescue Jeremy from the Black Dragon Gang.
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Sabretooth, Psylocke

SpyderByte has posed:
There has been a bit of noise down in the War Room of the school. It appears that one of the students, Jeremy Statton, did not return from a trip to the city after taking an Uber out to meet up with a friend of his that used to live in Metropolis. This may be normal for a majority of the students, though for Spyder Byte, that may have pinged someone's radar. He has friends? A little bit past midnight, a message hit one of the emergency phones: HELP! HELP! HELP! There was a geolocation tagged to the message, but nothing since. With Jean on her sabbatical, Scott was desperate to get a move on trying to track down their young technopath.

After summoning a pair of the 'new' team in, Scott is looking rather frazzled as he taps along the glowing buttons of the console to pull up the last location. "I'm sorry for waking you both up if you were sleeping." He says as he looks over to Victor and Betsy. "I was hoping to get ahold of Kurt as well." For tactical reasons. "Betsy, I don't know why he was .. at this harbor, but this is where he sent his last location. There is nothing out there but warehouses and dockyards. From what I heard, he was meeting someone at an arcade a few miles away from there."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor comes into the War Room wearing an OD green tshirt and camoflague BDU pants along with the combat boots over his feet. He is still refusing to wear an X-uniform or the like just yet, but definitly appears eager to head out into the world. "Don't actually sleep much at night," he says in his rough tone. He glances over at reports and sees the harbor information. "Little young to be cruising with the sailors, isn't he?" he says with a chuckle.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke is looking over the location, walking around the table as she examines the angles and details. "Jeremy has a habit of finding people he feels need to be brought into the light for wrong doing. Usually, this leads to him spending hours tracking down bits of information then providing them to the proper people. Even if that means just exposing their hidden information to the world at large."

She glances to Scott then back up at the image above the war table. "Yet his exposure to the New Mutants is a double edged sword. It is giving him confidence. Which may have led him to make a choice to go for a more personal look, if there was no technology he could tap into. Or...someone learned what he can do. Or knows. And has taken him for their uses. It could be any number of things."

She looks to Victor. "So recon and recovery seems the order of the day."

SpyderByte has posed:
"Maybe. I don't know. At least he was able to get 'this' to us before the connection to his phone was cut off." Scott says as he folds his arms over his chest, giving Victor a slow shake of his head. "Take this seriously, Victor. I'm giving you a really long leash and a lot of trust here. I'm also giving you two permission to resolve it in /any/ way you feel is necessary. This one is off the books, obviously."

Tapping a few more commands on the console, a small 'loot box' opens up nearby and he heads over towards it. Taking out a couple of sophisticated ear pieces and a pair of bracelets, he hands them over. "Betsy is familiar with these. Communications and trackers. I'll be able to hear everything from here and follow your movements."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Sounds like my wheelhouse," Victor says to Betsy with a nod. He follows Scott over to the box to collect his earpiece and bracelet. "Don't worry. I'll keep the chatter G rated. Well, maybe PG-13," Victor says with a chuckle. He doesn't seem particularly crazy about snapping on the bracelet and the GPS tracker involved with it, but that is life now. "This was that nervous little guy I met on the lake side, right? Not really the charge in hero type. Probably need to get there quickly then."

Psylocke has posed:
"Yes, he was one of those students. Usually dresses in black. Not really a hero in the physical sense yet his powers are impressive. And his group of friends have gotten into a few things already, boosting his confidence."

Betsy can read a room and being a telepath helps. Although she tries to avoid Jeremy as much as possible. Their first meeting had been quite the moment.

"I can get us there through the shadows. Maybe to a rooftop...here." She points to the spot she is aiming for, not far from the location they will need to reach. "I can check the area telepathically first, get an idea of people. Victor can do some physical, check for security measures. Then plan of attack can be created, depending on the situation."

She looks to Victor and grins, a dark edge to that expression. "You aren't afraid of the dark, right?"

SpyderByte has posed:
After the three of them come to an agreement on the gameplan, Betsy teleports the pair of them to the top of a warehouse roof in the general vicinity of the last known blip of the device. The warehouses here were once home to the fish market district and still have the scent hanging in the air that will most likely be bound to the docks and the buildings for generations to come. Despite the depreciation of the block, there appears to be one warehouse with any type of activity.

Docked at Waterman's Fish (which hasn't been in production in twenty years) is a large shipping freighter with a rust colored exterior and the lights on. It's currently just drifting listlessly in the dark waters of the Atlantic. From the warehouse to the boat is three people who are currently pushing a large container towards the boat on a large dolly that is designed for heavy loads. Off to the side appears a man with pale white skin and wearing a tuxedo. Perhaps Betsy may recognize him as a Bob from an adventure a few months ago. Bob looks to be busy as he taps away on a phone in front of the warehouse, keeping his eyes on the workers.

Those that are helping to assist appear to be wearing leather vests with a dragon on the back. Another gang recruited for easy money.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor moves to the edge of the roof quietly and slowly. He is walking and moving very much like a great cat as his eyes see in the dark easily enough. As he gets to the edge, he sniffs at the air. "Lovely docks," he whispers, "Always plays such games with a good sense of smell. People. Fish. Disel fuel." He grips the edge of the roof with claws extending slightly and digging into the sides. "Gun oil," he adds.

Psylocke has posed:
"Gun oil?" Not that she's surprised. She frowns as she spots the familiar figure. Then she reaches out with her mind, trying to scan the entire area to confirm how many people are there.

"The one in the tuxedo I have met before. He was trafficking in mutant children. We broke up the group and rescued some of the kids they had taken. Seems he isn't out of business. He's something not human. Cyborg perhas. Or something else. Incredibly tough. I was no rescue duty, got the kids to safety. If he has children in that crate..."

She looks to Victor, leaving it at that. She'll be able to report anyone there. Even if Bob's friend is since Bob creates mental white noise for her. Or did last time. Hopefully he doesn't have an upgrade.

SpyderByte has posed:
As she sweeps her powers through the area, she can pick up multiple blips of life all about. There's a few hobos curled up on a bench a block away. The warehouse has the three men who are carrying the crate, and within the crate, that is where her powers stop. It's like hitting a brick wall of black. Clearly whatever is in there is well guarded, or .. perhaps there is nothing in there. As usual, when scanning the Bob, there is white noise, like that of tiny insects vibrating near one's ear.

Victor's nose can definitely catch the scent of gun oil as each of the gang members have pistols on their hip. Bob though, smells like metal and an expensive designer suit. He does not smell like a human. He smells more like a synthetic 'doll' that is moving and talking like any normal person on the street. With a chipper, perky voice, the Bob calls out. "Alright kids! Load the crate up and you will get paid. We have a long night ahead of us! I thank you for your services. "

Sabretooth has posed:
    "That is the one stealing kids?" Victor lets out a low growl that hangs in the air. His claws get longer and dig deeper. He has never liked slavers and can think of few other reasons fake men would be taking kids. "If he has kids in that crate, he won't have arms for much longer." He leaps off the roof, but not outward. He just drops to the pavement below, again, with the quiet of a cat as he lands perfectly.